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Debre Tabor University

Faculty of Technology
Department of Information Technology
Title:Brain of Computer Interface
Group 2 members
Name ID
1. Mequanint Adamu…………………………………………….087\11
2.Hilina Alelign………………………………………………….069\11
3.Hana Teferi……………………………………………………...69\10
4.Haymanot Asefa………………………………………………143\11
5.Yabsira Bewketgu……………………………………………125\11
6.Yeshiwork Yibeltal…………………………………………...129\11.

7.Amro Geremew…….……………………………………….019/11

8.Awoke Meku……………………………………………….023/11

Submitted to: Ms Nebirtu.K.


Submission date: 9\11\2013 E.C

Brain-computer Interfaces (BCIs) have been studied for nearly thirty years, with the primary
motivation of providing assistive technologies for people with very severe motor disabilities. The
slow speeds, high error rate, susceptibility to artefact, and complexity of BCI systems have been
challenges for implementing workable real-world systems. However, recent advances in computing
and bio- sensing technologies have improved the outlook for BCI applications, making them
promising not only as assistive technologies but also for mainstream applications. This chapter
presents a survey of applications for BCI systems, both historical and recent, in order to characterize
the broad range of possibilities for neural control. It provide a direct communication link between the
brain and a computer or other external devices. They offer an extended degree of freedom either by
strengthening or by substituting human peripheral working capacity and have potential applications
in various fields such as rehabilitation, affective computing, robotics, gaming and artificial
intelligence. Significant research efforts on a global scale have delivered common platforms for
technology standardization and help tackle highly complex and nonlinear brain dynamics and related
feature extraction and classification challenges. Psycho-neurophysiological phenomena and their
impact on brain signals impose another challenge for BCI researchers to transform the technology
from laboratory experiments to plug-and-play daily life. This review summarizes progress in BCI
field and highlights critical challenges.

Table of Contents

Page i
Abstract.................................................................................................................................................................. i


1.Brian of computer interface................................................................................................................................2

1.1.What is BCI?...............................................................................................................................................2

1.2. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Technology.............................................................................................4

2. BCI System.......................................................................................................................................................5

2.1.Signal Acquisition.......................................................................................................................................5

2.2.Feature Extraction.......................................................................................................................................6

2.3. Feature Translation.....................................................................................................................................6

2.4. Output Device.............................................................................................................................................7

3. What are Type of BCI’s.....................................................................................................................................7


3.3. Semi Invasive.............................................................................................................................................7

4. History of BCI...................................................................................................................................................8

5. Tools to develop the technology......................................................................................................................10

5.1.Hardware Tool...........................................................................................................................................10

5.1.1. Brainwave Starter Kit........................................................................................................................10

5.1.2.Epoc Neuro Headset..........................................................................................................................11



5.2. Software Tool...........................................................................................................................................11

5.2.1. BCI2000..........................................................................................................................................11

5.2.2. Open Vibe..........................................................................................................................................12

5.2.3. AsTeRICS..........................................................................................................................................12

5.2.4. Psychopy...........................................................................................................................................13

6. Application Area of BCI’s...............................................................................................................................13

7.Impact on Economy..........................................................................................................................................14

8. Challenges of BCI’s........................................................................................................................................15

Page ii
8.1. Usability challenges..................................................................................................................................15

8.1.1. Training process................................................................................................................................15

8.1.2. Information transfer rate....................................................................................................................16

8.2. Technical challenges.................................................................................................................................16

8.2.1. Non-linearity......................................................................................................................................16

8.2.2. Nonstationary and noise.....................................................................................................................16

8.2.3. Small training sets.............................................................................................................................16

8.2.4.High dimensionality curse..................................................................................................................17

8.3. Issues In BCI’s.........................................................................................................................................17

8.3.1. Brain-computer Interface Ethical Issues............................................................................................17

8.3.2.BCI Security Issues.............................................................................................................................17

8.3.3. BCI Privacy Issues.............................................................................................................................17

8.3.4. Hardware / Software Issue.................................................................................................................18

9. Requirements to apply the technology.............................................................................................................18

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of brain-computer interface?....................................................18

10.1. Benefits or Advantages of Brain Computer Interface.............................................................................18

10.2.Drawbacks of Brain Computer Interface.................................................................................................19

11. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................................20

12. Recommendations.........................................................................................................................................20


List of Figure

Page iii
Figure 1 Brian of computer interface.............................................................................................................................4
Figure 2 Brain Computer Interface process...................................................................................................................5
Figure 3 Impact on Economy......................................................................................................................................14

Page iv

The original and still prevalent motivation for Brain-computer Interface (BCI) research has been to
provide assistive technology for people with severe physical disabilities, particularly locked-in
syndrome (complete paralysis and inability to speak) caused by strokes or chronic diseases such as
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The explosion of computing power in recent years and the
evolution of technologies providing better classification and more effective interactions has led to
greatly expanded possibilities for neural control.

