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Brand Generic Drug Classification Dosage Frequenc Rout Indicatio Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Considerations

Name Name y e n Action

Zinace Cefuroxime Chemical class: Second- 1 tab BID x 7 Oral Antibiotic Interferes with severe stomach  Use cefuroxime cautiously in patients
f sodium generation cephalosporin, 500 mg days bacterial cell wall pain hypersensitive to penicillin because
7amino-cephalosporanic synthesis by crosssensitivity has occurred in about 10%
acid inhibiting the final diarrhea of such patients.
step in the  Give oral form with food to decrease GI
Therapeutic class: crosslinking of jaundice distress, as needed.
Antibiotic peptidoglycan strands.  Monitor PT and bleeding time, as ordered.
Peptidoglycan makes lightheadednes Be prepared to administer vitamin K, if
Pregnancy category: B the cell membrane ordered, to treat hypothrombinemia.
rigid and protective.  Inform patient that yogurt and buttermilk
Without it, bacterial help maintain intestinal flora and can
cells rupture and die. decrease diarrhea during therapy.
 Urge patient to report watery, bloody
stools to prescriber immediately, even up
to 2 months after drug therapy has ended.
Ponstel Mefenamic Chemical class: 2-[(2,3- 1 tab q 8H x 3 Oral Pain Mefenamic acid binds Heartburn  Assess patients who develop severe
acid dimethylphenyl)amino] 500 mg days then reliever the prostaglandin
benzoic acid PRN for synthetase receptors N/S diarrhea and vomiting for dehydration and
pain COX-1 and COX-2, electrolyte imbalance.
Therapeutic class: inhibiting the action Diarrhea  Give with meals, food, or milk to minimize
NSAID of prostaglandin
GI adverse effects.
synthetase. As these Constipation
Pregnancy category: C receptors have a role  Discontinue drug promptly if diarrhea,
as a major mediator of Passing gas dark stools, hematemesis,
inflammation and/or a ecchymoses, epistaxis, or rash occur and
role for prostanoid
signaling in activity- do not use again. Contact physician.
dependent plasticity,
the symptoms of pain
are temporarily

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