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by Rick Heizman, June 15, 2021

It is especially important for NUG ministers Dr. Sasa, Susana Hla Hla Soe, and Aung Myo
Min, and other future policymakers to read and to understand this. Not knowing the facts,
as stated in this paper, can lead to calamitous policy and immeasurable slaughter and
suffering. All of the ministers named are very good, compassionate, and intelligent
leaders. However, they need to learn a lot more about the Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’),
and Islamic agenda and ideology - and I trust that they will.

Recently there has been a slew of articles about the crisis caused by the military coup
(that is now into its 5th month), and the Bengali Muslim (‘Rohingya’) issue. And, there is
enormous pressures being put on the National Union Government (NUG) - the
opposition’s democratic shadow government. These pressures are from politicians in the
US, UK, EU, and other primarily Western countries. The ignorance of relevant ancient
history as well as modern history, lack of knowledge of the ethnicities that live in that land,
knowledge of the supremacist Islamic jihad that non-Muslim citizens are grappling with -
coupled with arrogance, virtue signaling, moral confusion, and political correctness - is
astonishing when seeing the manipulated news spun out by the worldwide Muslim media
and the mainstream Western media.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am NOT in favor of the coup of Feb 1, 2021, in any way,
shape or form. It is a disastrous calamity that is ruining the country, and bringing
unmeasurable suffering to nearly the entire population.

These are the titles of articles I am referring to - you can search the title to see the article:

• Will the New Myanmar Include the Rohingya?

• A Plea to Help Myanmar’s Rohingya People

• Where Were the Protesters When the Rohingya Were Being Murdered?

• Feeling Sorry For Suu Kyi? Time to Worry About Rohingya

• How a Human Rights Angel Lost Her Halo

• Why the National Unity Government’s Statement on Myanmar’s Rohingya is Important

• Rohingya Urge Myanmar Shadow Government to Keep Promise, Denounce Role in Past

• Junta Brutality Gives Myanmar’s Majority a Taste of Ethnic Minorities Plight

• Rohingya Crisis Should Be Resolved by Exerting International Pressure on Myanmar

• NUG Releases Statement Recognizing Rohingya’ Right to Citizenship

• Myanmar Shadow Government Urges Rohingya to Join Anti-Junta Fight

• US Special Envoy: Restoring Democracy in Myanmar Will Ease Bangladesh’s Rohingya Burden

Something in common with all of these articles, and many many more similar articles is:

WHAT IS MISSING? A person (especially a politician) who actually knows extremely little
about the subject can read any of those articles and they may then think that they know
how to comprehend the articles, what to do about it, policy to pursue - BUT - they DON’T
KNOW WHAT IS MISSING from the articles and therefore from their own minds.




1. In EVERY article listed there is absolutely NO MENTION of the terrorist attacks by the
Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) on Aug 25, 26, and 27, 2017, on 56 police outposts and
87 villages - 143 total targets - with a massive force of 150,000 - 200,000 armed
ARSA terrorist group militants and trained and armed villagers, who had been told by
their mosque Mawlawis (Imams) and ARSA leaders that their goal was to kill ALL non-
Muslims - an INTENDED GENOCIDE. (all numbers were recently thoroughly
researched, examined, and verified) It would be like omitting all mention of Pearl
Harbor and stating that the US attacked Japan for no reason in 1941.

2. There was absolutely NO MENTION of the scale of the attacks by the Bengali Muslims
(‘Rohingya’) which were the largest terrorist attacks in world history, with the largest
number of targets (143), by far, and the largest number of attackers by far (150,000 -
200,000). No other terrorist attack is even close to those numbers, not even 9/11.
Consider that the 9/11 terrorists numbered 19, and their targets numbered 4.

3. There was NO MENTION at all of the true indigenous people of the land - the Rakhine
Buddhist people and their legacy Buddhist Kingdom of Arakan, the Bengali-speaking
Hindus, and the ethnic minorities such as Mro, Thet, Khami, and Diagnet. ALL of these
non-Muslim people have been attacked and slaughtered many times by the land-
grabbing, supremacist Bengali Muslims.

4. Almost every one of the articles said something about the term ‘Bengali’ being
offensive (for a people that speak Bengali language, have Bengali traditions and
customs, eat Bengali food, dress in Bengali manner, etc ….and their biggest mosque,
which is in Yangon, has 2 English signs that state the name as: Bengali Sunni Jameh
(Central) Mosque - why would they insult themselves and their sacred mosque with a
term they say is derogatory? Because it
is not. The term ‘Rohingya’ is a recent
political construct to manipulate world
opinion and push a made-up history
along with their false identity. Human
Rights Watch, the New York Times and
others only started to use the term
‘Rohingya’ in the 1990s. However, the
agenda-driven media will not question,
or investigate, or research the term
‘Rohingya’, and instead keep pushing
the myth that the ‘Rohingya’ have lived
there since the 8th century….

