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Neurobiology of

D. Jeffrey Newport
Charles B. Nemeroff

Stress Disorder
Recent advances on the neurobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder include: the utilization of func-
tional brain imaging; the incorporation of cross-system research including neuroendocrine (hypothala-
mic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axes), neurochemical (corticotropin-releasing
factor, norepinephrine, serotonin, endogenous opiates), and neuroimmunological (humoral and cellular
immunity) systems; the expansion beyond exclusive study of combat veterans to include posttraumatic
stress disorder patients suffering from noncombat traumas; and the development of animal models of
traumatic stress.

(Reprinted with permission from Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2000; 10:211–218)

INTRODUCTION pocampal receptor assays) that would be impracti-

cal in humans. Third, the almost exclusive study of
Once a diagnosis shrouded in controversy, post- combat veterans in PTSD research is giving way to
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is now not only the study of other patient groups suffering from

generally accepted as a valid diagnostic entity but non-combat traumas such as rape or child abuse. In
also is accumulating a significant database of neu- fact, some of the first research in children with
robiological research. The neurobiology of PTSD PTSD is just now being reported. Fourth, other
bears striking similarities to that of major depres- biological systems including the immune system,
sion; however, there are differences that underscore the endogenous opiates, and the serotonin system
the uniqueness of PTSD as a stress-induced syn- are beginning to receive attention from PTSD
drome distinct from depression. Like depression researchers. Finally, functional brain imaging is
studies, PTSD studies have focused upon the two providing our first glimpse into the dysfunction of
biological systems with the richest traditions in specific neuroanatomical loci during stimulus pro-
stress-related research: the hypothalamic-pituitary- cessing and symptomatic exacerbation in patients
adrenal (HPA) axis and the catecholamine/sympa- with PTSD. During imaging, symptomatic states
thetic nervous system. Both depression and PTSD can be manifested by intrusive memories of the
are associated with hyperactivity in these two sys- trauma or by evidence of physiological arousal such
tems; however, PTSD bears the noteworthy dis- as increased heart rate and sweating. PTSD symp-
tinction of being associated with normal to low toms can be provoked during an imaging session
cortisol levels (hypocortisolaemia) despite hyper- by exposure to a trauma-related cue (e.g. recordings
secretion of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). of combat sounds) or by guided mental imagery
Recent advances in PTSD research have (e.g. imagining the trauma). As these data continue
extended these findings on several fronts. First, the to accumulate, the role of pharmacological inter-
function of the HPA axis is being more closely ventions for treating PTSD—including the forth-
scrutinized in an effort to elucidate the underlying coming CRF receptor antagonists—can be refined,
pathophysiology that might explain the frequently allowing significant treatment advances in the near
reported hypocortisolemia in patients with PTSD. future.
Second, animal models are increasingly being used As early as the American Civil War, physicians
to incorporate novel stress protocols (such as pred- were documenting the finding that persistent psy-
ator exposure) and biological studies (such as hip- chological distress often follows exposure to war-

