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Dosen: Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D.
Kantor: Kantor Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan,
Lantai 2 Sayap Timur Gedung FEB UGM.
Telepon: 548510 ext. 103

Mission, Vision, and Values of FEB UGM

Enriched by our vibrant international network but rooted in local wisdom, we develop
leaders with the integrity and knowledge needed to serve society. Our contribution to
the advancement of knowledge is through quality research and teaching.

To be the leading faculty of economics and business in Indonesia by rising to
international challenges.

Upholding the principles of honesty, consistency of words and deeds, commitment to
promises, moral courage in defending truth, the interests of the organization over the
interests of groups and individuals, and being trustworthy and responsible.

Playing its role by referring to the quality and performance standards, conformity with
the expertise, expertise and competence, the spirit of self-development in a sustainable,
client-oriented and accountable manner.

Objectivity and Fairness

Giving respect to all citizens, regardless of function, status and position, and by not
discriminating based on religion, race, ethnicity and gender, and appreciating and
evaluating performance objectively and fairly.

Academic Freedom
Recognizing the concept and practice of academic freedom as a central behavior that
is to be upheld in learning, teaching, research, and scholarship.

Social Concern
Have a commitment and seriousness to participate and actively involved in handling
and solving various economic, business and social

Misi dan Visi MM FEB UGM

“Enriched by our vibrant international network but rooted in local wisdom, we develop
strategic business leaders with integrity, creativity, and knowledge needed to serve

“To be the leading graduate business school in Indonesia in advancing knowledge of
business and promoting sustainable and ethical business practices by rising to the
international challenges”

LG/LO MM FEB UGM dan Kontribusi Matakuliah

Learning Goals Learning Objectives Low Medium High

1. Students 1.1 The ability to present √

demonstrate ideas effectively
the ability to
communicate 1.2 The ability to persuade √
in an effective, others through
persuasive, and memorable message
manner 1.3 The ability to present in √
a professional

1.4 The ability to engage √

with others in a
collaborative exchanges
of ideas

1.5 The ability to listen √

with empathetic

1.6 The ability to provide √

meaningful contribution
in discussion

1.7 The ability to design a √
report in professional

1.8 The ability to provide a √

professional report with
strong argumentation

2. Students 2.1 The ability to √

demonstrate the understand the impact
ability to of environmental
translate changes toward
knowledge into organizational strategies
2.2 The ability to identify √
an appropriate business
theory/knowledge in
organizational strategies

2.3 The ability to integrate √

a relevant business
theory/knowledge in
organizational strategies

2.4 The ability to formulate √

a holistic organizational

3. Students 3.1 The ability to identify √

demonstrate ethical dilemma
the ability to accurately
make ethical
and responsible 3.2 The ability to analyze a √
decisions business issue using
relevant ethical
principles or moral

3.3 The ability to draw a √

ethical judgement on
the issues

3.4 The ability to provide a √
various possible
solution on the issues

4. Students 4.1 The ability to identify √

demonstrate the business problem
ability to solve accurately
business 4.2 The ability to identify √
problem with an appropriate
creative ideas
perspective/theory for
solving business

4.3 The ability to provide √

novelty ideas for
solving business

4.4 The ability to elaborate √

novelty ideas and
implementations in
business contexts

5. Students 5.1 The ability to identify √

demonstrate the key relevant
ability to be a environmental factors
toward business
business leader
5.2 The ability to analyse √
key relevant
environmental factors’
impacts on business

5.3 The ability to anticipate √

created by
environmental changes

5.4 The ability to envision √

needed organizational
changes in responding

to the opportunities and

5.5 The ability to work with √

other team members in
initiating organizational

Matakuliah ini memperkenalkan prinsip-prinsip etika normatif dan aplikasinya terhadap
perilaku individu dan lingkungan bisnis. Selain itu, matakuliah ini juga memperkenalkan
etika deskriptif. Matakuliah ini dirancang untuk membahas berbagai faktor yang
mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan manajerial yang melibatkan isu-isu etika.
Matakuliah ini juga memberi bekal kepada mahasiswa untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip
etika atau norma-norma dan memberikan wawasan untuk perilaku yang dapat diterima
secara sosial.

Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
1. Menemukan berbagai kebijaksanaan hidup dalam sistem globalisasi dunia sehingga
bisa mendasari sikap mahasiswa untuk bertoleransi, menghormati, dan rendah hati,
dan karenanya, mahasiswa tidak akan mudah melakukan kesalahan (yang tidak
pantas) Dallam bertindak dan memiliki intuisi untuk melakukan tindakan yang sesuai
dengan etika dan norma yang berlaku.
2. Meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang etika dan moral yang berkaitan dengan etika
3. Mengidentifikasi masalah etika dan moral dalam bisnis, serta standar etika dan
4. Menerapkan kesadaran etis dalam pengambilan keputusan dan tindakan yang
berarti untuk mengembangkan masyarakat dan profesi sekitarnya.