5. ALL of the articles DO NOT MENTION any history of the area. Knowledge of the
history is ESSENTIAL and enables one to see the pattern of Muslim aggression, from
an actual genocide of 30,000 Buddhists in 1942, and the burning of 400 Buddhist
villages - known as the Maungdaw Massacre - and decades of the self-declared
Mujahidin (Arabic = Islamic Jihad warriors) waging war in 1948 - 1960, to the plot with
Libyan Islamic dictator Colonel Gaddafi in 1977 to seize Arakan, to more INTENDED
GENOCIDAL attacks by the Muslims in 1988, 1994, 2012, 2016, and 2017.

6. Nearly ALL the reports use these terms: “a voluntary, safe, and dignified return” when
addressing a possible repatriation of the Bengali Muslims to their former villages in
Rakhine State. The word ‘dignified’ is especially troublesome - why should the
Buddhists, Hindus, and ethnic minorities welcome with dignity those Bengali Muslims
who attacked, killed, maimed, and slaughtered them, their families, their parents, and
their grandparents in 2017, 2016, 2012, and all the way back to 1942? With DIGNITY?
Should the US welcome ISIS, Taliban, and al-Qaeda terrorists SAFLEY and with
DIGNITY? To say “a voluntary, safe, and dignified return” is clearly an indication of
dangerous ignorance, and the ULTIMATE INSULT to the true victims of the conflict.

7. NONE of the articles mention anything about other Muslim groups in Myanmar. There
are other communities of Muslims that are respected, and respectful, people that live in
peace and harmony with the Burmese - the Kaman Muslims, Panthay Muslims, Myedu
Muslims, and others. They have never rebelled and fought against the nation. They have
never demanded their own state for themselves only. They have been full citizens since
the birth of the nation of Burma, and have the same rights as any other citizen. But, the
Bengali Muslims are different - very different - dangerously different - even the other
Muslims don’t like them and their violent supremacist form of Islam.


In California (my home state) history, Russian traders came and

settled in California around 150 years ago. If they had rebelled
recently, attacked many police stations and towns, and their
goal was to ethnically cleanse the land of all others, and declare
the land an autonomous country for themselves only - what do
you think the U.S. would, or should, do? Honor them with
dignity? Welcome them to safely come back, to slaughter again?
Old Russian fort and town

in California, USA


Dr. Ambia Perveen, chair of the European Rohingya Council said, “We are repeatedly
highlighting our demands of returning of the Rohingya with rights, safety and dignity to
their places of origin and taking all necessary measures in order to bring all
perpetrators of genocide to justice,” she said. Others exclaimed phrases such as,
“justice and reparation”, “pursue justice for atrocities committed”, or, “We will actively
seek justice and accountability for all crimes…”

OKAY! Let’s seek justice! Let’s start with the ARSA militant terrorist group. BUT, there is a
problem. These kinds of terrorist groups are NOT a country, nor represent a country,

which can be called upon to observe the ‘rules of war’ etc. These kinds of terrorist groups
cannot be sued or demanded to appear in any kind of court in the world. For example:
How could one have sued or served court papers to Osama bin-Laden? He, or anyone
from his al-Qaeda terrorist group would never accept ANY court orders, demands to
honor ‘civilian human rights’ or anything like that.

However, in this conflict in Rakhine State the nation of Myanmar can be sued, can be
served court papers, can be ordered to appear in a court, can have U.N. proceedings held
against it, can have sanctions and actions put in place, can be charged with anything the
terrorist ARSA group says - and yet the terrorists under the banner of ARSA or other
Mujahidin groups can escape ALL of the above actions. It is inherently flawed, and
inherently biased against the VICTIMS of the TERRORISTS - and the arrogant and
ignorant politicians will NOT even KNOW that they have been misinformed, manipulated,
and fooled, and they will make disastrous policy based on their inability to understand the
conflict with true wisdom and foresight.

In a fair and just world, it is ARSA and the Mawlawis (Imams) that should be charged by
world courts and the U.N. for WAR CRIMES and INTENDED GENOCIDE, along with its
sponsors and enablers such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.



• Dr. Sasa - NUG Minister of International Cooperation and Government Spokesman -

said, “We will deliver justice for our Rohingya brothers, sisters, and for all.”

