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Role Play

Transferencia a otra ciudad

Classmate: Hey Sergio! How are you?

Sergio: Hey, I’m good. What about you?

Classmate: I am fine. So in which company are you working?

Sergio: I am working with Claro.

Classmate: What is your post?

Sergio: I am the lawyer of the company.

Classmate: How long have you been working there.

Sergio: I have been with the company for over 2 years

Classmate: That’s great!

Sergio: Not that great.

Classmate: Why so?

Sergio: the company is going to transfer me to San Pedro Sula.

Classmate: Why you don’t want to transfer?

Sergio: Because my mom is sick and I need to take care of her.

Classmate: Why you don’t tell them about the problem?

Sergio: I have told them, but it seems doesn’t care.

Classmate: Why don’t you try in some other company?

Sergio: I am planning to do that.

Classmate: There is an opening for the senior lawyer post in TIGO.

Sergio: Could you please arrange an interview for me in that company?

Classmate: Sure. But you can also go directly for an interview

Sergio: Ok, that’s great. At what time do I have to go?

Classmate: You can go at around 10 in the morning.

Sergio: Ok, I will be there at 10.

Classmate: Perfect!

Sergio: Please share your number.

Classmate: 9854-0137
Sergio: Can I take your name over the phone?

Classmate: Yeah, sure, just tell them that you got to know about it from me.

Sergio: Ok, thank you so much!

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