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natural cure for impotence,
premature ejaculation and sexual
The effects of stress and anxiety
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is quite a delicate subject and many men shy away
from opening up to discuss their problem. ED is very common, in fact over 18
million men in the US are affected by ED, but yet other estimates say the
number is almost double the amount.

It’s common to experience ED as you age and many men will experience it at
some point or another, although chronic or long term ED isn’t considered

Erectile dysfunction also known as impotence, happens when a man cannot

maintain or obtain an erection which stops him from having full sex, being able
to perform or last in bed.

There are many factors that go into a healthy erection, such as the bodily
systems – hormones, blood vessels, nervous system, the brain, emotions and
muscles. If a problem interrupts any of these areas, it can cause impotence.

Let’s look at what can contribute to ED:

Heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Prostate cancer
Enlarged prostate
Damaged pelvic floor muscles
Insufficient sleep
Sedentary lifestyle
Damaged nerves
Blocked blood vessels
Low testosterone
Hard drugs
High alcohol consumption

There are a lot of factors that result in ED but the two most common are stress
and anxiety and it’s important to note that these two contribute to high blood
pressure and cholesterol.

Although a small amount of stress and anxiety is good for motivation, if it builds
up and becomes prolonged over time it can cause unwanted responses in your
body, impotence being one of them. When a man experiences impotence it
increases his stress response, this can lead to anxiety and even depression which
makes the effects of ED even worse.

If you experience ED then it’s likely that you’ll experience performance anxiety
which of course can produce even more stress. Men often focus too much on
satisfying their ego by making sure their partner is satisfied rather than
themselves. In most cases men are too proud to talk to their partner or seek
professional help to discuss their problem and may even try to avoid sex
altogether which can put a major strain on your relationship, or your confidence
if you’re single.

Stress management is key here and it’s likely that you’ve identified stress and
anxiety to be the main cause of your ED. Although this could be the case, it’s
still wise to go and visit your GP in case any of the above are contributing also.
As well as a visit to the doctors, counselling and psychotherapists can be of great
help to your concerns.

Don’t suffer in silence about ED, as soon as you talk to your GP the sooner they
can identify the problem or contributing factors and the sooner you can return to
full sexual function.

Let’s look at the common treatments for ED

Penis exercises
Blood vessel surgery
Testosterone therapy
Prescription medicine
Penis pump
Quit smoking
Reduce alcohol consumption
Weight loss
Sexual anxiety/psychological counselling
Sexual performance anxiety
Performance anxiety is one of the biggest contributors to ED. This can cause
constant worry, or dreading of sexual encounters, some men may even try to
avoid sex all together.

Let’s look at what men fear the most during sex:

Getting an erection
Keeping an erection
Worried that they can’t satisfy their partner
Fear that their penis is too small
Fear that partners ex’s penis is bigger than theirs
Premature ejaculation
Self-conscious about their image

Statistics show that most men worry about the above but many men can
experience anxiety just through watching excessive porn. They put way too
much pressure on themselves and think women have all these ridiculous
expectations. They worry about things such as comparing their penis to a porn
stars penis, they think they need to give their partner 5 orgasms each time they
have sex and that they need to go at it for over an hour. It’s easy to lose touch of
reality when you get invested in porn, seeing a woman screaming at the top of
her lungs pretending to roll around in ecstasy, but this isn’t the real world, its
pure fantasy.

In some cases it can come down to wanting to feel validated, you may have
insecurities by perfecting the sexual act on your partner and you put way too
much pressure on yourself to perform because you think this factors into the
relationship and that’s what you have to do to keep her.

It could even be due to past sexual experiences you’ve had. Sex is supposed to
be exciting, passionate and joyful, not a time for worry, stress and anxiety. Men
often see sex as some kind of goal they have to achieve to please their partner
but this is essentially exercising your ego, it’s not really enjoyment. Sex should
come from a place of intimacy and sharing of sexual pleasure, how better would
sex be if you felt you were never being judged? Men have these expectations
that can create all types of anxieties that don’t necessarily matter. You should
never look at sex as a task, it’s all about pleasure for you and your partner.

