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1. How often do you use your phone? What do you use it for?

 Well, I use my phone daily but I’m trying to cut back massively on my phone. I have to admit that phones
have many different uses. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends, besides, I play
games, listen to music or watch movies on my phone when I have nothing to do at home.

2. Do you enjoy visiting zoos? Why or why not? 

 Yes definitely! It is one of my greatest pleasures of seeing different kinds of the wild animal. Visiting
zoos helps me broaden my understanding of the many kinds of behavior that those kinds of animals have
which I couldn’t learn in school.

3. Do you like plants or flowers? Do you have any in your home?

 Yes, I do. Flowers are one of the best things to represent beauty in this world. I do have some plants such
as a tulip and a lily in a pot and some beautiful hanging baskets on a balcony as well. They are extremely
beautiful and elegant looking with a lovely scent. I wish I could have a garden in the future to grow more
plants and vegetables.

4. Do you like animal? 

 To be honest, I like friendly animals such as dogs and cats. I consider them human friends and keeping
them as pets will help me release my negative emotions.

5. What is your favorite animal?

 I am keen on all animals in general, but I think my favorite would be a dog. As a pet, most people have
dogs in their house. Dogs are preferred over other animals because they are very friendly and loyal to
their owner. Also, they help in guarding the house against all the possible odds. That’s why I love dogs.

6. Do you have any environmental problems where you live? 

 It is regrettable that Hanoi, where I'm living, is negatively affected by pollution and the major
environmental problems it is facing are water pollution, air pollution, and noise pollution.

7. How should we protect the environment?

 I think cutting down on vehicle use is the best way to reduce air pollution and noise pollution. We can do
this by encouraging people to use public transportation. Besides, people can try to avoid using single-use
products like plastic bottles, plastic bags, and try not to throw garbage all over the place. Finally, I think
the best solution is to raise awareness and educate people to protect the environment.

8. How much time do you spend reading news everyday?

 I don’t read the news every day because I'm quite hectic. But if I have free time, I'd use the Internet to stay
informed because I like to update the news that appeared everywhere in the world or the areas around me.

9. Is it important for you to learn about current events? 

 Yes, it is very important because it keeps me informed of all the latest world events, helps me to learn
something new every day, and improve my language skills. Besides, current events are excellent for
promoting critical thinking.

10. Have you ever feel tense/depressed/furious/embarrassed?

11. Is facial expression important? 

 Facial expressions are one of the more important aspects of human communication. The face is responsible
for communicating not only thoughts or ideas but also emotions. What makes the communication of
emotions interesting is that it appears as if some of these expressions of emotion.

12.Do you usually show or hide your feelings? Why?

13. What causes crime? 

 The main causes of crime are poverty, unemployment and lack of education. People who commit crimes
often have no other way of making a living.

14. What punishment should we give to criminals?

15. What do you do in your free time?

 In my free time, I love to relax by listening to music. I have a smartphone and I usually hear them with my
headphone. Sometimes when my parents are not at home, I turn on the loudspeakers to have the best
experience with music. Besides music, movies are my biggest love. Most of the best films are from Europe
and America, this is also a way for me to improve my English skills.

16.How do you think you have changed in the last 10 years?

 I think after 10 years I will be more mature, more confident, achieve what I want, have a home, have a happy
small family of my own and make a lot of money.

17. How often do you watch comedy? 

18. What makes you laugh?

 Actually, many things can make me laugh. For example, when I find a child doing something entertaining or
see a humorous act of a movie, sometimes just the feeling of trying a good dish brings me a great deal of

19. Are you a superstitious person? 

 I’m superstitious about a few things. For example, before I take a test, I wouldn't cut my hair or I would eat
an apple before the exam to be more alert.

20.What is considered bad luck in your country?

21. What is considered good luck in your country? 

22. What do you do if you want to be lucky?

 The first step toward improving your luck is to acknowledge that luck exists, have detail plans and when have
a streak of bad luck don't blame yourself. Do all you can to be flexible, agile, optimistic, and understanding.
You expect the best but also know how to handle the worst.

23.Should we punish students? Why?

 Yes, when they have bad behavior. Punishment would make them learn a lesson and refrain from making the
same mistake again. But I think the punishment has to be related to the mistake in some way to be effective.
At the same time, rewards are also needed if a child does something good, like having a good grade or
helping somebody.


1. Describe a modern device that you often use (phone, ipad, ….) 

 My phone is an essential part of my life. Only with the phone connected to the Internet, can I've got instant
access to websites, especially I can search on the Internet the useful Apps such as English speaking practice
app, English game app and install them in the phone so that I can make use of all functions to study and relax.
This will be a good way to relieve stress and get back my energy after a tiring lesson. Also, it helps me to keep
in touch with my family and my friends. When I want to make contact with my classmates, I can text messages
or make video calls and we can easily see each other’s faces. In short, my phone has offered me a range of
great benefits in my daily life. I couldn't live without it.

