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British Journal of Urology (1997), 79, 669–680

Irrigating fluids in endoscopic surgery
Department of Anaesthesia, South Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

sterile water made urologists realize, in 1947, that the

absorption of the irrigating fluid into the circulation
Endoscopic operations in the genitourinary tract require through severed prostatic veins must be the cause of the
the use of an irrigating fluid to gently dilate mucosal haemolysis. As electrolytes do not allow cutting by
spaces and to remove blood and cut tissue from the electrocautery, one or several non-electrolyte solutes
operating field. There are several dierent irrigating capable of preventing haemolysis were then added to
fluids available commercially and it might be dicult to the irrigating fluid.
know which one to use. The choice tends to be governed Glycine was the first suggested as suitable; this amino
largely by tradition, although the price and properties of acid is an endogenous substance, transparent in an iso-
the fluid (e.g. stickiness and transparency) also play a osmotic (2.2%) solution and reasonably cheap [9]. The
role. The pharmacological eects of the fluid become other irrigating fluids used today, mannitol and mixtures
important whenever it is absorbed by the patient. of sorbitol and mannitol, were introduced somewhat
However, adverse reactions to irrigating fluids have not later [10,11]. The only further development in the
been documented as they have for drugs. composition of irrigating fluids since the early 1950s is
Most irrigating fluids were developed when the docu- the addition of ethanol up to a concentration of 1%,
mentation of safety was much less important than it is which allows fluid absorption to be monitored by expired-
today. Pharmacologists and regulatory authorities also breath ethanol tests [12].
pay little attention to these solutions because they are Despite their non-haemolytic properties, absorption of
conceived as devices (like soap and detergents) rather the new irrigating fluids continued to be associated with
than drugs. Nevertheless, numerous reports of sympto- adverse events which were often summarized as ‘trans-
matic and even fatal fluid absorption during TURP and urethral resection reactions’ (TUR syndrome). The clini-
transcervical resection of the endometrium (TCRE, an cal descriptions of this syndrome from the mid-1950s
operation for alleviating menorrhagia) emphasize the are still the cornerstones of our view of the risks associ-
importance of using an irrigating fluid with a favourable ated with the use of irrigating fluids [13–15].
profile of adverse eects [1–6].
For many years, little comparative data were available
Incidence of fluid absorption
showing whether one irrigating fluid is more prone to
adverse eects than others. However, during the past The uptake of small amounts of irrigating fluid occurs
decade several studies covering this topic have been during almost every TURP [16] and TCRE [17,18]. The
reported. The purpose of this article is to summarize absorbed volume varies greatly and cannot be predicted
those reports and also to review the progress that has in the individual patient, although it tends to be larger
been made in understanding the adverse eects during in extended and bloody operations (Fig. 1) [19]. The
this period of time. uptake of 1 L of fluid, which corresponds to an acute
decrease in the serum sodium concentration of
5–8 mmol/L [12], is the volume above which the risk of
absorption-related symptoms is statistically increased [6].
Sterile water was used as the irrigating fluid during the Large series of patients show that the absorption of
early years of TURP. However, obscure reactions with >1 L occurs in 5% [20], 8% [19] and 10% [21] of the
post-operative haemoglobinuria sometimes occurred and TURPs performed. Even higher values have been noted
severe cases even led to death. Enrichment of the blood in some smaller case series, to judge from the reported
with salicylate [7] and glucose [8] when added to the changes in serum sodium [22,23].
Absorption during TCRE is usually larger than during
Accepted for publication 21 January 1997 TURP [18,24], which is probably due to spontaneous

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Operating time leakage through the fallopian tubes [25]. Large-scale

≤ 60 min absorption also seems to be more common during
(n = 518)
TCRE [26].

