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Mythology and Folklore (Engl 206) Sir. Jaime M.


Agbay, Noralyn G. II-ELLA 02.24.2017

Reader’s Response #8: Stories of Love and Adventure—Cupid & Psyche

Endless love, everyone is longing for to have. Something that is so rare. Something that

we can tell it is, only in the end. Something that we need to decide to. More than great effort,

perseverance and determination it requires trust, respect and pure love. Sometimes the feeling is

deceiving. Sometimes we think we have found it but actually it is not. Whilst sometimes we do

not care at all until we lose it, then regret. Just like what happened in the story of Cupid and


“I can spend the rest of my life searching for him. If he has no more love left for me, at

least I can show him how much I love him” as Psyche uttered while in full regret of what she had

done. If only she did not yielded to temptation it would not had happened. On the other hand,

that scenario had brought truth to Psyche. One thing was so sure to her that very moment and

that was she would never give up. And so she did. Both of them, Cupid and Psyche did not give

up on their love for each other.

It is one of the many story that has inspired me. It inspires me to continuously treasure

the love I have right now till we reach the end. The many trials that we had surpassed and the

many more trials to come will only make us even stronger. Just like what Psyche did in the

story, despite the many impossible trials had given to her she was able to surpass it all because of

love and all that encompasses it. And I believe that even in reality that can be done too. If love

is true and if both are decided and sure to have love endlessly, nothing is impossible.
I could say that in the past 15 years we did very well in our relationship. I am sure that

nothing will depart us except death. In short span of time, our relationship was tested. Our faith,

trust, respect and love were tested by the many trials which others did not able to surpass, but we

gladly did. Whilst there were many times, not few, but many soothsayers we had met. All of

them at different times told that we were not meant for each other, same story, same prediction.

But, one thing is for sure up to this time. We are both decided and certain of what we really

want. Even before we became one, I already asked from Him that in case we were not meant or

destined for each other, please do something and let me have him. And so He did.

These days, me and my husband used to reminisce and talk about things that we may

encounter in the future. And we actually plan things ahead and think of the worst scenario we

may both have. We even think of things that may cause us to give up on our relationship and we

could not think of any. And maybe because we had been through a lot and it seemed that we had

experienced what we supposed to experience including those we might considered as rarest

things in a relationship. I guess it is just a matter of real talk. Or it may be simply because we

are both decided and determined to have each other till the end and celebrate our friendship &

love endlessly.

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