2. Describe a wild animal. You should say

 I love all kinds of animals, one of among is the giant pandas which is native to China. They have a body
shape that is typical of bears, and they are easily recognized by their large and distinctive black patches
around their eyes, over the ears. Though they look very fat and clumsy, they are so skillful in climbing up tall
trees. Giant pandas are plant-eating animals with bamboo as their staple food, and they are usually very
friendly unless attacked. I like pandas mainly because they are very gentle and shy. I think that they have the
coolest life ever as all they do is eat, sleep and play literally. However, this valuable animal is facing
extinction. With environmental pollution, especially deforestation where the farmers clear up the land tor
farming, the giant pandas have to leave their natural habitat for strange lands where they have a lot of
difficulties in adaptation. Fortunately, the Chinese government has taken many effective measures to protect
giant pandas by setting up some research and breeding centers to help them reproduce. In these preserves, the
number of wild animals is going up.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.

 Living in a big city has its own advantages and disadvantages. A big city is a place of high living standards.
You can live in a good condition with modern facilities and social services such as health care, education, and
entertainment. It is also an economic center which is a good area for you to develop your career and business.
But, big city life is not for everyone. You may find it very noisy and hectic with crazy traffic which leads to
environmental problems. Moreover, a big city tends to have high rates of crime due to density and poverty.
You can feel unsafe although it's crowded around you. In conclusion, there are both good sides and bad sides
to living in a big city. The important thing is to learn how to adapt to your living environment and take
advantage of it.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside

 Living in the countryside has a lot of advantages, but also many disadvantages. Firstly, in the countryside is
less polluted and the traffic isn't so heavy. The air and water are also so clean. Besides, there aren't any huge
flats, modern skyscrapers, or bothersome traffic jams. Secondly, living in the countryside is cheaper than it is
in the city, so you probably may afford many other things, because the prices are lower. Finally is safety. In
rural areas, the crime rate is much lower. People usually and keep their eyes on the neighbor's estates, they
always react when something strange is happening. However, there are also some disadvantages to the
countryside. Life in the countryside is slower, people no hurry and have a lot of time. People don't have to
work so many hours as they do in the city. So, they don't earn so much money. Moreover, there aren't many
interesting things to do during free time. The unemployment rate is also much higher than in the city. The
problem may be also communication. The same problem concerns access to hospitals, schools, police
stations, and shops, which are usually located far from the village. To sum up, I think that living in the
country may have a lot of advantages but a lot of people decide to stay in the city because life in the town is
easier. Easy access to shops and other institutions is a great advantage.

5. Describe your favorite movies. You should say

 My favorite movie is the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a cat with a blue and white color. He keeps the
house for a normal family and has a very free life. His job is chasing Jerry day by day. Jerry is a brown house
mouse. He usually lives in the hole behind the wall. Although they hate each other so much and always find
ways to hurt their opponent when Tom or Jerry falls into really dangerous situations, then both become
another savior. The film is an endless confrontation between Tom and Jerry, bring plenty of laughter for the
audiences. I love this film because when I watch it I feel very glad, feeling like returned to childhood.

6. Describe your favorite singer or band

 As a music enthusiast, I have so many idols, most of whom are UK singers. However, there is one
outstanding Vietnam singer who fills me with admiration, he really makes me feel proud to be Vietnamese.
He goes by the name Son Tung MTP. I still vividly remember from 4 years ago when I first encountered his
song and I was instantly captivated by how catchy the song is with a very pleasant melody. Considering his
age, he’s insanely talented in comparison with others his age. He was already producing music for the
underground scene at a very young age. Despite severe criticisms and allegations of plagiarism, his songs are
very successful and received millions of views. The weapon of his success in my view is his good looks and
charisma combined with catchy songs. He taps into some different markets by exploring multiple genres such
as hip-hop, EDM, and pop, meaning that he can reach out to a larger audience. Overall, the main striking trait
that really makes me respect him is his strong resilience and perseverance over hardships. He’s a real
inspiration for the younger generation that to never give up and follow your dreams even when the going gets
a touch.

7. Describe a historical place.

 Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam – located to the south of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long – is now part of
Hanoi City. This was the first university in Vietnam, which was built in 1070 in King Ly Thanh Tong’s
reign. The Temple was dedicated to Confucius and it was built to educate Vietnam’s bureaucrats, nobles,
royalty, and other members of the elite. Like many other temples, the Temple of Literature was built in a vast
area with many pavilions, halls, statues, yards,… However, one of the best features that I liked most is the
Turtle Steles with the names of those successful at the royal. I remembered when I was a senior in high
school, I would come here to pray for luck for my university entrance exam. This tradition is very popular
among Hanoian students and pupils. Besides, during the Tet holiday, we can come here to ask for a pair of “
Hán ” wishes from calligraphists to bring home as a lucky charm or gift.

8. Describe a crime that you read or know 

 Shoplifting is very common in my country and especially if you are traveling on the local trains or buses
which are often jam-packed with people. Criminals in my country are so smart, that most of the time who
don’t even realize that you have lost it until you need the item next time. I have never seen crime happening
in front of my eyes, but there have been videos and newspapers that I have gone through. In my opinion, the
police to realize ways to stop crime rather than bringing out difficult punishments for the criminals, because
we don’t want more criminals dying but less of individuals becoming criminals.

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