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related trauma. It was soon realized that other trau- abuse, natural disasters or terrorism). Second,
matic experiences such as natural disasters or seri- inquiry has extended into other stress-responsive
ous accidents could produce similar long-lasting neurobiological systems. Third, new investigative
psychological symptoms. Previously known by a tools such as functional brain imaging are being
variety of combat-related colloquialisms such as increasingly utilized. Fourth, several researchers are
shell shock, war neurosis, and battle fatigue, it was conducting laboratory animal studies to remedy
not until the introduction of the third edition of the long-recognized deficiency of animal models
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental for PTSD (6). Finally, novel lines of research are
Disorders (DSM-III) in 1980 that PTSD was investigating the contribution of childhood trauma
included among the recognized psychiatric disor- to the diathesis for adulthood PTSD (7–10).
ders. In this review, we offer an update of the major
PTSD is characterized in the DSM-III by a phe- contributions to the literature on the neurobiology
nomenological triad incorporating the symptoms of PTSD that have appeared in the past year. This
of re-experiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal. article will survey new research into the neurocog-
The re-experiencing symptoms of PTSD include nition and functional neuroanatomy of PTSD, the
nightmares, intrusive memories and flashbacks of neuroendocrinology of PTSD, neurotransmitter
the trauma. The avoidance symptoms include studies of PTSD, and finally the immunological
amnesia for the trauma or a reluctance to discuss or sequelae of PTSD. Previous reviews of PTSD neu-
think about the trauma. Finally, the hyperarousal robiology can be consulted for a more comprehen-
symptoms include an exaggerated startle response, sive review of research published prior to 1999 (1,
fitful sleep and poor concentration. Despite this 6, 11–14).
comprehensive description, the inclusion of PTSD
in the DSM-III produced considerable controversy
in the field, largely on phenomenological grounds.
Some contended that the disorder overlapped so
greatly with other anxiety and mood disorders that Many of the hallmark symptoms of PTSD (e.g.
it was superfluous to psychiatric nosology (1). nightmares, flashbacks, amnesia for the traumatic
There were even implications that political pres- event, dissociative episodes, exaggerated startle
sures unduly contributed to its inclusion in the response) represent, at least in part, disturbances in
DSM-III (2, 3). In addition, others debated neurocognitive processing. In particular, sensory
whether PTSD belonged among the anxiety disor- input and memory processing appear to be awry in
ders, the mood disorders, or a unique class of stress PTSD. Not only are pharmacological probes being
response disorders (4). used to investigate psychiatric illness at the cellular
Some researchers now contend that the neurobi- level, but new tools are also becoming available to
ological uniqueness of PTSD validates it as a dis- investigate brain function in psychiatric disorders.
tinct diagnostic entity (1, 5). This is indeed ironic Some of the methods used to investigate neurocog-
when we recognize that the earliest attempts at nitive processing in patients with PTSD include
developing an etiology-based psychiatric nosology neuropsychological testing, sensory evoked poten-
were abandoned in the DSM-III—the same edi- tials, electroencephalography, polysomnography,
tion that first included PTSD—due to the inherent and various modalities for functional brain imag-
difficulty of demonstrating the underlying biology ing, including single photon emission computed
of psychiatric illnesses. Although a comprehensive tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomogra-
neurobiology of PTSD remains to be definitively phy (PET), and functional magnetic resonance
elucidated, the argument that its unique neurobi- imaging (fMRI).
ology validates its nosological classification may be Because the clinical course of anxiety disorders
a harbinger to a day when psychiatric diagnostic like PTSD is marked by periods of symptom qui-
schemes again rely more upon the pathophysiology escence punctuated by acute episodes of symptom
of an illness. exacerbation, it is important that functional brain
The bulk of PTSD neurobiological research has imaging studies be conducted both in the resting
focused upon the HPA axis and the cate- condition and in the symptomatic state.
cholamine/sympathetic nervous system, with Consequently, imaging studies of patients with
Vietnam combat veterans comprising the largest PTSD utilize symptom provocation protocols that
contingent of research participants. However, take one of two forms: trauma stimulus exposure,
PTSD research is now expanding in several and guided mental imagery. The most often used
domains. First, recent studies incorporate non- trauma stimulus exposure in PTSD research is the
combat related PTSD (e.g. victims of rape, child playing of combat sounds to war veterans with

314 Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 FOCUS T H E J O U R N A L O F L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G I N P S Y C H I AT RY


PTSD. In guided mental imagery, PTSD patients both in women with rape-related PTSD and in
listen to scripts of both neutral (e.g. a beach sunset) men with combat-related PTSD (18). Sensory gat-
and traumatic events. These events may be fictional ing deficits of the P1 auditory evoked potential
or may be based upon real events in the patient’s suggest that patients with PTSD have difficulty fil-
life. After listening to the script, the patient is tering incoming auditory stimuli. Future research
instructed to imagine the events described in the using fMRI may allow for the identification of the
script while the brain imaging is being conducted. neuroanatomical loci associated with these distur-
Both trauma stimulus exposure and mental bances in sensory processing.
imagery of trauma reliably produce both subjective Memory processing is also disturbed in PTSD.
reports and objective physiological measures of Memory is often conceptually organized into
anxiety in patients with PTSD. explicit and implicit components. Explicit memory
Disturbances in sensory processing are believed comprises verbal recall and a storage buffer known
to play a prominent role in the hyperarousal symp- as working memory. Implicit memory consists of
toms of PTSD such as the exaggerated startle embedded knowledge evident during the perform-
response. Evoked potentials (also known as event- ance of learned tasks. The neuroanatomical loci of
related potentials) have provided the most impor- memory processing include both subcortical struc-
tant tool to date in the study of sensory processing tures (e.g. the hippocampus and amygdala) and
in PTSD. Previous PTSD studies have reported cortical regions (e.g. the prefrontal, anterior cingu-
abnormalities in the P300 component of the late, and orbitofrontal cortices).
evoked potential (so called because it is the major The hippocampus is involved in the verbal recall
positive deflection that occurs at around 300 ms aspect of explicit memory. Although one recent
after the stimulus onset), which measures atten- study detected no difference in hippocampal vol-
tion-dependent conscious processing of target and ume in children with abuse-related PTSD (19),
distractor events. These P300 disturbances may in right-sided hippocampal atrophy in adult PTSD
fact reflect attentional deficits, which have also patients associated with measurable deficits in ver-
been measured by neuropsychological paradigms bal recall has been reported (20). Stress-related hip-
such as the Stroop test (15) and digit-recognition pocampal atrophy appears to be a consequence of
tasks (16). Two studies in 1999 applied the use of increased exposure to excitatory amino acids and
evoked potentials to the study of PTSD sensory glucocorticoids. An earlier report noted increased
processing. One study reported that women with right parahippocampal activation in a PET study