Let’s look at methods to overcome performance anxiety

Learn stress management – stress from work, relationships or family can

severely affect your performance so learn to manage your anxieties.
Learn how to release stress – find ways to release stress such as, working
out, yoga, meditation, a hot bath, long walks, whatever works.
Block negative thoughts – bring your attention to the way you think during
sex as this can be your biggest turn off. Don’t judge yourself, relax and
enjoy the pleasure. You can also practice this outside the bedroom to
maximise confidence.
Deep breathing – deep breathing or controlling your breathing slows down
your heartrate that increases due to anxiety. Slowing your heart rate down
allows you to relax and focus.
Talk about it – talking to a GP, a close friend, member of family or even
your partner can help manage your anxiety and help you feel more
Enjoy sex – sex is supposed to be about pleasure, focus on the sensations
you like, what you want from sex and what your partner wants or likes.
Share each other’s fantasies.
Don’t focus on getting an erection – too often men that have anxiety
towards sex, as soon as they get an erection they put pressure on their
partner to rush into it and get it in there so to speak. There is no need for
this pressure, if you get an erection, fine that’s okay, this means you’re
turned on, you don’t need to rush into anything. One of the biggest things
men stress out about, is when they are fooling around with their partner,
they have taken their clothes off but they aren’t erect. Don’t worry if you’re
not completely erect when you’re taking your clothes off, don’t let new or
past fears stop you from enjoying sex. You can’t let anxiety over power
you, focus and tell yourself you want to use your erection, you can control
your anxiety, don’t let it control you.
Don’t rush – try to relax and enjoy what you’re doing, get into a flow there
is no reason to rush to the finish line.
Healthier lifestyle – sleep is one of the most important tools to a healthy
sex life. Exercise is great to get the blood flowing, this along with a healthy
diet can greatly improve the blood flow to your penis. Plus seeing your
body imagine change will improve your confidence overall.
Get professional help – sex therapists can help pin point any difficulties
you may be experiencing, they will also identify any issues you’ve
experienced in previous relationships or sexual encounters.
Quit watching porn – porn is simply fantasy. Too often men compare
themselves to porn stars, the size of their penis, the duration and positions
they can perform etc. This isn’t how it is in the real world, penis’s are of
average size more often than none, women find penis size to be at the very
bottom of the list, if even on the list at all of their wants/needs in a man.
Most women find huge penis’s a turn off, although it can be visually
stimulating it isn’t physically, in fact it can be a very painful experience.
Also the average duration a couple has sex in reality is between 5-15
minutes. Porn isn’t at all sex education it is pure fantasy.
Distractions are a no-no – concentrate on your partner and pleasure, don’t
think about anything else, channel in and focus, also don’t use a distraction
to delay yourself from ejaculating either, use the edging technique below.
Limit drugs and alcohol – you may use drugs or alcohol as a way to relax,
intensify pleasure or to become more confident, but over time excessive use
of drugs and alcohol can have the opposite effects.
The Pelvic Floor Muscles
It’s likely that you’ve heard of the kegel exercise at some point in your life, and
perhaps only thought that these exercises apply to females to strengthen the
vagina after child birth. Well males can greatly benefit from kegels too!

kegels are specifically designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which
can help you to improve the quality and duration of your erection. Other benefits
include a more intense orgasm, indirect enlargement of the penis and can help
cure ED. You can maximise your overall results by combining kegels with Jelqs
or stretches. The most common method of finding your PC (Pubococcygeus)
muscle is while urinating, slowly contract the muscles which will either stop or
slow the flow of urine, those are your pelvic floor muscles. I advise you not to
do this though as it can cause an infection, instead a safer method is while you
are erect, simply move your penis up and down to find your pelvic floor

For men kegels are a great way to improve the overall health and hardness of the
penis and enables the ability to last longer in bed. Kegels have one goal which is
to strengthen your PC muscle. This muscle is similar in both men and women, it
stretches from the tail bone up to the pubic bone which creates a hammock – like
muscle floor. The kegel exercise is different to all other penile exercises in that it
contracts and strengthens real skeletal muscles – the pelvic floor muscles. Just
like women, men can find kegels very beneficial to improving their sex life. It is
common that men skip out on kegel exercises as many do, because they are the
only exercise that do not directly enlarge the penis. However kegels for men
have a much wider range of other benefits, few of which that can cure problems
or enlarge the penis indirectly. Some of these benefits include:

Increased blood flow helping you achieve a longer lasting harder erection.
Improved erection angle.
Increased ejaculation force and volume giving a more intense explosive
Helping you to control your ability to ejaculate, allowing greater sexual
Indirectly enlarges the penis with increased blood flow.
Helps cure urinary incontinence and the ability to hold in urine for longer
especially during the night.
A healthier prostate and can be used in treatment of prostate swelling and
pain due to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Can help prevent prolapsed pelvic organs.
Kegel exercises
The PC muscle is easy to find, as I mentioned before these are the muscles you
use to move your penis up and down while erect. Just focus on lifting the entire
pelvic floor upward, and continue to breathe throughout the contraction. Hold
the contraction for as long as possible, don’t worry if you can only hold it for a
few seconds or not at all. Try to record how long you can hold the contraction
for, slowly release and repeat for seven to ten repetitions. Each time you kegel
gradually build up the duration so that you can squeeze the muscles for ten
seconds at a time.

You should be able to see or feel your testicles lift when you perform the
exercise correctly and you may notice an improvement in your pelvic floor
muscles in as little as 4 weeks. Kegels can be fun as you can do them anywhere,
it requires no assistance from your hands or legs – you can perform them while
you’re at work, watching TV or even in the car.

It’s always best to start off slowly and increase the intensity over time. This is
my recommendation to get you started with kegels:

For the first four weeks try to achieve 50 reps per session, 3-5 days per week
having rest days in-between. Try to maintain each contraction for at least 5
seconds depending on your existing pc muscle strength. As you become more
experienced with Kegels and perform them more frequently, your pc muscle will
become stronger and you’ll be able to hold the contraction for a longer duration.
Gradually work your way up from 5-10 minutes per day incorporating more
Kegels into your routine. Once your pc muscle is conditioned, you’ll gain the
ability to stop yourself from ejaculating, which is possible by tightening the
contraction for around 10 seconds just before the point of no return. You can
practice this while masturbating, when you feel you are at the point of no return
simply hold the contraction for 10 seconds or longer. Once the urge to orgasm
subsides simply release the contraction, this process may take weeks, months or
even years to perfect.

Combining Kegels with Jelqs and stretches will promote more blood flow to the
penis which will enhance the effectiveness of each exercise. Kegel exercises can
be fun to add pleasure to your sexual experience. When a woman squeezes her
pc muscles her vagina walls tighten, increasing the pressure and pleasure for
both involved. As you start to practice Kegels you may unconsciously Kegel
during sex, which may cause you to ejaculate too soon as continuous
contractions quickly drains the strength and endurance of the muscle.

I understand it may be tempting to kegel as much as possible at first, but it’s

important not to over train. Instead of seeing positive results the whole process
will become counterproductive. Bodybuilding is a great comparison as someone
who over trains their muscles would become too sore or may injure themselves
being unable to continue, essentially overtraining and causing atrophy. This will
do more damage than good. Always listen to your body and allow yourself time
to rest and recover to reap the full benefits.
Too much masturbation
Before we get into masturbation I feel it’s important to note that kegeling too
much either during sex or masturbation can cause penis fatigue leading to weak
erections or no erections at all. Chronic masturbation can lead to exhaustion and
a drop in testosterone levels.

Let’s look at some of the effects of chronic masturbation.

Weak erections
No morning wood
Feeling tired
Pelvic pain
Testicular pain
Lower back pain
Changes in vision

At the end of the day masturbation is healthy, the penis needs exercise to keep it
in shape, have you ever heard the phrase “use it or lose it?” well the same
applies here. Your penis also needs nutrients to keep the blood vessels and
tissues healthy. A few erections throughout the day and throughout the night are
healthy as this helps to keep erection strength. Healthy testosterone levels are
also very important to ensure proper blood flow. So you can see that
masturbating occasionally can keep your penis healthy and in shape.

Think of it this way, if a bodybuilder did nothing but train his arms everyday he
would be constantly overtraining, cause fatigue to his biceps and this can even
cause muscle atrophy which is shrinkage of the muscle. The same can apply to
your penis.

