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Wel c o m e. Yo u ’ r e her e bec ause y o u’ ve swo r n to d efend the Ear th
f ro m a l l t h rea t s o f the Str ange. Fo r that, y o u have the
o rga n i za t i o n ’ s hear tfelt g r atitud e. Now it’ s tim e to get d own to
b u s i n es s .

A s a n o p era t i ve o f o ur o rganizatio n, y o u’ r e exp ec ted to c o m m it

c er t a i n c ri t i c a l and c o nf id ential p iec es o f info r m atio n to m em o r y.
T h a t i n fo r m a t i o n inc lud es what y o u’ ll f ind in this br ief ing d o ssie r.

P l ea s e rea d t h e entir e d o c um ent, then r ead it again. Yo u know

w h a t t o d o w i t h it af ter that.

E Y E S T h a n k y o u fo r y o ur p r o mp t attentio n,

K a t h eri n e J . Manner s

STR to Ear th can be made, either accidentally

or purposefully. F inding or constr ucting
The Strange is a network created by
such a bridge seems to be the main goal
[redacted] aliens several billion years ago.
of all planetovores and their inter mediar-
Estate researchers believe the Strange
ies. Preventing that from happening, by
was built to allow intergalactic travel. It’s
whatever means necessar y, is the Estate’s
unkn own at this time what went wrong, but
the builders lost control of their creation. primar y mission.
In the course of passing aeons, the Strange
became something wild, chaotic, and with- R ECUR SIO N S IN T H E
out r ules or laws (which is why we also call
it the Chaosphere). ST R ANGE
Stable regions called recursions exist with-
in the Strange. R ecursions are like tiny,
NAT UR E OF T H E S T R A NG E self-contained universes. Each one oper-
Think of the Strange as its own boundless ates under a par ticular set of r ules, which
realm—as a separate universe underlying means that planetovores have almost as
our own. The Chaosphere has no direct re- dif f icult a time entering a recursion as
lationship to matter and space as we under- they do entering Ear th. In fact, a recursion
stand it: There is no up or down, there is can act as a bar rier for preventing a plane-
no g round beneath a visitor’s feet in most tovore from getting to Ear th, thank s to the
places, and merely gazing into its lawless presence of the recursion’s r ules.
void damages the human brain (“alien- Ear th and the visible universe operate
ation” is the prefer red ter m for the pain under a familiar set of r ules, called Stan-
and derangement most operatives experi- dard Physics. But dif ferent recursions
ence upon visiting the Strange). of ten operate under alter nate sets of r ules.
The Estate has classif ied the following ad-
PL A NET OVO RE S ditional laws under which recursions oper-
ate: Magic, Mad Science, Psionics, Substan-
Creatures live in the Chaosphere. The
dard Physics, and [redacted].
worst of these are called planetovores.
They thrive on the fact that no r ules bind
them within the Strange. We call these ARDEYN
creatures planetovores because a) the Ardeyn is a recursion where magic work s,
Estate has good evidence that one tried to dragons live, and creatures that might as
consume our planet when Ear th f irst dis- well be demigods exist. Ardeyn’s creation
covered the Chaosphere; and b) because was the unanticipated side ef fect of com-
they [a whole long sentence that should be puter researcher Car ter Mor rison’s d is-
redacted goes here]. cover y of the Strange, and the Estate was
Planetovores can’t nor mally reach areas founded in his memor y. Car ter Mor rison’s
where natural laws restrict the environ- whereabouts are unknown at this time.
ment, such as on Ear th. But bridges up

