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Brief Note on Covid-19 Response Guidelines for Camp CBOs and CPJ Volunteers

Noted by: Furquan Mirza (CPJ Volunteer)

General Guidelines

1. Core values: Supporting each other by showing respect, empathy, coordination and solidarity.
2. Partnership and Support: CPJ doesn’t link or partner with CBOs directly. But, it engages with
CBOs to respond Covid-19.

Advocacy Guidelines

1. Advocate “Shelter in place”: Encouraging people to stay in door by maintaining social or

physical distance and to wear protective equipment when go out for emergency.
2. Trust building: Giving people psychosocial support and educating about isolation and medical
facilities available in camp.

Covid-19 Direct Support Guidelines

1. Protect Patient’s Confidentiality: Protecting certain personal information or private access of

patient such as name, age, location and etc… We can’t post the personal details of patient on
social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
2. Case Referral: If any person with possible symptoms is found, please kindly explain him or her
to seek proper medical checkup and make a link between the person and the medical services.
3. Isolation and quarantine: If anyone is identified with the close contacts of an infected
individual, they should be informed that they have been exposed. Encourage them to have
more preventive measures and recommend them to isolate or quarantine themselves for
about 14 days. We have to suggest them to have more precaution if their shelter is shared
with other family member.
4. Community and Religious Support: We have to make religious leaders and community elders
aware of sick family members and give them psychological support.

Communication Guidelines

1. Share Approved Information: Only share approved messaging and information from
authorized institutions such as WHO, Government of Bangladesh and CwC in camps.
2. Avoid sharing rumors: Avoid sharing information that might create stigma, rumors, panic and
social problems.
3. Do not give medical advice: The role of CPJ volunteers is to help connect the community to
humanitarian agencies in response to Covid-19. So, don’t give people false expectation by
promising any medical assistance.

Feedback Guidelines

1. Raise community questions, feedback, and concerns: Listen deeply and humbly to
community members and collect their concerns and feedback. Share their questions to CPJ
and provide answers.
2. Solving problems together: Raising the community's needs, problems and queries privately
to CPJ staff or directly to health agencies. Work together to find solutions.
3. Managing conflict: CPJ volunteers and CBOs should notify CPJ if they need help settling any
misunderstanding or dispute in their networks or community.

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