Risk estimates for symptoms

The estimates for the incidence of TUR syndrome range
between 0% [27], 1% [28], 2% [29], 7% [1] and 10%
[14,30,31]. However, the TUR syndrome is poorly
defined and many mild cases have probably been misin-
terpreted and wrongly attributed to old age, anaesthesia
and excessive blood loss. The symptoms arising might
also be dierent depending on the choice of irrigating
fluid. Therefore, it is more useful to establish separately
the incidence of absorption and the risk of symptoms
arising for dierent ranges of absorption of a particular
irrigating fluid. Such data for glycine 1.5% plus ethanol
1% have recently become available.
In a retrospective review, Olsson et al. [6] found a
mean of 1.3 symptoms from the circulatory and nervous
system in each TURP during which very little or no
glycine was absorbed (0–300 mL). This value increased
to 2.3 when 1–2 L of fluid was taken up, while a mean
of 5.8 symptoms occurred when >3 L was absorbed
Operating time
> 60 min [6]. The dose-dependent increase in the number of
(n = 182) symptoms arising was corroborated in a subsequent
prospective study [21]. These studies were the first to
show statistically that the risk of having symptoms
increases progressively as more glycine solution is
absorbed; most symptoms develop 30–60 min after the
completion of surgery.

Glycine 2.2%
A combination of animal experiments and clinical studies
should form the basis of any assessment of the compara-
tive risks associated with the use of an irrigating fluid.
A review of such studies suggests, for example, that a
2.2% solution of glycine, which is marketed in some
European countries, should not be used in the clinic.
Six of seven volunteers who received 1 L of glycine
2.2% by intravenous infusion over 20 min developed
symptoms of visual disturbances and nausea, which
were severe in one [32]. However, when the same
subjects received glycine 1.5% plus ethanol, they
reported only mild skin-prickling sensations, and manni-
Fig. 1. Fluid absorption during TURP depending on whether the tol solutions (5% and 3% plus ethanol) induced no
operating time exceeds 1 h. The absorption is larger in extended
symptoms at all. Clinical studies also show a high
likelihood of symptoms developing as soon as >1 L of
operations (Mann–Whitney test P<0.001) but it may still occur
during shorter procedures. The case series is presented in detail in
[19]. Dark green, 0–150 mL. Light green, 151–500 mL. Light red, glycine 2.2% is absorbed [33]. In the mouse, infusions
501–1000 mL. Dark red, 1001–2000 mL. Black, >2000 mL. given by the intravenous [34] and intraperitoneal [35]
routes show that glycine 2.2% is associated with a
poorer chance of survival than the same volume of
glycine 1.5%. The increase in glycine content from 1.5%

© 1997 British Journal of Urology 79, 669–680


to 2.2% was originally designed to reduce the dangers glycine infusions, a finding recently corroborated in mice
associated with fluid absorption. Inasmuch as no such [48] (Fig. 2). Furthermore, degenerative changes have
benefit can be found, glycine 2.2% should be abandoned. been described in the liver and kidneys of rats [49],
albeit not in rabbits [37].
Also in patients, glycine 1.5% has been associated
Glycine 1.1%
with subacute eects on the myocardium. Nine of 11
This irrigant was common in the early days of TURP patients undergoing TURP and absorbing 1 L of glycine
[9,14,15]. A reduction of the glycine content from 1.5% solution showed depression or inversion of the T-wave
to 1.1% is associated with a poorer outcome in mice on the electrocardiogram 24 h after surgery [50]. In an
[34]. In the rabbit, cellular oedema was worse with epidemiological study, absorption exceeding 500 mL
glycine 1.0% plus ethanol than with other irrigating doubled the long-term risk of acute myocardial infarction
fluids [36], particularly in the liver and in the kidney [51]. The latter finding is interesting in view of the
[37]. In human subjects, no advantage of glycine 1.0% higher long-term mortality after transurethral versus
over glycine 1.5% was found experimentally [38] or open prostatectomy, which has prompted debate among
clinically [21]. It may be concluded that lowering the urologists for some years.
glycine content from 1.5% to 1.1% oers no benefit but These reports, implying a high acute mortality and
reduces the safety limit for haemolysis, which normally subacute myocardial damage from glycine 1.5%, are
occurs slightly below 1.0%. Therefore, glycine 1.1% and worrying. There is an urgent need for further studies on
1.0% should not be used. this topic, as the use of this irrigating fluid is very
Sterile water
Despite the adverse experiences with sterile water in the
1940s, it is still used for TURP in some clinics in Europe
and the USA and quite frequently in developing countries
[39]. This irrigating fluid provides excellent vision during
endoscopy as the erythrocytes entering the operating
field haemolyse immediately. A retrospective review of
thousands of patients undergoing TURP shows that the
operative mortality was reduced when the non-
haemolysing solutions were introduced [40] and such a
protective eect is supported by results from animal
experiments [41]. When sterile water is used, hypertonic
mannitol must be given intravenously during the resec- a
tion to prevent symptoms arising [42,43]. Therefore,
sterile water should be reserved for diagnostic pro-
cedures. Those who use it alone during TURP expect no
absorption to occur, which can never be guaranteed.

