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Reading report

Chapter III


The differences of narrator and writer

The writer is the person who constructs the text in reality; the narrator is the storyteller
within the text. The narrator might be a character in the story itself, and so addressing us in the
first person -i.e. using the ‘I’ pronoun; or this narrator might be an observer of events, telling us
about characters, actions and ideas by using ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’ and ‘they’, in which case the narrator
would be said to be using third person address.

The aim of advertising is to be catchy and easy to remember. One of the devices how
copywriters can reach it is to use prosodic features – intonation, rhythm and lexical stress
because they have a great emotional and memonic effect. Even the scientists cannot explain why
has rhythm and repetition so powerful attraction on human mind.

Writers should have do and don’t

Writers should have

1. Creativity
2. Knowing the target
3. Good language
4. Culture
What should writers do?

1. Use simple words – write as you’d speak (though avoid swearing or colloquialisms!).
2. Use short sentences – stick to 15–20 words per sentence.
3. Use short paragraphs – up to 5 sentences per paragraph.
4. Use the active voice, not passive – so it’s ‘the chicken crossed the road’ rather than ‘the
road was crossed by the chicken’.

What should writers don’t?

1. Use adjectives and flowery language – they don’t add any value to your reader so they’re
a waste of space (and therefore money)
2. Use jargon and abbreviations – unless you’re talking to a trade audience and they
understand the jargon
3. Be ambiguous – say what you mean
4. Repeat yourself – ‘tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what
you’ve told them’ is great for public speaking but you don’t have room for it in
5. Be sexist, racist or ageist.

Reader for the advertisement

For readers to understand the references that are being made, they have to have some
knowledge of the textual systems in their culture-that is. In marketing and advertising, a target
audience is a specific group of people within the target market at which a marketing message is
aimed at.

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