While not comprehensive because of space constraints, this chapter provides an overview and
examples of applications that have been developed and studied for brain-computer interface control,
categorizing them into four main areas. We begin with an overview of BCI applications in assistive
technology, including communication, environmental control, and mobility (including robotics). We
then cover BCIs for recreation, including gaming, virtual reality, and creative expression. The next
category revolves around cognitive diagnostics and augmentation, including computational user
experience and attention monitoring, among others.

The last category surveys the exciting possibilities for BCI in rehabilitation and prosthetic control. It
provide a direct communication link between the brain and a computer or other external devices.
They offer an extended degree of freedom either by strengthening or by substituting human
peripheral working capacity and have potential applications in various fields such as rehabilitation,
affective computing, robotics, gaming and artificial intelligence.

Significant research efforts on a global scale have delivered common platforms for technology
standardization and help tackle highly complex and nonlinear brain dynamics and related feature
extraction and classification challenges. Psycho-neurophysiological phenomena and their impact on
brain signals impose another challenge for BCI researchers to transform the technology from
laboratory experiments to plug-and-play daily life. This review summarizes progress in BCI field and
highlights critical challenges.



1. Brian of computer interface

1.1. What is BCI?
BCI is a method by which the brain signals are used to control an external device. In simple terms,
this technology acts as an interfacing platform between the brain and a device. Today, BCI is
popularly known by the names Brain Machine Interface (BMI), Synthetic Telepathy Interface (SMI),
Direct Neural Interface (DNI), or by Mind-Machine Interface (MMI).

A brain-computer interface uses electrophysiological signals to control remote devices. Most current
BCIs are not invasive. They consist of electrodes applied to the scalp of an individual or worn in an
electrode cap. These electrodes pick up the brains electrical activity (at the microvolt level) and carry
it into amplifiers. These amplifiers amplify the signal approximately ten thousand times and then
pass the signal via an analogue to digital converter to a computer for processing.

The computer processes the EEG signal and uses it in order to accomplish tasks such as
communication and environmental control. BCIs are slow in comparison with normal human actions,
because of the complexity and noisiness of the signals used, as well as the time necessary to complete
recognition and signal processing.

The phrase brain-computer interface (BCI) when taken literally means to interface an individual’s
electrophysiological signals with a computer. A true BCI only uses signals from the brain and as such
must treat eye and muscle movements as artefacts or noise. On the other hand, a system that uses eye,
muscle, or other body potentials mixed with EEG signals, is a brain-body actuated system.

The BCI system uses oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, recorded during specific
mental activity, as input and provides a control option by its output. The obtained output signals are
presently evaluated for different purposes, such as cursor control, selection of letters or words, or
control of prosthesis. People who are paralyzed or have other severe movement disorders need
alternative methods for communication and control.

Currently available augmentative communication methods require some muscle control. Whether
they use one muscle group to supply the function normally provided by another (e.g., use extraocular
muscles to drive a speech synthesizer) .Thus, they may not be useful for those who are totally
paralyzed (e.g., by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or brainstem stroke) or have other severe
motor disabilities. These individuals need an alternative communication channel that does not depend
on muscle control. The current and the most important application of a BCI is the restoration of
communication channel for patients with locked-in-syndrome.



A brain-computer interface, sometimes called a direct neural interface or a brain machine interface, is
a direct communication pathway between a human or animal brain (or brain cell culture) and an
external device. In one BCIs, computers either accept commands from the brain or send signals to it
but not both. Two way BCIs will allow brains and external devices to exchange information in both
directions but have yet to be successfully implanted in animals or humans. Brain-Computer interface
is a staple of science fiction writing.

