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Objective: The objective of this lesson is for Grade 7 students to identify

the different musical elements incorporated in the Luzon lowlands

devotional music.

Subject: Music

Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning across curriculum:

1. - Explore the historical context of the Luzon lowlands devotional music.

2. Geography - Study the geographical features of the Luzon lowlands and how they
influence the music.

3. Filipino - Discuss the Filipino lyrics and language used in the devotional music.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video clip of a traditional Luzon lowlands devotional music performance,

highlighting the unique musical elements.

2. Play a recording of a popular Luzon lowlands devotional song and ask students to
identify the different musical elements they hear.

3. Discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the role of music in
cultural expression.

Activity 1: Exploring the Musical Elements

Materials: Audio recordings of Luzon lowlands devotional music, whiteboard,


1. Play different examples of Luzon lowlands devotional music for students to listen

2. Guide a class discussion on the musical elements present in each song, such as
melody, rhythm, harmony, and instrumentation.

3. Write down the identified elements on the whiteboard.


- Identification of musical elements: 5 points

- Participation in class discussion: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. What is the role of harmony in Luzon lowlands devotional music?

2. How does the instrumentation contribute to the overall sound of the music?

Activity 2: Analyzing the Lyrics

Materials: Printed lyrics of Luzon lowlands devotional songs, highlighters


1. Distribute the printed lyrics to students.

2. In pairs or small groups, have students read and analyze the lyrics.

3. Ask students to identify any poetic devices or cultural references in the lyrics.


- Analysis of lyrics: 10 points

- Collaboration in group work: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. How do the lyrics of Luzon lowlands devotional music reflect the religious beliefs
of the region?

2. What cultural references can be found in the lyrics of the songs?

Activity 3: Creating a Musical Composition

Materials: Musical instruments (optional), manuscript paper, pencils


1. Divide students into small groups.

2. Instruct each group to create a short musical composition inspired by the musical
elements and themes of Luzon lowlands devotional music.

3. Provide time for students to practice and refine their compositions.


- Creativity and originality of composition: 10 points

- Execution and performance of composition: 10 points

Assessment questions:

1. How did you incorporate the musical elements of Luzon lowlands devotional music
into your composition?

2. What themes or cultural elements did you draw inspiration from?


After completing the activities, analyze the outcome of each activity by discussing
the students' understanding of the musical elements and their ability to analyze lyrics
and create compositions.

Guide students in summarizing the key concepts and musical elements they have
learned from the Luzon lowlands devotional music.


Present students with a real-life problem related to the objective, such as creating a
musical arrangement for a cultural event that showcases the musical elements of
Luzon lowlands devotional music.


Teachers can assess the students' learning based on the learning objectives

- Observing their active participation in class discussions and group work.

- Evaluating their analysis of lyrics and identification of musical elements.

- Assessing their creativity and execution in creating musical compositions.


As an assignment, students can research and write a short essay on the significance
of Luzon lowlands devotional music in the cultural heritage of the Philippines,
focusing on the musical elements and themes discussed in class.

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