sexual-assault-related PTSD displayed abnormali- of Vietnam veterans with PTSD when presented
ties in evoked potential mismatch-negativity at the with traumatic stimuli. One 1999 PET study
P50 time point when compared with controls (17). reported decreased right hippocampal activation
In the mismatch negativity protocol, the subject is during script-driven guided mental imagery of
presented with two auditory stimuli. The first is a traumatic experiences in women with childhood
frequently repeated “standard” sound. The second abuse-related PTSD when compared to sexually
is an infrequently repeated “deviant” or “oddball” abused women without PTSD (21).
sound that differs in frequency from the standard The amygdala plays a key role in consolidating
sound. The electrical activity in the brain provoked the emotional significance of events. Thus, this
by the two sounds produces distinct waveforms region has played a crucial role in our understand-
that are measured during an evoked potential ses- ing of conditioned fear processing, a process that is
sion. The difference in the amplitude of the wave- important in the pathophysiology of PTSD. In
forms evoked by the two sounds is known as the fact, laboratory animal studies have clearly demon-
mismatch negativity. We have known for some strated that the central nucleus of the amygdala is
time that patients with PTSD exhibit an exagger- one of the critical neuroanatomical loci in the
ated mismatch at the P300 time point. However, development of the fear-potentiated startle (one of
the fact that patients with PTSD demonstrate an the hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD). In a SPECT
exaggerated mismatch as early as 50 milliseconds study comparing Vietnam combat veterans with
(i.e. P50) after the stimulus exposure (when the PTSD to combat veterans without PTSD and to
sound has not yet reached conscious awareness) noncombatant controls, only the PTSD group
indicates that abnormalities in sensory processing exhibited left amygdala activation in response to
occur independently of the attentional deficits pre- exposure to combat sounds (22).
viously measured at the P300 time component. A Of the cerebrocortical regions, the prefrontal
second recent study reported that the P1 (i.e. the cortex appears to play a seminal role in the work-
first positive deflection) component of an auditory ing memory component of explicit memory and
evoked potential exhibited reduced sensory gating may play a counter-regulatory role in the stress

