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Submitted by : A.F.

M Sadman Fiaz

Student’s ID : 2010324

Course Code : ACN201 (Principle of Accounting )

Section :8

Course Instructor : Ashraful Arefin

Date of Submission : 31/7/2021

Pandemic Crisis in Bangladesh
During this pandemic our whole country went into lockdown but this during
this lockdown most of our citizens became irresponsible they stopped
following all rules and regulation during the lockdown and some of them even
ignored the safety measures while going out of the house .

One more thing that has been highlighted during this COVID-19 is hospitals
turning away critical patient this happened because doctor’s were supplied
with suffiecient amount of PPE and other safety tools for treating the the
patient so they had to turn away some patient who were in critical situation
and eventually died. When a patient is suffuring corona their relatives didn’t
come to see them for one l time because they thought they would get
infected. And most shameful thing that our doctor did was to give
‘preferential’ treatment. To influential people and known people or relative
instead of treating everyone equally .

As a nation we are falling behind in many thing for example we are not
investing in our people like creating more job oportunities , encouraging people
to start their own business by taking partial loan from government so we need
work on this problem . And one more thing we need to priotize in producing
more reasonable and responsible citizens .

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