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Ardeyn is populated by humans and a
As a beginning operative, you’ve been is-
race of people called qephilim—please ask
sued one or more cyphers. A cypher is a
your lead for a qephilim visual reference
small device that can create a sing le, of ten
at this time. The Estate has several agents
spectacular ef fect. A cypher may look ordi-
embedded in Ardeyn, and its largest f ield
nar y, but each one is something special—a
of f ice cover tly operates in the city of
manifestation of the Strange that we don’t
Hazur rium. One of our main activities is
fully understand. We expect you to use
keeping tabs on the Betrayer. Though the
your cyphers to accomplish your missions.
Betrayer is not a planetovore, we suspect
Hoarding cyphers is impr udent and a waste
h e aspires to become one.
of needed resources; replacement cyphers
are always around the next cor ner for
RUK someone with your abilities.
Ruk operates under the law of Mad Sci-
ence, and it appears to be populated with
Ear thlings. Don’t be fooled. Ruk comes
Please bring urgent questions, concer ns,
from someplace else in the universe and
requisitions for equipment, or vacation re-
h as been hiding in the Shoals of Ear th for
quests to one of the Estate leads or chiefs.
thousands of years, possibly much longer.
For ever ything else, please rely on your
Ruk contains more factions than the Es-
own discretion. That discretion is why we
tate can track. We believe the most danger-
invited you to become an operative of the
ous to be a faction named the Kar u m, who
believe that if Ear th were destroyed, Ruk

would be free. Obviously, we—you—cannot
let that happen.

Most recursions are created through what
we’ve come to understand as “f ictional
leakage.” The upshot of this is that you
can probably f ind aspects of your favorite
f ictional universe rendered as a recursion.
Yes, that means that somewhere around
Ear th is a recursion featuring Star
[redacted]. Note: That is no excuse to

As an operative, you are required to car r y
your Estate badge while on campus and of f,
unless you are working undercover. Your
badge allows you to gain entr y to Estate
buildings and into areas of those buildings
for which you are cleared. B adges are
to be displayed ab ove t he wai st at all
tim es wh ile on camp us.

During your time with the Estate, you’ll
translate between recursions. Sometimes
n ew operatives f ind the process of trans-
for ming into someone with dif ferent abili-
ties and maybe a dif ferent shape to be
disconcer ting. If you become distressed or
confused af ter translating, tell another op-
erative immediately. Enemies of the Estate
of ten target addled operatives f irst. Explore • Defend • Create

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Artifacts are more powerful than equipment, and they can’t simply be purchased. You can find the artifacts appropriate for
Earth, Ardeyn, Ruk, and the various other recursions near the ends of their chapters.
Like equipment, artifacts are unique to the world in which they are made, and they do not translate with characters. On
the other hand, they do move through inapposite gates and out into the Strange. If an artifact moves via inapposite gate
to a recursion that operates under the same law as the artifact’s recursion of origin, the artifact continues to operate in the
new recursion. If it moves by inapposite gate to a new recursion that operates under a different law, the artifact begins to
degrade in power about a minute after it arrives, according to the rules for inapposite travel.
All artifacts have a level. They also have a rate of power depletion. When an artifact is used or activated, the player rolls the
designated die (1d6, 1d10, 1d20, or 1d100). If the die shows the depletion number(s), the item works, but that is its last use. A
depletion entry of “—” means that the artifact never depletes, and an entry of “automatic” means that it can be used only once.
Depowered artifacts can sometimes be recharged using the repair rules, depending on the item’s nature. Other special
abilities can also repower an expended item, but probably for only one use.


Characters can sometimes find artifacts while on adventures. They might be in ancient ruins, either intact or in need of
manipulation to get them working. They could have been stolen from well-guarded military installations. They might be
granted as rewards or taken from fallen foes. Sometimes they can even be purchased from a specialized source, but this
occurs more rarely than most PCs would probably like.
After the PCs find an artifact, identifying it is a separate Intellect task. The GM sets the difficulty of the task, but it is
usually equal to the artifact’s level. Identifying it takes fifteen minutes to three hours. If the PCs can’t identify an artifact,
they can bring it to an expert to be identified or, if desired, traded or sold.
Characters can attempt to use an artifact that is not identified, but this is usually an Intellect task equal to the artifact’s
level + 2. Failure might mean that the PC can’t figure out how to use the artifact or uses it incorrectly (GM’s discretion). Of
course, even if characters use an unidentified artifact correctly the first time, they have no idea what the effect might be.
Once characters have identified an artifact, using it for the first time requires an additional Intellect action; this process
is far more complex than pushing a button. It can involve manipulating touchscreens, reciting the proper arcane words, or
anything else that fits the context of the recursion. The GM sets the difficulty, but it is usually equal to the artifact’s level.

