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Revlew Paper

Examen critique

Post-traumatic stress disorder and serotonin:

new directions for research and treatment
Lori L. Davis, MD; Alina Suris, PhD; Michael T. Lambert, MD;
Carolyn Heimberg, MD; Frederick Petty, PhD, MD

Davis Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Suris, Lambert, Heimberg and Petty
North Texas Veterans Health Care System and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tex.

The overlap in clinical phenomenology and morbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and
such conditions as major depression, anxiety disorders and aggression, in which a serotonin dysfunction is
implicated, suggests a role for serotonin in the pathophysiology of PTSD. In this paper, we review current
knowledge concerning the role of serotonergic mechanisms and interventions in PTSD. Since there is no
clearly effective pharmacologic intervention for this disorder, the underlying neurochemical dysfunction
needs to be carefully defined so that more effective treatment can be developed. Preclinical and clinical
studies of the serotonergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of PTSD and treatment trials involving
serotonergic agents are limited, but indicate considerable promise. Further investigation of a serotonergic
dysfunction in PTSD and of its treatment with serotonergic agents is warranted.

Introduction trauma in the form of intrusive memories, nightmares

and flashbacks; avoidant behaviours; and autonomic
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious and arousal.3 Patients with PTSD also frequently experi-
often devastating chronic mental illness, causing oc- ence irritability, impulsivity, depression and aggres-
cupational disability, psychiatric and medical morbid- sion, in addition to the core PTSD symptoms. Unfor-
ity and severe psychosocial distress. The prevalence tunately, this condition is often difficult to treat.4
of PTSD in the general population is estimated to be Over the past 25 years, research efforts have fo-
7.8%.1 However, more than one-third of the men and cused on psychologic manifestations of PTSD or the
women who served in Vietnam have suffered from neurobiologic contributions of the hypothalamic-
this condition during their lifetime.2 Core symptoms pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and noradrenergic dys-
of PTSD include recurrent re-experiencing of the functions. While significant progress has been made

Correspondence to: Dr. Lori L. Davis, Mental Health (I 1 6A), Veterans Administration Medical Center, 3701 Loop Rd. E, Tuscaloosa
AL 35404; fax 205 554-3803;
Medical subject headings: Aggression; antisocial personality disorder; blood pressure; borderline personality disorder; neurotransmitters; serotonin; sero-
tonin uptake inhibitors; stress disorders, post-traumatic
J Psychiatry Neurosci 1997;22(5):3 18-26.
Submitted Feb. 17, 1997
Revised July 3, 1997
Accepted Aug. 20, 1997
( 1997 Canadian Medical Association. All rights reserved in Canada; material is in the public domain in the US.

318 Revue de psych'latn'e et de

psychiatrie et de neuroscience
Vol. 22, n° 5, 1997
Post-traumatic stress disorder and serotonin