• Susana Hla Hla Soe - NUG Minister for Women, Youth, and Children’s Affairs - noted
that she did not “raise a voice for our brothers and sisters from the ethnic areas,
including Rohingya brothers and sisters. I’m really sorry for that.”

• Aung Myo Min - NUG Minister of Human Rights - noted that a discussion was
underway to nominate a Rohingya to the NUG cabinet for the purpose of diversity

• A letter by the Thanlyin Technological University Students’ Union proclaimed, “We are
standing by the Rakhine people, Rohingya, Muslims, against any injustice [towards]
them starting from today. We sincerely apologize for our ignorance and silence in the

• Dr Phio Thiha - a doctor and writer - said, “I am ashamed now. Those people
[Rohingya] were suffering from helplessness, homelessness, bullies, and violence for
many years just like we are experiencing right now.”

• Moe Shinn IMT - a writer - wrote, “I do not expect forgiveness, but I apologize. I
apologize for not speaking out on ethnic issues and Rohingya issues in the past. I do
not know what the future holds, so I apologize for the moment for that, I was ignorant
about those issues.”

All of these apologies reflect a lack of knowledge - why would you apologize to people
who have committed INTENDED GENOCIDE again and again against your fellow citizens,
and for 75+ years have been determined to ethnically cleanse the land of all non-Muslims
and break off from the nation of Myanmar?

All of these apologists are sincere, however, they don’t realize that they are doing what is
expected of them by Islamic ideology. Apologies like these reinforce the ideology of
victimhood - in the Muslim mind it is the non-Muslims who are always wrong, always
taking advantage of, Muslims, and always the aggressors. The Muslims are never wrong,
never abusive, and never aggressive towards the non-Muslims. Muslims never apologize!


This is an apology that is needed (but there is a zero chance it would ever happen):

• We Bengali Muslims ‘Rohingya’ people sincerely apologize for the grave injustices that
we, and our ancestors have wreaked upon the Rakhine Buddhists, our cousin Bengali-
speaking Hindus, and all of the ethnic minorities - Mro, Thet, Khami, Diagnet, and
others - of the land of Arakan / Rakhine State, Myanmar.

• We apologize for the many episodes of slaughter and mayhem that we have inflicted
upon those people who don’t follow our religion.

• We apologize for the violent and supremacist manner which our Islamic faith has been
taught to us by the Mawlawis (Imams) of our mosques, and we vow to change that by
demanding that our faith, as taught to us, incorporate the concepts of compassion,
open-mindedness, tolerance, responsibility, consequences, and love.

• We apologize for the GENOCIDAL INTENT with which we have allowed ourselves to
believe that we had divine right to exterminate entire populations.

• We apologize for the ties we have had with Islamic terrorist groups - ARSA, RSO,
Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, and others - and we vow to sever all past, present, and future
ties with any terrorist group.

• We apologize for the many

years of manipulation of the
media around the world, to
push an identity and a history -
which we now admit is not true
- that we used as a political
construct to manipulate world

• We apologize for our efforts to

fool the world into repeating
the lies that we were not
related to the people of
Bangladesh. We now
acknowledge that we are the same people united by Bengali language, Bengali
traditions and culture, Bengali Islamic faith, Bengali food, dress, and blood.

• We apologize for our efforts to unjustly demonize the use of the historical term
‘Bengalis’ in order to demand the use of our manipulative term ‘Rohingya’.

• We vow to change and evolve for the better of all people, and to live in peace and
harmony with all people, from this day forward.


There has been tremendous pressure on the NUG to force it to ‘resolve’ the ‘Rohingya’
issue in order to receive U.S. government recognition and support.

This is BLATANT EXTORTION by politicians who THINK THEY UNDERSTAND the issue,
but actually are EXTREMELY IGNORANT (and ARROGANT). Their rash attempts to make
POLICY concerning this would lead to a MUCH BIGGER FUTURE WAR, and give the
Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) more chances to achieve their 75 year long goal - to

In June, 2019, U.S. Congressman Bradley Sherman, chairman of the

Sub-committee on Asia Pacific, proposed transferring Myanmar’s
Rakhine State to Bangladesh - a bizarre and mind-warping proposal
that was ridiculed by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who
said, “Why do they [Sherman’s team] want to include Rakhine [State]
in Bangladesh? I believe this type of proposal is reprehensible and
unjust. Why should we include a trouble-prone area within us? I will
never do it. We want each country to enjoy their sovereignty, and the Congressman
should consider that.” she added. The sentence in bold is quite interesting and

Concerning the recent events in 2021, Congressman Sherman demanded, “Will this
government [Myanmar] provide citizenship documents to all Rohingya born in Burma
[Myanmar] or refugee camps?”