Earth Artifacts Ruk Artifacts Atom Nocturne Artifacts
Inapposite harness Page 159 Biosplice companion Page 209 Omni arm Page 238
Perpetual motion engine Page 159 Communion platter Page 209 Weapon of splendor Page 238
World key Page 159 Enigmalith Page 209
Metabolism bud Page 210 Cataclyst Artifacts
Ardeyn Artifacts Pheromone banner Page 210 Battle armor Page 242
Dragon’s eye Page 186 Recursion pod Page 211 Gravity maul Page 242
Dragontongue weapon Page 187 Skill bud Page 211
Mask of Oceanus Page 187 Tendril graft Page 211 Innsmouth Artifacts
Monitor’s monocle Page 187 Venom trooper command helm Page 211 Glass from Leng Page 254
Ring of dragon’s flight Page 187 Weapon graft Page 211 Necronomicon Page 254
Rune staff (Ashur) Page 187 Windrider Page 211
Rune weapon of blood Page 187 Old Mars Artifacts
Rune weapon of striking Page 187 Strange Artifacts Prism of the eighth ray Page 254
Shadow cloak Page 188 Chaos skiff Page 231
Shamshir twinblade Page 188 Equilibrium infuser Page 231 Thunder Plains Artifacts
Soul sheath Page 188 Fractal wing Page 231 Animal mask Page 248
Soul weapon Page 188 Fundament tunneler Page 232 Luck stone Page 248
Spellbook (amber mage) Page 189 Gate ring Page 232
Spellbook (Dreadimos Felthane) Page 189 Interface disc Page 232 Oz Artifacts
Spiritslaying weapon Page 189 Interface gauntlets Page 232 Dr. Nikidik’s celebrated
Spirit ward Page 189 Minor network terminal Page 232 wishing pills Page 254
Strangelance Page 189 Planetovore skin Page 233 Marvelous powder of life Page 254
Wings of the sun Page 189
Wonderland Artifacts
Vorpal sword Page 254

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Part 3:

Chapter 8: Rules of the Game  96

Chapter 9: Rules of Translation  125

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A character does not need any of the above translation, paradoxes are better initiators.
if she has been to the destination recursion When a paradox makes a translation roll, she
before. If she’s already been to the recursion, gets one automatic retry on a failed translation
not only can she get there, she can appear in roll. So when a paradox attempts to translate to
the exact same spot that she left. Earth (which is level 5) and fails to roll a 15 or
If the character has any of these objects higher, she can immediately roll again without
Translation Failure Table, or experiences, she can put herself into a having to first roll on the Translation Failure
page 128 meditative trance. If the character doesn’t have table. On her second roll, she can choose to
any help hastening the translation from another use Effort, or not, regardless of whether she
PC, the trance takes four hours to complete. used any on the initial roll. If she fails a second
time on the same translation attempt, it’s time
to get out the d100.
If a trance is interrupted for more than a
couple of minutes, it is ruined and must be HASTENING A TRANSLATION
started again. As the trance progresses, all If one PC initiates a translation, a second
characters participating in the translation see character can join into the translation trance
a vision of the Strange: a region of void filled and speed the four-hour process up so it takes
with repeating fractal patterns spiraling off into only two hours. This is called hastening the
infinity. As the trance continues, the destination translation. Any PC can take the hastening role
recursion slowly begins to resolve, becoming in the translation effort and cut the translation
more and more defined as the end of the trance trance down by half. Multiple hasteners,
approaches. Whether it becomes completely however, can’t speed this process further.
clear or the vision shatters to nothing depends Someone hastening the translation shares the
on the translation roll the initiator makes. vision of the initiator.
From the perspective of the character who
takes the hastening role, the job is all about
TRANSLATION ROLL finding shortcuts and taking care of side
When the trance ends, the character initiating tasks. The hastener enters the trance with an
the translation makes an Intellect-based roll eye toward efficiency and economy of effort.
with a difficulty equal to the target recursion’s Hastening a trance means taking some of the
level (every recursion has a base level). Success burden from the initiator by strengthening
means that the character and all designated the connection to the details about the target
allies within immediate range successfully recursion or focusing more strongly on the
translate to the target recursion (or back up to object from that recursion, improving the
Multiple characters Earth). Failure means that the translation still visualization of the destination recursion
working together can probably occurred, but with side effects. and taking care of other minor but necessary
enhance the translation. If a PC initiating a translation has never elements of the trance to take the load off the
Ideally, at least three visited the target recursion before, a successful initiator.
characters are involved: translation drops her and her allies into the Spinner Hastening Advantage: Although
one to initiate, one to recursion’s default destination. anyone can modify any aspect of the
hasten the process, and Paradox Initiation Advantage: Although translation, spinners are better hasteners. A
one to ease acclimation. anyone can modify any aspect of the participating spinner cuts a translation down to
This means that
mixed group is always The initiating PC meets all normal prerequisites; he appears in Recursion level
better off than one that the recursion where he left it on last visit (or in the recursion’s
is not. default destination, if he never visited the recursion before).
The quickened creature initiated, eased, or hastened a translation Recursion level + 1 step
in the last 24 hours; each additional translation attempt
increases the difficulty by another step.
The initiating PC relies on a target recursion likeness (or Recursion level + 3 steps
equivalent) that helped shape a recursion through fictional
leakage, not a likeness of the actual recursion.

