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Lesson Plan in Music

(Elementary-Grade 1)

Christian Wayne Noel E. Satorre Date: January 19, 2021

Teacher Training:

Mr. Ronie Cui

Teacher Trainer: Time:

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to…
1. know the full definition and categories of dynamics.
2. distinguish the different dynamic markings of music.
3. identify the volume of the sound using the terms loud and soft.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Basic Concepts of Dynamics

Reference: Music-1 Pg. 244
Materials: Speaker, Laptop, Projector

III. Procedure

A. Introduction
1. The teacher will present a video related to the topic.

Follow-up Question:
a.) What have you observed in the video?
b.) Do you have any idea of what are going to discuss this morning?
B. Interaction

Basic Concepts of Dynamics

What is Dynamic?
- is the volume of music
- it’s how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played.
- dynamic is an important way of conveying the mood of a piece.
- it helps us to express and feel the true meaning of the song.

Two Categories of Dynamics:

 Static Dynamic- are musical instructions that tell us to play the music at a certain volume that doesn’t

 Changing Dynamics- this is where the music isn’t staying at one volume but gradually (or suddenly)
increasing or decreasing in volume.

Dynamics Chart
In Italian Symbol Definition
pianississimo ppp Very,very quiet
pianissimo p very quiet
piano p quite
mezzo piano mp moderately quiet
mezzo forte mf moderately loud
forte f loud
fortissimo ff very loud
fortississimo fff very, very loud
crescendo < gradually getting
decrescendo/ diminuedo > gradually getting
C. Integration
In quiz, the teacher will provide an audio in each number.

Direction: Listen carefully and identify the volume of the sound using the terms “loud” and “soft”.

1. Fireworks.mp3
2. Gunfire.mp3
3. Wind Blowing.mp3
4. Fire Alarm.mp3
5. Clock.mp3
6. Whispering.mp3


Direction: Give the symbol of the following:

1. Forte
2. Crescendo
3. Mezzo forte
4. Pianississimo
5. Piano
6. Fortissimo

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