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Important Questions

Part A

Sr. No. Questions

1 Diploid cell has ______ chromosomes (a)23 (b)24 (c)46 (d)92
2 Always the new generation will have better fitness score than the older one ( a)true
3 ___________ phase has chromosomes in the centre of the cell
4 Inner cell mass is obtained from _______ (a) blastocyst (b)morula (c)gastrula (d) zygote
5 Homologous pair of chromosome for X is (a)Y ( b)23 (c) XY (d) 1
6 GenBank is a (a)primary (b) secondary (c)tertiary (d)composite database
7 The Rough draft of human genome was published through (a)HGP (b)HHF (c)HMM
8 The blueprint for the construction of a protein is (a) tRNA(b) gRNA (c)mRNA (d)
9 A molecule containing sugar, phosphate and a base is called (a) nucleoside (b)
Nucleotide (c)aminoacid (d) carbohydrate
10 Production of glucagon is because of (a)hyperglycemia (b) Hyperkalemia (c)
Hypokalemia (d) hypoglycaemia
11 Haploid cell has ______ chromosomes (a)23 (b)24 (c)46 (d)92
12 The transfer of genetic material through viruses is called (a) translation (b) transduction
(c) conjugation (d) transformation
13 Cyclins regulate the ______________
14 Afferent pathway is (a) brain to motor neurons (b) heart to brain (c)sensory neuron to
brain(d) lungs to brain
15 Sister chromatids are joined by (a) centromere (b) centrosome (c)centriole (d)telomere
16 Cholesterol is a (a) steroid (b)hormone (c) enzyme (d)synthetic compound
17 What is the bond between carbohydrates (a)alkyl (b)glycosidic (c)peptide (d)phosphate
18 The mechanism of delivering aminoacids for translation is done by (a) tRNA(b) gRNA
(c)mRNA (d) rDNA
19 DNA is different from RNA because of the base (a) cytosine (b) guanine (c)uracil (d)
20 The algorithm compares a protein query sequence against a nucleotide sequence
database dynamically translated in all reading frames. (a)BLASTn (b) BLASTp (c)
21 Meiosis produces (a) Haploid (b) Diploid (c) multiploidy ( d) uniploid cells
22 The genetic algorithm is inspired by (a) nature (b) nervous system (c) evolution (d)
23 _______________ stem cell can form into any type of cell except placenta
24 Efferent pathway is (a) brain to motor neurons (b) heart to brain (c)sensory neuron to
brain(d) lungs to brain
25 Sister chromatids are separated in mitosis at (a) prophase (b) anaphase (c)metaphase
26 Starch is a (a) polysaccharide (b)monosaccharide (c) lipid (d)wax
27 What is the bond between nucleotides (a)alkyl (b)glycosidic (c)peptide
28 The RNA attached to ribosomes are (a) tRNA(b) gRNA (c)mRNA (d) rRNA
29 “DNA is different from RNA because of” -Find the odd one(a) single stranded (b)5’
oxygen (c)uracil (d) more stable
30 ___________ compares a protein query sequence against a protein sequence database
dynamically translated in all reading frames. (a)BLASTn (b) BLASTp (c) tBLASTn
(d) BLASTx
31 Mitosis produces gametes (a) True (b) False
32 The organism that is unicellular but eukaryotic is (a) plant (b) animalia (c)protist (d)
33 ______________ score is used to find the best solutions in genetic algorithm
34 Which is the control system involved in homeostasis (a) CNS (b) kidney (c)heart
35 Meiosis I leads to separation of (a) two nucleus (b) sister chromatids (c)two cells (d)
homologous chromosomes
36 Estrogen is a (a) steroid (b) biomolecule (c) enzyme (d) protein
37 Choose the disaccharide (a) Sucrose (b)ribose(c)fructose (d)glucose
38 Choose the odd one out (a) tRNA(b) gRNA (c)mRNA (d) rRNA
39 UNIPROTKB is a Sequence database for (a) nucleic acids (b) proteins (c) DNA (d)
40 Two similar protein sequences indicate (a) Similar function (b) Different function (c)
both (d) no meaning
41 A sequence of amino acid bonded together by _________ bonds (a)hydrogen (b)
glycosidic bond (c) peptide
42 PDB was established in 1972 at (a) BNL (b) CNL (c) RCSB
43 determines the propensity or intrinsic tendency of each residue to be in the
helix, strand, and β-turn conformation (a) PHD (b) Chou Fasman (c) GOR
44 Transmission of an electrical signal from one neuron to the next happens at the (a)
synapse (b) neurotransmitter (c) axon
45 division allows conservation of energy (a) sympathetic (b) parasympathetic
(c) CNS
46 disease is due to loss of dopamernergic neurons (a) parkinson’s
(b)alzheimer’s (c) multiple sclerosis
47 is also sometimes called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (a) machine
learning (b)
Data mining (c)neural network
48 All blood cells arise from a pluri-potent stem cell found in (a) heart (b) liver (c)
