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Music E-Portfolio (2000 words or equivalent).

POSITION STATEMENT: You should have a (300 word or equivalent) position statement about MUSIC
teaching and learning and why YOU THINK it is important to include in children’s experiences in early
learning and/or primary schools. This is written in first person and should also include evidence of what you
have learned about the way that theories of learning and pedagogy are implemented and how music
contributes to children’s growth and development. Begin your statement with the words:My Position on
music in the early years is… You should be able to use the textbook Dinham, J & Chalk, B (2018) Its Arts Play
and the accompanying Primary focused text Dinham, J. (2016). Delivering Authentic Arts Education 2nd Ed
Cengage Learning. This is your position on music and should also articulate how you will go about
implementing it. You should reference the cloud materials and zoom experiences along with the curriculum
documents – the aims and rationales written in the National Australian curriculum are a very helpful place to
start. The development of a Position Statement meets GLO1 and ULO 2 The related criterion in the rubric is

ARTS LANGUAGE POSTERS (200 words equiv.) You will work on this element of your portfolio as a group and
submit individually. Each individual must complete 1 poster. You will email your posters or share on Google docs.
This part of the assignment strengthens your ability to meet Graduate Learning outcomes GLO 2 Communication and
3 Digital Literacy

We have included an invitation this year to include a resource that is especially devoted to supporting and nurturing
the development of arts language. In Music this will be a set of posters - a set of posters that contain examples of the
elements of music using language (text), graphics or images and audio. These must be aimed at a particular age level.
You will be divided into a group of 6 during seminar 1 of Music to complete this activity. You must identify the poster
you created by inserting your name on the poster. For example, “Created by Fiona Phillips Using CANVA” at the
bottom of poster. You will submit your PowerPoint Slide or CANVA poster individually by uploading to your WIX site
either by an image and audio or as a link via a button to a PowerPoint Slide. How to save and upload will be covered
in Seminar 1 in Music.

Music portfolio sub-pages

The next 2 subpages should have 3 sections on each page. These are:
1) A written reflection, 2) A link to 1 Activity card, 3) Images of and links to 2 Curated Resources

List of strategies and approaches covered: Choose 2 Music

MUSIC 1 – Music Through Creating – the Creative Music Approach, Reggio-Inspired Approach

MUSIC 2 – Music Through Playing – the Orff Approach

MUSIC 3 – Music Through Singing – the Kodaly Approach

1. Section 1 300-word reflection (2 in total for Music = 600 words) A summary and reflection of the related
demonstrated approach/strategy. Images and/or video may be used to assist you in the reflection and are
2. Section 2 Activity Card 350 words (2 in total 700 words) – using the templates in the assessment module-
these should demonstrate your knowledge of how to implement the related strategy/approach in some way.
3. Section 3 Two curated resources for Music (50 words each. 4 x 50 = 200 words) – one of these should be a
professional resource that you can go to for further professional learning and resourcing.

You can access more specific outlines in the Cloud Modules and seminars and ask questions.

1 The Reflection and Summary. (300 words. 2 x 200 = 600 words total)
Use the following headings to ensure you cover the content. This should be completed as soon as possible after the
zoom session. The word counts attributed to each part are indicative only and you may spread the word count
unevenly across your reflection.

EDUCATIONAL VALUE - Main Theoretical influences that underpin the pedagogical approach / strategy

Write 60-70 words approximately referring to the main theoretical ideas and influences on the pedagogical approach
or strategy that you noticed. What is the educational value of this approach?

PREPARING FOR LEARNING. Setting the space – the environment.

Write 60-70 words approximately about how the experience was/or will be set up. Be specific and list materials and
resources. Take photographs of your set up at home or locate images that are an example of what you would set up
elsewhere. what are some of the important features of the environment, and setting up for this type of activity?
Include adaptations and adjustment ideas for inclusive education - physically, socially, emotionally, culturally,
developmentally etc.

THE EDUCATOR’S ROLE. Reflecting on your role as teacher/student in the learning experiences?