Glycine 1.5%
Importantly, the most widely used irrigating fluid,
glycine 1.5%, seems to be associated with more serious
consequences than solutions containing alternative sol-
utes. The acute mortality is higher in mice [44] and
rabbits [36] given an intravenous infusion of glycine
1.5%, compared to that with mannitol and sorbitol b
solutions. Furthermore, glycine reduces the vitality and
survival of isolated cardiomyocytes [45], which is likely Fig. 2. Myocardial lesions 10 days after an intravenous infusion of
glycine 1.5% in a mouse. Dilated interstitium with proliferated
to increase the long-term risk of heart disease [46,47].
endothelial cells and fibroblasts in the vicinity of an area of
In rabbit hearts, myocardial ischaemic damage could be disrupted myofibres. Arrows point at areas of disruption (upper).
detected by special staining techniques after infusions of Foci of necrosis with mono- and polymorphonuclear leucocytic
glycine, but not after infusions of mannitol or sorbitol reaction (lower). The photographs were provided by Professor
[37]. Subendocardial necrosis also occurred after some Jovan Rajs, Karolinska Institute.

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evidence that local vasodilatation was the cause. Prostatic

Central haemodynamics
tissue substances are released into the circulation during
TURP seems to depress myocardial function, particularly fluid absorption [50,65], which might cause hypotension
when the operative duration exceeds 1 h [52]. Evans [66]. Endotoxins may also be dispersed, sometimes in
et al. found that stroke volume and the cardiac index association with fluid absorption [67]. A metabolic aci-
were reduced but that these changes were prevented by dosis might contribute to the reduction of cardiac output,
using irrigating fluid at body temperature [53]. In con- although the acidosis is usually fully compensated as long
trast, Lawson et al. reported that the induction of anaes- as long as a TUR syndrome is not apparent [68].
thesia is an important cause of haemodynamic Singer et al. measured a very low cardiac output in
alterations, while little happens during the surgical one patient with the TUR syndrome which suggests that
procedure [54]. cardiodepression or hypovolaemia is responsible for the
About 0.5% of patients develop acute myocardial hypotension [69]. The onset of hypotension usually
infarction during TURP [55]. However, transient myo- occurs when fluid absorption has just stopped, when
cardial ischaemia has been detected during 20% of blood volume is low [64]. Although irrigating fluid
TURPs [56] with no dierence between spinal and absorption does increase the blood volume, the hypervo-
general anaesthesia [57]. It is regrettable that fluid laemia is brief and probably changes very easily into
absorption was not considered as a possible cause of hypovolaemia. Other clinical [70] and experimental
these ischaemic events. [32,41,71] studies support the view that hypovolaemia
Intravenous infusion studies in animals yield conflict- is the likely result of fluid absorption. A temporary
ing results regarding the central haemodynamic eect increase in bleeding during absorption probably
of glycine [58,59]. In humans, the infusion of 1.2 L of contributes to this phenomenon [64].
glycine reduced cardiac output and transiently increased The results reported above relate to glycine solution,
arterial pressure [38]. Although the haemodynamic but arterial hypotension is also a problem after absorp-
changes were fairly small, glycine exerted an eect on tion of sorbitol 3% [72] and of mannitol 3% and 5%
the circulation not shared by alternative solutions. [72,73] despite the latter expanding blood volume more
However, 30 min later, mannitol and sorbitol-mannitol than glycine 1.5% [32,38,74]. This problem is perhaps
were also associated with a low stroke volume and high less pronounced with sorbitol-mannitol solutions, with
peripheral resistance, possibly due to the cooling of the which blood pressure can be normal despite a fatal
volunteers. Another infusion study supports the view outcome [75].
that glycine elevates blood pressure [32], which is also
induced by sterile water [41–43].
Cerebral eects
Dilutional hypocalcaemia has been implicated as a
source of acute cardiovascular disturbances when Most patients who show a transient deterioration of
glycine is absorbed [60,61]. The serum sodium and free- mental status after TURP have absorbed irrigating fluid
calcium levels decrease to the same degree during intra- [5]. Nausea, vomiting and confusion occur between six
venous infusion of irrigating fluid in volunteers [62] and and nine times more often when 1–2 L of glycine
in pigs [63]. Calcium is restored more rapidly, probably solution is absorbed than when no absorption is detected
due to mobilization of calcium from bone tissue. [6]. Consciousness might be lowered when even more
glycine is absorbed [76], which has been associated with
hyperammonaemia [16].
Arterial hypotension
The amount of glycine appears to make an indepen-
The classical haemodynamic signs of the TUR syndrome dent contribution to cerebral eects in volunteers [32]
when glycine solution is used consist of a transient and to mortality in mice [34]. However, the hyponatrae-
arterial hypertension, that may be absent if the bleeding mia induced by all irrigating fluids eventually gives rise
is profuse, followed by more prolonged hypotension to neurological symptoms caused by cerebral oedema.
[14,64]. The risk of post-operative hypotension is actu- Istre et al. detected cerebral oedema by CT that correlated
ally already increased when moderate amounts of glycine with nausea after the absorption of as little as 1 L of
solution are absorbed; there was a fivefold increase glycine 1.5% in females undergoing TCRE [26]. In sheep,
in risk when 1–2 L was absorbed compared with the concentration of sodium and glycine changed much
0–300 mL [6]. less in the cerebrospinal fluid than in serum, while the
The mechanism for this hypotension is unclear. My alterations of the osmolality were similar [58]. The
research group has recently performed a series of in vitro sodium level in the brain is also eectively maintained
experiments using macrophage J774.1 to study the eect during the absorption of sorbitol [72].
of glycine on the nitric-oxide system, obtaining no Serum osmolality usually remains normal or falls by

