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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

5. Insert a TrainFlawModel tool to be referenced by a Defect Flaw tool.

Lab Exercise 6.1 – Flex Flaw Detection
At the end of this lab exercise, Participants will be able to:
• Create a job using Flex Flaw Detection tools to pass or fail parts
• Use a TrainFlawModel function to train on a ‘Good Part’
• Utilize a DetectFlaw function to identify defects on a part
• Apply a FlexFlawModel function to allow for acceptable variances the part can
present to the DefectFlaw tool

The Participant will utilize the following In-Sight Functions to successfully complete this
• Pattern Match
• Flex Flaw Detection

Flex Flaw Detection 6. Draw the region around the Good Part.

1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the FFD folder and open the Gas Cap folder
and cycle through the images to see the variations you will encounter.
2. Open a new job.
3. Leave the first few rows blank and insert the comment Fixture Model.
4. Insert the PatMax tools to be used to fixture the Flaw Model.
NOTE: Adjust the Start/End angle in the find region to allow for 180º rotation.

7. Reference the Fixture’s Row, Col, and Theta to the PatMax’s Row, Col and Angle

8. Allow the rest of the default settings to remain, and click the OK button.
NOTE: Opening the property sheet and clicking the OK button will re-train the model
on the current image. Make sure you are on the Good Part when changing

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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

9. Insert a DetectFlaw tool to draw the region to be inspected. 14. Insert the FlexFlawModel tool in the rows between the TrainFlawModel and the
NOTE: Leave at least 6 rows between the trained TrainFlawModel tool and the DetectFlaw tool.
DetectFlaw tool. These rows will be used later by a FlexFlawModel tool.
10. Reference the TrainFlawModel tool.

11. Draw the region large enough to allow for part movement.
12. Allow the defaults to remain and click the OK button.
13. Cycle through the images and notice there are several images with minor variances
15. Reference the original TrainFlawModel tool from the new FlexFlawModel tool.
that would not be considered flaws.
16. Allow the defaults to remain and click the OK button.
NOTE: In this step if you click through the images again, there is no effect on the
results of the DetectFlaw tool.
17. Open the DetectFlaw tool’s property sheet and reference the FlexFlawModel instead
of the original TrainFlawModel.

NOTE: You are substituting the new FlexFlawModel for the TrainFlawModel to allow
for flexibility tolerances.
18. Cycle through the images and note the changes to the results of the DetectFlaw tool.

Defect in upper right corner is ignored. Small variations on edges are ignored.
NOTE: The TrainFlawModel and DetectFlaw tools have parameters that could be
adjusted to allow for these variables such as: DetectFlaw parameters or by changing
masking under the Edit Mask Tab. These parameters can be adjusted in the ‘If Time
Permits’ section at the end of this lab.

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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

19. Save the job as FFD_GasCap.job. If Time Permits:

1. Continue with the DetectFlaw tool referencing the FlexFlawModel tool.

NOTE: Save the job with a new name.
2. Change the parameters of the DetectFlaw tool to ignore the small variations on the
Gas Cap, such as:
Contrast – increase the value until the background flaws are ignored.
Minimum Edge Defect Size – increase the value until the small variations on
the right side of the Gas Cap is ignored.

3. Change the DetectFlaw tool to reference the TrainFlawModel tool.

4. Save as a new job.

5. Change the parameters of the DetectFlaw tool to ignore small variations on the Gas
Cap, such as:
Defect List Tab – Use the Ignore Defect button for specific areas:

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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

Cap Inspection
1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the FFD folder and open the Cap
Inspection folder and cycle through the images to see the variations you will
NOTE: The intent of this application is to find defects on the caps.

6. Change the parameters of the DetectFlaw tool to ignore small variations on the Gas
Cap, such as:
Edit Mask Tab – Use the Add Residual Image button
for several areas:

2. Set the Emulator to Standard, by going to System  Options  Emulation 

3. Insert the PatMax tools to be used to fixture the Flaw Model.
4. Insert a TrainFlawModel tool to train on cap001.bmp.
5. Reference the fixture created in Step 3 as the fixture for the TrainFlawModel tool.
6. Insert a FlexFlawModel tool that references the TrainFlawModel.
7. Use the Default Flex Recipe.

8. Insert a DetectFlaw tool.

9. Set the DetectFlaw tool to find only Area Defects.
10. Adjust the Contrast and Area Defect Size to find the correct defects in the run time
NOTE: Be careful not to use the Add Residual Image button when the image has
actual defects that you want to detect.

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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

Gear Example 7. Set the Area Defect Type to Both and Edge Defect Type to None.

1. Use In-Sight 5400 emulation. Browse to the FFD folder and open the Printed Gear
folder and cycle through the images to see the variations you will encounter.
NOTE: The intent of this application is to find defects on the gear like the one shown in
the image.

2. Create the Fixture.

3. Train on Gear001.bmp to create the TrainFlawModel.
NOTE: Make sure to use an annulus that helps not train on the inner circle at the
center of the part.
4. Create a Flex.
NOTE: Since these images have a number of enclosed segments we will use
enclosed segment flex of 10 for this example.
5. Set the Flex Recipe to Custom and the Allow Enclosed Segment Flex to 10.

6. Create a DetectFlaw.

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In-Sight Spreadsheets Advanced Section 6 | Lab Exercise

Color Inspection
1. Browse to the FFD folder and open the Color Images folder and cycle through the
images to see the variations you will encounter.
NOTE: The intent of this application is to find defects as in the image below.

2. Use In-Sight 5400C emulation.

3. Create a Fixture on the Aquafresh label.
4. Insert a TrainFlawModel tool to train on image001.bmp.
5. Insert a FlexFlawModel tool that references the TrainFlawModel.
6. Use the Default Flex Recipe.
7. Insert a DetectFlaw tool.
8. Set the DetectFlaw tool Contrast to 20 and find both Area defects and Missing Edges.
NOTE: Defects should be found in images 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 129, 138,
152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 162, 203 and 208.

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