If you’re a chronic masturbator and masturbate more than 30 times per week,
then decrease you’re sessions slowly, say 20 sessions each week until you get to
once a day. You will see a lot of improvement in your erections and morning
wood once you reduce masturbation, it may be wise to visit a GP, see a sex
therapist or get professional help if you struggle to reduce sessions. You want to
get to the point where you don’t masturbate at all.
Edging is on the best exercises to increase sexual stamina and improve the
firmness of your erection, it indirectly makes your penis larger and can help cure
premature ejaculation.

Edging is essentially like masturbating, accept Just before you get to the point of
no return you stop. Don’t squeeze your PC muscle to stop either, keep your
pelvic floor muscles relaxed, wait until the feeling of ejaculation subsides and
then carry on. This should be done for at least 15 minutes 3 times per week,
don’t edge too much longer than this as it can produce penis fatigue.

You can either perform this alone or you can use it during sex with your partner,
getting to the point of no return and then stopping or taking your penis out for
10-20 seconds for ejaculation to subside and then carry on.

The whole point of edging is to learn when your body is near orgasm, the
quicker you notice this, the sooner you can pull out and repeat, which will
increase your stamina and sex drive. It allows you to decide when you want to
orgasm and when you finally do, the feeling is incredibly intense.
Sexual Meditation
Practicing sexual meditation is also a great way to benefit your sexual health. It’s
a great way to heal erectile dysfunction and especially performance anxiety.

Set aside 15 minutes each day to lie down, relax and meditate. Many surveys
have been undertaken on applicants applying this method and the results shown
a dramatic improvement in their sex lives.

Lie down in bed, or take a bath, light some candles, just make sure you’re in a
really comfortable setting. Try to eliminate all negative thoughts, fears, unrelated
fantasies and outside concerns. Let your mind and spirit relax, concentrate on
your rhythm of breathing bringing your heart rate right down. Relax all of your
muscles, start from your toes and slowly move all the way up to your head
ensuring every muscle maintains relaxed.

To get to the ideal relaxed state it may take up to 5 minutes depending on

repetition and experience.

Once you are relaxed both physically and mentally start to focus your attention
on your genital area, concentrate on your experience of enjoyable sensations of
radiating warmth. While doing so try to keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed.
Penis exercises for confidence
There is no doubt that the penis is the body part that most men would like to
change about themselves the most. Having a bigger penis would tremendously
increase confidence. This not only increases confidence in the bedroom, bed
self-esteem outside of the bedroom, masculinity and the way you carry yourself
will be very apparent.

Men are often said to think with their penis’s, they think about sex more than
anything else throughout the day so it’s no surprise that the size of a man’s
member becomes his biggest issue. It’s common for men to look around the
locker room and compare himself to other men and if he notices that other men
are bigger than him he can feel quite inadequate and less superior leading to
anxiety and depression.

Through penis exercise you can enlarge your penis both in length and girth, you
can also gain a much harder and firmer erection. The three exercises you will
perform are penis stretches either using a device or manually. Jelqs for girth and
the most important is the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles which we have
explained earlier which are kegels.

If you want to increase your penis size I have a book on exactly how to do so:
Penis enlargement: Simple steps to a bigger penis. I discuss my experience,
the many products on the market, what works, what doesn’t, the benefits etc. I
also share with you a beginner’s programme and an advanced programme, I
discuss each exercise in detail and I explain all about rest and recovery to avoid
Side effects of using Viagra
If you suffer from ED Viagra can help you perform and enjoy sex and boost
your confidence. It can kick in as little as 20-30 minutes but depending on your
dosage it can last in your system for up to 8 hours or more. It can benefit men
who have heart failure and it’s easy to consume.

As much as Viagra has been saluted by many for treatment of ED it has many
short term side effects and if used long term it can have detrimental effects on
your health. The majority of these side effects are the result due to the main
active ingredient Sildenafil.

Let’s take a look at the many side effects that can take place.

