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Emily Nguyen Thu Dec 13 23:50:21 PST 2018

The ancient leaders in the excerpts above invoke which of the following justifications for their leadership?
- The support of a deity- Charismatic speaking skills- Military prowess- Democratic vote

The presence of Hammurabi Code's in the historical record supports all of the following inferences EXCEPT- People believed in the
idea of private property- People desired justice- All people were expected to follow the laws- All people voted to approve these laws

Hammurabi Code's and The Mandate of Heaven BOTH include which of the following justifications for leadership ?AMust be a
charismatic leader.BElected by a governing body.CSupport of a deity.DBirthright.

Both passages agree about which of the following?

ADeforestation caused Harappan civilization’s decline.BHarappan civilization ended suddenly and violently.CMany early societies
experienced crises around the same time.DEnvironmental problems contributed to Harappa’s end.Term

Which of the following modern movements would BEST help society avoid the fate of Harappa?AHydroelectric power.BSustainable
living.CThe peace movement.DThe local foods movement.

Which of the following evidence in the second passage BEST supports the argument in the first passage?AOther early civilizations
declined around the same time as Harappa.BMonsoons failed for about 200 years, causing drought.CSnails had lived in an ancient
lake near Harappa.DMonsoons were stronger than usual for 200 years, causing flooding.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following Chinese dynasties made use of these artifacts?AThe Shang
dynasty.BThe Han dynasty.CThe Xia dynasty.DThe Zhou dynasty.

The script appearing here is similar to Sumerian cuneiform in that the characters of both scripts wereAonly used for divinatory
purposes.Bderived from the same source.Cideographic rather than alphabetical.Dwritten with a stylus on clay.

The civilization that created these artifacts was based around which of the following river valleys?AThe Euphrates River.BThe Nile
River.CThe Yellow River.DThe Yangzi River.Term

Based on your knowledge of world history, Hammurabi's Code and The Mandate of Heaven share which of the following
characteristics?ABoth argue that a ruler must be charismatic.BBoth argue that a ruler must be elected by a governing body.CBoth
argue that a ruler must have the support of a deity.DBoth argue that a ruler must have birthright.

Which of the following BEST describes the societies in which the people responsible for these artifacts lived?AHunter-gatherer
societies.BEgalitarian societies.CRiver valley civilizations.DNomadic herders.

Women in which of the following ancient civilizations had the most rights?AMesopotamia.BAncient Egypt.CAncient Indus.DAncient

A historian could BEST use Source 1 and Source 2 together to support which of the following contentions?AAgricultural abundance
from maize cultivation permitted the development of a warrior class that conquered neighboring territoriesBDomesticated maize 1/67
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eventually produced an agricultural surplus that allowed labor specialization, including artisansCHarnessing the energy of
domesticated animals allowed Olmec artisans to transport massive basalt bouldersDSurplus food enabled Olmec rulers to create an
empire by conquering surrounding states.

The “paleoecological data” in Source 2 illustrate which of the following developments?ADiffusion of crops beyond their original area of
domesticationBEarly agriculturalists domesticated locally available plant speciesCPastoralism developed in grasslands and affected
the environmentDTechnological innovations led to improvements in agricultural production

Which of the following BEST describes how Olmec culture was "foundational” for a later Mesoamerican civilization?AGupta
civilization developed abstract mathematical reasoning, including the concept of zero.BInca civilization constructed an extensive road
network and cultivated potatoes.CMaya civilization relied on domesticated maize and built pyramids .DMississipian civilization
created enormous ceremonial mounds.

Which of the following best describes an economic disadvantage of hunting-gathering societies?AConstant warfare with other groups
helped to form alliances for protection.BLimited availability of food supplies forced communities to remain small in number.CLimited
resources established larger communities to protect the resources.DHunter-gatherers tended to have greater longevity.Term

Which of the following is an economic advantage of settled agricultural communities prior to 600 B.C.E.?AAgriculturalists were able to
produce trade goods on a commercial scale.BAgriculturalists remained independently competitive from one another.CAgriculturalists
were able to maintain stability through multiple generations.DAgriculturalists were able to develop conservation techniques that
increased their yield.

From this excerpt, a historian could draw which of the following conclusions about how rulers were portrayed in ancient Egypt?
AEgyptian rulers were autocratic despots.BEgyptian rulers often claimed divine connections to power.CEgyptian rulers were
concerned about the afterlife.DEgyptian rulers did not oversee military operations.

A historian could draw which of the following conclusions about ancient Egypt from this passage?AThat ancient Egypt was located
near the Nile River.BThat ancient Egypt had a highly stratified society.CThat ancient Egypt displayed a specialization of labor.DThat
ancient Egypt was a powerful state.

When reading "The Amarna Letter 252", it is evident that EgyptAenjoyed external military support.Bsubdued their enemies.Chad an
elaborate poetic tradition.Dpracticed agriculture.

How did the Labaya's views of the enemies differ from Pharaoh's?AThey didn't; Labaya agreed with the Pharaoh.BLabaya wanted to
strike back against the enemy and defeat them.CLabaya felt that Egypt and Schechum should combine forces.DLabaya argued to
show the enemies mercy, while the Pharaoh wanted to execute them.

This map PRIMARILY representsAclassical civilizations.Bcore and foundational civilizations.Criver civilizations.Dpaleolithic


Which of the following characteristics did each of these civilizations share?AEach civilization was centered around a major river
system.BThey each were places where hunters and foragers existed.CAgriculture flourished in each of them.DMajor world religions
were birthed in each of these civilizations

Which of the following environmental characteristics differentiates the American civilizations from the others?ANeither of the
American civilizations were centered around river valleys.BThe American civilizations had access to the Pacific Ocean.CThe
American civilizations were located in mountain ranges.DNeither of the American civilizations were near deserts.

The pictures above are examples ofAwarfare amongst classical empires.Bnew weapons and modes of transportation developed by
pastoralists.Cnew techniques of imperial administration of empires and states.Dsocial stratification within agrarian civilizations. 2/67
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Name the weapons and modes of transportation in the pictures above.AComposite bow, iron weapons, chariots, horseback
riding.BArrows, wooden weapons, wagons, swords.CSpears, arrows, wheels, and horse shoes.DEgyptian soldier, arrowheads, bits,

How did the items in the pictures above transform warfare in agrarian civilizations?AThe modes of transportation allowed soldiers to
travel further and faster, which made it possible to conquer more territory.BNew technology decreased the likelihood of external
attack.CThe weapons allowed for the reduction of hand-to-hand combat because a soldier could attack the enemy from a
distance.DThey improved efficiency and efficacy in both the pursuit and attack of the enemy.

A historian would most likely use this artifact to illustrate the development of which of the following?

