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Mr Krishnan Ramamurthy,

#648, Bourke Street, Sydney

23 June 2007

Dear Mr. Ramamurthy

Ref: Mrs Anita Ramamurthy,a 59-year-old

I am writing with regards to Mrs Ramamurthy,who requires post discharge care at

home after being discharged today.

Mrs Ramamurthy has been in our care for the past 5days with diagnosis of Acute
appendicitis with appendicular lump.During her stay in hospital,she recovered very
well. On a further note,she was advised to lose weight through an exercise program
which will start after surgery. Because of her nature of work,she was encouraged to
avoid strenuous activities together with traveling.

Likewise,Mrs Ramamurthy was instructed to follow a normal diabetic diet and a low-
fat diet.In addition, monitoring of fasting and post prandial blood sugars is of
paramount importance. Therefore,a recorded chart should be presented during a
follow-up consultation.In regards to persistent high grade fever or pain,
immediately contact us at (03492250).

In view of her medication,she is currently on Atenolol, multivitamin, paracetamol

and Pantoprazole.She is also on Human Mixtard injection subcutaneously for week.

Most importantly, your commitment in assisting Mrs Ramamurthy in her road to

recovery would be greatly appreciated.For this reason,do not hesitate to contact us

Should you require more information, feel free to contact me.

Yours Sincerely
Charge Nurse
Memory Mafukidze.

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