FOCUS Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 315


response through inhibitory effects upon the combatant controls (22). In contrast, in the second
amygdala. Alterations in prefrontal cortical activity SPECT study in which Vietnam veterans with
may explain the deficits in explicit memory func- PTSD were exposed to combat sounds, greater
tion often seen in PTSD. The anterior cingulate increases in medial prefrontal cortical activity in
gyrus is responsible for the maintenance of social the patients with PTSD were revealed when com-
mores, fear-related behavior, and selective atten- pared to combat veterans without PTSD and non-
tional processing (as evidenced by the Stroop task). combatant controls (25). Consistent among all
Anterior cingulate dysfunction may therefore play these studies is the fact that brain regions involved
a role in the re-experiencing phenomena reported in the processing of memory, emotion/fear, and
in PTSD. Also involved in conditioned fear pro- visuospatial orientation demonstrate functional
cessing and its extinction is the orbitofrontal cor- aberrations in patients with PTSD.
tex. A conditioned fear response occurs when a
conditioned stimulus (e.g. a light) is repeatedly
paired with an unconditioned stimulus (e.g. a
shock) such that the fear response occurs to the
conditioned stimulus alone. Extinction (i.e. loss of
the fear response to the conditioned stimulus)
eventually occurs when the conditioned stimulus is The classic HPA axis response to stress is hierar-
repeatedly shown without the accompanying chically organized, with increases in hypothalamic
unconditioned stimulus. Because the orbitofrontal CRF secretion that in turn increase the release from
cortex is crucial to the process of extinction, the pituitary of adrenocorticotropin hormone
orbitofrontal dysfunction probably contributes to (ACTH), and ultimately increase the adrenocorti-
the tenacity of the hyperarousal symptoms such as cal release of cortisol. Patients with major depres-
the exaggerated startle response in patients with sion exhibit, as a group, both CRF hypersecretion
PTSD. Finally, explicit memory buffers in the var- and hypercortisolemia. Furthermore, negative
ious sensory association cortices and the motor cor- feedback within the HPA axis has been shown to
tex appear to be activated when PTSD patients are be dysfunctional in depression (e.g. see 26, 27).
exposed to traumatic cues, and thus are likely to The HPA axis in PTSD patients appears to dis-
play a role in the pathophysiology of re-experienc- tinguish this diagnostic group both from healthy
ing. volunteers and from patients with depression. Like
Several new studies have used functional imaging those with depression, PTSD patients hypersecrete
techniques to study cortical functioning in PTSD CRF, as evidenced by elevated levels of CRF in
patients. For example, the guided mental imagery cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and a blunted ACTH
PET study previously discussed (20) also delin- response to CRF stimulation. However, the simi-
eated relatively greater increases in activation of the larities may end here. In contrast to studies of
anterior prefrontal cortex but not the anterior cin- patients with major depression, most PTSD stud-
gulate in PTSD subjects when compared to con- ies have, surprisingly, demonstrated subnormal
trols. Another guided-mental imagery PET study cortisol levels despite the increased release of CRF.
comparing women with childhood abuse-related Moreover, studies indicating cortisol ‘super-sup-
PTSD to abused women without PTSD reported pression’ in the dexamethasone suppression test
comparatively greater increases in orbitofrontal and ([DST], a test of HPA axis negative feedback) and
anterior temporal cortical activation, comparatively increased density of glucocorticoid receptors on
small increases in anterior cingulate activation, and peripheral lymphocytes suggest that hypocorti-
decreases in left inferior frontal activation in PTSD solemia in PTSD may be a consequence of exag-
subjects (23). Consistent with these results is a gerated HPA axis negative feedback. These findings
PET study (24) in which Vietnam veterans with are in stark contrast to the findings in patients with
PTSD were exposed to combat sounds and pic- major depression.
tures; decreased medial prefrontal blood flow and There were several key additions in 1999 to the
relatively smaller increases in anterior cingulate study of HPA axis function in PTSD. Perhaps the
activity were found in PTSD patients when com- most important is a study of CRF hypersecretion,
pared with Vietnam combat veterans without using the technique of serial CSF sampling (28).
PTSD. Two new SPECT studies in which subjects This study reported elevated CSF CRF concentra-
were exposed to combat sounds have provided con- tions collected repeatedly over a 6 hour period, but
trasting results. In the first study, no differences in normal urinary free-cortisol concentrations in
cortical activation were found between Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD when compared to
combat veterans with and without PTSD or non- both noncombatants and combat veterans without

316 Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 FOCUS T H E J O U R N A L O F L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G I N P S Y C H I AT RY


PTSD. The use of serial CSF sampling eliminated dren with PTSD would adapt via maturational
the potentially confounding effects of procedure- processes to the pattern of HPA axis activity
associated anxiety and HPA axis diurnal variation. reported in adults with PTSD.
Another controversial issue is the amplification Finally, an interesting pilot study of rescue work-
of HPA axis negative feedback reported in PTSD ers endeavors to address the need for early detec-
patients. Although earlier reports of lymphocyte tion in persons at high vocational risk for traumatic
glucocorticoid receptor up-regulation suggest a exposure (32). Although none of the rescue work-
mechanism for this enhanced feedback, no studies ers in this study fulfilled diagnostic criteria for
have investigated receptor changes within the PTSD, elevations in evening salivary cortisol were
CNS. A novel laboratory animal study utilizing a correlated with subsyndromal posttraumatic avoid-
stress sensitization model (29) has attempted to ance symptoms. Longitudinal follow-up studies are
remedy this deficiency by measuring post-stress required in order to ascertain whether these early
changes in hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor changes are predictive of subsequent illness. In
messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in rats. In addition, further prospective study of known high-
comparison to non-stressed animals and those risk populations (before, during and after trauma
exposed to chronic stress, rats undergoing an acute exposure) should provide an opportunity to inves-
stress paradigm exhibited the prototypical tigate the pathogenesis of PTSD.
enhanced HPA axis feedback seen in PTSD.
Furthermore, the acutely stressed rats demon-
strated increased hippocampal glucocorticoid
receptor mRNA expression but decreased hip- Although there is long-standing evidence of an
pocampal mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA association between traumatic stress and the onset
expression. of clinical hyperthyroidism, a paucity of hypothal-
The provocation of symptoms by use of psy- amic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis research has
chosocial stress is potentially an important tool in been conducted in PTSD. The available studies do,
anxiety disorders research. This is particularly true however, indicate increased HPT axis activity in
in PTSD, an illness in which symptomatic exacer- PTSD (12, 13). In particular, peripheral measures
bation is typically precipitated by trauma-related of both the total and the free fractions of tri-
cues. Recognizing this fact, one study this year iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) show that
used a psychosocial symptom-provocation design, these are elevated in PTSD patients. Furthermore,