in understanding the role of catecholamines in the The HPA axis and the norepinephrine system are
pathophysiology of the disorder, recent initiatives prominent in most of the biologic research on PTSD.
have broadened the scope of the neuroregulation of Biologic theories of PTSD have emphasized height-
PTSD to include serotonin. Given the important role ened noradrenergically mediated central responsive-
of serotonin in depression, anxiety, aggression and ness, as well as altered HPA activity. More recently, a
the overlap between PTSD with these conditions, one serotonin dysfunction has been implicated in the re-
would expect a serotonergic dysfunction in PTSD. sponse to stress and in PTSD.8'9 The neurotransmitter
The purpose of this article is to review the role of serotonin influences mood, aggression, arousal, anxi-
serotonin in the pathophysiology of PTSD, to review ety, sleep, learning, nociception, fear and appetite.'0
the treatment of PTSD with serotonergic agents and to Preclinical and clinical work by Graeff et all' sug-
describe research approaches that show promise in gests that 1) the ascending serotonin pathway, origi-
improving our understanding of the neurobiology in nating in the dorsal raphe nucleus and innervating
patients with PTSD, either combat-induced or occur- the amygdala and frontal cortex, facilitates condi-
ring in civilian life. tioned fear; 2) the dorsal raphe nucleus-periventricu-
lar pathway inhibits inborn fight-or-flight reactions to
The neuroregulation of PTSD impending danger; and 3) the pathway connecting
the median raphe nucleus to the dorsal hippocampus
Current knowledge suggests that there are a variety promotes resistance to chronic, unavoidable stress.
of complex dysfunctions in multiple neurotransmitter Additional preclinical evidence, as reviewed by God-
systems in PTSD. Initially, an individual's response to dard et al,.2 documents serotonin modulation of nor-
a life-threatening stress involves the immediate and epinephrine function at the level of the locus ceruleus
instinctive activation of adaptive "fight-or-flight" and indicates that serotonin may have an inhibitory
mechanisms as a means of survival. This response is effect on norepinephrine neurons. In addition, sero-
behavioural and physiologic, involving a complex tonin terminals from the dorsal raphe and norepi-
cascade of neurochemical and hormonal mechanisms. nephrine terminals from the locus ceruleus converge
The HPA axis and catecholamines play a critical role on the amygdala to mediate fear responses.
in the modulation of stress, fear, vigilance and cardio- Figure 1 illustrates the neural circuit for fear and the
vascular responses. Table 1 summarizes the behav- fight-or-flight response, as discussed by Grillon et al,5
ioural and neurochemical responses to catastrophic or Graeff et al" and Goddard et al.'2 It is unclear exactly
life-threatening stress, as reviewed by Grillon et al,5 how the serotonin circuits are disrupted in PTSD.
Charney et a16 and Southwick et al.7 While no specific neuroimaging studies have fo-

Table 1: The neurochemical correlates of response to catastrophic stressors

Acute response Neurochemical Brain regions Symptoms
Sympathetic activation, "flight" Norepinephrine Locus ceruleus (LC), hippocampus, Hypervigilance, autonomic arousal,
response, fear amygdala, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex fear, exaggerated startle response
Conditioning Norepinephrine Hippocampus, amygdala, LC, thalamus; bed Flashbacks, intrusive memories;
nucleus of the stria terminalis contextual fear conditioning
Coping strategies, cognitive Dopamine Prefrontal cortex; nucleus accumbens Paranoia, hallucinations, increased
response startle response
Analgesia Opiates Periaqeductal gray cerebral cortex, amygdala Lower pain threshold, emotional
numbing and withdrawal
Metabolic processes for Cortisol Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, Vulnerability to physical illness,
sustained physical demand and hippocampus cognitive deficits
tissue repair

Anxiety Corticotropin HPA axis, amygdala, LC, stria terminalis, Free-floating anxiety, increased
releasing hormone hippocampus startle response

"Fight" response, aggressive Serotonin Dorsal raphe nucleus, amygdala, frontal Rage, impulsivity, aggression,
retaliation, self-defense, rage, cortex, median raphe, hippocampus, violence, suicide attempts,
resistance to unavoidable stress hypothalamus depression, panic, anxiety

Vol. 22, no
no 5, 1997 Journal Psychiatry &
joumal of Psych'latry & Neuroscience
Neurosc'ience 319
Davis -Suns, Lambert, et al

cused specifically on the serotonin properties of drug d,l-fenfluramine. A similar PET study during
PTSD, several studies show 1) reduced hippocampal serotonin challenge in patients with PTSD may reveal
volume in patients with combat-induced and abuse- more precisely the brain regions involved in PTSD.
related PTSD by magnetic resonance imaging, 13'14
which is associated with functional deficits in verbal PTSD and comorbid conditions involving
memory; 2) significant differences from normal in serotonergic dysfunction
brain metabolic response to yohimbine in patents
with combat-induced PTSD in prefrontal, temporal, Substantial indirect evidence suggests that a serotonin

parietal and orbitofrontal cortexes by positron emis- dysfunction is an important link in the pathophysiol-
sion tomography (PET);'5 and 3) increased regional ogy of trauma-related symptoms associated with
cerebral blood flow in the ventral anterior cingulate PTSD. In humans, a dysregulation of serotonin has

gyrus and right amygdala in patients with combat- been associated with depression, anxiety, aggression,
induced PTSD who generated mental images of com- impulsivity and suicidal behaviour all of which are

bat.'16 These studies document the involvement of the frequently found in patients with PTSD. Figure 2

hippocampal, noradrenergic and limbic systems in shows the overlap of PTSD with depression, anxi-