In its earliest incarnations no mechanism was thought necessary, as the technology seemed so far-
fetched that no explanation was likely. As more became known about the brain however, the
possibility has become more real and the science fiction more technically sophisticated. Recently, the
cyberpunk movement has adopted the idea of 'jacking in', sliding 'bio soft' chips into slots implanted
in the skull(Gibson, W.1984).Although such bio softs are still science fiction, there have been several
recent steps toward interfacing the brain and computers.

A Brain implant (brain-machine interface) is a communication system that does not depend on the
brains normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles. It is a new communication link
between a functioning human brain and the outside world. These are electronic interfaces with the
brain, which has the ability to send and receive signals from the brain. BMI uses brain activity to
command, control, actuate and communicate with the world directly through brain integration with
peripheral devices and systems. The signals from the brain are taken to the computer via the implants
for data entry without any direct brain intervention. BMI transforms mental decisions and/or
reactions into control signals by analysing the bioelectrical brain activity.

Brain implants, often referred to as neural implants, are technological devices that connect directly to
a biological subject's brain - usually placed on the surface of the brain, or attached to the brain's
cortex. A common purpose of modern brain implants and the focus of much current research is
establishing a biomedical prosthesis circumventing areas in the brain that have become dysfunctional
after a stroke or other head injuries.

This includes sensory substitution, e.g., in vision. Other brain implants are used in animal
experiments simply to record brain activity for scientific reasons. Some brain implants involve
creating interfaces between neural systems and computer chips. This work is part of a wider research
field called brain- computer interfaces. (Brain-computer interface research also includes technology
such as EEG arrays that allow interface between mind and machine but do not require direct
implantation of a device.)

Neural-implants such as deep brain stimulation and Vagus nerve stimulation are increasingly becoming
routine for patients with Parkinson's disease and clinical depression respectively, proving themselves as a
boon for people with diseases which were previously regarded as incurable.

Figure 1 Brian of computer interface

Generally, a BCI is a computer-based system that acquires brain signals. After acquiring the signals,
it analyses and translates them into commands that are relayed to an output device to carry out a
desired action. Thus, BCIs do not use the brains normal output pathways of nerves and muscles. This
definition limits the term BCI to systems that measure and use signals produced by the central
nervous system (CNS).

For example, a voice or muscle-activated communication system is not a BCI. Also, brain imaging
technologies like EEG (Electroencephalography), ECOG (Electrocorticography), fMRI (functional
Magnetic Resonance), and MEG (Magnetoencephalography) alone is not a BCI because it only
records brain signals but does not generate an output that acts on the users environment. Also, Brain
Computer Interface (BCI) do not read the minds in the sense of extracting information from
unsuspecting or unwilling users but enable users to act on the world by using brain signals rather than
muscles. The user and the BCI generally work together.
1.2. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Technology

Research work on Brain Computer Interface (BCI) began early in the year 1970 itself. This research
work was started at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) under the permission from the
National Science Foundation after a contract from DARPA. Thanks to the development of brain

imaging technologies like EEG, ECOG fMRI, MEG etc. This is because they were one of the major
milestones which helped the research workers to continue their work on BCI. At first, BCI work was
carried on many animals and today it is tested on human beings too. Today, one of the major goal of
BCI research is to develop applications that helps disabled people (suffering from brainstem stroke,
spinal cord injury, blindness etc.) to communicate and interact with people and external

Figure 2 Brain Computer Interface process

2. BCI System

A BCI system consists of three components: Signal or Data Acquisition, Signal Processing (Feature
Extraction, Feature Translation), and Output Device. These components are controlled by a protocol
which defines the timing for operation, signal processing details, nature of device commands and the

2.1. Signal Acquisition

Signal acquisition in a BCI helps in the measurement of brain signals using a sensor modality. The
sensor is basically a device implanted in the brain usually multi-electrode arrays that records the
signals directly related to the movement. The signals can be amplified to levels suitable for electronic



processing. Also, they can be subjected to filtering to remove electrical noise or other undesirable
signals. After amplification and filtering process, the signals can be digitized and transmitted to a
2.2. Feature Extraction

Feature extraction in Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is the process of analysing the digital signals to
distinguish signal characteristics and represent them in a compact form suitable for translation into
output commands. These features been extracted should have good correlations with the users intent.

2.3. Feature Translation

Resulting signal features are passed to the feature translation algorithm, which converts the features
into the commands for the output device (i.e., commands that accomplish the users need).



