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Objective: The students will be able to define folk songs, identify the

different characteristics of folk songs, and perform one of the folk songs
of Luzon (lowlands) through video recording.

Subject: MAPEH

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

1. English - Students can analyze the lyrics of folk songs and identify literary devices

2. Social Studies - Students can explore the historical and cultural significance of folk
songs in the Philippines.

3. Technology and Livelihood Education - Students can learn about audio and video
recording techniques for their performance.

Review Motivation:

1. Play a popular folk song from Luzon (lowlands) and ask the students if they know
the song.

2. Show a video clip of a traditional dance performed to a folk song and discuss the
connection between music and dance.

3. Display images of different musical instruments commonly used in folk songs and
ask the students to identify them.

Activity 1: Define Folk Songs

Materials: Whiteboard, markers


1. Discuss the definition of folk songs as traditional songs passed down from
generation to generation.

2. Write the definition on the whiteboard and ask students to copy it in their

3. Provide examples of folk songs from different regions in the Philippines.

4. Ask students to share any folk songs they know and discuss their characteristics.


- Correctly defined folk songs: 4 points

- Provided examples and characteristics: 4 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the definition of folk songs?

2. Can you give an example of a folk song from a different region in the Philippines?

Activity 2: Identify Characteristics of Folk Songs

Materials: Handout with lyrics of different folk songs, highlighters


1. Distribute the handout with lyrics of different folk songs.

2. In pairs, ask the students to read the lyrics and identify the characteristics of each
folk song (e.g., language, theme, melody).

3. Provide highlighters for students to mark the characteristics they find.

4. Discuss the characteristics as a class and compile a list on the whiteboard.


- Identified correct characteristics: 6 points

Assessment Questions:

1. What are the different characteristics of folk songs?

2. How do the characteristics of folk songs vary in different regions of the


Activity 3: Performance of a Folk Song through Video Recording

Materials: Musical instruments (optional), video recording device


1. Assign each group a folk song from Luzon (lowlands) to perform.

2. Provide time for groups to practice singing the folk song and, if possible, playing
accompanying musical instruments.

3. Instruct students to record their performance using a video recording device.

4. After recording, groups will present their videos to the class.


- Accuracy of lyrics and melody: 4 points

- Performance quality and expression: 4 points

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you prepare for your folk song performance?

2. What are the important elements to consider in a successful video recording


Activity 4: Exploring Folk Songs from Visayas (lowlands)

Materials: Computer with internet access, headphones


1. Introduce the students to folk songs from the Visayas region (lowlands) by playing
a selection of songs from the area.

2. Provide students with a list of folk songs from Visayas and ask them to choose
one that they find interesting.

3. Instruct students to research the chosen folk song, including its history, lyrics, and
cultural significance.

4. Ask students to write a short summary of their findings and present it to the class.


- Chose an interesting folk song from Visayas: 5 points

- Conducted thorough research on the chosen folk song: 5 points

- Presented the findings clearly and concisely: 5 points

Activity 5: Comparing Folk Songs from Different Regions

Materials: Whiteboard, markers


1. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different region in the
Philippines (e.g., Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao).

2. Instruct each group to research and select a folk song from their assigned region.

3. Ask the groups to present their chosen folk songs to the class, discussing the
similarities and differences they found among the songs.

4. Facilitate a class discussion on the cultural diversity and unity represented by

these folk songs.


- Chose a representative folk song from the assigned region: 5 points

- Presented the similarities and differences clearly: 5 points

- Actively participated in the class discussion: 5 points

Activity 6: Creating a Modern Adaptation of a Folk Song

Materials: Instruments (if available), recording device


1. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a folk song from any
region in the Philippines.

2. Instruct the groups to create a modern adaptation of the folk song by changing the
melody, adding new instruments, or incorporating contemporary elements.

3. Provide time for groups to practice and rehearse their modern adaptation.

4. Instruct each group to record their performance using a recording device.


- Demonstrated creativity in the modern adaptation: 5 points

- Accuracy of lyrics and melody: 5 points

- Performance quality and expression: 5 points

Please note that the detailed instructions, rubrics, and assessment questions are
provided for each activity to ensure clarity and guidance for both the teacher and


Discuss the outcomes each activity as a class, highlighting the students'

understanding of folk songs, their ability to identify the characteristics, and their
performance skills.


Guide the students in summarizing the main points learned about folk songs and
their characteristics. Encourage them to reflect on the cultural significance and
importance of preserving folk songs.

Present a real-life problem related to folk songs, such as the need to promote and
preserve traditional music in the community. Ask students to brainstorm ideas on
how they can contribute to solving this problem.


1. Written assessment: Ask students to write a short essay discussing the cultural
significance of folk songs and their role in preserving the Filipino identity.

2. Performance assessment: Evaluate students' video recordings based on accuracy

of lyrics and melody, performance quality, and expression.


Research and write a short report on a folk song from a different region in the
Philippines. Include information about its historical background, cultural significance,
and any unique characteristics.

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