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VBA IF Statement – A Complete Guide


“Guess, if you can, and choose, if you dare.” – Pierre Corneille

Contents [hide]

1 Quick Guide to the VBA If Statement

2 What is If and why do you need it?
3 The Test Data
4 Format of the VBA If Then Statement
4.1 Indenting Between If and End If
5 A Simple If Then Example
6 If Conditions
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7 Using If ElseIf we will assume that you are happy with it. Ok
8 Using If Else Read more ( 5/22/2018
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9 Using If And/If Or
9.1 Using If And
9.2 Using If Or
9.3 Using If Not
10 The IIF function
10.1 Using Nested IIf
10.2 What to Watch Out For
10.3 If Versus IIf
11 Using Select Case
11.1 Using Case Is
12 Try this Exercise
12.1 Answer to Exercise
13 What’s Next?
14 Get the Free eBook

Quick Guide to the VBA If

Description Format Example

If Then If [condition is true] Then If score = 100 Then

     [do something] Debug.Print
End If "Perfect"
End If

If Else If [condition is true] Then If score = 100 Then

     [do something] Debug.Print
Else "Perfect"
     [do something] Else
End If Debug.Print "Try
End If

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Description Format Example

If ElseIf If [condition 1 is true] Then If score = 100 Then

     [do something] Debug.Print
ElseIf [condition 2 is true] Then "Perfect"
     [do something] ElseIf score > 50 Then
End If Debug.Print
ElseIf score <= 50 Then
Debug.Print "Try
End If
Else and ElseIf If [condition 1 is true] Then If score = 100 Then
(Else must        [do something] Debug.Print
come ElseIf [condition 2 is true] Then "Perfect"
after ElseIf's)        [do something] ElseIf score > 50 Then
Else Debug.Print
       [do something] "Passed"
End If ElseIf score > 30 Then
Debug.Print "Try
Debug.Print "Yikes"
End If

If without Endif If [condition is true] Then [do If value <= 0 Then value
(One line only) something] =0

The following code shows a simple example of using the VBA If statement

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If Range("A1").Value > 5 Then

Debug.Print "Value is greater than five."
ElseIf Range("A1").Value < 5 Then
Debug.Print "value is less than five."
Debug.Print "value is equal to five."
End If

What is If and why do you need it?

The VBA If statement is used to allow your code to make choices when it is

You will often want to make choices based on the data your macros reads.

For example, you may want to read only the students who have marks greater than
70. As you read through each student you would use the If Statement to check the
marks of each student.

The important word in the last sentence is check. The If statement is used to check
a value and then to perform a task based on the results of that check.

The Test Data

We’re going to use the following test data for the code examples in this post.

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Click Here to Download the Test Data


Format of the VBA If Then

The format of the If Then statement is as follows

If [condition is true] Then

The If keyword is followed by a Condition and the keyword Then

Every time you use an If Then statement you must use a matching End If
When the condition evaluates to true, all the lines between If Then and End If are
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If [condition is true] Then

[lines of code]
[lines of code]
[lines of code]
End If

To make your code more readable it is good practice to indent the lines between
the If Then and End If statements.

Indenting Between If and End If

Indenting simply means to move a line of code one tab to the right. The rule of
thumb is to indent between start and end statements like

Sub … End Sub

If Then … End If
If Then… ElseIf … Else … Endif
For … Next
Do While … Loop
Select Case … End Case

To indent the code you can highlight the lines to indent and press the Tab key.
Pressing Shift + Tab will Outdent the code i.e. move it one tab to the left.

You can also use the icons from the Visual Basic Toolbar to indent/outdent the

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Select code and click icons to indent/outdent

If you look at any code examples on this website you will see that the code is

A Simple If Then Example

The following code prints out the names of all students with marks greater than
50 in French.

Sub ReadMarks()

Dim i As Long
' Go through the marks columns
For i = 2 To 11
' Check if marks greater than 50
If Range("C" & i) > 50 Then
' Print student name to the Immediate Window(Ctrl + G)
Debug.Print Range("A" & i) & " " & Range("B" & i)
End If

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End Sub
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Bryan Snyder
Juanita Moody
Douglas Blair
Leah Frank
Monica Banks

Play around with this example and check the value or the > sign and see how the
results change.