bone marrow
49 produces immunological memory (a) active (b) passive (c) biological
50 Antibodies are made from cells (a) B (b) T (c) NK
51 The secondary structure prediction methods can be either Abinitio or (a)
neural networks, (b)homology based (c)machine learning
52 Which among these is odd (a) space fill (b) ribbon (c) side chain model
53 The anticodon for ACU is (a)TGA (b) GAT (c) UGA
54 Clustering is a type of machine learning algorithm (a)supervised (b)
unsupervised (c) reciprocal
55 Deposits of interfere with neuronal functions is (a) plaques
(b)dopamine (c)amino acids
56 The spiking period is followed by a period (a)refractory (b) resolution (c) unspike
57 Albert Einstein had inordinate number of cells (a) nerve (b) glial (c) liver
58 MHC is present on (a) human cells (b)bacteria (c) virus
59 is a agranular leukocytes (a) basophil (b) eosinophil (c) monocyte
60 Diphtheria and tetanus are developed as vaccine (a) peptide (b)live (c)toxiod
61 Arrange the following (1) protein (2) transcription (3) translation ( 4)splicing
(5)protein folding a)12345 (b)24315 (c)23541
62 codon for starting translation (a) AUG (b) ACU (c) AAU
63 Metallo protein is a protein (a) derived (b) conjugated (c) simple
64 SVM is a type of algorithm (a) supervised (b) unsupervised (c) clustering
65 ANN is a type of neural network that performs like a (a) human (b)datamining
algorithm (c)machine learning tool
66 Alzheimer’s disease causes deficit in (a) proteins ( b) hormones (c) cognition
67 The resting potential for a neuron is (a) 70 mV (b) -35 mV (c) -70 mV
68 is a T cell epitope prediction method (a) NetMHCpan (b) BLAST (c)Bepitope
69 is present on the foreign organism (a) paratope (b) epitope (c)multitope
70 Find the disease for which vaccines are unavailable (a) chicken pox (b) malaria
(c)whooping cough
71 The idea behind this approach is that close protein homologs should adopt
the same secondary and tertiary structure. (a)homology (b) biology (c) scientific
72 Proteins that have structural functions in the cell are called (a) globular (b) Fibrous
73 The peptide bond is (a) CO-NH (b) COOH (c) CN-OH
74 Afferent pathway carry information (a) to the brain ( b)from the brain (c)not related to
the brain
75 are many and is one in a nerve cell (a)dendrites, axon (b) axon , dendrites
(c) soma, axon
76 Phagocytosis is the main function of (a) nerve cell (b) astrocytes (c) microglia
77 The weights in a neural network is equivalent toof the neuron(a) axon (b) nucleus (c)
78 Example of natural passive immunity is (a) mother’s antibodies (b) vaccine (c)
79 The vaccines contain live virus particles with low levels of virulence
(a) inactivated (b)subunit (c) attenuated
80 immunity is instantaneous(a) humoral (b) cell mediated (c) innate
Part B
Sr. No. Questions
1 Give a note on genetic algorithms
2 Write a detailed note on carbohydrates with illustrated examples
3 Explain the characteristics of a eukaryotic cell
4 Write about genomics with a special note on comparative genomics
5 Illustrate and explain meiosis
6 Write a detailed note on proteins with illustrated examples
7 Explain the characteristics and uses of stem cells
8 Write about BLAST algorithm and its types
9 Illustrate and explain homeostasis
10 Write a detailed note on restriction digestion
11 Explain the characteristics of cell cycle and its control
12 Explain genomics and its types
13 Illustrate and explain mitosis
14 Write a detailed note on lipids and its different types and uses
15 List a detailed role of cell organelles in eukaryotic cell
16 Write about the macromolecule nucleic acids
17 Write on the different immune cells and their characteristics
18 Explain the type of glial cells and their functions
19 Write on different structure databases and their structure visualization
20 Write on classification of proteins
21 Write on cell mediated immunity
22 Explain in detail about artificial neural networks
23 Give details of secondary structure prediction
24 Write about translation in detail
25 Write on humoral immunity
26 Explain with an example datamining in biology
27 Write about transcription and the pre-processing of mRNA
28 Give the different levels of protein structure
29 Explain innate and acquired immunity explaining the differences
30 Explain artificial neural network with example
31 Write on translation in detail with neat diagrams
32 Write a detailed note on secondary structure prediction tools
Part C