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“The walls vibrate, colors detach from your surroundings and begin to swirl,
moments before the walls, floor, and ceiling, too, seem to liquefy and drain down
and twist around you.
Agony, sharp as an iron hook, snags your heart and pulls you inside out—you
and the world. When the sensation fades, you’re someplace else, and someone else. It’s difficult to have a
translation “chase.” For
That, agents, is what translation feels like.” example, if someone
~Hertzfeld, Estate Research Chief translates from Ardeyn
to Ruk, he arrives at his
previous location in Ruk—
maybe a secret flying base
just ten minutes (instead of cutting it down to further. Someone easing the translation shares over a spar jungle. If the
two hours, if a character other than a spinner the vision of the initiator. PCs chase him to Ruk but
hastened the effort). From the person easing the translation’s were never there before,
point of view, most of the stress and physical they end up far away in
testing of the translation falls on his shoulders. in Harmonious, making a
EASING A TRANSLATION While part of the translation trance, the easing chase scenario particularly
If a player character initiates a translation, character concentrates on the health of each difficult.
another character can join into the trance and participant, prepares everyone’s body and mind
ease the acclimation time after translation so for the coming transformation, and bolsters
that a acclimation that would normally take well-being and fortitude. The translation fugue
one hour takes only ten minutes. This is called that follows after a creature moves into a new
easing the translation. Any PC can take the role recursion is akin to natural inflammation; the
of easing the translation effort, though multiple body’s response to a challenge is to try to fight
easers can’t decrease acclimation time any it off. The job of someone easing a translation

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Estate associates can expect a small monthly (and thus attract actual scientific talent able to
An Estate ID badge looks stipend of a few hundred dollars; operatives develop the technology past its current state).
official, and flashing it with a career outside the Estate get slightly Unfortunately for the Estate, those spies are
with authority can get more. A full-time operative receives a salary now turning up dead, or never turning up at
many operatives past and benefits sufficient to pay for a comfortable all. Something is happening at the research
checkpoints without too middle-class lifestyle. campus in Palo Alto where the September
much trouble. The ID Project keeps the public face of its operations
makes no illegal claims on Earth, and it could be critical.
regarding the authority ONGOING MISSIONS Division Chief Keaton is looking to send a
invested in the holder. The Estate explores recursions and the Strange, new group of operatives in. Perhaps the PCs
Still, an average person defends the Earth, and creates conditions to are interested in being part of the infiltration
who sees an Estate keep civilization safe from related threats. The team? Keaton suggests posing as a group
badge is likely to grant operatives are assigned to divisions, which of industry experts looking for new places to
an operative a little more have several goals, including locating the newly invest. If the PCs prefer a different mission,
leeway, at least for a quickened, shutting down recursion miners, word has reached Keaton that a few cells of
while. hobbling research into quantum computing, September Project activity have been detected
keeping an eye on their “sister” organization in San Francisco and Austin. Someone needs to
the Quiet Cabal, and investigating any events look into those, pronto.
The Quiet Cabal, that could be related to the dark energy
page 153 network. Perhaps most important, the Estate Recursion Miners: The Estate keeps tabs on
spends about a fifth of its resources working all the recursion miners it knows about that
against the September Project, a pseudo- aren’t affiliated with other groups. Sometimes
Recursion miners are research organization with a much darker goal. freelance recursion miners spring up when
individuals and groups a quickened individual, on his own initiative,
who find and explore Investigating the September Project: For years, discovers the ability to translate. Those who
recursions—and who the Estate has been able to keep tabs on the don’t draw attention to themselves may never
attempt to create new September Project thanks to having several come to the Estate’s notice.
recursions. spies in the organization. This allowed them Many end up calling attention to themselves,
to discredit many of the September Project’s though, by activating an inapposite gate, by
attempts to popularize quantum computers bringing cyphers up to Earth and offering them