If Conditions
The piece of code between the If and the Then keywords is called the condition. A
condition is a statement that evaluates to true or false. They are mostly used with
Loops and If statements. When you create a condition you use signs like

The following are examples of conditions

Condition This is true when

x<5 x is less than 5

x <= 5 x is less than or equal to 5

x>5 x is greater than 5

x >= 5 x is greater than or equal to 5

x=5 x is equal to 5

x <>
We use 5
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x > 5 And x < 10 Read more ( 5/22/2018
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Condition This is true when

x = 2 Or x >10 x is equal to 2 OR x is greater than 10

Range("A1") = "John" Cell A1 contains text "John"

Range("A1") <> "John" Cell A1 does not contain text "John"

You may have noticed x=5 as a condition. This should not be confused with x=5
when used as an assignment.

When equals is used in a condition it means “is the left side equal to the right side”.

The following table demonstrates how the equals sign is used in conditions and

Using Equals Statement Type Meaning

Loop Until x = Condition Is x equal to 5


Do While x = Condition Is x equal to 5


If x = 5 Then Condition Is x equal to 5

For x = 1 To 5 Assignment Set the value of x to 1, then to 2 etc.

x=5 Assignment Set the value of x to 5

b=6=5 Assignment and Assign b to the result of condition 6 =

Condition 5

x = MyFunc Assignment Assign x to the value returned from

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(5,6) the function
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The last entry in the above table shows a statement with two equals. The first
equals sign is the assignment and any following equals signs are conditions.

This might seem confusing at first but think of it like this. Any statement that starts
with a variable and an equals is in the following format

[variable] [=] [evaluate this part]

So whatever is on the right of the equals sign is evaluated and the result is placed
in the variable. Taking the last three assignments again, you could look at them like

[x] [=] [5]

[b] [=] [6 = 5]
[x] [=] [MyFunc(5,6)]

Using If ElseIf
The ElseIf statement allows you to choose from more than one option. In the
following example we print for marks that are in the Distinction or High Distinction

Sub UseElseIf()

If Marks >= 85 Then

Debug.Print "High Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
Debug.Print "Destinction"
End If

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The important thing to understand is that order is important. The If condition is

checked first.
If it is true then “High Distinction” is printed and the If statement ends.
If it is false then the code moves to the next ElseIf and checks it condition.

Let’s swap around the If and ElseIf from the last example. The code now look like

Sub UseElseIfWrong()

' This code is incorrect as the ElseIf will never be true

If Marks >= 75 Then
Debug.Print "Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 85 Then
' code will never reach here
Debug.Print "High Destinction"
End If

End Sub

In this case we check for a value being over 75 first. We will never print “High
Distinction” because if a value is over 85 is will trigger the first if statement.

To avoid these kind of problems we should use two conditions. These help state
exactly what you are looking for a remove any confusion. The example below
shows how to use these. We will look at more multiple conditions in the section

If marks >= 75 And marks < 85 Then

Debug.Print "Destinction"
We use cookiesmarks >=that
to ensure 85weAnd
give marks <= 100
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Debug.Print "High that you are happy with it.
Destinction" Ok
End If Read more ( 5/22/2018
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Let’s expand the original code. You can use as many ElseIf statements as you like.
We will add some more to take into account all our mark classifications.

Using If Else
The Else statement is used as a catch all. It basically means “if no conditions were
true” or “everything else”. In the previous code example, we didn’t include a print
statement for a fail mark. We can add this using Else.

Sub UseElse()

If Marks >= 85 Then

Debug.Print "High Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
Debug.Print "Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
Debug.Print "Credit"
ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
Debug.Print "Pass"
' For all other marks
Debug.Print "Fail"
End If

End Sub

So if it is not one of the other types then it is a fail.

Let’s write some code to through our sample data and print the student and their
We classification.
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Sub AddClass()

' get the last row

Dim startRow As Long, lastRow As Long
startRow = 2
lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim i As Long, Marks As Long

Dim sClass As String

' Go through the marks columns

For i = startRow To lastRow
Marks = Range("C" & i)
' Check marks and classify accordingly
If Marks >= 85 Then
sClass = "High Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
sClass = "Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
sClass = "Credit"
ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
sClass = "Pass"
' For all other marks
sClass = "Fail"
End If

' Write out the class to column E

Range("E" & i) = sClass

End Sub

The results look like this with column E containing the classification of the marks
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Using If And/If Or
You can have more than one condition in an If Statement. The VBA keywords And
and Or allow use of multiple conditions.

These words work in a similar way to how you would use them in English.