Of the following ancient civilizations, which produced the LEAST similar system of writing to each other?Athe Chinese.Bthe
Egyptians.Cthe Phoenicians.Dthe Sumerians.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the earliest religions of the world had which of the following characteristics in common?
AMonotheism.BAncestor veneration.CPolytheism.DAnimism.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following developments contributed MOST directly to the development of
organized religions throughout the world?AAnimal domestication.BAgriculture.CDelineating social classes.DHunting.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which individual animal received immense worship in several cultures of the ancient Near
East and surrounding areas?AThe snake.BThe horse.CThe bull.DThe cat.

According to this source and your knowledge of world history, which of the following is the MOST useful characteristic of the Nile
River for the Egyptian people?APredictable flooding patterns.BA wide and deep flow, which extended far into South Africa.CReligious
purposes to help in the worship of the river goddess, Hapi.DPapyrus reeds, which grows along the banks of the Nile.

Egypt and several other ancient civilizations relied on river valleys to sustain their urban centers. Of the following civilizations of the
ancient world, which one did not develop around a major river?AThe Harappan People.BThe Sumerians.CShang China.DThe

Which line in the “Hymn to the Nile,” could be used by a historian as evidence to show the accomplishments of ancient Egypt in
building and architecture?A“Watering the orchards created by Re.”B“Pure flames are prepared for you.”C“You cause the workshops
of Ptah to prosper!”D“He spreads himself over Egypt, filling the granaries.”

Paul's Letter to the RomansThose who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in
accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind
governed by the Spirit is life and peace.Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live
according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will
live.The Holy Bible: New International Version. Romans. 8:5-13On the Origin of SufferingIt is desire leading to rebirth, joining itself to
pleasure and passion, and finding delight in every existence--desire, namely, for sensual pleasure, desire for permanent existence,
desire for transitory existence.But where, O priests, does this desire spring up and grow? Where does it settle and take root?Where
anything is delightful and agreeable to men, there desire springs up and grows, there it settles and takes root.The Origin and
Cessation of the Human Being." Buddhism in Translations. Trans. Henry Clarke Warren. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U, 1896According
to the excerpts above, Buddhist and Christian theology share a common belief that adherents shouldAutilize the written word as a
means to spread a prophetic message.Bworship their prophetic leaders.Cseek spiritual salvation at the expense of Earthly
pursuits.Dpractice their faith by seeking that which is pleasurable.
c 3/67
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The relationship between the individual and salvation presented in Buddhism and Christianity most closely mirrors that of -

These excerpts foreshadow the adoption of which Christian and Buddhist religious practice?ADevelopment of a monastic
tradition.BRejection of patriarchal constructs.CWide-scale missionary practices.DIncorporation of religious leaders as gods.Term

The emergence of Islam in the post-classical era could be seen as representing a continuity of Christianity and Buddhism because
Islam encouragedAthe need to reject all worldly desires and to seek out individual salvation.Ba belief in a spiritual world for which
correct Earthly practice was necessary for salvation.Ccollective worship as a means to promote religious authority.Dthe practice of
purposeful worship of prophetic figures.

The emergence of Christianity, Buddhism, and other major historical faiths during the Classical Era suggests a turning point in
spiritual practice becauseAreligions became divorced from the context from which they emerged.Breligious traditions became
increasingly codified and a component of regional empires.Cspiritual systems promoted the potential for salvation.Dbelief systems
provided rules and means of enforcing religious practices.

The Indian concept of karma is best illustrated by which of the following quotes from the above passage?A“Stands before his
judge”.B“Understanding true knowledge through the Veda”.C“The canon of one’s own duty”.D“The bonds of good and evil

Each of the various references to “duty” or “duties” in the above passage relates to which of the following major Indian concepts?

Which of the following conclusions about Indian society can be drawn from the above passage?AMany ancient Indians believed that
fate could not be changed.BKings and priests alike read and followed scriptures such as these.CSimilar ideas of “attachment”
influenced the Buddhist concept of nirvāṇa.DIndian religious life was based heavily around societal norms.

The transcription and transmission of tales such as the Ramayana were useful as a means to promoteAa vision of how Hindu
principles applied to daily life.Bmodels that allowed one to reach a state of Nirvana.CHindu practices across a diverse array of
cultures.Dprinciples that could be used by successive imperial administrators.

The depiction of women in the excerpt is similar to that of most classical religions insofar as women wereAfundamentally silent in
their dispositions.Bseen as accessories to the desires and plans of men.Cprimarily as mothers of the nation and a
people.Dindividuals involved in political and social intrigues.

A historian could utilize the excerpt above in order to make which of the following claims about classical Indian society?AHindu
religious practices saw themselves threatened by the emergence of Buddhism, which had more practical examples for daily life,
which the Ramayana adapted.BThe codification and transmission of religious practice was becoming increasingly important.CThere
was an emerging sense of ambiguity over the status of women in Indian society.DIndian society had a strong tradition of political and
social based on castes.

The mosaic above was created in a successor state of which of the following empires?ARome.BGupta.CParthian.DHan.

The leader in the mosaic used all of the following justifications for his rule EXCEPT?AMilitary conquest.BStatus as a deity.CA legal
code.DArt and architecture as propaganda.Term

Which of the following events or situations MOST directly contributed to Rome's transition from empire to successor state?AExternal
invasions from the north and east.BA dependence on trade.CA continuation of the dynastic ruling class.DAn even distribution of
wealth. 4/67
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Based on the passage, which of the following conclusions can be drawn about the period 600 BCE-600CE?AImperial societies
continued to develop through conquest.BAreas with imperial dominance enforced religious conversion in new territories.CMatriarchal
tradition continued its prominence in those cultures outside the empire.DTheocratic traditions changed the common focus of classical

Based on your knowledge of history, the speaker in the passage is MOST likely from which of the following social classes in the
Roman empire?AThe merchant class.BThe elite class.CThe artisan class.DThe agrarian sector.

Which of the following describes the social system practiced by Germanic tribes as outlined in the excerpt?ATribute
system.BMita.CSlavery.DPrimitive communism.

Based on this map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following was NOT a reason for the fall of the Roman Empire?
AThe vast amount of territory in the Roman Empire made governing it quite difficult.BIn order to appease the angry masses,
emperors stopped taxing Roman citizens, resulting in empty government coffers.CWith declining populations and inadequate
compensation, it became difficult to recruit soldiers to protect the borders of the empire from invaders.DPoliticians grew more corrupt
and greedy as the central government in Rome grew weaker.

Which of the following conclusions about the end of the Classical period is most supported by the map?AGermanic tribes began to
develop better travel and warfare technology.BThe Silk Road fell into the hands of nomadic tribes and was no longer used for
trade.CThe Eastern Roman Empire was more powerful than the Western Roman Empire.DThe Eastern and Western Roman Empires
joined together to drive out the Germanic and Hunnic invaders.

During this same time period, which of the following empires also collapsed?AThe Byzantine Empire.BThe Ottoman Empire.CThe
Zhou Dynasty.DThe Han Dynasty.