PTSD. Mann et al'17 found increases in brain metabo- ety/panic and aggression/impulsivity. Major depres-
lism by PET in healthy subjects, but not in depressed sive disorder has a lifetime comorbidity of 70% in pa-

patients, in the left prefrontal and temporoparietal tients with PTSD.,"' Obsessive-compulsive disorder
cortex after administration of the serotonin-releasing and panic disorder are less frequent comorbid condi-

tions (occurring in 5% and 12 % of patients with

PTSD, respectively). There is extensive evidence to

support a serotonergic component in the pathophysi-

ology of these illnesses.'"

Antisocial and borderline personality disorders have

also been shown to involve serotonergic dysregula-

tion20,21 These disorders are also comorbid and compli-

cating factors in patients with PT'SD. The lifetime preva-

Fig. I: The neural circuit for fear, with emphasis on the

norepinephrine and serotonin pathways (synthesized from

theoretical models',""1) LC = locus ceruleus; NE = nor-

epinephrine; pag =
periaqueductal grey; MR = median raphe Fig. 2: PTSD and its overlap with depression, anxietyl
nucleus, DR = dorsal raphe nucleus; 5HT = serotonin. panic and aggression/impulsivity.

320 Revue qlp

nevuie de pyphikrie
psychiatrie et de neuroscience
0. de neuroscience
Vol. 22,


Vol. -2Z wt S.: MW

Post0traumatic stress disorder and serotonin

lence of antisocial personality disorder in patients with committed an average of 13.3 acts of violence in the pre-
PTSD is 12%.18 To meet the criteria for antisocial person- ceding year, compared with 3.5 acts among those with-
ality disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of out PTSD. Again, the discrepancy between groups
Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), the patient must could not fully be accounted for by a greater combat ex-
exhibit antisocial behaviour of juvenile onset, i.e., anti- posure in the veterans with PTSD. The number of acts
social behavior since age 15 with conduct disorder be- of violence committed by female veterans with PTSD
fore age 15. However, many patients with PTSD have and without PTSD did not differ significantly.
adult-onset and possibly PTSD-linked aggressive and The question of whether premorbid aggression is a
antisocial behaviour, without having had antisocial per- vulnerability factor for PTSD was examined by Hiley-
sonality disorder of juvenile onset. Young et al.25 Of 177 veterans with combat-induced
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is somewhat PTSD, more than 30% had suffered physical abuse or
more complicated. While veterans with combat- exhibited antisocial behaviours during childhood, and
induced PTSD have a 12% lifetime prevalence of BPD, 92% of these 177 sujects either participated in or wit-
only 4% of veterans without PTSD have BPD.'8 South- nessed extreme violence during combat. More than
wick et a122 evaluated male combat veterans with 70% of these patients with PTSD reported acts of vio-
PTSD using the Personality Disorder Examination lence occurring after military service to others. How-
and found that 76% (26 of 34 patients) of the total pa- ever, childhood victimization or aggression did not