Representative Ted Lieu of California said to Kyaw Moe Tun -

Myanmar’s permanent representative to the United Nations - at a
hearing, “I cannot support your National Unity Government, and I will
oppose efforts for the United States to support your National Unity
Government until you commit to having at least a representative of the
Rohingya people [in the NUG] and you commit to stopping the
genocide of the Rohingya people.”

In all that I have read about these two Congressman I have NEVER seen them mention
the majority Rakhine Buddhists of Rakhine State, the Hindu minority - which suffered the
worst verified massacre of the conflict, and no mention of the ethnic minorities - which
suffered tremendous losses. Also, I have NEVER seen them mention the humongous
attacks of August 25, 2017, nor the Islamic terrorist group ARSA, nor any mention that
they were the largest terrorist attacks in world history, nor anything about the rights of
people and countries to protect themselves from Islamic terrorism and jihad. And, how
does Ted Lieu get away with proclaiming the ‘Rohingya’ are victims of a ‘genocide’ which
has NOT been declared to be a ‘genocide by the UN or any world court?


Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been an icon of democracy for decades, with
worldwide popularity and support. However, when the Bengali Muslim
(‘Rohingya’) launched attacks in 2012, 2016, and 2017, the issue gained
attention by media worldwide - but, the media was very biased and easily
manipulated to only highlight the Muslim side of the conflict. Public
opinion was being shaped by misinformation and campaign of deceit -
which led to the ugly situation where Western media, politicians, leaders, policymakers,
NGOs, and Social Justice Warriors refused to listen to Daw Suu, and arrogantly
demanded that she say only what the Western minds demanded that she say.

Then, as the arrogant ignorance swelled against her nearly all of the medals, prizes, and
honors she had received as the icon of democracy were rescinded, taken back, or
reversed, and she was scorned and berated repeatedly by people and institutions in the
West. Now that she is under arrest, again, the West is temporarily interested in her, by
pressuring the military junta to release her and other detainees and to restore democracy.
However, the West will attack her, scorn her, and berate her when she returns as a
beloved (by an overwhelming majority of Burmese) leader and figurehead.


C.E. Lucas Phillips, a Brigadier General in the British Fourteenth Army,

who fought on the Arakan front during the Second World War, clarifies the
nature of the Chittagonian Bengali Muslims:

“Arakan is a province of Burma that has a character all its own. The two
main strains of the population, mutually hostile, divided by race, language
and religion, were of Muslim and Buddhist persuasions respectively.

The Buddhists, to whom the term ‘Arakanese' was in these parts

especially applied, belonged to a tribe or strain known as Maughs or Mughs.

The Muslims had their origin in the district of Chittagong, in the Bengal province of British
India, and all Muslims, whether natives of Arakan for generations or recent immigrants,
were known as Chittagonians, or in the British forces, as 'CFs'.

A bewildering babel of languages was spoken by these people. The Arakanese spoke a
dialect of Burmese, but the Chittagonians stuck to the Bengali of their homeland, but, if
educated, spoke Urdu as well.”

"I have been told the harrowing tales of cruelty and suffering inflicted on the Arakanese
(Buddhist) villages in the Rathaydaung area. Most of the villages on the west bank of the
Mayu river have been burnt and destroyed by the (Bengali-Muslim) V Force. The enemy
(Japanese) never came near to these villages. Hundreds of villagers are said to be hiding
in the hills. It will be the Arakanese who will be ousted from their ancestral land and if
they cannot win over (the Muslims) in time, then there can be no hope of their salvation.”

C.E. Lucas Phillips, Brigadier General in the British 14th Army, India Office Records R/
8/9GS. 4243
R. B. Smart - is a British officer who served most of his life in
Arakan as a Deputy Commissioner Settlement Officer. One
hundred years ago he wrote these these comments in the:





(DY Commissioner), Settlement Officer, Akyab

printed in 1917

[Akyab is an old name for Sittwe]

“That the Arakanese are gradually being pushed out of

Arakan before the steady waves of Chittagonian immigration
from the west is only too well known. The influx from
Chittagong is still continuing gradually driving all the natives
of Arakan further east.”

The Burma Gazetteer by R.B. Smart

by Rick Heizman, June 15, 2021

see many photos and videos, including terrorist-made videos in which I had the Bengali language
translated to English:

read my many papers:


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