Gender and family relations in all imperial societies during the classical period were most strongly influenced

In which of the following classical systems did women enjoy the greatest degree of freedom and influence?AHan China.BAthens
during the Age of Pericles.CRoman Republic and Empire.DMaurya and Gupta India.

In which way was the divinity of Roman emperors in the first three centuries C.E. different from the Chinese concept of Mandate of
Heaven?AThe Roman emperor’s legitimacy did not depend on his success as a ruler.BRoman succession was based on the position
of powerful family dynasties.CRoman emperors did not seek popular approval of their policies.DRoman emperors used control over
the military to consolidate their rule.

With which of the following Legalist viewpoints would Confucianists most disagree?ASupreme power must reside in a powerful,
centralized state.BThe emperor has been granted the power to rule by Heaven.CIt is human nature to misbehave, necessitating a
strict legal code.DThe exemplary rulers of the past are a model to be revered and followed.

The ruler Constantine the Great (r. 306-337 C.E.) was a particularly important figure within the Roman empire. He is pictured above
(top left and bottom left). Several of the actions that Constantine took during his reign as emperor would significantly alter world
history forever.Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following groups of people benefitted most heavily from
reforms made during Constantine's reign?AThe Christians.BThe Romans.CThe Greeks.DThe Byzantines.

In 324 C.E., Emperor Constantine transferred the capital from Rome to Byzantium and renamed the latter city Constantinople.Based
on your knowledge of world history, what was the greatest ramification of this action?ASpiritual unity throughout the Roman
empire.BStrengthened defenses against the Germanic nomads to the north.CThe collapse of the western Roman empire.DThe
weakening of the Sasanian empire. 5/67
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Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following premodern rulers made reforms MOST like those of Emperor
Constantine?AAshoka the Great (Maurya empire).BKhubilai Khan (Mongol empire).CAkbar the Great (Mughal empire).DCyrus the
Great (Achaemenid empire).

Which of the following BEST describes the intended purpose of the edicts depicted above?AThese inscriptions were intended mostly
for the general population of the empire, exhorting them to live good moral lives.BThe inscribed pillars and rocks were located
throughout the frontier regions of the Mauryan Empire to symbolize the rapid territorial expansion that occurred under
Ashoka.CThese inscriptions are just some of the many specific legal codes that subjects of the Mauryan Empire were obliged to
follow.DExcerpts from the Vedas were inscribed on columns throughout the empire to insure subjects of the empire remained
dedicated to the Hindu religion.

The placement of these inscribed pillars and rocks throughout the empire are a reflection ofAAshoka's idealistic yet misguided early
years as King, before he changed his focus from peaceful leader to ruthless conqueror.BAshoka's effort to subdue the breakaway
regions of southern India through propaganda.Cthe spread of Zoroastrian beliefs from East Asia to India.DAshoka's conversion to
Buddhism later in his reign.

The inscriptions on the pillars and rocks throughout the empire reflect a period in Indian history in whichAHinduism started to make
inroads as the officially sanctioned religion of India.BBuddhism became permanently established as the dominant religion of
India.CBuddhism was briefly embraced by many people in the Mauryan Empire.Dsubjects were forced to abandon Zoroastrianism
and convert to Buddhism.

Which of the following codes below share fundamental common features with Ashoka's Pillar Edicts?AThe Justinian Code of the
Byzantine Empire.BThe Twelve Tables of Rome.CThe Mahabharata of ancient India.Dthe Analects of Confucius.

Based on the inscription and your knowledge of world history, what was Darius's most likely motivation for creating this inscription?
AHe sought to establish a new religion throughout the empire.BHe wanted to be seen throughout the empire as its legitimate
ruler.CHe needed to record the historical chronicle of his exploits.DHe wanted to establish strong legal penalties for lying.

Based on your knowledge of world history, how did Darius's reign differ most substantially from that of Cyrus?AMuch more territory
was annexed to the Persian empire during Darius's reign.BDarius imposed religious restrictions upon the Persian empire.CDarius's
reign was much stricter and far more authoritarian in nature.DDarius was a wiser and more benevolent ruler.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the division of Darius' empire was MOST similar to which of the following?AThe division of
the Mongol empire into four khanates.BThe division of the Alexander the Great's empire into three major empires.CThe division of the
Chinese Han empire into three states.DThe division of the Roman empire into two empires.

Which of the following describes the PRIMARY cause for the creation of the corvée system?ACompetition and environmental
degradation caused small-scale farmers to seek the protection of the* latifundia* (large estates).BInvasions from Germanic tribes led
to political instability and migration throughout the empire.CA decline in values such as patriotism, discipline, and devotion to duty led
leaders to argue for a cultural revival.DThe government became more oppressive and authoritarian, creating a growing number of
corrupt officials.

Which of the following coerced labor systems is MOST unlike the others?AThe corvée system.BThe mit'a system.CThe jizyah
system.DSerfdom in medieval Europe.

Based on the above map and your knowledge of world history, the division of the Roman empire was a result ofAthe fragmentation of
Christianity inspiring dissent between the western and eastern sides.Bthe empire growing too large to govern directly from the
capital.Cthe threat of a Hun invasion forcing the empire to reconfigure its defenses.Drough competition for the role of emperor leading
to the division of the empire under two emperors.
b 6/67
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Each of the following events quickened the decline of the Western Roman empire EXCEPTAThe acceptance of Christianity as the
state religion.BThe transfer of the capital to Constantinople.CThe recruitment of mercenary warriors for the army.DThe reign of Julian
the Apostate.

The collapse of the Roman empire directly led to each of the following EXCEPTAThe stagnation of the Catholic Church.BThe
flourishing of Byzantium.CThe rise of European monarchies.DThe genesis of the Romance languages.

Compared to empires before 600 BCE, Classical Era empires were MOST different for which of the following reasons?ARulers used
written language and organized religion to legitimize their rule.BAgricultural surplus led to inequality as systems of class
developed.CStrong empires grew enormous as rulers united regions that had once been composed of competing states.DTrade
networks allowed for the exchange of ideas as well as goods.

Which of the following conclusions is supported by the map?AGreek culture developed in one area and then diffused outward.BTrade
and peaceful exchange typified the Greek world.CAlexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire greatly expanded the reach of
Hellenistic culture.DPowerful inland empires halted the spread of Greek culture beyond the coastline.

Which of the following BEST characterizes the spread of Hellenism from 600 to 300 B.C.E?ADemocracy gave Greek city-states the
stability to develop a large empire.BOrganized under a single ruler, the Greeks had the power to conquer a large empire.CThe
Spartan victory in the Peloponnesian War gave them the resources to enlarge their state across the region.DA common spoken and
written language defined the Hellenistic world, in the absence of other shared features.

Above is a Qing dynasty illustration of the Yellow Turban Rebellion of 184 CE.The Yellow Turban rebels wereAwarriors led by the
general Cao Cao.Bpeasant revolutionaries.Cdissatisfied government workers.DBuddhist revivalists.