exposing Vietnam veterans with and without T3 elevations are disproportionately higher than T4
PTSD to combat sounds (30). Combat veterans elevations, suggesting enhanced peripheral deiodi-
with PTSD exhibited higher baseline plasma cor- nation of T4 to the more biologically active T3 form
tisol levels than controls, but no differences in of the hormone. Interestingly, in the standard thy-
either baseline plasma ACTH levels, ACTH rotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation
responses to the stressor, or cortisol responses to test, an exaggerated thyrotropin-stimulating hor-
the stressor. Methodological difficulties unfortu- mone (TSH) response has been reported in PTSD
nately hindered this study. In particular, the base- patients in contrast to the blunted TSH response
line measures were collected just prior to exposure observed in depression, although some depressed
to the stressor. Therefore, these measurements may patients also exhibit an enhanced response.
not represent a true baseline but may be con- In this past year’s lone contribution to the study
founded by the anticipatory anxiety of the immi- of the HPT axis, World War II combat veterans
nent stress exposure. with PTSD were studied (33). Paralleling previ-
Another study published this past year reported ous findings, baseline measures of both total T3
the surprising finding of elevated urinary free cor- and free T3 were elevated. In addition, these ele-
tisol in prepubertal children with PTSD when vations correlated with the severity of PTSD
compared to controls and non-traumatized chil- hyperarousal symptoms. By contrast, T4 and thy-
dren with another anxiety disorder (31). It is roxine-binding globulin (TBG) were not elevated
unclear whether this discrepant finding of elevated as had been reported in previous studies of
cortisol in childhood PTSD indicates that the neu- Vietnam veterans. This new study incorporates a
robiology of childhood PTSD is distinct from the unique patient sample who were over 50 years
frequently reported relative hypocortisolemia of removed from their traumatic exposure, thereby
adult PTSD, or whether this is an artifactual con- further documenting the chronicity of HPT axis
sequence of the inherent methodological differ- changes in PTSD. This study raises the possibility,
ences in conducting pediatric as opposed to adult however, that some of these changes may attenu-
research. Furthermore, it is unknown whether chil- ate over time.