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for sale, or by pinging the dark energy network If someone really is quickened, the Estate’s
itself in some fashion. goal is to make contact with her before she is
Lead Operative Katherine Manners is poached by the Quiet Cabal or the Office of
following the reports of “hauntings” that could Strategic Recursion (OSR), or worse yet, the OSR, page 157
well be related to an inapposite gate in the September Project or Circle of Liberty. Circle of Liberty, page 154
Seattle area, possibly the result of spirits of PR Chief Liza Banks is putting together a Prize Liza Banks, page 149
Ardeyn passing to Earth. She’s putting together Evaluation Team to check out the exploits of a kid
a team that she’ll coordinate to canvass a few in Nebraska who has authored three best-selling
different neighborhoods and get to the bottom novels under a pseudonym, written a popular
of the disturbance. indie computer game, and amassed a secret It’s rumored among Estate
Bitcoin fortune. While there’s a chance that the operatives that Hertzfeld
The Newly Quickened: When a high school kid is just using his natural talents, it doesn’t keeps an entropic seed in
kid shows break-out talent, whether in sports, bode well that the first round of Estate agents the Vault against a future
academics, or a competition like a science fair who went to check him out have gone missing. need when all other options
or a robot challenge, it’s usually just natural have failed.
talent at work. Likewise, when someone quits Quantum Initiative: Perhaps not surprisingly,
her job at the pizzeria to become an overnight the Estate’s interest in quantum computers
success inventing gadgets, investing, or making is closely tied to its very reason for existing.
3-D printers, it might just be the culmination of When an experimental quantum computer chip
long-simmering desire. But sometimes these breached the Strange and nearly cost the Earth
kind of successes are a few ticks beyond normal everything, it was Carter Morrison who stepped
and could be the result of someone becoming in and saved the planet.
quickened. Thus, one of the main uses of the Morrison Quickened, page 22
The Estate watches for these sorts of “feel- Fellowship Prize is to “back” those working
good” news stories and may send out a on quantum breakthrough technologies. In
Morrison Fellowship Prize Evaluation Team. this case, the “no strings” promise is a ruse,

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he Strange is
composed of what “Chaos reigned past the starting grid. The endless, shuddering
physicists and
Precursors is the name astronomers on Earth expanse was deeper than any real sky, and it absorbed my
we gave to the enigmatic call dark energy (or, gaze. Within its infinite wheeling eternity, a hunger stirred.
race just slightly younger more precisely, dark
than our universe; what energy is the expression Fear swept through me—and a mad certainty. I realized that
they called themselves that the network takes everything I knew was wrong.”
isn’t known. as it intersects our own
universe of regular
~Carter Morrison
matter). Within its
immense and ever-expanding volume, it’s boundaries, but once they’re set, they’re set,
capable of hosting almost limitless amounts of firming up a portion of the Strange with a new
information. That expansion continues to occur reality called a recursion.
Inapposite gate, at an ever-accelerating rate, and as the Strange The Strange, also called the Chaosphere, was
page 135 swells, it expands the universe along with it. intentionally constructed by the Precursors—
Alienation, page 216 Over its billions of years of existence, entire technologically advanced aliens—billions
worlds have taken seed within the Strange, of years ago to facilitate intergalactic travel
Traveling the Strange, grown, and flowered with their own unique sets across the universe. The aliens would upload
page 214 of rules to govern them. These rules have no themselves into the dark energy data web, then