The Yellow Turbans identified with which of the following ideologies?AConfucianism.BDaoism.CIslam.DBuddhism.


In addition to the Yellow Turban Rebellion, each of the following events led to the fall of the Han dynasty EXCEPTAWeak leadership
among Eastern Han rulers.BRampant political intrigue in the Eastern Han court.CSuccessful invasions by the Mongols.DA series of
Chinese civil wars.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST describes the difference between subject foreigners and citizens
according to the excerpt?AEngaging in war determined the status of a citizen.BSubjects could not be considered a true member of
the body politic.CSlavery was a status that only citizens could escape.DCitizenship was restricted to individuals born in Rome.

The existence of subjects and slaves within the context of the Roman Empire suggests thatAsocial hierarchy was unique to the
Roman peoples.BRome consistently engaged in expansions past the point of reason.CThe Roman Empire consolidated its power
through the use of social hierarchy.Dslavery was most often a permanent status.

The excerpt serves an illustration that the Classical Era (600 BCE to 600 CE) represented a turning point in thatAimperial governance
grew increasingly sophisticated over the incorporation of conquered peoples.Ban increase in trans-regional merchant interactions
mandated clarity over social status.Csocial hierarchy was introduced into major societies.Dcodification of laws became an important
condition for the maintenance of power.

Which of the following best explains why city-states and empires during the Classical Era enacted similar policies to that of the
Roman Empire?ASlavery was a social status present in all empires in Eurasia.BMilitary conquest was an opportunity to bring in new
subject peoples.CRuling elites enacted policies that regulated access and control to the benefits of social status.DIncreasing
economic mobility mandated clarity over social status.
c 7/67
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A historian using this excerpt to formulate a hypothesis regarding the fall of the Roman Empire would MOST likely argue thatAThe
Empire failed because of excessive population growth due to the promotion of citizenship.BThe Empire failed as a result of the
rejection of the status of slavery through periodic rebellions.CThe Empire failed due to the inability of the Roman Empire to
incorporate non-Roman peoples.DThe Empire failed as a result of the promulgation of excessive legal codes and government

Based on your knowledge of history and the text above, which of the following demonstrates a similarity between the fall of the Gupta
Empire and the fall of another Empire?ALike Alexander of Macedon’s Empire, the death of a charismatic leader broke the Empire into
pieces.BLike Han China, military pressure from central Asian nomads destabilized the Empire.CLike the Aztecs, armed forces
representing a centralized state from another region conquered the Empire.DLike the Safavid Empire, religious intolerance
undermined unity in the Empire.

Based on your knowledge of history and the text above, which of the following represents a change in South Asia in the 1000 years
following the fall of the Gupta empire?AMost people in South Asia began practicing Hinduism or Buddhism.BSouth Asia fragmented
into multiple states.CThe caste system became the dominant social structure.DSouth Asian participation in interregional trade

Which of the following is the best explanation of why Watson finds the "destructive ferocity" of the White Huns more knowable than "
[t]heir ethnic position among the Central Asian hordes?"ACentral Asian nomads have had not greatly influenced World History so
their lives do not interest historians.BMost of the historical evidence available about the White Huns probably comes from the
perspective of the Gupta Empire.CThe written records made by Central Asian pastoral nomads typically did not include ethnographic
information.DVery few events from this time were recorded in any way.

The excerpt above implies that participation in which of the following trade networks was key to the success of the Gupta Empire,
prior to its fall?AIndian Ocean.BMediterranean Sea.CSilk Roads.DTrans-Saharan.

Based on the passage above, what can be inferred regarding the roles of tribes existing outside of China during this period?ATribes
such as the Rong and Di were mutually hostile with the Chinese.BChinese armies often relied on outside tribes in times of
war.CExternal tribes generally sympathized with those who shared similar goals.DThe services of outside tribes could be bought for
the right price.

The king described in the above passage is the king of the state of Qin, who would go on to become the First Emperor of the Qin
dynasty.This emperor is best known today for which of the following character traits?ARuthlessness.BHumanity.CWisdom.DMorality.

The king described in the above passage is the king of the state of Qin, who would go on to become the First Emperor of the Qin
dynasty.The First Emperor of the Qin dynasty is known for each of the following accomplishments EXCEPT:AThe establishment of the
Silk Road.BThe unification of several walls into the Great Wall of China.CThe creation of a gigantic army of terracotta warriorsDThe
unification of numerous city-states into a nation.

Chinese rulers used monumental building projects, like the Great Wall, for all of the following purposes EXCEPTAas commercial
centers to promote exchange.Bas demonstrations of their power over their subjects.Cas defensive measures against nomadic
incursions.Das a check on the power of landlords.

Which statement BEST describes the Chinese state attitude towards northern pastoralists in the Han Dynasty?ANomads were seen
as inferior barbarians, with nothing of value to the Chinese state.BWithout the technology developed by settled, agricultural peoples,
nomads were seen as weak and easily beaten in battle.CThe views of nomads changed over time. When relations were poor,
nomadic raids were frequent; when relations were good, the nomads paid tribute to the Chinese state.DNomadic peoples were so
often at war with each other that they posed little military threat to China.

The collapse of the Han Dynasty was similar to the fall of the Roman Empire in all of the following ways EXCEPTApower shifted away
from the government and into the hands of powerful, landowning families.Bnomadic invasions played a direct role in the fall of the
empire.Cdivisions between government factions led to corruption and a succession of weak rulers.Deach state grew beyond its ability
to sustain itself with available resources, resulting in inflation and then economic decline. 8/67
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Although the passage above likely cannot be taken as historical fact, it can BEST be seen as evidence of the importance of what in
Chinese culture?AThe legitimacy of ancient Chinese history.BSecuring the perimeters of a nation.CGovernment
administration.DReligious rituals.

The religious references in this passage are important for which reason?AThe divine forces in the passage become gods in
Daoism.BThese rituals justified and legitimated later Han dynasty rituals.CLater emperors would make the same offerings.DIt
demonstrates that even the emperor was subservient to the divine.

How do the four directions, emphasized above, relate to early Chinese governance?AThey together symbolized the entirety of the
Chinese nation.BThey were strategic locations at which inspections were required.CThey were altogether fundamental in determining
the borders of the various provinces.DThey dictated which month the emperor could visit certain areas.

In the 1st century CE, Rome in the Mediterranean and Chang’an in China shared all of the following features EXCEPTAboth cities
prospered as a result of long-distance trade via overland routes.Bthe population of both cities grew due to their importance as
imperial cities at the head of large empires.Cthe size and role of each city as an imperial center acted as pull factors of immigration
from a wide variety of cultures.Dboth cities retained their central importance despite frequent conflict, civil war, and natural disasters.