tient group had BPD. Further analysis showed that predict war-zone violence or criminal behaviour or vi-
83% of the inpatients (15 of 18) had BPD, whereas olence against others in later life. This study supports
69% of the outpatients (11 of 16) had BPD. The differ- the relation of PTSD to subsequent adult aggression,
ence in clinical populations may account for some of independent of exposure to violence before the trau-
the discrepancy between these 2 studies. matic incident.
Up to 80% of patients with borderline personality In animal studies, there is evidence of a direct rela-
disorder have a history of childhood sexual or physi- tion between serotonin levels and aggression. Re-
cal abuse, and one-third of such patients meet the di- cently, Higley et a126 demonstrated that cerebrospinal
agnostic criteria for PTSD.23 There is extensive inter- fluid (CSF) serotonin metabolite (5-HIAA) concentra-
weaving of PTSD and BPD symptoms, and many tions were negatively correlated with impulsive be-
features of BPD resemble PTSD. The overlap is even haviour and severe unrestrained aggression in non-
more pronounced in women who have experienced human primates. Several studies have found that
sexual assault and have PTSD. The long-term stability serotonin-depleting agents increase aggression in
of the diagnosis of BPD in a patient with PTSD has rats,26'27 while this behaviour is decreased by serotonin
not been established. In other words, do the symp- precursors or agonists.28
toms of BPD resolve as the PTSD is treated? The ques- As with animal studies, the evidence of serotonin
tion of whether BPD is a vulnerability factor or a dysfunction in individuals with aggressive behaviour is
chronic type of PTSD is pervasive in the literature.22 well established. Low CSF 5-HIAA concentrations have
While symptoms of aggression and rage are not re- been associated with violent criminal behaviour, impul-
quired for a DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD, they are fre- sivity, suicidal behaviour and aggressive behaviours in
quent complaints of patients with PTSD. Lasko et a124 humans.?33 Tryptophan depletion also significantly in-
found significantly higher levels of self-reported ag- creases aggressive responses in healthy males.4 Han-
gression and hostility in Vietnam combat veterans with delsman et al35 found that the prolactin response to the
PTSD than in combat veterans without PTSD. The partial serotonin agonist meta-chlorophenylpiperazine
group differences were not explained by combat expo- (MCPP) was inversely associated with measures of hos-
sure; this suggests that increased aggression in veterans tility, irritability and depression in abstinent alcoholics
is a property of PTSD, rather than a direct consequence again demonstrating a possible relation between
of combat exposure. In fact, the aggression measures in serotonin dysfunction and hostility.
combat veterans without PTSD were similar to those in
the comparison group of people who had not experi- Serotonin and PTSD
enced combat. In the National Vietnam Veterans Read-
justment Study,2 men with combat-induced PTSD had Several studies have directly examined serotonin func-

Vol. 22, no5,
YW= :#.iELXdiEi
it~ 1-9
Journal of Psycbi#rry & Newrosclence 3 tf
Davis, Suris, Lambert, et al

