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Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a form of cancer (malignancy) that begins in the lungs'

tissues or the cells that line the airways. Lung cancer develops as
normal lung cells mutate and begin to divide uncontrollably,
normally as a result of a sequence of mutations. Lung cancer is
characterized by unregulated cell growth of lung tissues. There are
two kinds of lung cancer: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell
lung cancer. The most prevalent form of lung cancer is non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC). The bronchi are the long air tubes that connect
the trachea to the lungs and transport air to and from the lungs.
They are also the site of the majority of lung cancers. Lung cancer
therapies vary depending on the level and form of cancer and include
surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and
immunotherapy. In addition, lung cancer is treated by a variety of
treatments. To improve the chances of a recovery, the tumor and
surrounding lymph nodes in the chest are usually separated during
surgery. A lobectomy, which entails removing the whole lobe where
the tumor is located, has been found to be very beneficial in the
treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Unfortunately, depending on
the stage and form of lung cancer, surgery may not be an option for
some patients. Chemotherapy is the use of medications to destroy
cancer cells. A mixture of drugs is often used and can be taken before
or following surgery or radiation therapy. It will increase longevity
and alleviate symptoms in all patients, including those with
advanced lung cancer. Radiation treatment involves the application
of highenergy x-rays or other particles to kill cancer cells.

Causes and risk factor of Lung Cancer :

1.Cigarette smoke is the leading cause of lung cancer. It is projected

that if tobacco smoke were prohibited, up to 90% of lung cancer
diagnoses could be avoided. In nonsmokers, exposure to some
industrial contaminants such as mercury, certain organic
compounds, radon, asbestos, radioactive exposure, air pollution,
tuberculosis, and environmental cigarette smoke raises the risk of
contracting lung cancer.

2. Homes and offices may contain chemicals or other substances that

increase the risk of cancer for those who live or work in them. The
most serious offender is radon. Exposure to radon has been
attributed to almost 30 percent of lung cancer deaths in individuals
who have never smoked. Environmental pollution risks are elevated
for smokers, just as they are for occupational exposures.

The steps that should be taken to prevent lung cancer :

1. The easiest way to lower the chances of lung cancer is to quit

smoking and stop taking in other people's smoke.

2. Radon is a leading cause of lung cancer. You will reduce your

radon emissions by having your home screened and, if necessary,

3. Avoiding identified cancer-causing agents in the workplace and

elsewhere can also be beneficial (see Lung Cancer Risk Factors).
When people work in environments where these exposures are
normal, they should keep them to a minimum.

4. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can also help lower
the risk of developing lung cancer. Some evidence indicates that a
highfruit and vegetable diet can help protect both smokers and
nonsmokers from lung cancer. However, the beneficial impact of
fruits and vegetables on lung cancer risk will be well outweighed by
the elevated risk from smoke.

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