Which piece of historical evidence would MOST challenge this account by Martial?AThe Roman conquest and occupation of
Palestine in 70 C.E. resulted in the end of Jewish culture in the Eastern Mediterranean.BFull Roman citizenship was granted to all
free males in Italy in 49 B.C.E.CBy the end of the 1st century B.C.E, as much as 40% of Italy's population were slaves.DBy 125 C.E.,
the Roman military had completed the conquest of all territories along the Mediterranean Sea.

Which conclusion is BEST supported by the excerpt from Martial?AThe glue that held the Roman empire together was stronger than
cultural differences.BMany different people from within the Roman empire came to Rome because of its wealth and
prosperity.CPeople from throughout the empire were eligible to earn citizenship in exchange for allegiance to the Roman
emperor.DRome was the most diverse city of the first century CE.

The excerpt above could be used as evidence to support the thesis that within ConfucianismAthe value of the nation was determined
by its economic progress.Bleaders were believed to act with virtue if their people were happy.Cacting in accordance to Confucian
virtues was a necessary precondition for the well-being of the people.Da nation filled with filial peoples would be able to create
leaders with great temperament.

The religious or cultural tradition that contrasted the most with Confucian views on wealth creation and merchants

Which of the following best explains the purpose of exhortations such as the one described in the excerpt?AThe people of the nation
were meant to judge whether a leader was virtuous and to rebel if they found the leader lacking.BA leader was meant to understand
and to act in accordance to the values described in Confucian texts.CThey were created expressly for use within the meritocratic
testing system.DRulers were meant to learn and to hold these sayings as truths to promote the Confucian lifestyle in other regions of
the world.

Through the Classical and Post-Classical Eras (600 BCE to 1450 CE), the importance of Confucian text experiencedAchange as
leaders became increasingly skeptical of Confucian values due to their inability to gain personal wealth from them.Bcontinuity as later
imperial governments in China utilized some portion of Confucian classics as a means of creating a meritocratic systems.Cchange as
Buddhism became the dominant political force in China's governmental affairs.Dcontinuity as leaders exclusively utilized Confucian
ideas as the basis of imperial governance.

The religion that MOST influenced Buddhism wasAJudaism.BHinduism.CZoroastrianism.DDaoism.

b 9/67
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The Four Noble Truths, central to the teachings of Buddha, DIFFER from Hinduism in thatAthe suffering described is a separation
from Brahma and will exist until there is a union with it.Bnonviolence is not essential to following the Eightfold Path.Ckarma is rejected
by the Four Noble Truths because suffering exists in the "here and now."Dthe Four Noble Truths rely on actions and thought of the
individual, not priests, so the caste system is not reinforced.

Ancient Chinese shamanism as demonstrated in this passage relates to which of the following?APerforming rituals to individual
gods.BBelieving that the actions in ones life are predetermined.CCreating physical relationships between gods and
mortals.DAttaining magical powers such as flight.

Traditions such as these greatly influenced which of the following religions?ALegalism.BConfucianism.CDaoism.DBuddhism.


Which of the following beliefs present in Chinese religions relate most closely to the beliefs expressed above?AThe Jewish emphasis
on wisdom.BThe Buddhist emphasis on compassion.CThe Confucian emphasis on filial piety.DThe Daoist emphasis on balance with

Based on your knowledge of world history, what concept best aligns with early Daoist philosophy?ANatural harmony through non-
action.BSocial harmony through ritual.CCurbing desire through meditation.DEstablishing logic through empirical observation.

Based on your knowledge of world history, what religious concept best parallels the concept of Dao?AGod (Judeo-
Christian).BReligious jihad.CBrahman.DMandate of Heaven.

Based on your knowledge of world history, Daoism developed greatly when it encountered which of the following?AHindu
philosophy.BJapanese culture.CThe Mongols.DBuddhist scriptures.

According to the excerpts above, Buddhist and Christian theology share a common belief that adherents shouldAutilize the written
word as a means to spread a prophetic message.Bworship their prophetic leaders.Cseek spiritual salvation at the expense of Earthly
pursuits.Dpractice their faith by seeking that which is pleasurable.

The relationship between the individual and salvation presented in Buddhism and Christianity most closely mirrors that of -

These excerpts foreshadow the adoption of which Christian and Buddhist religious practice?ADevelopment of a monastic
tradition.BRejection of patriarchal constructs.CWide-scale missionary practices.DIncorporation of religious leaders as gods.

The emergence of Islam in the post-classical era could be seen as representing a continuity of Christianity and Buddhism because
Islam encouragedAthe need to reject all worldly desires and to seek out individual salvation.Ba belief in a spiritual world for which
correct Earthly practice was necessary for salvation.Ccollective worship as a means to promote religious authority.Dthe practice of
purposeful worship of prophetic figures.

The emergence of Christianity, Buddhism, and other major historical faiths during the Classical Era suggests a turning point in
spiritual practice becauseAreligions became divorced from the context from which they emerged.Breligious traditions became
increasingly codified and a component of regional empires.Cspiritual systems promoted the potential for salvation.Dbelief systems
provided rules and means of enforcing religious practices.

Based on your knowledge of world history, filial piety as explained in the passage above was most characteristic of which Chinese
tradition?ADaoism.BIndigenous Chinese polytheism.CConfucianism.DBuddhism.
c 10/67
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Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following excerpts from other religions echoes the above passage in terms of
filial piety?A""If a woman quarrel with her husband...the reasons for her prejudice must be presented. If she is guiltless, and there is
no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her
father's house" (The Code of Hammurabi).B"Honor thy father and thy mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God
is giving you" (Judaism).C"In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her
sons; a woman must never be independent" (Hinduism).D"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband
is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church" (Christianity).

Based on your knowledge of world history, how did the notion of filial piety most affect other traditions in China?AConfucian scholars
dominated the Chinese government for a thousand years.BDaoism fell into obscurity, causing Buddhists to be the only rival to
Confucians.CChinese Buddhism was redefined to function around filial piety.DThe influence of Buddhism receded, causing Daoists
and Confucians to fight for dominance.

The Buddha's eventual acceptance of women in the Buddhist order is characteristic of which of the following non-Buddhist concepts?
ALove (Christianity).BFilial piety (Confucianism).CVirtue (Daoism).DWisdom (Judaism).

ALL of the following religious traditions include groups that profess ideals such as these EXCEPT?

Which of the following conclusions regarding the social status of women in India can be drawn from this passage?AWhile the social
status of women changed slightly. they still had a significantly lower status than men.BIndian religions granted higher benefits to
women.CIndian religions lowered the social status of women.DThe social status of women was improved, but only within Buddhist

Based on the above passage, what can be inferred regarding King Aśoka (Dēvānāṃpriya Priyadarśin)?AKing Aśoka's conquests led
the Mauryan Empire to spread as far to the west as Kabul and Greece.BKing Aśoka's reign was characterized by ruthlessness,
leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.CKing Aśoka's influence spread well outside of India, to the peoples of far-
off provinces.DThe Indian subcontinent was first united and consolidated under King Aśoka's reign.

