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Karen P.


UNIT 5: Making a Scheme of work and a Unit Plan

Unit Test

1. What is a scheme work?

 A Scheme of work is a plan that shows different components of the plan
including the topic, content, objectives, materials and method that the teacher
will be used in teaching in each week, month and term of the school year.

2. Define a unit plan.

 Focuses on teaching and learning experiences that are organised around chosen
topics or themes

3. Compare thematic instruction with topical instruction.

 Thematic instruction is based on ideas around which we teach many subjects.
Topical instruction is based on single topics for different subjects.

4. What guidelines and/ or resources can you use to help you sequence objectives,
content and activities?

 In order to sequence objectives, content and activities effectively, you must:

 Use common sense and experience
 Consider the learners’ needs, interests, behaviour and readiness, and
 Consult the national curriculum and syllabuses.


Subject: English Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

Topic Oral language Oral language Oral language
Content Demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of familiar understanding of understanding
words used tofamiliar literary of processes
communicate personaltexts and and
experiences, ideas,common information in
thoughts, actions, and expressions for text for
feelings effective oral articulation of
interpretation and ideas
Objectives Learners will: Learners will be Learners
 Shares/expresspersona able to uses creatively
l ideas, thoughts, appropriate presents
actions, and feelings expressions in information in
using familiar words. oral varied ways.
 participates actively in interpretation and
different oral activities. familiar
Materials Chart, story book Videos, chart Handout

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