tion in patients with PTSD. Arora et aP'6 found that the primarily serotonergic. In addition to their antidepres-
density of platelet serotonin-uptake sites, as deter- sant effects, these drugs are effective in improving irri-
mined by paroxetine binding, was significantly de- tability, impulsivity, aggression and the core symp-
creased in patients with PTSD, compared with normal toms of PTSD.4"
controls. Interestingly, there was no difference in the Among these drugs, fluoxetine has the most pub-
paroxetine binding between PTSD patients and those lished data on its use in the treatment of PTSD and
without a diagnosis of major depression. These find- was used in the only controlled trial of a selective
ings were later extended to a larger sample of patients serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for PTSD. Van der
with PTSD.37 Again, platelet paroxetine binding did not Kolk et al43 entered 64 subjects with PTSD in a ran-
differ as a function of comorbid major depression, domized double-blind trial comparing fluoxetine with
other anxiety disorders or substance abuse. Further- placebo. Fluoxetine, but not placebo, significantly re-
more, patients with PTSD who were maximal respon- duced overall PTSD symptoms, with the reduction of
ders to fluoxetine had lower pretreatment paroxetine numbing and arousal being the most significant. In-
platelet binding.38 Conversely, Mellman and Kumar39 terestingly, improvement in depression did not pre-
did not find a difference in platelet serotonin concen- dict improvement in PTSD symptoms. Both acute
tration and uptake measures between patients with trauma-induced PTSD in civilians and chronic com-
PTSD and normal controls. However, their findings do bat-induced PTSD were studied. When patients were
not rule out a central serotonergic dysfunction that is divided by type of trauma exposure, the veterans did
not reflected in platelet measures. poorly compared with the civilians. This result may
Southwick et all examined the behavioural effects of have been due to the short length of the trial (5 weeks
MCPP in 14 veterans with combat-induced PTSD. Al- compared with 8 or 10 weeks in other studies) or the
though no patient had a panic attack and only 1 pa- chronic nature of PTSD in the veterans compared
tient had a flashback following placebo infusion, ap- with the acute PTSD experienced by the civilians. It is
proximately one-third of the patients had a panic noteworthy that patients taking the placebo had al-
attack and flashbacks after receiving MCPP. This most no change, indicating a very low placebo re-
study indicates that there is a subgroup of patients sponse in patients with PTSD.
with PTSD who exhibit a behavioural sensitivity to Open trials of fluoxetine44-48 have demonstrated
serotonergic provocation. moderate to marked improvement in both combat-
induced PTSD and PTSD occurring in civilian life in
Treatment of PTSD with approximately 67% of patients. One study also
serotonergic agents demonstrated a significant reduction in aggression in
patients with PTSD taking fluoxetine.47
Several excellent literature reviews on alternative psy- A 10-week open trial of another SSRI, fluvoxamine,
chopharmacologic treatments for PTSD have con- in male Vietnam combat veterans with chronic PTSD
cluded that tricyclic antidepressants lead to modest demonstrated significant improvement in depression,
improvement in intrusive re-experiencing symptoms anxiety and the core symptoms of PTSD, while the
but typically little effect on avoidant or hyperarousal ratings of hostility showed a modest decline.49 De
symptoms.9"4"2 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors appear Boer et al50 demonstrated significant, but more mod-
to be more effective than tricyclics, but show the same est, therapeutic effects of fluvoxamine in an open-
spectrum of action. The benzodiazepines, alprazolam label 12-week treatment of Dutch World War II veter-
and clonazepam, seem to reduce general anxiety ans with chronic PTSD.
symptoms, but show no conclusive actions on core Open trials of sertraline5l-51 showed a response rate
PTSD symptoms. Taken as a whole, few controlled of 57% to 63% in patients with PTSD. One open trial
trials have been done with these agents, and few of clomipramine, a tricyclic with primary serotonergic
drugs have been tested more than once. activity, in patients with PTSD and symptoms of ob-
Recently, a number of studies have suggested a sessive-compulsive disorder showed a marked reduc-
promising and possibly unique role for serotonergic tion in the intrusive symptoms of PTSD and in the ob-
treatment for patients with PTSD. Table 2 lists the session scores in 6 of 7 patients.54 The 5-HT1A partial
pharmacologic treatment trials with agents that are agonist buspirone has shown benefits in treating the

de psychiatn'e

322 Revue de psychiatrie et de neuroscience

et de neuroscience
Vol. 22 n4o5, 1997
Post:-tu:matc stress disorMer and serotonin

symptoms of PTSD in an open trial55 and in case re- tic effect of SSRIs in PTSD may be due to an increase
ports.57 In contrast to the SSRIs, however, improve- in the inhibitory effects of serotonin on norepineph-
ment in avoidant/numbing symptoms of PTSD was rine in the locus ceruleus, which decrease the hyper-
not noted with buspirone. arousal, hypervigilance, fear and intrusive memories
Given the complex interactions among neurotrans- experienced by patients with PTSD.
mitter systems, it is unlikely that changes in any single The studies we reviewed suggest that controlled tri-
neurotransmitter are solely responsible for symptoms als with serotonergic agents are worth pursuing in pa-
of a disorder such as PTSD or for the improvement tients with PTSD. SSRIs appear to treat specific core
with pharmacologic treatment. Paralleling the theory symptoms of PTSD to a greater extent than tricylic
on the mechanism of action of SSRIs in panic disorder antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or
by Goddard et all2 is the hypothesis that the therapeu- benzodiazepines. However, nonspecific effects of all