The beliefs expressed in the passage above are generally seen as evidence of which of the following?AThe spread of Buddhism
throughout India.BThe transmission of Indian religion to Greece.CMoral unity between the Mauryan and the Seleucid empires.DThe
decline of Hinduism in India.

The religion to which King Aśoka devoted himself later in life would also be famously championed by which other ruler?AKing
Antiochus II of the Seleucids (286–246 BCE).BKing Chandragupta I of India (319-335 CE).CKing Kaniṣka of Kuṣāṇ (127–163
CE).DEmperor Wu of the Han (156–87 BCE).

The Indian concept of karma is best illustrated by which of the following quotes from the above passage?A“Stands before his
judge”.B“Understanding true knowledge through the Veda”.C“The canon of one’s own duty”.D“The bonds of good and evil

Each of the various references to “duty” or “duties” in the above passage relates to which of the following major Indian concepts?

Which of the following conclusions about Indian society can be drawn from the above passage?AMany ancient Indians believed that
fate could not be changed.BKings and priests alike read and followed scriptures such as these.CSimilar ideas of “attachment”
influenced the Buddhist concept of nirvāṇa.DIndian religious life was based heavily around societal norms.

The transcription and transmission of tales such as the Ramayana were useful as a means to promoteAa vision of how Hindu
principles applied to daily life.Bmodels that allowed one to reach a state of Nirvana.CHindu practices across a diverse array of
cultures.Dprinciples that could be used by successive imperial administrators. 11/67
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The depiction of women in the excerpt is similar to that of most classical religions insofar as women wereAfundamentally silent in
their dispositions.Bseen as accessories to the desires and plans of men.Cprimarily as mothers of the nation and a
people.Dindividuals involved in political and social intrigues.

A historian could utilize the excerpt above in order to make which of the following claims about classical Indian society?AHindu
religious practices saw themselves threatened by the emergence of Buddhism, which had more practical examples for daily life,
which the Ramayana adapted.BThe codification and transmission of religious practice was becoming increasingly important.CThere
was an emerging sense of ambiguity over the status of women in Indian society.DIndian society had a strong tradition of political and
social based on castes.

In addition to missionaries, which of the following groups promoted the transmission of Buddhist beliefs?AMerchants.BGovernment
officials.CFarmers.DPastoral groups.

The historical process that led to the emergence of Buddhist practice in East and South Asia was most closely mirrored in the West
byAthe utilization of government structures to promote Christian religious communities.Bthe spread of different forms of Jewish belief,
primarily through merchants.Cthe existence of competing centers of early Christian religious authority.Dthe merger of different forms
of Christianity with other polytheistic faiths.

Which of the following explains an unintended consequence of interactions such as the one Faxian had in India and Ceylon?AThe
collapse of major land-based empires.BThe emergence of maritime empires during the Classical Era.CThe spread of disease across
the Silk Road.DThe transmission of new forms of governmental organization.

Which of the following MOST directly impacted the ability of Faxian and other travelers to visit various locales in Asia?AMaritime
innovations.BPastoral groups.CPublic works projects.DLinguistic diffusion.

Which of the following is NOT an explanation for why the diffusion of Buddhism to China might have been 'mutilated' or 'imperfect' as
described by Tao-Ching?ABuddhist texts might have been difficult to translate outside of the context of their creation.BThe influence
of Confucianism or Daoism might have impacted Chinese Buddhist practice.CBuddhist texts and practices might have arrived to
China in an incomplete form.DGovernment bureaucracies only allowed Buddhist texts if they promoted the influence of the state.

Based on the map and your knowledge of history, how did most people use these trade routes?AMost people traveled great
distances on these roads.BMost people were missionaries that happened to also begin the silk trade.CMost people used the Silk
Roads to expose themselves to different cultures.DMost people traveled back and forth between two nearby points on the roads.

All of the following statements describe characteristics of the Silk Roads EXCEPT?AThe Silk Roads flourished for more than a
millennium.BThe Silk Roads served to connect a number of preexisting trade routes to China.CThe Silk Roads allowed major
Western religious traditions to prosper in the East.DThe Silk Roads led to the transmission of diseases as well as culture.

Based on your knowledge of history, connecting China to Western trade routes was ultimately a result of which of the following?
APost-Alexandrian connections with China.BChinese interest in conquering lands to the west.CThe decreasing cost of manufacturing
silk in China.DThe travels of Zhang Qian to Central Asia.

Using your knowledge of world history, the interactions with the environment described in the above sources are BEST understood in
the context of which of the following?AThrough interregional networks of exchange, the spread of crops encouraged changes in
irrigation techniques.BThe spread of religious traditions resulted in cultural syncretism.CThe Sassanid Empire utilized a state
bureaucracy and standardized coinage.DPersian long-distance trade routes encouraged the migration of people from Greece.

Using the above sources and your knowledge of world history, agricultural technology had which of the following effects on Persia in
the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.?APeople settled in the previously uninhabited desert areas of Persia.BSyncretism resulted in new 12/67
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religions that blended the features from older ones.CDiseases spread more rapidly along interregional networks of exchange.DLarge
agricultural surpluses helped the state maintain political stability.

Source 1 and Source 2 BEST illustrate which of the following continuities in world history?ALarge imperial states required extensive
agriculture and heavily taxed farmers.BGeographical limitations led to technological developments in agriculture.CAgricultural
technology developed alongside trade in goods across extensive networks of communication and exchange.DNew crops spread
across vast distances.

Which of the following statements BEST describes corroboration between Source 1 and Source 2?AThe Records of Ardashir
corroborate Khierabadi because of the focus on new cities.BThe two sources corroborate each other because they agree on the
importance of irrigation.CKhierabadi's description of qanats is corroborated by the excavation of a mountain in The Records of
Ardashir.DThe Records of Ardashir focus on the political achievements of the early Sassanid ruler.

Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, Hinduism was attractive to Southeast Asians for each of the following
reasons EXCEPTASoutheast Asians were not particularly interested in Buddhism.BHinduism was able to be easily integrated with
their original religions.CHindu missionaries and merchants knew a great deal regarding other parts of the world.DHinduism allowed
practitioners to customize their beliefs to a large extent.

All of the following elements of Hinduism were transmitted to Southeast Asia EXCEPTAThe pantheon of gods.BThe caste
system.CThe practice of devotion to a certain god.DIndian myths and legends.

A historian would use which of the following religious buildings as evidence of the extensive influence of Hinduism in Southeast Asia?
AShwedagon Pagoda.BNālandā.CBorobudur.DAngkor Wat.

Which of the following was an important continuity from 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. underlying the trade interaction illustrated by the
map?AArabian merchants reliance on sea trade.BThe unification of the Silk Road under a single empire.CThe European demand of
Chinese luxury goods.DThe use of the stirrup by merchants.