Let’s look at our sample data again. We now want to print all the students that got
over between 50 and 80 marks.
We use And to add an extra condition. The code is saying: if the mark is greater
than or equal 50 and less than 75 then print the student name.

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Sub CheckMarkRange()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

For i = 2 To 11

' Store marks for current student

marks = Range("C" & i)

' Check if marks greater than 50 and less than 75

If marks >= 50 And marks < 80 Then
' Print first and last name to Immediate window(Ctrl G)
Debug.Print Range("A" & i) & Range("B" & i)
End If


End Sub

Douglas Blair
Leah Frank
Monica Banks

In our next example we want the students who did History or French. So in this
case we are saying if the student did History OR if the student did French.

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Sub ReadMarksSubject()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

' Go through the marks columns

For i = 2 To 11
marks = Range("D" & i)
' Check if marks greater than 50 and less than 80
If marks = "History" Or marks = "French" Then
' Print first and last name to Immediate window(Ctrl G)
Debug.Print Range("A" & i) & " " & Range("B" & i)
End If


End Sub

Bryan Snyder
Bradford Patrick
Douglas Blair
Ken Oliver
Leah Frank
Rosalie Norman
Jackie Morgan

Using Multiple conditions like this is often a source of errors. The rule of thumb to
remember is to keep them as simple as possible.

Using If And
We The AND works
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What you will notice is that AND is only true when all conditions are true

Using If Or
The OR keyword works as follows

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result





What you will notice is that OR is only false when all the conditions are false.

Mixing AND and OR together can make the code difficult to read and lead to errors.
Using parenthesis can make the conditions clearer.
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Sub OrWithAnd()

Dim subject As String, marks As Long

subject = "History"
marks = 5

If (subject = "French" Or subject = "History") And marks >= 6 Then

Debug.Print "True"
Debug.Print "False"
End If

End Sub

Using If Not
There is also a NOT operator. This returns the opposite result of the condition.

Condition Result



The following two lines of code are equivalent.

If marks < 40 Then

If Not marks >= 40 Then

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If True Then
If Not False Then


If False Then
If Not True Then

Putting the condition in parenthesis makes the code easier to read

If Not (marks >= 40) Then

A common usage of Not when checking if an object has been set. Take a
worksheet for example. Here we declare the worksheet

Dim mySheet As Worksheet

' Some code here

We want to check mySheet is valid before we use it. We can check if it is nothing.

If mySheet Is Nothing Then

There is no way to check if it is something as there is many different ways it could

be something. Therefore we use Not with Nothing

If Not mySheet Is Nothing Then

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If you find this a bit confusing you can use parenthesis like this

If Not (mySheet Is Nothing) Then

The IIF function

VBA has an fuction similar to the Excel If function. In Excel you will often use the If
function as follows:


The format is

=If(condition, action if true, action if false).

VBA has the IIf statement which works the same way. Let’s look at an example. In
the following code we use IIf to check the value of the variable val. If the value is
greater than 10 we print true otherwise we print false.

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Sub CheckVal()

Dim result As Boolean

Dim val As Long

' Prints True

val = 11
result = IIf(val > 10, True, False)
Debug.Print result

' Prints false

val = 5
result = IIf(val > 10, True, False)
Debug.Print result

End Sub

In our next example we want to print out Pass or Fail beside each student
depending on their marks. In the first piece of code we will use the normal VBA If
statement to do this.

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Sub CheckMarkRange()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

For i = 2 To 11

' Store marks for current student

marks = Range("C" & i)

' Check if student passes or fails

If marks >= 40 Then
' Write out names to to Column F
Range("E" & i) = "Pass"
Range("E" & i) = "Fail"
End If


End Sub

In the next piece of code we will use the IIf function. You can see that the code is
much neater here.

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Sub CheckMarkRange()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

For i = 2 To 11

' Store marks for current student

marks = Range("C" & i)

' Check if student passes or fails

Range("E" & i) = IIf(marks >= 40,"Pass","Fail")


End Sub

You can see the IIf function is very useful for simple cases where you are dealing
with two possible options.

Using Nested IIf

You can also nest IIf statements like in Excel. This means using the result of one IIf
with another. Let’s add another result type to our previous examples. Now we want
to print Distinction, Pass or Fail for each student.

