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(24 ..,.,to)

die questions mthis sectioo.

Amwm' •
Jawab--- M)IJ/an da/am bahagian mi.

I. (a) Diagram 1.1 shows two respiratory structure of two different organisms.
Diagram I. I 11te11111,111Man aa
struktw' rupirasi bagi dllll organisma JYD1g

Diagram 1.1
Rqjah LI

(i) Name the stmcwre label X and Y.

Namakan struktur /Jerlabel X dan Y.


(ii) Explain the similarities iupindory stnlclmeS X and Y that are adapted to
inerease the efficiency of gases exchange.
Terangkan penamaan strultw rupirasi X dan Y yang disuuaiJum mm!
meningkatkan kecekapan pertukaran gas.

.!~~-- .r.i.mtt.~~tj_e_!..~! ~-.J1~mt:r~J --~-~m~~r...~.t --.~~ff.!t~!!.~Y...

.!tr.~~~-t-~..I..~-~!~.·--~~t--.~~~---~~JJ...!5.... ...
<itVI~ .. bottl .. hO\ve__ J\10tff .. SIAtf#ltt. .. 111 __ _tf(PI Y'1Wt~ _ft rllC~-~r.
[2 mub]

45Sl/l&3 01011 Hat Cip!a 9mllgian Pmlidlal MAM


{b) Diagram 1.2 shows a longitudinal section of a n:spiratory surface of hmrum am!I
blood capillary. . .I
Raj ah '-1: memmju~ Jrer:alan ~ a n g penmtltaan respirrai RIQl'IUSia dan
kapilari damh. .. . J

. .
• I
L . •
\ I •
. L .·

' Aliran darah

Diagram D.2
Rajah 1.2

(i) Name gases K and L.

Noma/ran gos K dan L
' .

K.: ·. Y. 9..( ~-.......................•......

. U1ri10'1 · o4iOXide
L. ···············~···············G~--G••·······
[2 mtrial,]

{ii) N81De the process occurs during the movement of ga K and L.

Nomakan prose., yang berlabl semam pergeralian ps K don L.

... ~-.--~-~!.!.~~~~~---.....................................................................
[J mark j
(1 marlal,]

f, 1 .
(iii) Based on the diagmm.1.Z4es&m• bow the exd!ID3e ofgas K ooeurs.
Berdasarlam rajah 1.2, hwailon bagam1111111perbllraran gar K berlllbL

J.~r.·.~~~t.i.\t.f !~ft'-~~-..~l.~H~~-- 9.Pl~.t, J~1~-- fl 9.Y.r ..~f. .fl1.t.m.~ ~

~!.tr.~ --~~~---~! r...l~~..-!!lt.J.'1~.9L·J.~. J~!tg L ~~~qt~-- .~tf~~ tvU
i~. fkt ___mo,.r111rt-dh ftll __epiftlrli~Wt.i.rlifNJtr_~ro1A9h_ttit _ #\•~ ...
).~:'!'... .JH~.!~.-~-P!J.l~-~1Jf:............................................................

(c) The s i ~ in Diagram l.l°·is dmsplaycd at the enmmce of a resbwra1d.

Papan tanda dalam Rtgah ~ :dipaparlam padapin/11 hadaptm sebual, restoran.
I ' •
., -------

-.1.e m1hese premises

Diagram 1.3
Rajah 1.3

&plain the importance of the siginboanl in maintaining a human healthy ra:pirafmy

. '• .. sy~..
Terangkan kepentingan papan tanda lersebul unhM mengekalkan sis/em rapil'mi
mamaia yang sihal.

1.~1.J.rn1~r.t°.'.~-~!.. -~ ... E~~-- .~rtP.. .ff.ff.:::1~,.~.n«t ..ft!'.~.; .s~n~~-~, .,q

--~-9.J -~-~-~-- -~ )~.C!L.~.l....!.~P.J~t~9.. ~t. 2) :..;_ !---~-' tt.~~-~---~nP
-~Pl~---~!.J~tJ...~J ...~9-~--- ~-~JU~~r. __-~!~-~--1~ .. ...........
-~9.'!\r.lUf .. ... YlQ.~:.~~~lj ~~,.}~.~!! ...!~{fr.~!~........
.~!~~Jj_\J_--~~ --~ -~-- ~iJ1.~Q ...~f. t~.:......................
[3 marb]

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