Which of the following contributed most to the disruption of the trade network shown on the map around 600 C.E.?AThe collapse of
large land-based empires.BThe spread of disease from Europe to Asia.CAn increase in robbers and thieves on the trade route.DThe
emergence of Islam in the Middle East.

Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following best describes the effect of the spread of cultural
beliefs on the trade route?AThe emphasis on patriarchal societies in Southeast Asia.BThe use of mosaic art in Roman society.CThe
adoption of Buddhism in China.DThe use of arches in Indian architecture.

A historian researching the economic history of the Mediterranean in the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. would most likely find the map
useful as a source of information about which of the following?AThe use of purple dye by Phoenician elites.BThe abundance of olive
farms in the Greek city-states.CThe growth of Roman glass artisans.DThe development of the Byzantine silk industry.

During the Han dynasty, which of the following did the Chinese trade for horses?AJade.BSilk.CPaper.DRice.

The stirrup was a groundbreaking invention for which of the following reasons?AIt was invented so that younger riders could ride
more successfully.BIt facilitated two people riding the same horse.CIt allowed more freedom regarding the rider's arms.DIt created
more stability by attaching the saddle to the horse.

The stirrup directly led to which of the following major historical developments?AThe defeat of the Xiongnu.BThe unification of the
Huns.CThe collapse of the Han dynasty.DThe interaction of western and eastern Asian peoples.
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The interactions described in the passage are best understood in the context of which of the following?AThe travels of Zheng
He.BThe Indian Ocean Trade System.CThe extensive travel on the Silk Road.DThe different ports in the Roman Empire.

A historian researching the history of Afro-Eurasia in the period 600 B.C.E.-600 C.E. would most likely find the passage useful as a
source of information about which of the following?AThe imports and exports at Indian ports.BTechnological innovation in China.CThe
spread of religion to Southeast Asia.DSystems of government in East Africa.

Which of the following was an important direct result of the trade pattern reflected in the passage?AThe creation of the language of
Swahili.BThe establishment of sugar plantations.CThe development of paper currency.DThe spreading of technology like aqueducts.

Which of the following contributed most to the increase in usage of the network discussed in the passage during the sixth-century?
AThe invention of the stirrup and saddle.BEuropeans gaining control of the Spice Islands.CThe increase in the demand for
silver.DThe collapse of strong land-based empires.

Which of the following describes the exchange of goods that occurred along Eurasian and African trade routes during the classical
period?ASilk and porcelain from China; horses and tapestries from India; pearls and paper from the Mediterranean and Middle East;
and cinnamon and carpets from Africa.BSilk and porcelain from China; cotton textiles and pepper from India; woolens and glass from
the Mediterranean and Middle East; and ivory and gold from Africa.CSilk and porcelain from China; jade and ivory from India; slaves
and horses from the Mediterranean and Middle East; and pearls and tapestries from Africa.DSilk and porcelain from China; rhubarb
and lacquer wares from India; pearls and spices from the Mediterranean and Middle East; and ivory and slaves from Africa.

Which of the following best describes the trading patterns in the ancient Eurasian world?AMost products were typically carried along
the entire length of the network, albeit by multiple traders.BLarge trading companies typically carried most products along the entire
length of the network.CTrade was limited to regional areas; it was only called a "network," because taken together trade was
conducted from one end to the other.DMost trade was between adjoining regions and within regional orbits, but some goods travelled
the entire length of the network.

A historian would most likely use the image in Image 1 as support for which of the following assertions?AThe domestication of camels
led to an increase in goods traded across land routes.BCamel saddles used in conjunction with the plow increased agricultural
production.CThe use of camel saddles helped facilitate the spread of coinage throughout Eurasia.DThe domestication of camels
caused the increase in the spread of disease.

The object in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following technological advancements in the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.?AA
change in military weapons from bronze to iron metallurgy.BThe application of new agricultural techniques to increase
productivity.CThe use of stirrups to improve the use of animals for transportation, communication, and military purposes.DThe
development of mills used to grind flour which spread over trade routes.

The objects in Image 1 and Image 2 BEST illustrates which of the following trends in world history?AThe growing power and authority
of merchants.BThe expansion of overland roads and sea trade routes.CAn emphasis on education which led to more technology and
innovations.DNew technologies increased cultural diffusion across trade routes.

All of the following are reasons India carried on a thriving long distance trade EXCEPTAaccess to many desirable products.Bits well-
regulated imperial bureaucracy.Ca central location between trading partners.Dadvanced sailing technology.

Based on your knowledge of world history, how did Indian Ocean trade take advantage of predictable weather patterns?ATraders
scheduled their travels around the monsoon winds.BCamels were used to transport goods from Arabia to India.CSilk was only
transported in winter to avoid monsoon rains.DSpices were shipped during winter to reduce spoilage.

Which of the following conclusions is justified by the evidence above?AIndian traders made more profit than Romans or
Arabs.BArabs were better sailors than Romans or Indians.CIndia was the Roman Empire' s main long distance trading partner.DSilk
was the most important product for Roman traders. 14/67
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What would BEST explain confusion about the origin of the lateen sail?AIts spread by Arab sailors led to its association with
them.BRoman sailors claimed credit for inventing it.CLateen sails were unknown outside the Mediterranean.DThere are no written
records of its use.

Based on this map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following government structures was MOST widely used by the
Mayan people?AThe City-State.BConstitutional Monarchy.CImperial Empire.DIndependent Republic.

Which of the following civilizations had the MOST SIMILAR governmental structure to the Mayans during their peak (c. 600 CE)?
AMesopotamia.BAncient Egypt.CAztec Empire.DThe Mongols.

Which of the following American civilizations preceded the Mayans both geographically and chronologically?AThe Inca.BThe
Aztec.CThe Olmec.DThe Toltec.

Which of the following BEST explains how this 20th century photograph reinforces traditional sources of power in Chinese society,
circa 1000-1400 C.E.?AIt shows the woman as both inferior and ornamental.BThe woman's stage presence demonstrates the
importance of order in Chinese culture.CThe woman's dress displays the wealth of the Chinese and the importance of silk.DThe
woman's stern expression depicts the seriousness of the Chinese and their sense of purpose.

Which of the following BEST explains why foot binding did NOT spread to other neighboring countries in East and Central Asia?AThe
Chinese wanted to preserve this tradition for themselves because of its importance.BFoot binding reinforced the idea of Confucianist
relationships, and that element of Confucianism did not spread.CIn neighboring areas, women exercised more power and influence
and were unlikely to accept it.DFoot binding is a complex procedure and other civilizations lacked the medical knowledge to do so.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the significance of the Battle of Talas discussed in the passage is BEST understood in the
context of which of the following?ACultural exchanges occurred between Tang China and the Abbasid Caliphate.BThe introduction of
Islam and its spread throughout Eurasia.CSwahili city-states grew in size and importance in interregional trade.DThe invention of the
compass and astrolabe.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the diffusion described in the above source is MOST similar to which of the following
developments in the Post-Classical Era?AThe diffusion of cotton textile production.BThe further diffusion of Buddhism and
Confucianism in Japan.CThe diffusion of gunpowder during the Mongol Empire.DThe diffusion that resulted from the writings of
Marco Polo.