Write 60-70 words approximately. Critically analyse and then describe the role of the educator taken either as you
implemented the activity OR the role you believe might be taken, having seen the approach/strategies involved. Did
the role shift over the course of the experience? Why? What level of support or prompting/provocation is required?
When were there opportunities for interaction to occur? What tools and materials were required/used? What
aspects of the language of music did you think were important to include? Refer to your notes as you engaged in the
modelled approach. If a video/images help you to demonstrate this aspect, then embed them in your page and
curate them remembering to refer to specific aspects.

YOUR LEARNING. What did you learn?

Write 60-70 words approximately referring to what you noticed and learned of this specific approach. Also write
about what you learned in terms of music through your engagement in the approach. You may have learned to read
music or produce a more tuneful voice or how to accompany young children on an instrument. As a student, how did
you feel? How did you learn? Provide some specific ideas for how you would use this approach. You may not see
yourself as currently having the resources or the confidence yet, but you may indicate where you could go, what you
could view or review or what you could do to improve your practice.

2 Activity Card using template provided

Complete one activity card per approach for Music (2 x 350 words = 700 words) for Strategy/Sequence or
procedural information only – the curriculum links and materials and resources list are not counted in the
word count. They are essential to include and are assessed (2 activity cards in total for assessment task – 2 x
350 words = 700 words equivalent) You must use the templates provided in the assessment module. Write
into the template, save and upload to your wix via a button. One of these will be filled in with you in Seminar
2. You must write an activity card based on the music approach / strategy that you have selected to present
in your portfolio and make sure that you include aspects of what was demonstrated in the seminar
experience you undertook. You must adapt/adjust it in some way. Remember that this is a portfolio and
should demonstrate a range of experiences and activities. It should demonstrate your knowledge of the
language and techniques of the arts learning area, the strategy/approach, the level or age group selected
and assessment and differentiation strategies. Writing your activity card up as soon after the seminars as
possible is strongly advised.

3 Resources

Locate and curate 4 resources for teaching. 2 for each subpage - add these into your wix by adding a button
or using an image of the resource – a screen shot of the website or an image of the physical resource.
Curate this resource – describe what it is, its best educational / professional features and how you will use it
in your future teaching. 50 words of curation is required per resource. (4 x 50 =200 words total)

Resources in this context are considered to be:

• Places you can purchase materials, WELCOME TO MUSIC

• Professional sites, AMuse
• Parent blogs,
• Apps,
• Websites
• Reggio-Inspired Music Studios
• The Singing Classroom
• Books: Catch A Song
For those of you extending on ECE140 they should be new resources.

Sample Site

A sample site has been completed with some gaps for you to fillJ


These should either be collected and formatted in a word document or in a page of your wix.

Please organise them alphabetically by PAGE and in Harvard Style. Please ensure you have read over the
guide for referencing BEFORE beginning your assessment and again as you check your final submission.

Music 1 subpage: You must include:

1) A 300-word summary of the cloud materials and your reflection on the modelled approach as you
experienced it in the seminar. A video or set of images that will help you to remember specific aspects of
how to teach including: strategies, use of particular tools/materials for example rhythm syllables,
instruments, and the sequence of activities are what we suggest - they usually save words.
2) Activity Card using the template. 350 words MAX
3) Link to a professional organisation AND/OR A sample of Musical Material - video or
soundcloud/spotify/iTunes player AND /OR a digital music resource or an incursion/excursion idea.
Music 2 subpage: You must include
1) A 300-word summary of the cloud materials and your reflection on the modelled approach as you
experienced it face to face or in the zoom class. A video or set of images that will help you to remember
specific aspects of how to teach including: strategies, use of particular tools/materials for example rhythm
syllables, instruments, and the sequence of activities are what we suggest - they usually save words
2) Activity Card using the template. 350 words MAX
3) A link to a professional organisation. OR A Listening Resource - video or soundcloud/spotify/iTunes player OR
a digital music resource or an incursion/excursion idea.

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