2.4. Output Device

The commands from the feature translation algorithm operate the external device of the Brain
Computer Interface (BCI), providing functions such as cursor control, letter selection, robotic arm
operation etc. The device operation then provides feedback to the user finally, thus completing the
closed loop of Brain Computer Interface(BCI).

3. What are Type of BCI’s

3.1. Non-invasive:

The EEG signal is taken placing electrodes on the scalp, so on the most external part.
3.2. Invasive

Invasive types of BCI are implanted directly into the brain during a neurosurgery. the
Intraparenchymal signal is taken directly implanting electrodes in the cortex. There are single unit
BCIs, which detect the signal from a single area of brain cells, and multiunit BCIs which detect from
multiple areas. Electrodes have different lengths, for example, up to 1.5 mm (Utah, Blackrock
Microsystems) or 10 mm (FMA, MicroProbes) in a MEA (1) . The quality of the signal is the highest,
but the procedure has several problematics, as for example the risk of forming scar tissues. The body
reacts to the foreign object and builds the scar around the electrodes, which cause deterioration in the
signal. Because neurosurgery can be a risky and expensive process, the target of invasive BCI are
mainly blind and paralyzed patients.

3.3. Semi Invasive


Electrocorticography uses electrodes placed on the exposed surface of the brain to measure electrical
activity from the cerebral cortex. It has been used for the first time in the 1950s at the Montreal
Neurological Institute. It is called semi-invasive but it still requires a craniotomy to implant the
electrodes. For this reason it is used only when surgery is necessary for medical reasons (epilepsy for
example). The ECoG signal is taken from electrodes placed in the dura or in the arachnoid.

COMPUTER may be placed outside thePage
dura7mater (epidural) or under the dura mater (subdural).
The strip or grid electrodes covers a large area of the cortex (from 4 to 256 electrodes)(2), allowing a
diverse range of cognitive studies.

4. History of BCI

Years ago, humans were imagining a magical world were ability to interact with different machines
through was possible. Most people believed this magical world as myths and fiction stories. But now,
with the advancement in neuroscience and brain imaging technology a great interest has been shown
by the scientists to turn this fiction into reality. As a result, a new window has been opened up were
the ability to interface directly with the brain is possible through Brain Computer Interface (BCI).



As an upcoming technology, BCI helps to convey human intentions to the world directly from their
interior thoughts. It is considered to be one of the enchanting breakthroughs for the human society
since it can benefit the medical world, technical industry and even the military sector. Today, BCI
holds the promise of restoring sight for the blind, hearing to the deaf and the return of normal
functionality to the paralyzed. Even though it seems a miracle, through BCI it is possible and now it
is been practiced on many human beings.

A brain computer interface, also known as mind-machine interface, is a direct communication

interface between an external device and the brain, bypassing the need for an embodiment. The signal
directly goes from the brain to the computer, rather than going from the brain through the
neuromuscular system to the finger on a mouse.

Brain interface devices used these days require deliberate conscious thought, while prospective future
applications are expected to work effortlessly. Present research is focused on non-invasive BCI,
unlike the traditional BCI model that requires implanting a mechanical device in the brain, which
then tends to control it as a natural part of the body.BCIs are directed at augmenting, assisting, or
repairing sensory-motor or human cognitive functions. It combines technologies from the fields of
electrical engineering, computer science, biomedical engineering, and neurosurgery.In the 1970s,
research on BCIs started at the University of California, which led to the emergence of the expression
brain–computer interface. The focus of BCI research and development continues to be primarily on
neuroprosthetics applications that can help restore damaged sight, hearing, and movement. The mid-
1990s marked the appearance of the first neuroprosthetics devices for humans. BCI doesn’t read the
mind accurately, but detects the smallest of changes in the energy radiated by the brain when you
think in a certain way. A BCI recognizes specific energy/ frequency patterns in the brain.Based on
brain imaging technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography, BCI
looks for patterns of activity in the brain in real time.Hans Berger’s innovation in the field of human
brain research and its electrical activity has a close connection with the discovery of brain computer
interfaces. Berger is credited with the development of electroencephalography, which was a major
breakthrough for humans and helped researchers record human brain activity – the
electroencephalogram (EEG). This was certainly a major discovery in human brain mapping, which
made it possible to detect brain diseases. Richard Canton’s 1875’s discovery of electrical signals in
animal brains was an inspiration for Berger. As one of the first