© 1997 British Journal of Urology 79, 669–680


a maximum of about 10 mosmol/kg when fluid is carbon skeleton seems to be metabolized more easily.
absorbed. However, the change in osmolality correctly Most of it is degraded to carbon dioxide and water by
indicates tissue oedema only when mannitol is absorbed. the glycine-cleavage system [81], although some glycine
As glycine and sorbitol enter the cells, these solutes will enters the citric-acid cycle and causes a moderate elev-
be accompanied by water through osmosis, even when ation of the blood levels of the non-essential amino acids
serum osmolality is normal. When these irrigating fluids [33,82]. Glycine is also metabolised to glycolic acid and
are used, tissue oedema will therefore be greater than glyoxylic acid, which can be detected in plasma and
indicated by the serum osmolality (Fig. 3). Thus, the cerebrospinal fluid [83], but this metabolic pathway
concept ‘isotonic hyponatraemia’ is not useful when seems to be of minor importance [81]. As glyoxylate is
these irrigants are studied. It is particularly irrelevant a precursor of oxalate, there has been concern as to
when ethanol is used to indicate fluid absorption, as this whether glycine promotes the formation of oxalate renal
agent increases the osmolality without redistributing stones. However, the excretion of oxalate does not corre-
water. late with glycine absorption during TURP [84,85] and
The metabolic eects of glycine have received much does not increase after experimental infusion of glycine
attention as a possible cause of cerebral eects. A corre- [86].
lation between symptoms and the increase in the serum Sorbitol is metabolized to fructose, with a half-life of
level of glutamate has been reported [32,33] but, more 35 min, which may present a problem in a patient with
importantly, also between symptoms and hyperam- hypersensitivity to fructose [87]. Mannitol is eliminated
monaemia after infusion of glycine 2.2% [32] and during by renal excretion with a half-life of 120 min and is not
TURP [77]. More than 1.5 L of glycine 1.5% seems to associated with metabolic problems. The elimination
be required for any marked increase in the blood becomes prolonged in patients with impaired renal
ammonia level to occur [32,78,79]. Whatever the function.
reason, the ammonia level does not increase even when Restlessness and epileptic seizures are signs of massive
much larger amounts of glycine 1.5% plus ethanol 1% absorption. They are probably caused by hyponatraemia
are absorbed [80]. as these symptoms have been associated with the use of
Hyperammonaemia implies that the body cannot fully both glycine [14] sorbitol 3% [72], sorbitol-mannitol
metabolize the nitrogen component of glycine; the [75] and sterile water [42].

