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American Revolution

Raelynn Murray
July, 2021
The Stamp Act Repealing The Stamp
The Stamp Act was Act
enforced after the British Americans were so
thought the American upset with the tax on all
colonies should help pay prints made in the
for the British troops colonies, they forced the
stay in America while stamp agents to resign
fighting the war. This act from their duties by
put a levy on all threatening and
American printed intimidating them. There
documents, like was a group formed
newspaper and legal called “The Sons of
documents. England Liberty” to fight against
by Unknown Author is licensed
would receive revenue under the Stamp Act. This
from the tax put on the group included John
printers. Adams, John Hancock
Declaration of Rights
and Samuel Adams.
and Grievances
The tax on the paper
This was a document
really wasn’t that high
written by congress that
but the colonists
declared a list of
believed if they let this
grievances the colonists
taxation pass that more
had with the British
would occur. Finally, in
government. The Stamp
1766, the Stamp Act
Act was the first
was repealed, because
complaint the colonists
the British did not want
had over the British and
to enforce the tax on
decided this Act was
their military.
unfair of the British
by Unknown Author is government to pass.
licensed under The list of grievances
Upset American The Quartering Act, the
People right to a mock trial,
Americans were upset cutting off trade from
that the British were certain parts of the
even able to place the world, and keeping
Stamp Act without British armies in by Unknown Author is licensed under
approval from their America, even during
colonial representatives. times of peace.

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