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English Department Newsletter: The American Revolution

From Dayanara Chavolla & Partner

February 5, 2023

The event
Dates of this event Who was involved?
The event that we chose
was the Stamp Act. The The Stamp Act was in
Stamp Act was a tax on
all official documents in
the American colonies.
We will create a
document that is similar
to the ones that were
used in the American
colonies. The Stamp Act
was to pay for the British
troops that were March of 1765.
stationed in the
colonies. Originally published in
March 22, 1765. The person who ratified
Some argued that this
the Stamp act was King
Act was a violation of Repeated in March 18, George Ⅲ. There’s a
the British constitution. 1766. long list of people who
were also involved in the
The Stamp Act was 10 Stamp Act like Samuel
years before the Adams, James Otis,
American Revolution John Hancock, and
started (1775). Isaiah Thomas.

However, there was one

person out of many who
opposed the Stamp Act.
That was Patrick Henry.

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