Using the normal VBA we would do it like this

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Sub CheckResultType2()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

For i = 2 To 11

' Store marks for current student

marks = Range("C" & i)

If marks >= 75 Then

Range("E" & i) = "Distinction"
ElseIf marks >= 40 Then
' Write out names to to Column F
Range("E" & i) = "Pass"
Range("E" & i) = "Fail"
End If


End Sub

Using nested IIfs we could do it like this

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Sub UsingNestedIIF()

Dim i As Long, marks As Long, result As String

For i = 2 To 11

marks = Range("C" & i)

result = IIf(marks >= 55,"Credit",IIf(marks >= 40,"Pass","Fail"))

Range("E" & i) = result


End Sub

Using nested IIf is fine in simple cases like this. The code is simple to read and
therefore not likely to have errors.

What to Watch Out For

It is important to understand that the IIf function always evaluates both the True
and False parts of the statement regardless of the condition.

In the following example we want to divide by marks when it does not equal zero. If
it equals zero we want to return zero.

marks = 0
total = IIf(marks = 0, 0, 60 / marks)

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If we use a normal IF statement it will only run the appropriate line.

marks = 0
If marks = 0 Then
'Only executes this line when marks is zero
total = 0
'Only executes this line when marks is Not zero
total = 60 / marks
End If

What this also means is that if you have Functions for True and False then both will
be executed. So IIF will run both Functions even though it only uses one return
value. For example

'Both Functions will be executed every time

total = IIf(marks = 0, Func1, Func2)

(Thanks to David for pointing out this behaviour in the comments)

If Versus IIf
So which is better?

You can see for this case that IIf is shorter to write and neater. However if the
conditions get complicated you are better off using the normal If statement. A
disadvantage of IIf is that it is not well known so other users may not understand it
as well as code written with a normal if statement.

Also as we discussed in the last section IIF always evaluates the True and False
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function calls. For more complex cases use the normal If statement.

Using Select Case

The Select Case statement is an alternative way to write an If statment with lots of
ElseIf’s. You will find this type of statement in most popular programming
languages where it is called the Switch statement. For example Java, C#, C++ and
Javascript all have a switch statement.

The format is

Select Case [variable]

Case [condition 1]
Case [condition 2]
Case [condition n]
Case Else
End Select

Let’s take our AddClass example from above and rewrite it using a Select Case

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Sub AddClass()

' get the last row

Dim startRow As Long, lastRow As Long
startRow = 2
lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim i As Long, Marks As Long

Dim sClass As String

' Go through the marks columns

For i = startRow To lastRow
Marks = Range("C" & i)
' Check marks and classify accordingly
If Marks >= 85 Then
sClass = "High Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 75 Then
sClass = "Destinction"
ElseIf Marks >= 55 Then
sClass = "Credit"
ElseIf Marks >= 40 Then
sClass = "Pass"
' For all other marks
sClass = "Fail"
End If

' Write out the class to column E

Range("E" & i) = sClass

End Sub

The following is the same code using a Select Case statement. The main thing you
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Sub AddClassWithSelect()

' get the first and last row

Dim firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long
firstRow = 2
lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim i As Long, marks As Long

Dim sClass As String

' Go through the marks columns

For i = firstRow To lastRow
marks = Range("C" & i)
' Check marks and classify accordingly
Select Case marks
Case 85 To 100
sClass = "High Destinction"
Case 75 To 84
sClass = "Destinction"
Case 55 To 74
sClass = "Credit"
Case 40 To 54
sClass = "Pass"
Case Else
' For all other marks
sClass = "Fail"
End Select
' Write out the class to column E
Range("E" & i) = sClass

End Sub

Using Casewe Is
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You can use Is with Case.

Select Case marks

Case Is >= 85
sClass = "High Destinction"
Case Is >= 75
sClass = "Destinction"
Case Is >= 55
sClass = "Credit"
Case Is >= 40
sClass = "Pass"
Case Else
' For all other marks
sClass = "Fail"
End Select

You can use Is to check for multiple values. In the following code we are checking
if marks equals 5, 7 or 9.

Sub TestMultiValues()

Dim marks As Long

marks = 7

Select Case marks

Case Is = 5, 7, 9
Debug.Print True
Case Else
Debug.Print False
End Select

End Sub

Try this Exercise

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We covered a lot in this post about the If statement. A good way to help you
understand it is by trying to write some code using the topics we covered. The
following exercise uses the test data from this post. The answer to the exercise is

Click Here to Download the Test Data


We are going to use cell G1 to write the name of a subject.

