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For II-ESD course


Research Student for 2019 (研究留学生) 【Special Category】

Please provide the following information in Roman block capitals.

Name of Applicant
申請者氏名 ※ Applicant must be born on or after April 2, 1984
Applicant’s Home Institution

Name of prospective academic supervisor in Kanazawa University

※ The applicant is required to have contact with a prospective academic supervisor before applying
for the scholarship. The applicant cannot apply for this scholarship without this requirement.

Name of the nearest international airport to the applicant when you leave your country: The airport
must be located in the country which corresponds to the applicant’s nationality.

Name of the embassy or consulate general of Japan where the applicant applies for a visa after being
selected as a MEXT scholarship student

Necessary Documents ※Please check if you prepared these things.

□ 1 This cover sheet
□ 2 Application form(日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生申請書)Both sides printing
□ 3 Field of Study and Study Program(専攻分野及び研究計画)Both sides printing
□ 4 Photocopy of the university diploma, of certificate of degree or a certified letter stating
expected graduation date
□ 5 Official academic transcript including your GPA and/or ranking in your institution.
□ 6 Photocopy of a passport or birth certificate or certificate of citizenship
□ 7 Letter of Recommendation(推薦書)
□ 8 Photographs (4.5 x 3.5cm) taken within the past 6 months (should be pasted on the
Application forms and Attachment)
□ 9 Photocopy of the Master's thesis and a summary of the thesis written in English on A4-sized
□ 10 Provisional acceptance letter written by a prospective academic supervisor from Kanazawa
University (An emailed one is also acceptable.)
□ 11 Certificate of official language qualification such as TOEFL, IELTS and/or TOEIC
□ 12 Certificate of Health *Please use the prescribed form, The certificate must be officially issued
by the institution which the examining physician belongs to.
□ 13 For those who are currently employed, a letter of release/recognition from their superior
authorities recognizing their right to apply and/or pursue further education in Kanazawa
□ 14 Pledge(誓約書)to the President of Kanazawa University Both sides printing
□ 15 Pledge(誓約書)to the Director of Graduate school of Natural Science and Technology,
Kanazawa University
16 Research achievements (in English)

Note: All documents must be written in either English or Japanese (or translations).
Deadline: January 31, 2018

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