Glycine 1.0% plus Glycine 1.5% plus Mannitol 3% plus Sorbitol 2% plus
ethanol 1% ethanol 1% ethanol 1% mannitol 1%

Fig. 3. Distribution of irrigating fluid water 30 min (upper row) and 90 min (lower row) after a rapid intravenous infusion of 15 mL/kg
of irrigating fluids in 10 healthy male volunteers (mean values). Serum osmolality was essentially unchanged, the mean for the fluids
varying between 296 and 301 mosmol/kg, but the glycine still had a more pronounced intracellular distribution than the other fluids
(ANOVA P<0.01). The case series was presented in [38] and the calculations are explained in [101] and [103]. Dark green, Blood. Light
green, Urine. Light red, Interstitial. Dark red, Intracellular.

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[38]. When 1 L of glycine 1.5% is infused, the amount

Visual disturbances
of glycine in the primary urine far exceeds the capacity
Blurring of vision was first reported to be a complication for reabsorption, which also results in osmotic diuresis
of glycine absorption in 1956 [14]. The condition might [58,82]. About 10% of a glycine load [82] and sorbitol
proceed to transient blindness and is sometimes the only load [96] is eliminated in this way (Fig. 4). Osmotic
sign of fluid absorption [88] while it can also be part of diuresis is indisputable with mannitol, as the urine is
a severe TUR syndrome [89]. Funduscopic findings the main route of elimination [73,96].
[88,90] and intra-ocular pressure [22] remain normal, Two hours after an infusion of 1 L of irrigating fluid,
while the pupillary reflexes may be present or absent. nearly all the fluid volume has been excreted regardless
Wong et al. have studied this phenomenon by measur- of whether glycine, sorbitol or mannitol has been infused
ing visually evoked potentials in the dog [59] and during [32,38,78] (Fig. 3). The situation is not the same when
TURP [91]. They found a prolongation of the time larger amounts are administered. In the rabbit, the
required for impulses to travel through the visual path- excretion of glycine solution then becomes much less
ways when glycine levels were 5–10 mmol/L, which than for sorbitol and mannitol [36]. In the sheep, 46%
corresponds to the administration of 1–2 L of glycine of the water load was excreted 3.5 h after a glycine load,
1.5% in an adult male [82]. Later studies of TURP while the corresponding value after infusions of isotonic
[92,93] and in the laboratory [79] show that disturb- saline was 70% [58]. These dierences are due to a
ances of the visual pathways may occur when much greater intracellular accumulation of glycine solution
less glycine is absorbed. After 10 volunteers received five [95], which results in a dose-dependent half-life [97],
incremental doses of 200 mL of glycine 2.2%, visual and also because glycine stimulates secretion of ADH
disturbances with changes in visually evoked potentials from the neurohypophysis. This hormone aggravates the
occurred in five, sometimes after as little as one dose hyponatraemia and maintains the fluid overload.
[79]; the EEG was unchanged. Elevated plasma levels of ADH occur when the glycine
Marked visual disturbances have not been associated dose exceeds 20 g in sheep [58] and in patients under-
with irrigating fluids other than glycine nor with water going TURP [89,98,99].
intoxication. Therefore, a toxic eect of glycine on the
retina, where it acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter,
Sodium losses
is the likely cause. Glycine levels in the vitreous fluid
increase in parallel with those of the cerebrospinal fluid The hyponatraemia associated with the TUR syndrome
during glycine overload, and amounts to 3–5% of those is often interpreted as the result of dilution alone.
found in plasma [94]. As with skeletal muscle [95], the Therefore, authors have suggested that spontaneous
glycine concentration in the vitreous fluid remains [41,75] or stimulated [29,100] diuresis should be the
unchanged for several hours. chief therapy. Recent studies have altered this view;
there is a loss of sodium during the osmotic diuresis
associated with irrigating fluids. Large amounts of
Water excretion
glycine also stimulate the release of atrial natriuretic
The excretion of urine is rapidly increased by all irrigat- peptide in excess of that expected by the volume load,
ing fluids, albeit more promptly when mannitol is given which further promotes natriuresis [101].