common use of brain computer interface technology, EEG neuro feedback has been in use for several
decades.The year 1998 marked a significant development in the field of brain mapping when researcher
Philip Kennedy implanted the first brain computer interface object into a human being. However, the BCI
object was of limited function. The only benefit from this development was the use of a wireless di-
electrode.John Donoghue and his team of Brown University researchers formed a public traded company,
Cyber kinetics, in 2001. The goal was to commercially design a brain computer interface, the so-called
Brain Gate. The company has come up with NeuroPort its first commercial product. Columbia University
Medical Centre researchers have successfully monitored and recorded electrical activity in the brain with
improved precision. According to researchers, NeuroPort Neural Monitoring System enabled them to
identify micro-seizure activity prior to epileptic seizures among patients.June 2004 marked a significant
development in the field when Matthew Nagle became the first human to be implanted with a BCI,
Cybernetics’s Brain Gate.In December 2004, Jonathan Wolpaw and researchers at New York State
Department of Health’s Wadsworth Centre came up with a research report that demonstrated the ability to
control a computer using a BCI. In the study, patients were asked to wear a cap that contained electrodes
to capture EEG signals from the motor cortex – part of the cerebrum governing movement.
A number of developments have been taking place in the field. By 2050, it is has been suggested that
BCI could become a magic wand, helping men control objects with their mind. The day isn’t far off
when man may be able to guide an outside object with their thoughts in order to consistently execute
both natural and complex motions of everyday life.

5. Tools to develop the technology

5.1.Hardware Tool

5.1.1. Brainwave Starter Kit

Is a basic introduction to neuroscience and brainwave technology. Simply slip on the headset and see
your brainwaves displayed on screen in the colourful Brainwave Visualizer. Watch how your
attention and relaxation levels change in real time as you listen to your favourite music.



5.1.2. Epoc Neuro Headset

The Emotive EPOC is a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless
neuroheadset. It uses a set of sensors to tune into electric signals produced by the brain to detect
player thoughts, feelings and expressions and connects wirelessly to most PCs.


The brain sensing headband helps you do more with your mind by providing exercises designed to
manage stress and settle your mind.


Enobio is a wearable and wireless electrophysiology sensor system for the recording of EEG
How can Enobio help you?

 Signals you can trust

 Quality EEG made easy

 Advanced development tools

 Integrated with an intuitive user application

5.2. Software Tool

5.2.1. BCI2000
BCI2000 is a general-purpose system for brain-computer interface (BCI) research. It can also be used
for data acquisition, stimulus presentation, and brain monitoring applications.The BCI2000 system is
available for free for non-profit research and educational purposes. BCI2000 supports all major EEG
amplifiers, includes signal processing routines and experimental paradigms. But BCI2000 doesn’t
only acquire and analyze your EEG signals; it also provides highly configurable auditory/visual
stimulation and inputs from other devices such as joysticks, keyboards and much more with reliable
synchronization.The design of BCI2000 is modular. Each module works as an independent program
allowing a high degree of customization. A user interface is provided to combine the different
modules to create a complete fully customized Brain Computer Interface application. And last but



not least it provides quick and reliable online technical support.



5.2.2. Open Vibe

Open ViBE is a free and open source software platform for designing, testing and using brain
computer interfaces that addresses every type of user. It doesn’t matter whether you are an expert in
brain physiology or you’ve never heard of it before, whether you are a top programmer or you can’t
even program your video recorder, Open ViBe provides tools and applications for everybody.The
platform consists of a set of software modules that can be easily integrated, including an easy-to-
use graphical user interface for non-programmers. Software modules deal with EEG acquisition
(many EEG measuring devices including Enobio are integrated), preprocessing and visualization of
cerebral activity. You can use the ones available or create new ones specially tailored to your
All in one: Open ViBE includes a large number of useful tools to visualize cerebral activity and
sample scenarios for Brain Computer Interface or neuro-feedback applications. It has been
designed to be easily integrated with high level applications such as virtual reality acting as an
external peripheral device for any kind of real or virtual environment.

5.2.3. AsTeRICS
AsTeRICS is a free and Open-Source construction set for assistive technologies (AT). It allows the
creation of flexible solutions for people with disabilities using a large set of sensors and actuators.
AsTeRICS is an ongoing EU-funded project that brings together companies, foundations and
universities with a single purpose: the development of flexible adaptable platforms to quickly
develop AT applications.
Its modular architecture is based on plugins, which act as blocks with a specific functionality that can be
interconnected within an easy-to-use graphical interface for non-programmers, which in turn allows the
customization of the plugins themselves. There are already more than a hundred available plugins that,
depending on the task, have been divided into :
I. Sensors: for interfacing with the user, buttons, actuators, webcams, microphones, and many
more. Of course commercial EEG and biological sensors have been integrated including
Enobio 2G.



