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Which expectancy theory linkage explains the belief that having a

high grade point average is critical in obtaining a good job?

c.goal setting to achievement
the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in
the organization
Global competition, accelerated product development by competitors, and
increased demands by customers for better service have encouraged
organizations to become more __organic____
Physiological needs air,food,water,shelter,warmth,sleep
Safety needs safety,shelter,security,law and order,employment,health,stability
Belongingness needs (social needs) love,affection,intimacy,family,friends,relationships
Esteemneeds selfesteem,selfconfidence,achievement,recognition,status,respect
Self-actualization needs realizing personal potential,self-fullfillment,pursue talent,personal
growth,peak experiences,creativity
Motivational approach in which organizational financial statements are shared with
employees Open Book Management
He takes risks and accept challenging tasks need of achievement
The jobs of assembly-line employees are to be changed to allow more
tasks to be done by individual workers. This is a reduction in ___work
The goal of open-book management is to get employees to think like an owner by seeing
the impact their decisions and actions have on financial results.
The theory that a person should report to only one manager unity of
extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction
Frederick Herzberg that suggests that intrinsic factors are related to job
satisfaction and motivation,
According to Herzberg, when __hygiene factors______ are adequate,
people won't be dissatisfied, but they will also not be satisfied.
Leadership influencing a group towards achievement of goals
Cannot be used if rewards are allocated only on seniority pay-to-
Which of the following is the type of power a person has because of his
or her position in the formal organizational hierarchy? legitimate power
Legitimate power
The power a leader has as a result of his or her position
Coercive power
The power a leader has to punish or control
Reward power
The power to give positive benefits or rewards
Expert power
The influence a leader can exert as a result of his or her expertise, skills,
or knowledge
Referent power
The power of a leader that arises because of a person’s desirable
resources or admired personal traits
Expectancy theory has three components: expectancy, instrumentality,
and valence.
People with more…affiliation…….needs is more likely to be a team
Influence the goal-performance relationship in goal setting  Goal
Commitment Self-Efficacy  Task characteristics
National Culture instrumentality
The drive to find food and drink physiological
Useful for understanding the outcome of the
behaviour Acquired-Needs Theory
Individual confidence and belief that he or she has enough capabilities
to perform particular task self efficacy
Increasing the number of similar tasks performed by a worker in order to
make job more challenging called job enlargement
Not focus on the need rather focus on the outcomes equity theory

Specific goals increase performance; that difficult goals, when

accepted, result in higher performance goal-setting theory
Individual who would enjoy challenge of personally redesigning the
workflow of manufacturing line need for achievement
an organizational structure characterized by an overall broad span of
management and relatively few hierarchal levels flat
Which of the following is not a suggestion for motivating employees?
A) recognize individual differences B) make goals very difficult to
achieve C) match people to jobs D) individualize rewards

According to reinforcement theory, rewards are effective if they

___follow________ a desired behavior.
a function of ability motivation and working conditions is known as
1. A mechanistic organization is an organizational structure that is
characterized by high specialization, rigid departmentalization, narrow spans of
control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in
decision making by low-level employees.
2. An organic organization is a structure that is highly adaptive and flexible
with little work specialization, minimal formalization and little direct supervision of
To maximize motivation among today's diverse work force, managers need
to think in terms of __flexibility______.

which of the following is a function of how much decision making

authority is pushed down to lower levels in the organization
Departmentalization is the basis by which jobs are grouped together.
Functional departmentalization groups jobs by _task they perform_______.
Your firm's attorney has _expert_______ power when giving legal advice.

McClelland's Theory of Needs

 The Need for Achievement: the drive to excel, achieve in relation to a

set of standards, strive to succeed.
 The Need for Power: The need to make others behave in a way that
they would not have behaved otherwise.
 The Need for Affiliation: The desire for friendly and close
interpersonal relationships.
what are the 3 key elements of organizational motivation
are..effort...,organizational goals and needs
Sales responsibilities divided into southwest,midwest geographic
People will do better when they get _feedback_______ because it
helps identify discrepancies between what they have done and what
they want to do.
When an organization assigns specialists to group people according to the
projects they are working on is called _matrix structure______.

according to maslow's need hierarchy theory,retirement benefits refer

to the .safety..need
Which of the following organization is rigidly controlled and
efficient? Mechanistic
Employees compare their inputs to outcomes equity theory
Which expectancy theory linkage explains the degree to which a
student desires a good job? Expectancy

A ____boundary less________ design is not limited to horizontal, vertical, or

external boundary imposed by a conventional structure

According to Herzberg, in order to provide employees with job

satisfaction, managers should concentrate on __motivation
according to maslow's need hierarchy theory,a healthy work
environment is an example of which of the following type of need
Punish or control coercive power
The degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the
extent to which employee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures
a complex interaction of behaviours needs rewards/reinforcement and
cognitive activities is called motivation
McGregor assumed that people who were lazy would normally viewed
through theory X
power that arises because of a person's desirable resources or personal traits
referent power
a need for personal creativity and productive influence is called a growth need

Hygiene factors are necessary to keep workers away from feeling dissatisfied
Structure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations are
more _mechanistic_______.
Theory Y assumes that people Want to work and exercise self-direction
According to reinforcement theory, rewards are effective if they _immediately rewarded
such as monthly bonus__________

A plant manager organizes a plant by separating engineering accounting

manufacturing personnel and purchasing into departments. The plant is
departmentalized on the basis of functional

which of the following concepts defines the number of subordinates

that report to a manager and that indirectly specifies the number of
levels of management in an organization span of control
__customers______ departmentalization is used more in recent years to
better monitor the needs of customers and to respond to changes in those
Mechanistic organizational structures tend to be efficiency machines and
rely heavily on rules, regulations, standardized tasks, and similar controls

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