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GROUP 11: Fenequito, Jaca, Gabucan, Lubguban
44 Identify the important moral challenges of globalization.

45 Compare responses to shared moral dilemmas of baby boomers and


46 Qualities of the filinnial

47 Coping with the challenges of globalization

48 Differentiate ethics from religion

49 Appreciate the role of religion in a globalized world


Identify the
challenges of
What is
Globalization, in simpler terms, can
be defined as the “increased
interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and

“Globalization is the onset of the

borderless world.”

- Kenichi Ohmae (1992)

Three Major
Areas of

Economic Cultural Political

Globalization Globalization Globalization
It is the increasing economic
interdependence of national
economies across the world through
a rapid increase in cross-border
movement of goods, services,
technology, and capital.
Economic globalization can be
achieved through the process of
increasing economic integration
between countries, leading to the
emergence of a global marketplace
or a single world market.
Cultural globalization refers to the
transmission of ideas, meanings, and
values around the world in such a way as
to extend and intensify social relations.

Political globalization refers to the
growth of the worldwide political
system, both in size and complexity.
Moral Challenges
of Globalization
1) Environmental Problems
Globalization has led to increased
production for businesses in order to
meet global demand. Increased
production means more natural resources
are used and this can be used up before
they are regenerated leading to a
negative impact on the environment.
2) Increased inequality resulting to
further impoverishment of the poor

Many of the studies in Globalization and

Poverty suggest that globalization has been
associated with rising inequality, and that
the poor do not always share in the gains
from trade.
3) Brain Drain Effect
Talented and educated people in Third
World countries leave their countries of
origin in the hopes of finding better
opportunities in First World countries.
4) Labor standards
In the 1960s and 1970s, companies in
developed economies began to relocate
production facilities and contracting in
emerging countries to cut labor costs.
4) Labor standards
Sweatshops violate duties of justice
because the company offers lower pay
and working conditions to employees in
the host country for the same kind of
4) Labor standards

Economic globalization’s impact on

low-income families, especially in
developing countries, has allowed
the emergence of child labor, just to
escape from poverty.
5) Cultural Diversity
Traditional values can be lost to the
homogenizing trends introduced by
globally integrated production processes
and product promotion.
6) Corruption
As there is an increase in international
attention to politics, so is the corruption
that squanders public resources and
deprives millions of food, education and
other government services to which they
are entitled to.
Millennials and
Filinnials: Ethical
Challenges and
● Born between 1981 and 1994/6
● Gen Y.1 - 25-29 years old
● Gen Y.2 - 29-39 years old.
● Filpino millennials
Some distinct characteristics of Millennials

● This generation is extremely comfortable with mobile

devices, but 32% will still use a computer for purchases.
● Millennials have less brand loyalty than previous
● Millennials are powering the workforce, but with huge
amounts of student debt.
Between Shared
Moral Dilemmas
of Baby Boomers
and Millennials
Difference Between Baby Boomers and

Baby Boomers Millennials

Born between 1946 and 1964. Born between 1981 and

57-75 years old 25-40 years old

Key Differences in Work Styles, Habits, and Lifestyles
Baby Boomers Millennials
Work Styles loyal to their company loyal to what they’re working on
and Habits
prefer to work on site flexible with their work schedule

team-oriented thrive in the solitary sport

often prioritize stability and security decision is swayed by their passions and goals

often may want to lead and provide mentorship high desire for results and criticism

believe that experience is the king of the workforce focuses more on hard work and significant contributions

Lifestyles hold the same type of degree boasts a bachelor’s degree or higher to their name

slightly more wealth than millennials at their age ongoing student debt

early marriage marriage later in life

Moral Dilemma

A senior employee of Company A was

caught falsifying expense reports to
improve the company image.
A senior
employee of Baby Millennials
Company A
was caught
● more likely to brush it ● more likely to report
. off ● concerned with ethics
reports to ● most likely turn a blind and the social
improve the eye responsibility of the
company ● less inclined to welcome organisation they work
change for
Qualities of
Qualities of Filinnials
Existing literature on the Millennial Generation in the
Philippines is still very limited. In fact, there hasn’t been any
extensive research conducted in order to study and come up
with a general cultural description of the Filipino millennials.