In the columns H to L write out all the students who have marks in this subject. We
want to classify their result as pass or fail. Marks below 40 is a fail and marks 40
or above is a pass.

Column H: First name

Column I: Second name
Column J: Marks
Column H: Subject
Column I: Result type – Pass or Fail

If cell G1 contains “French” then your result should look like this

Result of exercise

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The following code shows how to complete the above exercise. Note: There are
many ways to complete this so don’t be put off if your code is different.

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Sub WriteSubjectResults()

' Get subject

Dim subject As String
subject = Range("G1").Value

If subject = "" Then

Exit Sub
End If

' Get first and last row

Dim firstRow As Long, lastRow As Long
firstRow = 2
lastRow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

' Clear any existing output


' Track output row

Dim outRow As Long
outRow = 1

Dim i As Long, marks As Long, rowSubject As String

' Read through data
For i = firstRow To lastRow
marks = Range("C" & i).Value
rowSubject = Range("D" & i).Value
If rowSubject = subject Then
' Write out student details if subject French
Range("A" & i & ":" & "D" & i).Copy
Range("H" & outRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

' Write out pass or fail

If marks < 40 Then
Range("L" & outRow).Value = "Fail"
ElseIf marks >= 40 Then
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End If Ok

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outRow = outRow + 1
End If

Next i

End Sub

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Else ( ElseIf

( If Statement
( Select
( Select Case
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Excel VBA Find – A Complete Guide

Excel VBA Dictionary – A Complete Guide


David O'Neill
May 18, 2016 at 10:04 am (

Excellent site, thanks Paul!

You might want to include a warning about IIF’s nasty practice of fully evaluating
both the True and False part before selecting the appropriate one. This is bad
enough when you get an error (e.g. IIF(1=1,99/1,99/0) always results in a Divide by
Zero), but it can be a lot trickier when Functions are involved!


Paul Kelly
May 19, 2016 at 8:48 am (

Thanks David.


May 22, 2016 at 8:09 am (
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June 16, 2016 at 7:49 pm (

Hi, I have to write an IF statement when 4 out of 6 conditions are true (4 out of 6
months have a certain condition). Is there a way to combine it to say that If (for
example) 4 out of 6 months are = 1.3* a cell, then do this?
Your website is very helpful; thank you!


Paul Kelly
June 17, 2016 at 8:06 am (

Hi Mary if the six months are in a range of cells you could use
CountIf like this

If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A6"), 1.3) = 4
' Do something
End If

otherwise a loop is the most efficient way

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Sub CheckOccurences()

Dim cnt As Long

' Count the number of occurrences
For Each cell In Range("A1:A6")
If cell.value = 1.3 Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If

If cnt = 4 Then
' Do something
End If

End Sub


September 18, 2017 at 7:25 pm (

Type Duration
Other 1:43:08
Break 0:52:44
BB_Bid_Lead 0:16:18
BB_Bid_Lead 0:20:16
BB_Bid_Lead 0:20:16
BB_Bid_Lead 0:12:11
BB_Bid_Lead 0:18:21
Other 1:24:26
BB_Bid_Lead 0:12:48
BB_Bid_Lead 0:10:30
Other 0:23:25
BB_Bid_Lead 0:18:16
We BB_Bid_Lead 0:11:36
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Paul Kelly
September 19, 2017 at 8:48 am (

you can use WorksheetFunction.SumIf()


September 25, 2017 at 10:20 am (

I am looking for VBA code , if range(left(“a”,3)&z) =”x “then,

range (“b”&z) =”zz”
Please help me on this code. Thanks


Paul Kelly
September 25, 2017 at 8:39 pm (

Do you mean

If Left(Range(“A” & z).Value,3) = “x” Then


Harish S
September 26, 2017 at 3:42 am (

Thank you so much for your explanation. I was struck with doing an if loop macro
We for
use a
cookies to ensure
long time that job.
for my we give
theabest experience on our website. If you continue to use this site
we will assume that you are happy with it. Ok
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Naresh kumar
February 20, 2018 at 3:02 am (

Hello Paul,

I need a IF formula with the different sheets.

i.e. If sheet2 on B1 column has the amount of “100” then it is “TRUE” then
If it is false it is “False”.
Please give a formula for this on VBA.

Thanks & Regards,



Naresh kumar
February 20, 2018 at 3:04 am (

As i’m writing the VBA in Sheet1..



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