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The objective of Arcadia is to offer blind people the possibility of capturing the aspects
found in their environment through an application, in which the main option will be to
guide the user on the characteristics of the environment. By facilitating the recognition of
the environment, blind people are generated with the means to access this possibility
quickly. It is important to bear in mind that blind people are one of the most vulnerable
groups of people, which is why the general objective of the business idea is to generate
possibilities for this group of people, who on many occasions have been seen affected for
common situations in everyday life such as crossing at traffic lights.

Peru is the country in which the business idea will be destined, that is why when studying
certain variables, we define that the population of Peru being the second country with the
greatest visual difficulties will have the market concentration, among the main strategies is
the intention to improve the quality of life of the 31.99 million people who live in this

The Arcadia application will have a value proposition which offers efficiency with services,
it can be personalized by those who will use it and who need it, acquiring a unique design
for people's needs. It will have a market segmentation in the population of Peru, mainly
with optic diseases, and likewise, it will be aimed at people in strata 2, 3, 4 and 5, taking
into account that it can be used by men or women between 12 and 45 years old.

The advertising channels that Arcadia will have will be advertisements on the radio, web
pages, also, informative notes on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, among
others. Customers will have a relationship with the application, they will find a suggestion
button, a call center and there the needs of customers will be attended, with this they will
have income sources which will be payments by PSE, payments through consignment or
accounts bank transfers and payments by debit or credit card transfer. Taking into account
the key resources for the company such as: trained human resources, web pages with
information about the app, and, finally, high technology in facial recognition, which has
key activities such as innovation, resolution of problems and the design of the app. Due to
this, there will be some key partners which are Appstore, Playstore and systematic
engineers. Lastly, you will have fixed costs and variable costs. In the fixed costs we find
the rent of the premises and public services, and in the variable costs the office equipment,
the collection costs and the advertising.

Taking into account that the blue oceans are characterized by exploring new markets,
increasing the size of demand, leaving price and competition aside, we can indicate that
Arcadia is a company that provides a service to blind people through an application with
facial recognition where it gives the user the opportunity to know exactly and coherently
everything that happens around him; We affirm that it is part of the blue oceans due to the
following points:

• Helps blind people, building trust with the service

• We go beyond the existing demand and overcome the majority of existing barriers

• In our designs and customer service, Arcadia focuses on giving the resources and
attention to the application, our delivery logistics and guarantees are efficient compared to
the competition, taking into account our advertising methods.

• Our prices are very important to us within a blue ocean, but they are in line with the
economy of our users and the costs are high but they do not infer the contribution margin,
that is why, it is a profitable business

• We identify each of the buyer's stages during their purchase cycle, which points that must
be improved, must be reinvented and which are correct, with the help of the industrial
strategic framework we make the respective comparisons with the be my eyes app,
executed and evaluated within the application, comparing prices however Arcadia offers
better designs and utility of use, additional than those required by the platform

• We offer within alternative industries the training of canines being the option most used
by users, within the strategic groups of the sector we offer the use of the app as Apple store,
we focus on blind people specifically in strata 2, 3 and 4, within the complementary
pathways, we seek to identify the physical difficulties of deaf-mute people in order for the
Arcadia app to be useful to this new segment

• We identify non-customers with their respective characteristics and at what distance they
are in our market, this in order to potentiate existing customers and expand consumption by
visualizing new expectations

• We show that the utility we are offering to the buyer is efficiency, logic and fast.

• We find within our matrix how we are in a matter of time, searching for our service and
we obtained that Arcadia does not depend on a second or third product or service, it is not
bad against the environment and our delivery is immediate.

• We establish barriers where from the point of perception we offer confidence, in the
political barriers we add current legislation in the use of the service, in the motivation
barrier we take into account the contributions and knowledge that each of our employees
offer to the company and in the resource barrier we offer a wide range of advertising, we
are a company that supports employee participation, we explain each change within the
company and we are clear about each of the expectations we have for the company

For this and other reasons we affirm that we are part of the blue oceans market
POINT 1 Elements of negotiation(nego-sie-shon)
In business, Peru is one of the countries in which,

when negotiating(Nego-siei-ting), they are the ones who set the rules and the ones who
will always win,

however(jau-ever), the Arcadia application(aplikei-shon) is for the benefit of the person,

there is not need to negotiate(nego-si-eit) it, that is, effective negotiation(nego-sie-shon)

elements are not handled.

In this sense, the benefit is to the population that needs it, in this case, blind people or also
people who have paralysis in certain parts of the body.

With this application, they could(cud) express themselves in a better way and feel that what
they think is clear(clir),

in this way the receiver(wri-si-ver) will receive(Wrisiv) the correct message, making the
person feel good and supported since they couldn’t(cudent) do it themselves.

In the same way, Arcadia offers good services(ser-vi-ces) for people who buy it, fulfilling
the objective of making disabled(di-seibl) people feel that their sense is not missing.

2 NEGOTIATION(Nego-siei-shon) STRATEGIES(Stra-te-yis)
Taking into account the characteristics of the negotiating(negosi-ei-ting) culture(cul-tur) of
Peru, where it is characterized by poor(pur) punctuality(pun-tu-aliti), informality(infor-ma-
liti), its friendly(frend-li) state and the style(stayel) of wanting to have the common(com-
mon) thread(twrid) of things, the platform(plat-form) of Arcadia was specially designed to
adjust(ad-yast) not only to these(dis) negotiating(negosi-ei-ting) characteristics but also to
the customs that identify(identi-fai) all Peruvian people, the Arcadia platform(plat-form)
has a completely(complit-li) simple and manageable(men-eich-bl) design which adapts to
the need but also to this informality, in the aspect of wanting(wan-ting) to control things to
your measure, Arcadia ensures that it is the user who allows how, where and how often to
use it, thus we allow the user to have their account with the time of use to their
accommodation(acomo-dei-shon), in addition to our design It is created(cri-eit) with every
detail of our users in mind, we have a face reader, braille design, easily(Is-li)
accessible(acce-si-bl) and affordable(afor-dei-bl) and Adapted for each(ich) situation
independent(inde-pen-dent) on the environment(enva-yor-ment), age, social(So-shial) style,
political thinking(tin-king) of each(ich) of our users

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