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Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62

International Conference on Industrial Engineering

Automatic control system of speed of synchronous motor

Gasiyarov V.R., Maklakov A.S., Voronin S.S., Maklakova E.A.*
South Ural State University, 76, Lenin Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation


The article deals a mathematical model of an automatic control system on the basis of field oriented control method of a
synchronous motor. The synchronous motor with electromagnet exitation as object control has been considered by a system of
differential equations. The proposed the automatic control system consists of two closed current loop, closed torque loop and
model of synchronous motor. Experimental results of the automatic control system are presented in this paper.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2015)

Keywords: closed-loop system, synchronous motor, electric drive, dynamycal mode, mathematical model.

1. Introduction

A modern automatic AC electric drives have found application in metallurgy industry, e.g. of rolling mills. These
AC electric drives are implemented as a system «frequency converter – synchronous motor». Stator winding of the
synchronous motor is usually supplied by the back-to-back convertor, which consist of active front end (AFE)
rectifier and voltage source inverter (VSI). Both the AFE and VSI operate on the principle pulse-width modulation
(PWM) [1, 2]. Rotor winding is supplied by a nonreversible thyristor converter.
Synchronous motors are selected for high power systems at a wide range of adjustable speed. The main
advantages of synchronous drives are high energy efficiency [3] and good energy characteristics.
A research object is the automatic control system of speed of synchronous motor with parameters: U=3000 V;
P=12000 kW; Is=2379 A; Ȧ=6.28 rad/s; J=145000 kgm2; M=1909.9 kNm; f=10 Hz; Rs=0.00954 ohm.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-951-244-75-06

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2015)
58 V.R. Gasiyarov et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62


usd, usq, urd d-q stator winding voltage and rotor winding voltage
isd, isq, ird d-q stator current and rotor current
Rs, Rf phase stator active resistance and rotor active resistance
Lsd, Lsq, Lrd d-q stator winding inductances and rotor winding inductance
Mdf coefficient of mutual inductance between stator winding and rotor winding
Ȍsd, Ȍsq, Ȍrd d-q stator flux and rotor flux
Ȧ rotation speed of d-q system
p Laplace operator
Tμ small time constant
xsd, xsq d-q stator winding reactance resistances
Kif stator current feedback coefficient
Kc the convertor coefficient
Ȧɫ break frequency
Zp quantity of pole pairs
KȦ speed feedback coefficient
Knd, Knq d-q stator flux feedback coefficients
Kf rotor current feedback coefficient
Knf coefficient current sensor
KM coefficient speed sensor
M torque
I0f no-load rotor current

2. Mathematical description for synchronous motor

Operation of all electric motors is determined on the basis of laws of electromagnetic induction. It makes the
possible of generalizing properties of electric motors into one model. A typical AC motor is described non-linear
differential equations on the basis of a movement equation of electrodynamics system. Solution the system of
differential equations is complex because of variable coefficients. In the world literature such equations are
simplified by Park´s transformation a-b-c/d-q-0 and Clarke´s transformation a-b-c/Į-ȕ-Ȗ. The transformation a-b-
c/d-q-0 is a mathematical transformation of the reference frame of system a-b-c in the rotating system d-q-0. The
transformation a-b-c/Į-ȕ-Ȗ is a mathematical transformation of the reference frame of system a-b-c in the reference
frame of system Į-ȕ-Ȗ. Thus, it allows one to replace the three-phase AC motor by the two-phase unified electrical
machine and consider synchronous motor in the frame d-q [4].

­u sd Rs ˜ isd  p ˜\ sd  Z ˜\ sq ;
°u sq Rs ˜ isq  p ˜\ sq  Z ˜\ sd ;
° rd R f ˜ i f  p ˜\ f ;
® (1)
°\ sd Lsd ˜ isd  M df ˜ i f ;
°\ Lsq ˜ isq ;
° sq
°¯\ f L f ˜ i f  M df ˜ isd ;
V.R. Gasiyarov et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62 59

3. Model for closed-loop system of synchronous motor

3.1. Model for a closed current loop and a closed flux loop

The synchronous motor is considered in the frame d-q, because the closed-loop system has two closed current
loops which are located on d-axis and q-axis. Formation of electromagnetic torque in a transient process is required
determined response of both the closed current loop and the closed flux loop [5]. However, crucial importance for
response is has the closed current loop. Turning of the closed current loop and the closed flux loop is carried out by
standard transient process, which accords to the Butterworth filter [6].
Transfer functions of current controllers on d-axis and q-axis are presented as follows:

1  ( x sd / R s ) ˜ p
W id p ; (2)
2 ˜ T P ˜ p ˜ ( K if ˜ K c / R s )

1  ( x sq / R s ) ˜ p
W iq p . (3)
2 ˜ T P ˜ p ˜ ( K if ˜ K c / R s )

There is compensation unit of cross-connection on electromotive force rotation in the system. It is applied in
order to oscillation of the system reduced when speed increases. Due to compensation unit, isolation the closed
current loops in the frame d-q and the closed flux loop is achieved in the system [7].
The block diagram of closed current loops, transient process and bode plot of the frequency response of a system
is shown Fig. 1. The closed current loops in the frame d-q which have been tuned using the magnitude optimum
method have a step-response overshoot 4.3% [8]. Bode plot of the closed current loops in the frame d-q appears an
asymptote with gradient -20 dB and cutoff frequency Ȧc=1/2·Tμ=1/2·0.01=50 rad/s, and phase margin is equal to
15 ࡈ. It confirms stability of the closed current loops.

Fig. 1. a) The block diagram of closed current loops; b) transient process of the closed current loops in the frame d-q; c) bode plot of the
frequency response of the closed current loops in the frame d-q

The closed flux loop is built similar of closed current loops. Transfer functions of flux controller are presented as
60 V.R. Gasiyarov et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62

1  (L f / R f ) ˜ p
W f ( p) . (4)
2 ˜ TPf ˜ p ˜ Ʉ f ˜ Ʉ ɩf ˜ ( L f / R f )

3.2. Model for a closed speed loop

Torque is necessary to create on motor shaft for adjustment of synchronous motor speed. The speed controller
performs such function. The output voltage of the speed controller acts on nonlinearity units 1, 2, 3 forming
necessary magnitude of torque [9]. Signal of the nonlinearity units 1, 2 act on the current controllers and the flux
controller. The functions the nonlinearity units 1, 2, 3 have the form [10]:

1 M (5)
i sq ˜ ;
L 2 3 ˜ Z ˜\
M sq 2 p S
\ S ˜ 1 ˜ 2
( 3 ˜ Z p ˜\ S ) 2 \ S

Lsq M2
isd  ˜ ; (6)
L2sq ( 3 2 ˜ Z p ˜\ S )
\ S ˜ 1 2
( 3 ˜ Z p ˜\ S ) 2 \ S

1 ª Lsd ˜ Lsq M2 º
\f u «L f ˜ I 0 f  ˜ ». (7)
M2 L2sq «¬ (M df / L f ) ˜\ S ( 3 ˜ Z p ˜\ S )2 »
1 ˜ 2 2 ¼
( 3 ˜ Z p ˜\ S ) \ S2

A closed speed loop is tuned both the magnitude optimum method and the symmetrical optimum depending upon
requirements for the droop of the system automatic control [11]. Transfer function of speed controller, which is
tuned using the magnitude optimum method is presented as follows:
WZ ( p ) ; (8)
8 ˜ TP ˜ K M ˜ K Z
Transfer function of speed controller, which is tuned using the symmetrical optimum is presented as follows:

1  16 ˜ TP ˜ p J
WZ ( p ) ˜ . (9)
16 ˜ TP ˜ p 8 ˜ TPi ˜ K M ˜ K Z

The block diagram of the automatic control system of synchronous motor is shown Fig. 2. The transient process
of torque and speed is shown Fig. 3.
The closed speed loop, which has been tuned using the symmetrical optimum method, has a step-response
overshoot 43% [12].
V.R. Gasiyarov et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62 61

Fig. 2. The block diagram of the automatic control system of synchronous motor

Fig. 3. The transient process of torque and speed of synchronous motor

4. Conclusion

This article introduced a method of development the mathematical model of the automatic control system the
synchronous motor. The automatic control system the synchronous motor has a cascade structure and consists of
two closed current loop, closed torque loop and model of synchronous motor. The current control loops are
subordinated to the speed control loop. The transfer functions of current controllers on d-axis and q-axis, flux
controller and speed controller are given. The speed controller uses PI control [13]. The mathematical model of the
automatic control system the synchronous motor is realized in Matlab/Simulink application. The developed model is
allowed to theoretical research of dynamic modes of synchronous motors. Future work will involve assessing the
oscillation double mass system.
62 V.R. Gasiyarov et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 57 – 62


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