300 Sodium
Urinary excretion (mmol)

200 Amino acids
150 Osmotic gap

Fig. 4. Composition of urine 90 min after
50 an intravenous infusion of 15 mL/kg of
irrigating fluids in 10 healthy male
volunteers (mean values). The osmotic gap
Glycine 1.0% Glycine 1.5% Mannitol 3% Sorbitol 2% represents negatively charged ions, which
+ ethanol 1% + ethanol 1% + ethanol 1% + mannitol 1%
were not measured. The case series is
Infusion presented in [38].

© 1997 British Journal of Urology 79, 669–680


The urinary excretion of sodium represents an absolute induced by all irrigating fluids is associated with loss of
loss as the irrigant contains no electrolytes. The loss extracellular ions, such as sodium, while the solutes
increases linearly with the volume of fluid absorbed, and used in the irrigants (except mannitol) diuse intracellul-
amounts to 100 mmol when 4 L of fluid has been taken arly and are also metabolized. Therefore, a situation
up (Fig. 5). This fluid absorption results in an acute develops with a persistent slightly reduced serum osmol-
decrease of 30 mmol/L in the serum sodium level [12], ality and a gradually increasing cellular oedema (Fig. 6).
but the subsequent losses of sodium are sucient to Calculations of the fluid distribution in volunteers indi-
reduce it by 10 mmol/L. Hence, the natriuresis makes cate that glycine hydrates the cells more than other
spontaneous restoration of the serum sodium level irrigants (Fig. 3). Similar results have been found by
more dicult. light microscopy of vital organs in animals overhydrated
Operations in which there is blood loss along with with irrigating fluids [37]. There is no evidence of self-
fluid absorption will also incur the entrapment of sodium correction of the hypo-osmolality and cellular oedema
ions. Electrolytes from the interstitial fluid enter the during the first hours after overhydration corresponding
blood when irrigating fluid is being absorbed, while to 3 L in an adult male [58,101,103].
water travels in the opposite direction [64]. Therefore,
some of the electrolytes lost from bleeding vessels and
Retroperitoneal absorption
by the excretion of urine are derived from the interstitial
fluid. The magnitude of this entrapment increases with Irrigating fluid may be deposited in a pool in the retroperi-
blood loss, but it usually does not exceed 10–15 mmol toneal space if there is an instrumental perforation of the
during an operation [102]. prostatic capsule. These events occur in 1% of the patients
undergoing TURP [2,29] and may be fatal [15,75,
104,105]. The fluid probably exerts pressure on the caval
Progressive cellular oedema
vein and diuses, in part, through the peritoneal mem-
The role of the kidney and the dierences in distribution brane [2,106]; metabolic acidosis may be severe [105].
between lost and added solutes are important in under- The pathophysiological events involved in ‘extrava-
standing why irrigating fluids cause cellular and brain sation’ were first studied in animals by Mahoney et al.
oedema even when serum osmolality is marginally [107] while later studies were conducted in humans
changed. It is dicult for the kidneys to maintain a high
level of water excretion without losing large amounts of
osmotically active solutes [58,103]. The osmotic diuresis Fluid absorption

r = 0.94
P < 0.005
Sodium excretion (mmol)

Na Na

40 Na

20 Na

0 Fig. 6. Schematic drawing illustrating how glycine solution causes
0 1 2 3 4
cellular oedema despite adequate urine flow. The glycine in the
Infused glycine solution (L)
absorbed fluid distributes outside and inside the cells while the
Fig. 5. The urinary excretion of sodium during and after intra- induced osmotic diuresis carries along sodium that is present
venous infusion of glycine solution in sheep and humans. Each outside the cells only. Losses of intracellular ions are relatively
point denotes the mean value from one study with a correction for small. Glycine is primarily metabolized to water and to carbon
a baseline excretion of 0.06 mmol/min. From [102], with dioxide, which is removed by breathing. All these factors promote
permission. intracellular distribution of the irrigant water.

