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NAME: ____________________________________

GRADE & SECTION: ________________________

Instruction: Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer to the blank before each number.
____1. In communication, the _________________ is thought of as the technical or physical
means by which information is transmitted.

a. Instrument
b. Communication Tool
c. Medium

____2. ______________ media involves the voice, face and body.

a. Presentational
b. Representational
c. Mechanical

____3. _____________ media refers to television, smartphones, ereaders, and the like.

a. Presentational
b. Representational
c. Mechanical

____4. When the medium is technology that carries messages to a huge audience, it is referred
to as ____________.

a. Interpersonal Medium
b. Communication Medium
c. Mass Medium

____5. Social media such as _______________ allow the creation and exchange of user-
generated content.

a. Email
b. PowerPoint
c. Facebook

____6. A person with _________________ literacy skills knows how to access and understand
the media as well as express oneself through it.

a. Media
b. Functional
c. Information
____7. As opposed to media literacy, ______________ focuses on the goals of engaging with
information and the process of being informed.

a. Information Literacy
b. Functional Literacy
c. Core Literacy

____8. The two distinct areas of media literacy and information literacy combine in the concept
a. Mass Communication
b. Core Literacies
c. Media And Information Literacy

____9. A person who has ______________ literacy skills is able to apply ICT skills to process
information and produce user-generated content.

a. Functional
b. Language
c. Media and Information

____10. The “efficient ability to know how to use and operate computer as information
processing machines” is referred to as _______________ literacy.

a. Information
b. Media
c. Technology

Based on the definitions provided, try to compare and contrast the three concepts by filling out
the table below.

Comparison Contrast

Media Literacy vs.

Information Literacy

Media Literacy vs.

Technology (Digital) Literacy

Information Literacy vs.

Technology (Digital) Literacy
Answer the following questions. 10 pts. each.
1. What specific instances in your life do you find being media and information literate most
relevant and important? Why do you say so?
2. Based on your experience, what characterizes a responsible user and competent producer of
media and information?

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