FOCUS Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 317


NEUROTRANSMITTER STUDIES lipoprotein, in comparison to civilians participat-

ing in a substance abuse treatment program (37).
Although this study was hindered by confounds in
NOREPINEPHRINE its comparator group, it identifies yet another
Norepinephrine (NE) is by far the most thor- avenue for investigating the implications of nor-
oughly studied classical neurotransmitter involved adrenergic dysfunction in PTSD (30).
in the biological response to traumatic stress. Since
World War II, psychophysiological research has
demonstrated physical responses to stress sugges-
tive of increased sympathetic tone such as tachy- Dopamine (DA) and glutamate hyperactivity
cardia, hypertension, diaphoresis, and dizziness. have also been postulated to play a role in the neu-
These physiological measures are accompanied by robiology of PTSD. Previous PTSD research has
evidence of NE hypersecretion. For example, demonstrated increased urinary and serum concen-
numerous studies have reported increased urinary trations of DA and its major metabolite,
concentrations of both NE and epinephrine (EPI) homovanillic acid; however, this year’s contribu-
in patients with PTSD. These findings were con- tions bring into question the notion that DA
firmed by a recent study in children in which those hyperactivity plays a significant role in PTSD (38,
suffering from abuse-related PTSD exhibited 39).
higher levels of urinary NE than both controls and Glutamate enhances NE tone and is believed to
children with non-trauma related anxiety (31). contribute to the hippocampal atrophy associated
Baseline plasma levels of NE are not elevated; how- with chronic stress. Nevertheless, little research has
ever, physical exercise or exposure to trauma- specifically focused on its role in PTSD. In 1999, an
related stimuli increases plasma concentrations of animal predator exposure model potentially relevant
NE, EPI, and their metabolites in those with to PTSD was used to study glutamate/NMDA-
PTSD (30). Previous research has also demon- receptor-mediated responses to stress (40, 41). These
strated that intravenous administration of the 2 studies demonstrated that pretreatment with a
receptor antagonist yohimbine, which results in NMDA-receptor antagonist (particularly in the left
increased NE activity, precipitates flashbacks and amygdala) prior to the predator exposure abolished
panic attacks in most PTSD patients. A case series the post-exposure anxiety that had been demon-
published this past year indicates that oral yohim- strated previously. By contrast, administration of an
bine can also exacerbate PTSD symptomatology NMDA antagonist after the predator exposure did
(34). not block post-exposure anxiety.
Recent PTSD research has focused on NE recep- Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5HT]),
tors and related second-messenger systems. These GABA and endogenous opiates (i.e. endorphins
studies have investigated the density and affinity of and enkephalins) are counter-regulatory neuro-
both α2 and β2 NE receptors with mixed results. transmitters that serve to dampen NE neuronal fir-
Most earlier α2 receptor studies reported decreases ing in the locus coeruleus. Perhaps the best grounds
in platelet α2 receptor density, but measures of α2 for proposing that a 5HT dysfunction exists in
receptor function have produced inconsistent PTSD resides in the beneficial treatment effects of
results. The lone 1999 study of α2 receptors con- serotonergic antidepressants; however, other evi-
trasted with previous findings in that the authors dence—including decreased serum concentrations
reported increased platelet α2 receptor density in of 5HT (42), decreased density of platelet 5HT
combat veterans with PTSD with no alterations in uptake sites (43), and a blunted prolactin response
receptor affinity of G-protein coupling (35). β2 to D-fenfluramine (indicative of central 5HT
receptor measures in PTSD have likewise been hypoactivity) (44)—suggests that 5HT activity is
inconsistent with studies reporting either impaired decreased in PTSD patients.
or unaltered β2-mediated signal transduction. The Pharmacological probes of GABA activity (e.g.
only 1999 study of β2 receptors reported increased β-carbolines), animal models of benzodiazepine-
neutrophil β2 receptor density and enhanced β2 receptor mediated GABAergic function, and the
receptor G-protein coupling in combat veterans clinical efficacy of benzodiazepines in relieving the
with PTSD (36). re-experiencing and hyperarousal symptoms all
Finally, NE hyperactivity may have an impact on suggest that GABA function may be impaired in
lipoprotein metabolism. One study this year PTSD (45, 46).
reports that Vietnam veterans with PTSD exhib- Endogenous opiates may contribute to the
ited elevated total cholesterol, triglycerides and occurrence of stress-induced analgesia, dissocia-
low-density lipoprotein, but reduced high-density tive symptoms, and possibly the high rate of opi-

318 Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 FOCUS T H E J O U R N A L O F L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G I N P S Y C H I AT RY


