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HES 032- Microbiology and Parasitology

College of Nursing – RADL (AY 2021-2022)

Group Members:
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Case Analysis: Antimicrobials

Fio, a 7-year-old boy, suffered from cystic fibrosis (CF). Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes thick, sticky
mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is one of the most common
chronic lung diseases in children and young adults. It is a life-threatening disorder.

Many children with moderate CF require constant antibiotic suppression therapy to prevent pneumonia
(lung infections) and liver disease.

In addition to lung infections, Fio was an immunocompromised child who catches every disease around,
like ear infections, colds, and GIT viruses. The fact that he is taking antibiotics might have also
contributed to his frequent infections.

Because of increased coughing and repeated episodes of pneumonia, his parents admitted him to the
hospital. Upon admission, the doctor requested for sputum culture. The culture came back showing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a gram-negative bacterium, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,
a gram-positive bacterium. Because of these, he was given imipenem with linezolid as treatment. After
a month of religious therapy and monitoring, a repeated chest X-ray was done. All lungs were cleared,
no opacities, and normal.

Study Guide Questions:

1. What is the mechanism of action of the antibiotics mentioned in the case?

2. Briefly explain the etiology of MRSA. How does a person get MRSA?

3. Illustrate and briefly discuss how does drug resistance develops?

4. Define the following terminologies: susceptible, intermediate, indeterminate, and resistant.

5. As a nurse, how would you react to the following situations?

a. Your friend is 14 weeks pregnant, which happens to have UTI and self-medicated tetracycline
antibiotics. Do you think this therapy is advisable for her? Why or why not?

b. You have a boy best friend who happens to be sexually active. He noticed a foul-smelling and
yellowish discharge on his underwear every morning. He suffered dysuria. What is the best
advice you can give to your friend? What are the possible etiologic agents that cause this
infection? What are the likely antimicrobials to be given?

Compiled by: CJBregente, RMT, MPH, MSc.

Southwestern University PHINMA, College of Medical Technology

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