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Name: _Tyla Coy_________________________ Date: 4/14/2021_______________

Class: __2 North__________________________

English Quiz
Select the best answer

1. What is the narrator of a poem called?

a. Author b. Speaker c. Narrator d. Main character
2. Define "rhyme."
a. Comparing two things using "like" or "as."
b. The repetition of a letter.
c. The repetition of an ending sound.
3. What device is a comparison of two unlike things which says one thing IS another?
a. Hyperbole b. Alliteration c. Metaphor d. Simile
4. The way a poem looks is its ____________.
a. Stanza b. Set-up c. Structure d. Sentences
5. Poems are arranged in lines. Lines can be ___________.
a. A single word b. A sentence c. A part of sentence
6. Groups of lines are called ______________.
a. Sentences b. Stanzas c. Line groupings d. verse
7. What figurative language is used in this sentence? "The boy was as fast as a rocket as he
sped by on his bicycle"
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Personification
8. Free verse poetry does not have...
a. stanzas b. plot or conflict c. rhyme or rhythm d. serious topic
9. All are found in poetry except...
a. rhyme scheme b. rhythm c. stanza d. paragraphs
10. What structure is poetry written in?
a. Sentencies & paragraphs b. Sentencies & stanzas
c. Lines & paragraphs d. Lines & stanzas
11. Poems that tell a story are called...
a. free verse poems b. lyrical poems c. poems d. humorous poems
12. The writer of a poem is called...
a. poet b. illustrator c. author d. smart person
13. poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the writer or speaker; songlike
quality or set to a beat 
a. free verse  b. ballad  c. lyric poem
14. poetry that has no regular rhythm, meter, rhyme, or structure
a. free verse  b. haiku c. prose

15. Simile or Metaphor? This house is as clean as a whistle.

a. simile b. metaphor
 16. Simile or Metaphor? The assignment was a breeze.
a. Simile b. metaphor
17. Simile or Metaphor? Tonya is as sweet as sugar.
a. simile b. metaphor
18. Simile or Metaphor? He is a walking dictionary.
a. simile b. metaphor
19. the repetition of vowel and consonant sounds at the ends of words
a. poetry b. rhymes c. rhyme scheme d. variations
20. a line or a group of lines that is repeated at regular intervals
a. refrain b. variations c. meter d. rhymes
21. Alliteration
a. slippery slow slope b. splat, hiss, gurgle c. rowing, rowing, rowing
22. Uses the word like or as to compare two seemingly unlike things
a. metaphor b. simile c. personification
23. The writer gives human qualities to a nonhuman subject
a. personification b. simile c. metaphor
24. Describes one thing as if it were something else
a. simile b. personification c. metaphor
 25. Repeated lines that may change one or more words
a. Poetry b. refrain c. rhymes d. variation

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