II. Processors: In charge of treating, processing and extracting useful information out of its
inputs. EEG analysis plugins have been integrated including frequency analysis and SSVEP-
based BCI.
III. Actuators: for interfacing with the ‘outside’ world, music players, on screen information
display, biosignal visualizers, TV remote controls, your computer mouse and much
The core of the application is provided open source and it will also be possible to buy an embedded
hardware platform. You will be able to use more than a hundred currently provided plugins or easily create
new ones.Interconnect sensors, processors and actuators and in minutes you’ll be ready to enjoy your AT

5.2.4. Psychopy
Psychopy is an open-source (GPLv2 license) Python application to build experiments. It is often
used in psychology or cognitive neuroscience labs as an alternative to the proprietary E-Prime. Since
it is written in Python, it’s cross platform and scripts usually work on masOS and Windows with no
tweaking. It can allow timing based on frames, which it claims is more accurate than measuring with
a clock. It includes an interface to write code for experiments

6. Application Area of BCI’s

 Prosthetic control for severe disabilities such as tetraplegia, locked-in syndrome

 Neurorehabilitation after neurological diseases or injuries

 Entertainment and gaming

 BCI Wheelchair Control

 For Advance Robot Control

 BCI Cursor Control

 BCI Spellers

 BCI Virtual Reality

 BCI Biometrics

 Lie detection, Brain Fingerprinting, Trust assessment



 Health such as sleep-stage or mood

7. Impact on Economy
Brain-Computer Interface Market Size – USD 1.15 Billion in 2018, Market Growth - CAGR of 11.1%,
Industry Trends- Increase in R&D investments coupled with technological advancements
The growth of the market is governed by various factors such as increased incidences of mental disorders
across various regions
The Brain-computer interface market is expected to reach USD 2.67 Billion by 2026, according to a new
report by Reports and Data. Research and development in the brain-computer interface systems are
developing rapidly and is focused mainly on neuroprosthetics applications. Any modification of thought
process leads to the shift in electrophysiological signals, which gets recognized by the BCI system. These
electrophysiological signals are converted into command signals by the BCI system which can be used for
several applications such as the development of video games.

Figure 3 Impact on Economy

BCIs (Brain-computer interfaces) are a recovery device for tetraplegia patients that intend to enhance the
quality of life by increasing communication, self-care, and control of the environment. The neurobiology
of both recovery and BCI command depends upon learning to transform the efficiency of spared neural
groups that imitate sensation, movement, and thought through continuous practice with feedback and
remuneration. BCI demand is projected to gain a substantial boost soon because of the rising prevalence of
stroke, depression, and Parkinson’s disease among the population.
The market in the North America region accounts for the largest share of 42.3% of the market in 2018.



The largest share is due to the growing population, rising occurrence of neurodegenerative disorders



coupled with the increasing prevalence of virtual gaming. The growing population could be exposed to
brain-related disorders that lead to critical disabilities.
 The Brain-computer interface market is estimated to reach USD 2.67 Billion by 2026, at a
CAGR of 11.1% during the forecast period.
 Organizations dealing with BCI are adopting various strategies and developments to make
their products compatible, enhanced, and innovative at the same time, involving in
comprehensive research and development activities.
 BCI demand is projected to gain a substantial boost soon because of the rising prevalence of
stroke, depression, and Parkinson’s disease among the population.
 The growing population could be exposed to brain-related disorders that lead to critical
 The Invasive product is anticipated to grow at the highest rate of 11.6% during the forecast
 The medical end user segment accounts for the largest share of 37.8% of the market in 2018.

 Application in smart home control is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR of 11.5%
during the forecast period.
 APAC is forecasted to grow at the highest CAGR of 11.6% during the forecast period.