Strange Attributes
The Strange isn’t a recursion; it’s the underlying network that provides the processing power necessary to host recursions.
However, visitors can enter the Strange and travel through it, which means that the Strange can be understood in terms of
many of the same attributes true for recursions.
Level: It’s normally not possible to translate directly into the Strange. If it’s important
to know the level of a given region of the Strange, the GM sets it.
Laws: All; when visitors enter the Strange, they bring a thin film of their most recent
recursion and its laws with them.
Playable Races: None. The Strange doesn’t give first-time visitors an option to choose a new race.
Foci: None. The Strange doesn’t give first-time visitors an option to choose a new focus.
Skills: Chaosphere navigation, fractal surfing
Connection to Recursions: Various recursions allow access to and from the Strange.
For example, Ardeyn residents can travel directly into (or fall into) the Strange from
the edge of the recursion. Entering a recursion from the Strange is like entering the
recursion through an inapposite gate.
Connection to Earth: None known (it would be extremely dangerous for the Earth if any existed)
Size: 13.6 billion light years across and expanding
Spark: Unknown
Trait: Alienation; different regions of the Strange can have different effects on a recursor’s psyche as described under
Traveling the Strange.

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“print” themselves anew at some distant star, itself—not as a means to cross real space, and
without having to travel the light years between not as a way to get to a known recursion, but
the two locations in the normal universe. just into the dark energy network—is a task
Something went wrong in the network, and worth attempting. It’s a dangerous task to be
the aliens lost control. In the billions of years sure, but deep within its folds and recesses lie
since, the Strange has continued to expand. treasures and wonders.
As it did, the planetovores that dwell within Planetovore, page 8
it swallowed civilization after civilization that
innocently “pinged” the dark energy network, SHAPE AND NATURE OF THE STRANGE
and in so doing, provided a bridge to that The Strange is a chaotic flow of spiraling fractal
civilization’s world. patterns forever iterating in upon itself without
end. The area immediately around Earth and its
recursions usually appears primarily bluish-
LIFE IN THE STRANGE purple and sometimes dark green, but other
The Strange is vast, as vast as the real universe areas are gold, orange, or even blood-red.
that it underlies. Though not originally designed Although vast and expanding (and
to be so, the Strange is home to many intelligent appearing to map in an extradimensional
races and entities. Unfortunately for Earth fashion to Earth’s universe), the Strange has
inhabitants, natives of the Strange are often different distinct regions within its barely
incomprehensible to beings of Earth (and the understandable chaotic twists and turns. Brave
recursions that Earth hosts). And the most recursors report ever-shifting landscapes within
powerful of all those beings—the planetovores— the Strange, some resembling swirling fractals
should be avoided at all costs, lest the threat that and others akin to impossible spacescapes with
has silenced nearly every other form of intelligent stars and planets that form and disappear in
life in the universe also find Earth. the blink of an eye. Still other explorers describe
But recursors of Earth and linked recursions areas that move like vast creatures, as though
have learned that traveling into the Strange portions of the Strange have gained sentience

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Worlds teeming with life, with discovery, with incredible treasures—
and with sudden death.


Beneath our universe—beneath the quantifiable matter, the light and energy
we can detect, the forces of gravity and electromagnetism that define the
physical universe as we know it—lies a chaotic network of dark energy
called the Strange. Few even suspect its existence, but for those who have
discovered it, everything is different. These select few—the quickened—know
the Strange hosts numberless recursions—unique but limited worlds with
their own laws of reality.
The secret plunder of these worlds draws the brave, the daring, and the
unscrupulous—and it draws dangerous enemies from these recursions back
to our Earth. And slowly but inexorably, it draws the attention of beings from
beyond the Shoals of Earth—beings of unfathomable power and evil from the
unknown reaches of…


• Streamlined, story-based mechanics
• The means for players to create the characters they truly
want to play
• Open-ended gameplay with a strong narrative
• A focus on mystery and the unknown, filling players
with a sense of wonder
• A complete overview of The Strange setting.
• A bestiary of more than 50 creatures and characters
• Rules for creating new worlds
• A complete adventure, designed to immerse players
in the vast wonder that is The Strange

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