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Popcorn Imagery

This drawing assignment will help you look at values but working in reverse, so we will use
white color pencil on black paper. It will also require you to practice finding interesting
compositions by zooming in and looking closely at popcorn pieces, practicing your realistic
drawing skills. Lastly, you will exercise your creative problem solving skills when you have to
find imagery within the shapes of your positive space and transform it into something from your

We will begin with a 10 step value scale using white charcoal on black paper to get a feel of
working in reverse tones.

1. Value Scale or Greyscale

on black paper- 10 INCHES or 25 CM
-10 steps
1 is pure white
10 is black (plain black paper)

Label with title and numbers and cut it out and glue in your sketchbook.
2. In your sketchbook, draw 3 small square frames and SKETCH OUT 3 DIFFERENT
COMPOSITIONS with your pieces of popcorn. (2 or 3 pieces of popcorn)
-Orientation of popcorn pieces (vertical, diagonal, horizontal)
-have 1 or both pieces go off the edge of the frame

3. Draw your final chosen composition from your 3 thumbnail sketches on the black paper with
white color pencil.
Start drawing lightly, as you want to maintain the TRUE TONES and VALUES of the actual
popcorn pieces.

4. Color pencil practice

Practice blending color pencils together and creating gradients of light to dark tones.
-Glue into your sketchbook when you are finished.
So what are the double images you see in the popcorn drawing?


-Take your B&W popcorn drawing and look at it....what do you see.
-Turn your drawing upside what?
-Turn it on it's what do you see?
-Create 3 thumbnail sketches drawing your popcorn transforming into something you see.
Spend no more than 5 minutes per sketch. Add notes next to each sketch explaining what you
see here.

*Idea from Chloe: Look at the NEGATIVE SPACE in your popcorn drawing. Do you see
something emerge from the shapes in the negative space? If so, turn the negative space into the
positive space for your next drawing! Thanks, Chloe!

FINAL PLAN on Sketchbook page

-Create a 1/4 page drawing of your final Interpretation drawing using color. Use a square frame,
as this frame will be the shape of your final paper. Use photo references from Google Images if
you need it.

When you are happy with the outcome of your small final plan study in your sketchbook, you
may begin your final paper.
-Sketch in pencil.

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