 Various projects are being developed that operates by transforming the brain of a user into a
link for the internet of things (IoT), which acts as a “plugged-in” brain to connect to the

8. Challenges of BCI’s
Establishing the communication interface using brain signals has faced a lot of challenges. They can
be categorized as technical and usability. Technical challenges are concerned with the system
obstacles specially those regarding EEG features characteristics. Usability challenges describe the
limitations affecting the level of human acceptance.
8.1. Usability challenges
They express the limitations facing the user acceptance of BCI technology utilization . They include
the issues related to the training process necessary for classes’ discrimination. Information transfer
rate (ITR) is one of the system evaluation metrics that combines both performance and acceptance

8.1.1. Training process

Training the user is a time-consuming activity either in guiding the user through the process or in the



number of recorded sessions. It takes place either in preliminary phase or in the classifier calibration
phase. The user is taught to deal with the system as well as to control his/her brain feedback signals



the preliminary phase, while in the calibration phase, trained subject’s signal has been used to learn
the used classifier.
One of the commonly investigated solutions to this time-consumption problem is to employ single
trial instead of multi-trial analysis, which is used for enhancing signal to noise ration [133], and
placing the burden of small training size on subsequent BCI system components to handle. Various
Adaptive and zero training classifiers have been examined as solutions as mentioned in [126].

8.1.2. Information transfer rate

It is the widely used evaluation metric for command BCI systems. It depends on the number of
choices, the accuracy of target detection, and the average time for a selection. Thus compared to
imagery BCI, selective attention strategies achieve higher ITR as their offered choices are larger [5].
8.2. Technical challenges

They are issues related to the recorded electrophysiological properties of the brain signals which
include non-linearity, non-stationarity and noise, small training sets and the
companying dimensionality curse.

8.2.1. Non-linearity

The brain is a highly complex nonlinear system in which chaotic behavior of neural ensembles can be
detected. Thus EEG signals can be better characterized by nonlinear dynamic methods than linear

8.2.2. Nonstationary and noise

Nonstationary attribute of electrophysiological brain signals represents a major issue in developing a

BCI system . It originates a continuous change of the used signals over time either between or within
the recording sessions. A combination of movement artefacts, such as electrical activity produced by
skeletal muscles electromyogram (EMG) and signals created by eye movements and blinking
Electrooculogram (EOG), is also reflected in the acquired signals resulting in difficulties in
distinguishing the underlying pattern.

8.2.3. Small training sets

The training sets are relatively small, since the training process is influenced by usability issues.
Although heavily training sessions are considered time consuming and demanding for the subjects,
they provide the user with necessary experience to deal with the system and learn to control his /her
neurophysiological signals. Thus a significant challenge in designing a BCI is to balance the trade-off



between the technological complexity of interpreting the user’s brain signals and the amount of training
needed for successful operation of the interface.

8.2.4.High dimensionality curse

In BCI systems, the signals are recorded from multiple channels to preserve high spatial accuracy. As
the amount of data needed to properly describe different signals increases exponentially with the
dimensionality of the vectors, various feature extraction methods have been proposed. They play an
important role in identifying distinguishing characteristics. Thus the classifier performance will be
affected only by the small number of distinctive traits instead of the whole recorded signals that may
contain redundancy.

Generally, it is recommended to use, at least, five to ten times as many training samples per class as
the number of dimensions[. But this solution cannot be sustained in a highly dimensional
environment as the BCI system, causing the expanding of the dimensionality curse.
8.3. Issues In BCI’s
8.3.1. Brain-computer Interface Ethical Issues

With the life-changing possibilities of BCI technology comes ethical implications. As the field of
brain-computer interface research grows and the technology in brain-computer interface applications
continues to improve, a number of brain-computer interface ethical issues have been raised.

8.3.2.BCI Security Issues

A BCI is a software application, and like any software that sends information to an external device,
the transmitted data is capable of being extracted for nefarious purposes. Security is especially
critical in BCI technology because BCI captures signals directly from a subject’s nervous system.
While BCI cannot currently be used to extract a user’s intentions, private thoughts or what they’re
reading or viewing, combining BCI data with specific stimuli make one day make that possible. BCI
could be used to determine a user’s health status or familiarity with certain events, which presents a
significant privacy risk.

8.3.3. BCI Privacy Issues

Likewise, privacy is an important issue in BCI ethics since the captured neural signals can be used to
gain access to a user’s private information. Ethicists have raised concerns about how BCI data is
stored and protected.? How do users know if their BCI data has been used for commercial purposes?
While much of the discussion around brain-computer interface ethical issues is still being shaped,
privacy and security issues remain premier concerns.