1. Velasquez, M.G. (2014). Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition. Prentice
Hall. (V).
2. Sholihin, M dan Annahl, M.A.F (2021). Meneropong BUMN: Kasus-Kasus Etika Bisnis
dan Akuntansi. GadjahMada Press. (SA)


Bahan bacaan tambahan akan didistribusikan pada saat perkuliahan.

Metoda pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah metoda pembelajaran
yang berpusat pada siswa (Student-Centered Learning -SCL). Dalam pendekatan ini,
mahasiswa berperan sebagai peserta didik aktif yang menemukan dan membangun
pengetahuan mereka sendiri. Instruktur hanya berfungsi sebagai fasilitator untuk
membantu mahasiswa mencapai tujuan belajar dan mengembangkan keterampilan

interpersonal. Waktu di kelas akan dikhususkan untuk membahas konsep, bahan bacaan,
kasus, dan/atau masalah dalam subjek matakuliah.


Komponen penilaian:
a. Ujian Tengah Semester 30%
b. Ujian Akhir Semester 30%
c. Presentasi, Diskusi, dan Partisipasi 20%
d. Tugas Akhir (Menulis kasus) 20%

A 90 atau lebih A- 87 to 89 A/B 84 to 86
B+ 80 to 83 B 75 to 79 B- 70 to 74
C+ 65 to 69 C 60 to 64 D 51 to 59
E below 50

Nilai akhir dikelompokkan menurut skala berikut:

Nilai (Grade) Range Cumulative Weighted Grade

E 0 - 29 0

D 30 - 34 1

D+ 35 - 39 1,25

C/D 40 - 44 1,5

C- 45 - 49 1,75

C 50 - 54 2

C+ 55 - 59 2,25

B/C 60 - 64 2,5

B- 65 - 69 2,75

B 70 - 74 3

B+ 75 - 79 3,25

A/B 80 - 84 3,5

A- 85 - 89 3,75

A ≥90 4.0

Penjelasan untuk masing-masing nilai adalah sebagai berikut:

Grade Explanation

A Like A-, with consistent evidence of substantial originality and understanding in

identifying, producing and communicating conflicting arguments, perspectives or
problem solving approaches; critically evaluate the problem, its solutions and the
implications of the problem.

A- Like B+, with much evidence of originality in defining and analyzing issues or
problems and in creating solutions; using levels, styles and suitable communication
means to the discipline of science and audience.

A/B to B+ Demonstrate a substantial understanding of basic concepts in various contexts;

develop or adapt convincing arguments and provide a comprehensive justification;
communicating information and ideas adequately in terms of disciplinary

B Demonstrate adequate understanding and application of basic concepts from the

field of study; building arguments or decisions and providing acceptable
justification; communicating information and ideas adequately in terms of
disciplinary conventions.

B- to C Demonstrate a superficial or partial or erroneous (faulty) understanding of basic

concepts of the field of study and the limited ability to apply the concepts; giving
an unsupported or improper argument; communicate information or ideas with
unclear and inconsistent compliance with disciplinary conventions.

C- to D+ Demostrate a real shortcoming in understanding and applying underlying concepts;

communicate the ideas and informations in incomplete ways or confusing and give
just little attention the conventions of the science field.

D Fail to demonstrate the major part or the whole part of learning goals.

E There is no work that can be graded.


Sesi Topik Bahan Bacaan

Sabtu, 7-8-2021
Jam 12.30 – 15.30 Syllabus, class management, and Introduction V1
Jam 16.00 – 18.00 to business ethics
Ethical principles in business V2
Kasus: Slavery in the Chocolate Industry

Jumat, 20-7-2021 The Business System and Corporate Ethics V3

Jam 19.00 – 22.00 Kasus: The GM Bailout
Sabtu, 21-7-2021 Ethics in the Marketplace V4
Jam 08.00 - 11.00 Kasus: Intel’s “Rebate”

Sabtu, 4-9-2021 Ethics and the Environment
Jam 12.30 – 15.30 Kasus: Gas or Grouse V5
16.00 – 18.00 Ethics of Consumer Protection and Marketing V6
Kasus: Becton Dickinson
Ujian Tengah Semester, Sabtu 25 September 2021
Sabtu, 9-10-2021 The Ethics of Job Discrimination V7
Jam 12.30 - 15.30 Kasus: Should Kroger pay now?
Jam 16.00 - 18.00 Ethics and the Employee V8 (ed 6th)
Kasus: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II SA
Jumat, 22-10-2021 Good Corporate Governance V8 (2012)
Jam 19.00 -223.00 Kasus: PT Garuda Indonesia
Sabtu, 23-10-2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Modul
Jam 08.00 – 11.00 Kasus: Gotong Royong: Toward Sustainable
Palm Oil
Sabtu, 6-11-2021 Kasus: SA
Jam 12.30 – 15.30 PT Krakatau Steel
Jam 16.00 – 18.00 PT Waskita Karya
Research paper TBA
Ujian Akhir Semester

Segala bentuk kecurangan tidak ditolerir. Jika mahasiswa terbukti melakukan
kecurangan maka mahasiswa tersebut tidak lulus (memperoleh nilai E) dan akan
dilaporkan ke pengelola program.

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