Most common side effects:

Burning feeling in stomach or chest

Rapid heart beats
Pins and needles
Burning sensations
Rashes or red patches on the skin
Abnormal vision – seeing shades of colours differently than before –
sensitivity to light

The more rare side effects:

Bloody or cloudy urine
Pain of urinating
Upset stomach
Ringing in the ears
Find breathing hard
Bladder pain
Bleeding of the eye
Behavioural change such as feeling high or drunk
Bone pains
Cold sweats or chills
Breast enlargement
Hearing loss
Struggle to concentrate
Feeling light headed
Peeling of the skin
Dry mouth
Irregular heart beats
Increased sweating and thirst
Continuous headache
Lower back and side pain
Hands feel numb
Painful erection
Prolonged painful erection
Feeling weak
Sore throat

Some of the side effects from Sildenafil may not need medical attention as your
body can adjust to it and the side effects can disappear. Just to be on the safe
side, if you haven’t been prescribed Viagra then make a visit to your GP before
you take any and if you are taking it and you have experienced any of the above
go visit your GP and discuss the side effects.

Another interesting fact to add is that if you don’t suffer with ED and you are
using Viagra for a sexual enhancement, long term use can lead to ED if you stop
using it.

Another important point to make is that most of if not all of the ‘herbal Viagra’
brands claim that each ingredient contained in the pills are all natural, but in fact
they contain dangerously high levels of prescription only, anti-obesity and ED
drugs that are contained in prescribed Viagra. They claim that there are no side
effects which is completely untrue, some of them produce the exact same side
effects as Viagra and reports state that many outdated Viagra pills are crushed up
and added to the so called ‘herbal Viagra’ so beware.

If a company or seller won’t give you a detailed report of the exact ingredients in
their product, then it’s clear something is wrong.
Foods that boost your sex drive
1. Coffee – the caffeine kick from a cup of java boosts your metabolism and gets
your blood pumping.

2. Oysters – they are rich in the mineral zinc and vitamin B6 which are both
vital for testosterone.

3. Chilli’s – when your face flushes after eating a curry that’s the blood vessels
expanding thanks to the effect of the chilli’s.

4. Bananas – rich in potassium, great for your heart and circulation.

5. Salmon – the omega free fatty acids in oily fish make the blood less sticky,
enhancing blood flow to the parts that matter.

6. Onions – chemicals in onions and garlic thin the blood and enhances your

7. Red wine – great source of resveratrol which helps your main arteries while
the little blue pill only works on tiny blood vessels.

8. Spinach – high in zinc which helps produce testosterone.

9. Porridge – the soluble fibre in oatmeal mops up cholesterol helping keep your
blood vessels smooth and stretchy.

10. Celery – produces androsterone, which is the same type of hormone released
when men sweat and it has a pheromone type of effect that women find

11. Dates – high in iron and potassium

12. Dark chocolate – cacao in chocolate when ingested produces a lot of

endorphins in your body that gives you that ‘feel good’ feeling.
Foods that increase testosterone
1. Mediterranean diet – consisting of nuts, wholegrains, fruits, extra virgin
olive oil, red wine, healthy fats and vegetables.

2. Garlic – increase the amount of garlic you consume by using supplements or

adding garlic sauce to your plate. Garlic contains a chemical called
diallyldisulfide which increases testicular weight and testosterone levels.

3. Beans – eat more beans as they have a high zinc content and zinc is correlated
with high testosterone and low oestrogen as zinc inhibits aromatase which is an
enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen.

4. Vitamin A – increase Vitamin A by consuming foods such as carrots, sweet

potatoes, squash, cantaloupe and eggs.

5. Beef – has many components that impact testosterone such as zinc, saturated
fat, iron, protein and magnesium, be careful not to concede your cholesterol

6. Vitamin D – increase vitamin D by consuming more foods such as

mushrooms, salmon and milk.
Foods that increase your sperm count and fertility
1. Oysters
2. Dark chocolate
3. Maca plant
4. Bananas
5. Asparagus
6. Wall nuts
7. Squash seeds
8. Ginseng
9. Garlic
10. Goji berries
11. Pumpkin seeds
12. Red foods
Top ten aphrodisiac foods
1. Arugula – has been used as an aphrodisiac since the early ages and blocks
contaminates that can harm your libido.