Table 2: Studies of treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with serotonergic medication
No. of Type of
Author patients Medication study Length Dosage Outcome
Van der Kolk 64 Fluoxetine Randomized 5 wk 20-60 mg/d Significant reduction in symptoms of patients
et al 199443 double-blind treated with fluoxetine, but not placebo
McDougle et 20 Fluoxetine Open trial 10 wk 20-80 mg/d Significant improvement in intrusive avoidant
al 199144 and arousal symptoms in 13 of 20 patients
Nagy et al 19 Fluoxetine Open trial 10 wk 20-80 mg/d Significant improvement in
1993 4 depression/anxiety, re-experiencing
symptoms, avoidance/numbing and
hyperarousal symptoms
March 19924" I Fluoxetine Case report 3 mo 60 mg/d Moderate improvement in PTSD symptoms
Shay 19924' 28 Fluoxetine Open series 12-27 mo 20-80 mg/d 13 of the 18 with explosiveness showed
reduced explosiveness and anger; 22 had
improvement in depression; no comment on
symptoms of PTSD
Davidson et al 5 Fluoxetine Case series 8-32 wk 20-80 mg/d Marked improvement in intrusive and
1991" avoidant symptoms in all 5 patients
Marmar et al 10 Fluvoxamine Open trial 10wk 1 0-250 mg/d Significant improvement in intrusion,
99649 avoidance and arousal symptoms of PTSD at
4 to 6 wk
De Boer et al 24 Fluvoxamine Open trial 12 wk Up to 300 mg/d Significant improvement for 12 subjects for
9925° PTSD symptoms; overall group quantitative
improvement was modest at 12 wk
March 199246 Fluvoxamine Case report NA* 250 mg/d Reduction in both PTSD and depressive
Kline et al 19 Sertraline Open trial 3 mo 50-150 mg/d 63% were positive responders on measures
19935' of PTSD, depression and anxiety
Brady et al 9 Sertraline Open trial 12 wk 50-200 mg/d PTSD and comorbid alcohol dependence;
199552 significant decrease in all 3 symptom clusters
of PTSD and increase in days abstinent

Rothbaum et 7 Sertraline Open trial 12 wk 50-150 mg/d 4 of 5 completers were significant

al 199653 responders; average reduction of 53% in
ratings of PTSD symptoms
Chen 19915 7 Clomipramine Open trial 10.57± 100-150 mg/d 6 of 7 patients with PTSD and OCD showed
2.7 d marked improvement in obsession and
intrusion rating scores
Duffy and 13 Buspirone Open trial 4 wk 5-30 mg/d 7 of 8 completers had a significant reduction
Malloy 199455 in PTSD and depressive symptoms
LaPorta and 2 Buspirone Case reports mo 10 mg tid Marked or total reduction of anxiety,
Ware 199256 recollections, nightmares and insomnia
Wells et al 3 Buspirone Case reports 8 mo-- I yr 35-60 mg/d Improved anxiety, insomnia, flashbacks,
199 17 nightmares and depression
*NA = not available.

Vol. 22, flO 5, 1997

VbOZ.WIJM Journal
all, of Psychiatry &I
& N00*0
otaft 0
Davis, Surns, Lmbert oet ai