ate abuse in patients with PTSD. The limited opi- hyperactivity also elicits immunosuppression,
oid research in PTSD has produced mixed results, which is reflected by observations of decreased nat-
indicating decreased baseline levels but increased ural killer cell activity. In summary, depression
post-stimulation levels of β-endorphin. These produces a mixed picture of immunological activa-
findings are not necessarily contradictory. It is tion, immunological suppression, and HPA axis
plausible that during acute stress CRF hypersecre- hyperactivity.
tion elevates the secretion of opioids; however, The limited immunological research database in
chronic CRF hypersecretion might downregulate PTSD patients suggests that immune system alter-
pituitary CRF receptors, resulting in lower base- ations in these patients may be distinct from those
line concentrations of β-endorphin. Clearly, fur- observed in depressed patients, just as HPA axis
ther study is needed. Interestingly, an open label pathophysiology appears to be. PTSD studies
trial (i.e. there was no placebo control) of the opi- (including two from this past year [49, 50])
oid receptor antagonist naltrexone in patients demonstrate increased levels of interleukin-6, indi-
with PTSD was reported to decrease the fre- cating humoral immunity activation that parallels
quency of flashbacks and other dissociative phe- similar findings in depression. However, cellular
nomena (47). immunity measures in PTSD and depression
appear to differ. Although most cellular immunity
studies in depression indicate immunosuppression,
two of three PTSD studies in 1999 suggest that cel-
It has long been assumed that stress has a delete- lular immunity may in fact be activated (51–53).
rious impact on the function of the immune sys- Although these results are clearly preliminary at
tem; however, research results have been best, they suggest potential differences in the
inconsistent. Investigations of the association immune system responses in patients with depres-
between stress and immunological disturbance sion and those with PTSD that are of heuristic
include measures of both cellular and humoral value. CRF hypersecretion and humoral
immunity (48). Cellular immunity refers to the immunoactivation are common to both disorders
infection-fighting capacity of immune cells such as and may represent a shared pathophysiology. In
lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and natu- depression, CRF hypersecretion precipitates hyper-
ral killer cells. Measures of cellular immunity cortisolemia that may, in turn, produce cellular
include the absolute numbers of cells, the ability of immunosuppression. However, most PTSD studies

these cells to attack invading organisms, and the have demonstrated low to normal cortisol levels
ability of these cells to proliferate in response to an despite increased levels of CRF. Consequently, the
invading organism. Humoral immunity refers to relative hypocortisolemia of PTSD may preserve or
the capacity for the immune system to produce even exaggerate cellular immune activity.
substances that ward off invading organisms.
Measures of humoral immunity include antibody
titers and concentrations of regulatory cytokines
such as the interferons and interleukins. In depres- The vast literature regarding the neurobiology of
sion, cellular immunity studies have, on the whole, stress and depression has provided a template for
suggested a pattern of immunosuppression. PTSD research. Therefore, it is understandable
However, components of the humoral immune that the bulk of neurobiological research to date
system are often activated in depressed patients. has focused upon the NE and HPA axis stress
How can immunosuppressive measures such as response systems. Although research to date pro-
decreased natural killer cell activity be reconciled vides an unsatisfyingly incomplete picture, there is
with this apparently contradictory evidence of increasing evidence that the neurobiology of PTSD
immunoactivation? One hypothesis is that stress is truly distinct from other mental disorders. It
induces bi-directional, homeostatic interactions remains unclear, however, which of the neurobio-
between the neuroendocrine and neuroimmuno- logical alterations observed in PTSD thus far are a
logical systems. In depression, increased CRF direct consequence of the disorder itself and which
secretion has been associated with humoral are a consequence of homeostatic adaptations to
immunoactivation, as shown by increased proin- trauma exposure independent of any illness.
flammatory cytokine release. These cytokines, in The future of PTSD neurobiological research
turn, appear to augment HPA axis function by pro- will undoubtedly center upon efforts to integrate
moting additional CRF release and by inducing the disparate findings within and among numer-
glucocorticoid resistance that impairs negative ous biological systems. Multi-system correlational
feedback within the HPA axis. Conversely, HPA studies will attempt to delineate not only specific

FOCUS Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 319


13. Bremner J, Southwick S, Charney D: The neurobiology of posttraumatic

measurable alterations, but also the role that (pre- stress disorder: an integration of animal and human research. In
sumably bi-directional) inter-system mechanisms Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Comprehensive Text. Edited by Saigh P,
Bremner J. Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon, 1999, pp 103–143. **
play in perpetuating the chronic changes wit- This is the most comprehensive of the recent reviews of the neurobiology
nessed in PTSD neurobiology. A myriad of ques- of PTSD incorporating an extensive discussion of neurotransmitter and
neuropeptide systems, neuroendocrine systems, and the impact of stress
tions remain. How can PTSD be associated with upon neurocognitive biology.
both hypersecretion of CRF and low levels of cir- 14. Yehuda R: Biological factors associated with susceptibility to posttrau-
matic stress disorder. Can J Psychiatry 1999; 44:34–39
culating cortisol? Does the limited data from 15. Moradi AR, Taghavi MR, Neshat Doost HT, Yule W, Dalgleish T:
studies of immune system alterations in PTSD Performance of children and adolescents with PTSD on the Stroop
truly indicate that this is an inflammatory disor- colour-naming task. Psychol Med 1999; 29:415–419
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tive disorders and substance abuse, is a potentially negativity paradigm, this study describes differences in preconscious
knotty one. auditory processing at time point P50 in patients with PTSD. This builds
This review obviously is intended not as a defin- upon earlier data reporting similar differences in PTSD patients at time
point P300 which is instead a measure of attentional processing. These
itive treatise on the topic, but instead as a snapshot studies provide a template from which future fMRI studies of PTSD
of the work in progress. There is much to be patients might be constructed.
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320 Summer 2003, Vol. I, No. 3 FOCUS T H E J O U R N A L O F L I F E L O N G L E A R N I N G I N P S Y C H I AT RY