8.3.4. Hardware / Software Issue

The first problem is the signal acquisition hardware. Regarding EEG, the sensors still have acquisition
limits. As we have seen, the signal travels distance before being acquired by the EEG machine, and the
noise and artefacts are causing important problems.

9. Requirements to apply the technology

 Electrodes - usually made of silver chloride

 Amplifiers

 A/D converters

 Recording Device

 More Money

 Skilled Human Power

 Availability of Resource Material

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of brain-computer

10.1. Benefits or Advantages of Brain Computer Interface

 BCIs reduce the lag between deciding to move the mouse...moving it...and the cursor
actually moving. The lag is small but makes all the difference to some time-sensitive
applications (military uses, computer games etc). A BCI can know what you are thinking
before you do. They can identify the electrical neural patterns as a thought - before the
pattern has fully manifested in to a conscious feeling/command.
 They hold great potential for people who are paralyzed or otherwise unable to use their
hands. This is also true for people who’s hands are just otherwise occupied.
 They are generally awesome.

➨It allows paralyzed people to control the prosthetic limbs with their mind.

➨Transmit visual images to the mind of a blind person which allows them to see.

➨Transmit auditory data to the mind of a deaf person which allows them to hear.

➨It allows gamers to control the video games with their minds.



10.2. Drawbacks of Brain Computer Interface

 Research in to BCIs at the moment is at a fairly basic level considering the complexity of
the problem.
 BCIs are currently fairly inaccurate in terms of classifying neural activity.

 BCIs placed outside of the skull have a limited ability to read brain signals.

 They can be placed under the skull, but this requires pretty drastic surgery.

 Reading people's inner thoughts comes with a massive amount of ethical issues.

 Electrodes outside of the skull can detect very few electric signals from the brain.

 Electrodes placed inside the skull create scar tissue in the brain.
 The present BCI technology is crude.
 BCI research is still at initial stages and not at matured stage.
 Ethical issues may prevent its development.



11. Conclusion
The ability of computers to enhance and augment both mental and physical abilities and potential is no
longer the exclusive realm of science fiction writers. It is becoming a reality. Brain Computer
Interface technology will help define the potential of the human race. It holds the promise of bringing
sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and the return of normal functionality to the physically
impaired. A miracle? Hardly. But perhaps the next closest thing.

12. Recommendations
As BCI technology further advances, brain tissue may one day give way to implanted silicon chips there
by creating a completely computerized simulation of the human brain that can be augmented at will.
Futurists predict that from there, superhuman artificial intelligence won't be far behind.
We conclude with five important recommendations for developer’s intent on maximizing the utility
and minimizing the risks of BCIs:
(1) Employ Privacy Enhancing Technologies to Safeguard Data;
(2) Ensure On/Off User Controls;
(3) Enshrine Purpose Limitation;
(4) Focus on Data Quality; and
(5) Promote Security.
Because the collection and use of neuroinformation involves a number of privacy and ethical concerns that go
beyond current laws and regulations, stakeholders working in this emerging field should follow these
principles for mitigating privacy risks:

(1) Employ Privacy Enhancing Technologies to Safeguard Data – BCI providers should integrate
recent advances in privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), such as differential privacy, in
accordance with principles of data minimization and privacy by design.
(2) Ensure On/Off User Controls – Wherever appropriate, BCI users should have the option to
control when their devices are on or off. Some devices may need to always be on in order to fulfill
their functions—for example, a BCI that treats a neurological condition. However, when being
always on is not an essential feature of the device, users should have a clear and definite way to turn
off their device. As with other devices, there are when a BCI is always gathering data or can be
turned on unintentionally.
(3) Enshrine Purpose Limitation — BCI providers should state the purpose for collecting
neuroinformation and refrain from using that information for any other purpose absent user consent.
For example, if an educational BCI gauges student attentiveness for the purpose of helping a teacher

engage the class, it should not use attentiveness data for another purpose—like ranking student
performance—without express and informed consent. Additionally, BCI providers should also
consider limiting unnecessary cross-device collection.
(4) Focus on Data Quality — Providers should strive to use the most accurate data collection
processes and machine-learning tools available to ensure accuracy and precision. Algorithmic explain
ability and reproducibility of results are critical components of accuracy. It is important for BCIs to
be both accurate (turning neural signals into correct neuroinformation) and precise (consistently
reading the same signals to mean the same thing).




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