of these drugs on depression and anxiety also benefit of differences in the serotonin function, symptom pro-
patients with PTSD. Although patients with PTSD file and response to treatment by type of stressor and
may begin to respond to pharmacologic treatment in by sex in patients with PTSD. Combat-induced PTSD
the first 4 to 6 weeks, there appears to be a trend for and PTSD occurring in civilian life may involve dif-
greater global improvement in studies with a treat- ferent pathophysiology and show different rates of re-
ment duration of 8 weeks or longer,8 suggesting that sponse to SSRIs. In addition, investigations of the
treatment trials in PTSD may need to be longer than overlap of PTSD with depressive, anxiety and person-
the standard 4 to 6 weeks used for antidepressant ality disorders are needed, from both a psychologic
clinical trials. and neurobiologic perspective. The nature of aggres-
sion in response to catastrophic stress and how ag-
Future directions for research gression relates to subsequent PTSD should also be
closely examined.
Given these initial findings, the overlap of PTSD with Finally, more controlled treatment trials with sero-
other disorders and behaviours in which a serotonin tonergic medications are indicated and hold promise.
dysfunction is present, and the paucity of research ex- Treatments with medications that have combined
amining central serotonin function in patients with adrenergic and serotonergic properties should also be
PTSD, further studies delineating the serotonergic al- tested.
terations in PTSD are needed. Many of the techniques
used to study the serotonin system in other disorders Conclusions
could be implemented. These include measuring CSF
5-HIAA and plasma or platelet serotonin levels as New directions in the research on the pathophysiol-
well as examination of serotonin receptors in post- ogy and treatment of PTSD will certainly include the
mortem brain samples. serotonin system, given the degree of overlap of
In addition, neuroendocrine challenge is an estab- PTSD with other syndromes associated with a sero-
lished and minimally invasive method to study central tonin dysregulation and the results of SSRI treatment
neurotransmitter function. This method involves the trials to date. Greater understanding of the neuro-
use of a neurochemically specific challenge agent to chemical pathophysiology of PTSD and larger con-
stimulate a neuroendocrine response of the hypothala- trolled trials may lead to improved and more effica-
mic-pituitary axis. Hormone level changes induced by cious treatment for PTSD.
the challenge agent give an indirect measure of hypo-
thalamic neurotransmitter receptor function. Indirect Acknowledgements
and direct serotonin agonists, as well as specific sero-
tonin receptor agonists, are available for this proce- We would like to thank Kenneth Z. Altshuler, MD, Stanton Sharpe
Distinguished Chair and Chairman of the Department of Psychia-
dure. In addition to a single neuroendocrine challenge try of the University of Texas Southwestern, for his generous sup-
targeting 1 neurotransmitter system, sequential neu- port and encouragement. This review was supported by the US De-
roendocrine challenges could be administered in the partment of Veterans Affairs.
same patient. For example, pairing a yohimbine chal-
lenge (a probe of adrenergic function) with a fenflu- References
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Minority Research Training in Psychiatry

Through a five-year, $2.5 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, the American Psychiatric Associ-
ation (APA) is seeking through the Program for Minority Research Training in Psychiatry (PMRTP) to increase the
number of minority psychiatrists entering the field of psychiatric research.
The program provides medical students and psychiatric residents with funding for stipends, travel expenses, and tu-
ition for an elective or summer experience in a research environment, with special attention paid to trainees' career
development in research. In addition, stipends are available for a limited number of one- or two-year post-residency
fellowships for minority psychiatrists.
Training takes place at research-oriented departments of psychiatry in major US medical schools and other appro-
priate sites throughout the country. An individual at the site (the research "mentor") is responsible for overseeing
the research training experience.
Administered by the APA's Office of Research, the program includes outreach efforts to identify minority medical
students and residents who are potential researchers and to put them in touch with advisors who counsel them about
careers in psychiatric research. Additional activities assist fellows and alumni in their research career development.
The director of the PMRTP is Harold Alan Pincus, MD; the project manager is Ernesto Guerra. An advisory com-
mittee of senior researchers and minority psychiatrists developed guidelines for applicants and criteria for selection.
The members of this committee evaluate and select trainees, oversee the research training experiences, and play a
role in evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
December I is the deadline for applications for residents seeking a year or more of training and for post-residency
fellows. For medical students and other residents, applications are due three months before training is to begin. Sum-
mer medical students who will start their training by June 30 should submit their applications by April 1.
For more information about the PMRTP, call the toll-free number for the PMRTP, 800 852-1390, or 202 682-6225,
or write to Dr. Pincus at the American Psychiatric Association, 1400 K St. NW, Washington DC 20005.

326 Revue de psychiatrie et de neuroscience Vol. 22, no 5, 1997

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