Filipino millennials differ from other countries in terms of

(McCann Truth Central as cited in Natividad, 2016):
1. closeness to family
2. activeness on social media
3. perception on social responsibilities
5 Good Qualities of Filinnials

1.) Filinnials 2.) Socially 3.) Free

are mostly knit involved in thinking and
to their family society creative

4.) Updated 5.) Open and

with technology adaptive to
and trends change
3 Bad Qualities of Filinnials

1.) Easily
2.) 3.)
persuaded by
Narcissistic Spendthrifts
social media
Coping With the
Challenges of
Challenge #1: Marginalization, Malnutrition, Poverty

The extreme poor often rely on farming for their livelihoods.

They face challenges like lack of access to credit, resources,
and skills needed to improve their harvest.

Coordinated action with the goal to improve agriculture to
boost incomes
Challenge #2: Cultural Differences
While globalization has made foreign countries easier to access, it has also begun to
meld unique societies together. The success of certain cultures throughout the world
caused other countries to emulate them. But when cultures begin to lose their
distinctive features, we lose our global diversity.

Bridge the gap between cultures and make for a more comfortable and diverse
workplace environment

1. Recognize cultural differences

2. Recognize individual differences
3. Be aware of your behaviors
4. Respect
Challenge #3: Pandemic

Deepening global integration can either increase or decrease the

range of parameters for which a pandemic occurs.

In case of pandemics, each countries should support one another
especially where the outbreaks occurs and help those most at risk of
Ethics from
What is Ethics?
It is the branch of philosophy that involves systemizing,
defending, and recommending concepts of right and
wrong conduct.

“What action should

“Is it just to reward
an individual or
“What is good?” one group with
organization take if a
and “What is bad?” more benefits than
client mistreats
What is Religion?
It is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems,
and world views that relate humanity to an order of
Often, Religion and Ethics are treated as the same thing.
With various religions making claims about their belief
systems being the best way for people to live, actively
proselytizing and trying to convert unbelievers, trying to
legislate public behaviors based around isolated religious
passages, etc
By contrast, ethics are universal decision-making tools
that may be used by a person of any religious persuasion.

Ethics are based on logic and reason rather than tradition

or injunction
Key Difference between Ethics and Religion
Ethics Religion
Ethics is based on reason There is a set of beliefs in
Point of rather than tradition, religion which is imposed
view injunctions, or beliefs of a on the followers of that
deity. religion
Key Difference between Ethics and Religion
Ethics Religion
It would teach you what is It can provide you with its
right and what is wrong in knowledge of the self,
Decision-making a certain action, speech or God, world and customs
thought. related to it.
It purifies the inner being
through loving devotion
service to God.
Does Ethics require Religion?

Religion is the absolute bedrock of Ethics to one that

holds that Ethics is based on humanistic assumptions
justified mainly, and sometimes only, by appeals to
Does Ethics require Religion?

● Relationship between revelation and reason.

● Religion is based in some measure on the idea that
God (or some deity) reveals insights about life and its
true meaning.
● Ethics, from a strictly humanistic perspective, is
based on the tenets of reason: Anything that is not
rationally verifiable cannot be considered justifiable.
Appreciation for
the Role of
Religion in a
Appreciation for the Role of Religion in a Globalized World

● Globalization refers to the historical process by which

all the world's people increasingly come to live in a
single social unit
● Religion and globalization persistently engage in a
flexible relationship in which the former relies on the
latter in order to thrive and flourish while at the same
time challenging its hybridizing effects.
Appreciation for the Role of Religion in a Globalized World

● Globalization–due to the advent of communication

and transportation technology and the roles played
by the media–has contributed to the
deterritorialization and the blurring of geographical
spaces and boundaries.
● Religion is not immune from these changes and their
burgeoning effects brought about by globalization.
Appreciation for the Role of Religion in a Globalized World

● The inner nature of religions and the purpose to be

embraced and practiced by people all over the world
prompts it to spread throughout all the world’s
geographical spaces

● Globalization has played a tremendous role in

providing a context for the current considerable
revival and the resurgence of religion.
Appreciation for the Role of Religion in a Globalized World

● Today, most religions are not relegated to the few

countries where they began. Religions have, in fact,
spread and scattered on a global scale.
Appreciation for the Role of Religion in a Globalized World

● They can resolve the tensions between the universal

and the particular; the individual and the communal
aspects of life.
● They can remove the rising pessimism about the
progress of humanity.
● Religions can show the transcendental dimension of
life. They can lead men and women from fantasy to
reality, from selfishness to sacrifice, from
dehumanization to re-humanization.
Thank You

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