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[108,109]. They show that electrolytes from the extra- although TUR syndromes are still not completely
cellular fluid enter the pool of fluid. A reduction of the prevented [121].
plasma volume ensues as the solutes travelling in the
other direction, e.g. glycine or sorbitol, are metabolized
or accumulate intracellularly. Mild to moderate hypona-
traemia and hypo-osmolality develop with a delay, Feeling cold is a frequent complaint from patients under-
the lowest value usually being recorded 2–4 h after the going TURP. A drop in body temperature alters the
operation [2,108]. Uptake of the irrigant water by the haemodynamic situation [53] and may result in shiver-
blood occurs fairly slowly. ing [122,123], which markedly increases oxygen con-
The number of symptoms for dierent ranges of sumption. The ability to compensate for heat loss by
absorption is the same as for absorption directly into the increasing heat production is impaired in elderly men.
vascular system, but the tendency to cause abdominal The time required to regain normal temperature after
pain, bradycardia and arterial hypotension is greater [6]. the operation increases with the age of the patient [122].
There is also a high risk of failure to diurese spon- Bladder irrigation is an important source of heat loss;
taneously, which is associated with the hypotension the use of irrigating fluids at room temperature results
[6,15,107]. Severe TUR syndromes have been reported in a decrease in body temperature of 1–2°C [123–125].
following extravasation with both glycine [2], sorbitol This decrease is smaller with an irrigant heated to 37°C
[110] and sorbitol-mannitol [75]. (‘prewarmed’) than with a fluid used at ambient tempera-
This special form of the TUR syndrome can also occur ture, but it still averages 1°C during TURP [123,124],
if the bladder is perforated. Then, irrigating fluid accumu- regardless of whether general or spinal anaesthesia is
lates directly in the peritoneal cavity during TURP [110] used [122,124]. A continuously warmed irrigating
or during transurethral resection of bladder tumours medium is needed to limit the drop in body temperature
[111]. to below 1°C [125,126].
The decrease in temperature is greater during TURP
than during transurethral resection of bladder tumours
Prevention of fluid absorption
when the irrigating fluid is prewarmed [126]. This
The incidence and volume of fluid absorption can be dierence may be explained by fluid absorption, which
reduced, but no method is capable of eliminating it operates as a specific cooling mechanism [127]. This
completely. Stopping the resection after 1 h of surgery is contributes to the chilling and shivering which some-
helpful, as the risk of fluid absorption is somewhat higher times occur even when prewarmed fluid has been
in prolonged operations (Table 1). The degree of fluid absorbed [6].
absorption is also a matter of surgical skill; consultants
usually cause less absorption than residents [20],
although this is not supported by all studies [112].
Several methods are aimed at reducing the pressure The treatment of mild adverse eects of irrigating fluids
in the operating field, from which fluid absorption occurs consist of supportive measures only. Nasal oxygen and
at a pressure of about 2 kPa [113,114]. The height of an anti-emetic if nausea occurs are usually sucient.
the irrigating fluid bag above the operating table did not Absorption of >2 L of fluid should be monitored for
correlate with fluid absorption in 550 patients under- 4–6 h in the post-operative follow-up because sudden
going TURP [115]. Ekengren et al. found that the cardiovascular disturbances may pose a problem [6].
maximum but not the mean pressure or the period of Patients who have absorbed >3 L should be treated
excessive pressure (>2 kPa), increased when the fluid overnight in the intensive care unit. There is a threat to
bags were placed higher [114]. Furthermore, the life and a knowledge of adequate management is there-
capacity of the bladder was a statistically more important fore essential.
factor than the bag height in determining the intraves- Visual disturbances need no treatment as they resolve
ical pressure. spontaneously within 8 h. Hypertension may develop at
Continuous-flow methods have been claimed to the end of surgery but needs no treatment. It should
decrease fluid absorption [116,117], although some subside quickly and be reversed to hypotension, which is
authors have found no such reduction [113,118] and more troublesome. This shock-like hypotension should be
TUR syndrome still occurred [28]. Perhaps the key to treated without delay with judicious infusion of a colloid
success is to check that a low pressure is actually combined with adrenergic drugs. Metabolic acidosis
obtained, as outflow obstruction occurs readily. should be compensated by the intravenous infusion of a
Monitoring the intravesical pressure allows a more buer. Depressed consciousness is managed with mainten-
consistent reduction of fluid absorption [119,120] ance of a free airway and positive-pressure ventilation.

© 1997 British Journal of Urology 79, 669–680


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