Sr. No. Questions

1 a) How did the eukaryotic cell develop organelles -which was missing in prokaryotes-
which were the first organisms on earth? ( the endosymbiotic theory)
b) Give the ethical and legal issues of using stem cell. (Ethical issues specific to human
cloning include: the safety and efficacy of the procedure, cloning for destructive
embryonic stem cell research, the effects of reproductive cloning on the child/parent
relationship, and the commodification of human life as a research product.)
2 a) Human genome project – found the complete sequence of 46 chromosomes.- using
this information what can be done. (Personalised medicines, new drug targets,
prediction of risks to diseases, familial disease identification, …. And many more)
b) Justify why structure of a protein determines the function of the protein. (Protein
function is based on structure. Shape of a protein determines function like hormones,
enzymes will be globular, and will do various metabolic functions while fibrous like
keratin hold the cell structure)
3 a) Explain how invitro fertilization is related to stem cell- (embryonic stem cells)
b) Mesoderm forms the circulatory system- what is the parts and function of circulatory
system (heart ,vascular system of arteries and veins, lungs etc)
4 a) Diabetes disease – what is the role of carbohydrates in this disease – (Blood sugar
should be 120mg/dL- anything higher is diabetes- caused by insulin resistance due
to which cells receive less sugar and hence metabolism and cellular functions are
b) Iterate how genomics can be used to make personalized medicines – (genomics
means whole genome of a patient is known. Hence by looking at the genomic
information- medicines that will cause less sideeffects to the patient can be
5 Explain what is the sequence of events that happens in the body when immunization is
done (whole process of MHC and antibody production has to be covered)
6 Design a neural network that you would predict cancer risk. (many ways to answer this
e.g. input nodes- risk factors like herediatary, smoking , occupational hazard- the inner
nodes should be weights for these risks- output should be % of risk)
7 You have a database of cancer cell images. Explain a machine learning algorithm that
you could use for predicting cancer in cell images (many ways to answer eg: use support
vector machine algorithm classify cancer images from normal images of cell- using this
build a prediction model)
8 Explain the development of vaccines for corona virus (The Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty
vaccine, The SII/COVISHIELD , AstraZeneca, The Janssen/Ad26.COV 2.S vaccine
developed by Johnson & Johnson, The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine,The Sinopharm
COVID-19 vaccine,The Sinovac- CoronaVac vaccine,The Bharat Biotech BBV152
COVAXIN vaccine, some details of the few vaccines developed)

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