30. Liberzon I, Abelson JL, Flagel SB, Raz J, Young EA: Neuroendocrine and 41. Adamec RE, Burton P, Shallow T, Budgell J: Unilateral block of NMDA
psychophysiologic responses in PTSD: a symptom provocation study. receptors in the amygdala prevents predator stress-induced lasting
Neuropsychopharmacology 1999; 21:40–50 increases in anxiety-like behavior and unconditioned startle—effective
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Jenkins FJ, Ryan ND: AE Bennett Research Award. Developmental traumatol- * This study also utilized the predator exposure model and indicates that
ogy. Part I: Biological stress systems. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 45:1259–1270 NMDA receptor mediated activity at the amygdala may underlie some
32. Aardal-Eriksson E, Eriksson TE, Holm A-C, Lundin T: Salivary cortisol and aspects of PTSD symptomatology in the aftermath of traumatic exposure.
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what limited, this study highlights the need for premorbid neurobiological 43. Maes M, Lin AH, Verkerk R, Delmeire L, Van Gastel A, Van der Planken M,
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36. Gurguis GN, Andrews R, Antai-Otong D, Vo SP, Blakely JE, Orsulak PJ, 60:598–603
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Vietnam veterans with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder. Biol posttraumatic stress disorder following accidental man-made traumatic
Psychiatry 1999; 45: 374–377. * This study would seem to indicate that events. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 45:833–839
patients with PTSD may be at higher risk for developing coronary artery 50. Aurer A, Aurer-Kozelj J, Stavljenic-Rukavina A , Kalenic S, Ivic-Kardum M,
disease due to abnormal serum lipid profiles. More importantly, the study Haban V: Inflammatory mediators in saliva of patients with rapidly pro-
identifies what is probably a medically significant consequence of the gressive periodontitis during war stress induced incidence increase.
noradrenergic dysfunction evidenced in PTSD. Similar lipid abnormalities Collegium Antropol 1999; 23:117–124
have been demonstrated in panic disorder, another anxiety disorder 51. Boscarino JA, Chang J: Higher abnormal leukocyte and lymphocyte
associated with noradrenergic hyperactivity. counts 20 years after exposure to severe stress: research and clinical
38. Geracioti TD Jr, West SA, Baker DG, Hill KK, Ekhator NN, Wortman MD, implications. Psychosom Med 1999; 61:378–386. * This study builds
Keck PE Jr, Norman AB: Low CSF concentration of a dopamine metabolite upon earlier data suggesting that cellular immunity may be enhanced in
in tobacco smokers. Am J Psychiatry 1999; 156:130–132 patients with PTSD. This is in contrast to the preponderance of data indi-
39. Gelernter J, Southwick S, Goodson S, Morgan A, Nagy L, Charney DS: No cating that cellular immunity is decreased in patients with major depres-
association between D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2) “A” system alleles, or sion. It is unclear whether the immune system differences between the

two disorders are related to their differences in peripheral cortisol con-
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1999; 45:620–625
52. Wilson SN, van der Kolk B, Burbridge J, Fisler R, Kradin R: Phenotype of
40. Adamec RE, Burton P, Shallow T, Budgell J: NMDA receptors mediate lasting
blood lymphocytes in PTSD suggests chronic immune activation.
increases in anxiety-like behavior produced by the stress of predator expo-
Psychosomatics 1999; 40:222–225
sure—implications for anxiety associated with posttraumatic stress disor-
53. Everson MP, Kotler S, Blackburn WD Jr: Stress and immune dysfunction
der. Physiol Behav 1999; 65:723–737. ** The primary innovation in this
in Gulf War veterans. Ann NY Acad Sci USA 1999; 876:413–418
study is the application of a predator exposure model in which a rat is
placed into a controlled testing environment for a brief period with a cat.
This novel approach to traumatic exposure (without harming the test ani-
mal) may prove a suitable homologous model for preclinical PTSD research.


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