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Part 1

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning.

Seaside Artist

He was once a textile designer for a leading fashion house, but these days Andrew Ruffhead (0)
…. seaside rubbish into art. Andrew is what is sometimes (1) …. a beachcomber. He goes out
gathering rubbish on his local beach, where all sorts of interesting things are (2) …. up. He later
uses these as the (3) .… materials for his artwork, mostly sculptures and collages in the shape of
fish, like tuna, and crustaceans, (4) …. crabs and lobsters. Andrew's eye-catching work, which
looks equally good in kitchens, bathrooms and gardens, has been a great success with seaside
fans all over the globe, with his funky fish drifting as (5) .… afield as Greece and Cape Cod in
New England.

(6) …. as Andrew can tell you which beach materials from each sculpture came from, he is also
(7) …… to know where his work will be hung. It is this interaction with the public that he
particularly enjoys. Open to the public by (8) …… , his small informal studio also (9) ……him
with an opportunity to get direct (10) …… from his customers. People often bring their own
beach finds to the studio, although they are not always willing to (11) …… their treasures,
preferring to (12) …… Andrew's advice about how to make them into works of art. It's advice that
Andrew's happy to give.

0. A turns B swaps C reforms D switches

1. A named B known C entitled D called
2. A thrown B washed C dumped D tossed
3. A natural B crude C plain D raw
4. A such as B for instance C for example D much as
5. A distant B long C far D remote
6. A Indeed B Quite C Rather D Just
7. A desire B fond C keen D wish
8. A schedule B appointment C timetable D booking
9. A provides B gains C gives D produces
10. A review B feedback C opinion D report
11. A let go B part with C give out D leave off
12. A search B enquire C seek D pursue
Part 2
For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. There is
an example at the beginning (0).

Early Stone Tools

A recent discovery has (0) led scientists to revise their ideas about the ancestors of early

humans. It seems they started to (13) ….. use of stone tools nearly one million years earlier (14)

….. had previously been thought. Archaeologists revised the date (15) ….. spotting distinctive

marks made by stone tools on animal bones dating (16) ….. nearly three and a half million years.

The remains, including a rib from a cow-like creature and a thigh bone from an animal similar in

size (17) ….. a goat, were recovered from an old river bed (18) ….. was being excavated in


The use of simple stone tools to remove meat from bones represents a crucial moment in human

history. (19) ….. a result of turning to meat for sustenance, the early humans developed larger

brains, which (20) ….. turn enabled them to make more sophisticated tools. The bones

unearthed in Ethiopia (21) ….. well represent the very beginning of that process.

(22) ….. scientists are still hoping to discover is whether the stone tools were manufactured

specifically to meet a need (23) ….. whether they were natural stones that (24) ….. chance

had the right shape and the necessary sharp edges. Either (25) ….. , it seems likely that the

early humans carried the tools around with them (26) ….. than relying on being able to find

suitable ones (27) ….. the need arose.

Part 3
For questions 28-37, read the text below.Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0)

Marathon Dreams

The idea of taking part in long-distance running races seems (0) appealing. APPEAL
After all, who hasn't watched TV (28) … of the London or COVER
New York Marathon and been moved by the stories of everyday
people tackling the most epic of (29) … races. From the ENDURE
comfort of your armchair, your heart swells with (30)… for ADMIRE
the contenders as they cross the finish line, on the point of
(31) … , yet exhilarated. EXHAUST

Inspired, you vow to (32) … your own previous fitness levels GAIN
and do something similar. In fact, tomorrow you'll put on your
trainers and have a go at 20 minutes around the park.
But when tomorrow comes, the motivation is not so strong.
(33) … , you give up because you find the wet weather rather POSSIBLE
(34)… , or you make the effort and ache terribly afterwards. COURAGE
This happens when you try to do too much too soon. Fitness can't
be built up (35) … , it has to be done gradually. NIGHT

Taking part in a marathon is a serious undertaking and calls for

thorough training and a great level of (36) … . Indeed, COMMIT
top runners say that it's (37) .... to begin with a trip to the doctor ADVISE
to see if you are physically fit enough to embark on the training.
Part 4

For questions 38-42, think of only one word which can be used appropriately in all three

 38  Sam …. up his books and made his way towards the library exit. He had done enough
studying for one day.

  The coach moved really slowly through the city streets, but …. up speed once it was on
the motorway.

  Jennie has …. up a bit of an American accent since she's been living in New York.

 39  It's always best to write up your lecture note immediately, when the facts are still …. in
your mind.

  Simona had a bit of a headache, so went outside to get some …. air.

  When buying …. rather than frozen fish, always check the sell-by date on the label.

 40  To get to the place where the rock festival's being held, …. north on the motorway and
turn right at the second exit.

In football, you can ….  the ball, but you can't touch it with your hand unless you are the

  Philip was invited to …. the team's next expedition into the rainforest.


 41 . The new airport terminal has been in …. for three months now.

The building's main …. will be to act as a meeting place for local teenagers.

What's the …. of asking for a pay rise if you know there's no chance of getting one?


42  I know you don't approve of the way I drive, but there's no need to make a big …. of it.

  You can read about the competition in this week's …. of the magazine.

  There's a rather delicate …. we need to discuss, concerning one of your classmates.

PART 5. For questions 43-50, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.

43 It's difficult to say why some cars are easier to drive than others.


It's difficult to say …. easier to drive than others.

44 Many people have blamed the hot weather for the rise in petty crime.


The hot weather …. for the rise in petty crime.

45 The wind was so strong that we couldn't walk along the seafront.


The …. meant it was impossible to walk along the seafront. 

46 Sandra regrets not being able to visit her grandmother more often.


Sandra …. visit her grandmother more often. 

47 Everyone expects a lot of people to attend the rock band's farewell concert.


A huge crowd is …. the rock band's farewell concert.


48 I want to say that I'm not at all satisfied with the service at this hotel.


I want to express …. with the service at this hotel.


49 Tomorrow's match is very likely to be cancelled


The …. cancelled are quite high.

50 Diana complained that she hadn't had a good cup of coffee for ages.


'It …. a good cup of coffee,' Diana complained. 

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