2. Honey – is a symbol of procreation and boron in honey regulates oestrogen

and testosterone.

3. Avocado – contains high levels of Vitamin E and helps to maintain youthful

vigor and energy levels.

4. Mustard – increases blood circulation. Good circulation leads to long lasting

erections and great sex!

5. Cinnamon – produces heat in the body, it increases appetite both physically

and sexually.

6. Chilli peppers – stimulate endorphins which causes your heart rate to speed
up and make you sweat.

7. Bananas – contain bromelain enzymes which triggers testosterone


8. Pine nuts – are high in zinc which is essential for a healthy sex drive.

9. Oysters – also high in zinc and produces sex hormones.

10. Pumpkin seeds – are high in magnesium which helps to raise testosterone
Salad recipe
Asparagus (1 bundle) – Contains Vitamin E and is a sex hormone booster, it
also improves the condition of your skin. Eating enough of this will make
your penis a lot more sensitive.
Avocado (whole, small) – Contains folic acid which helps metabolise the
protein in your body. Doctors also recommend avocado as a natural food
that increases libido.
Almonds (1 cup crushed) – Contains essential fatty acids that help promote
sex hormone production in men.
Plus some lettuce, 1 lemon, ½ cup olive oil, 3 clove garlics (pounded), ½
cup vinegar.

Preparation method

For the dressing combine the vinegar, garlic and olive oil in a bowl, squeeze in
the whole lemon and mix well.

In a separate bowl, throw in all of the greens: lettuce, asparagus and avocado

Sprinkle the almonds on top of the salad.

Add the dressing and enjoy.

This salad recipe is a bowl of goodness and full of antioxidants! The dressing is
a healthy combination of healthy foods for you. The olive oil is one of the
healthiest oils that naturally lowers cholesterol. The garlic is also great for your
heart, helps prevent heart attacks and stroke. Lemon is good for cleansing.
Aphrodisiac drink 1 (natures Viagra!)
Watermelon (½) – Contains various nutrients and when eaten in large
quantities it produces many aphrodisiac properties. Two of the main ones
are lycopene and citrulline. The excellent source of lycopene helps reduce
colon, prostate, breast, endometrial and lung cancer.

Its high quantity of citrulline is an amino acid that helps relax blood vessels
much like Viagra, without the side effects.

It also helps to eliminate free-radicals that can oxidize cholesterol.

Lemon (½)
Lime (½)
Strawberries (1 handful) – for their citric acid content

Preparation method

Chop watermelon into small pieces into a juicer to obtain about 0.5L of
watermelon juice.

Don’t waste the rind as this contains a high amount of citrilline (the white part).

Squeeze in the juice of lemon and lime and for its citric acid content and blend it

Then add the handful of strawberries, mix it together and drink.

Aphrodisiac drink 2 (natures Viagra!)
¼ Watermelon (don’t forget the rind!!)
½ Beetroot
1 lime or lemon
1 tsp maca powder
½ pinch cayenne pepper
3-4 pumpkin seeds

Preparation method

Cut the watermelon in ½ and then ¼ it, make sure you include the white part of
the watermelon too as this has very strong nutrients.

Slice the beetroot in ½ and slice in ½ again. Put those ingredients into a blender
and squeeze in the lime or lemon.

Add 1 tsp of maca powder and ½ pinch of cayenne pepper.

Blend the ingredients together, sprinkle the pumpkin seeds on top and drink. I
cut them really small but you can also throw them in the blender if you’re not
too keen on the taste or texture to get their added benefits.
Aphrodisiac drink 3 (natures Viagra!)
Carrots (x4 medium) – rich in antioxidants which mop all free radicals that
cause cancer, Vitamin for young skin and eyes, and contains lots of fibre.
Celery (x3 stalks) – Natures aspirin, an anti-inflammatory, packed with
Vitamin C, B Vitamins.
Beetroot (x4 chunks) – contains boron that increases our sex hormones also
a natural anti-depressant which converts to serotonin.
Ginger (x3 slices) – Used highly for anti-gas, anti-nausea, anti-morning
sickness and anti-inflammatory which is another natural pain reliever.

Preparation method

Chop up the ingredients appropriately and throw them into your juicer or blender
and enjoy!

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