Based on your knowledge of world history AND the passage above, which of the following BEST describes change and continuity
from the Classical Era to the Post-Classical Era?AThe Silk Roads continued, but change occurred with the beginning of direct contact
between large states from different regions in Eurasia.BCities continued to grow because of trade, but change occurred in the
improvement in transportation technologies.CTechnological innovation continued in China, but change occurred with the collapse of
the Han Dynasty.DClassical Era religions continued to spread, but change occurred with the introduction of Islam.

Historian Hyunhee Park uses which of the following arguments to support her claim that the Battle of Talas carries great significance?
AThe Islamic world benefited greatly from the art of papermaking after the Battle of Talas.BIslamic sources claimed that Tang Dynasty
supported the Umayyads over the Abbasids.CPapermaking was the first example of an important new history of contact between
Tang China and the Abbasid Caliphate.DIt is questionable that prisoners of war would provide valuable technology to an enemy.

Using this map of Inca holdings as a reference, which of the following statements best represents Inca territorial expansion in the
15th and 16th centuries C.E.?ATerritorial expansion relied on a single, unifying culture to facilitate its spread throughout Inca
holdings.BTerritorial expansion ensued once the Inca developed a writing system for record keeping.CTerritorial expansion was
necessary due to Incan society's lack of an agricultural base.DTerritorial expansion was largely facilitated through military conquest
and creation of a confederation of states.
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Which of the following attributes of Inca society BEST maintained the interconnectedness of the Inca Empire?AThe mita labor
system.BThe ayllu social system.CThe cultural role of the Sapa Inca.DThe building of huacas.

Which of the following comparative elements best represents a difference between Andean and Mesoamerican cultures during the
period 600 to 1450 C.E.?AThe existence of a powerful priestly class.BThe presence of writing systems.CThe building of monumental
architecture.DThe creation of complex agricultural systems despite environmental obstacles.

Which of the following statements is most accurate based on the current historical understanding of American empires prior to
European arrival in the early 16th century?AEuropean interference halted a process whereby American empires such as those of the
Aztecs and Incas were growing closer to establishing a unified government linking Mesoamerica and the Andes.BBoth the Inca and
Aztec empires were in the process of being replaced by other indigenous empires prior to the arrival of Europeans in the
Americas.CThe American empires of the Incas and Aztecs were dealing with internal weaknesses and may have dissolved on their
own without European intervention.DWithout European intervention, American empires like those of the Aztecs and Incas were stable
enough socially and politically to survive on their own for many more years.

In 732 C.E., at the Battle of Tours, Charles Martel (r. 718-741 C.E.) and the Franks won an important victory against the Umayyad
caliphate. Modern historians frequently cite this victory as one of the early causes for Frankish dominance in western Europe.Based
on the map and your knowledge of world history, why was the Frankish victory at Tours particularly significant in the light of European
history?AIt turned the tide against the Muslims, allowing the Franks to gradually remove Islamic influence from Spain and Portugal.BIt
allowed the Franks to focus on territorial expansion in the East, eventually allowing them to reconquer Rome.CIt secured Christian
dominance in western Europe.DIt motivated the Franks to solidify their forces and expand into a major empire.

Charles Martel's grandson, Charlemagne, ruled the Frankish kingdom from 768-814 C.E., during which time it saw its greatest
territorial expansion. However, on Christmas Day in 800 C.E., Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans."Based
on your knowledge of world history, why was the granting of this title particularly significant in the light of western European history?
AIt led Charlemagne and other Germanic European monarchs to attempt the reunification of western and eastern Europe as a new
Roman empire.BIt forced Charlemagne and other Germanic European monarchs to adopt Christianity throughout their respective
kingdoms.CIt invested Charlemagne and other Germanic European monarchs with not only political, but also spiritual authority over
the whole of western Europe.DIt allowed Charlemagne and other Germanic European monarchs to claim the power, dominance, and
authority once enjoyed by the Roman emperors.

In 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans." This title and Charlemagne's expanding empire had a major
effect on the Byzantine empire, ruled at the time by Irene of Athens (r. 797-802),Based on your knowledge of world history, why was
the granting of this title particularly significant in the light of Byzantine history?AIt led to harmony and increased economic relations
between the Franks and the Byzantines.BIt increased Byzantine animosity towards western Christian practices.CIt strengthened
relations between the Byzantine empire and the Pope.DIt led to an alliance between the Franks and the Byzantines against the
quickly expanding Islamic empire.

Zheng He’s voyages promoted the Chinese state byAensuring a supply of Confucian converts to pilgrimage sites in
China.Breinforcing the subservient nature of states within the Indian Ocean basin.Cleading to the discovery of technological
innovations.Drebuilding national prestige through foreign tribute.

This source represents a similarity to Chinese interactions in Korea in which of the following ways?ALocal authorities adopted
Chinese cultural habitsBChinese exploration led to military conquestCInnovations in agriculture brought by the Chinese led to greater
urbanizationDChina sought to protect localities within its sphere of influence from Western influence

The source illustrates a continuity in Chinese self-thought in which of the following way?AThe sense that Confucianism demanded an
ordered societyBThe belief in the centrality and superiority of the Chinese stateCThe necessity of exploration as a means to gain
economic benefitsDThe importance of paying tribute to deal with rival groups of people

Which of the following pieces of evidence would BEST illustrate the transition away from overseas travel during the Ming dynasty?AA
journal which tracked custom duties in major Chinese ports.BCensus accounts of non-ethnic Chinese citizens during the 14th and
15th centuries.CExamination responses for entrance into the Chinese civil bureaucracy.DThe communiques of governors of Northern
border provinces. 16/67
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Which of the following interactions most likely led to the construction of the building above?AInteractions between Christians and
Muslims in the Iberian peninsula.BInteractions between the Tang Dynasty and Abbasid Caliphate.CInteractions during the Mongol
Empire.DInteractions due to Ibn Battuta's travels.

The Indian Ocean trade further facilitated interactions between Chinese and Islamic cultures in which of the following ways?AMuslim
merchants established diasporic communities that made religious diffusion more likely.BMuslims often engaged in forcible conversion
through warfare.CThe Chinese state intensely promoted diverse cultural interactions to promote stability.DChinese inability to
dominate the Indian Ocean left it susceptible to outside influences.

Which of the following examples of technological diffusion was MOST similar to the cultural diffusion illustrated in this image?
AIndustrialization to Japan.BThe concept of zero to the Middle East.CNuclear weapons and energy throughout Europe.DAgriculture
throughout Sub-Sahara Africa.

The Mongol Empire’s actions in China most likely served as a source ofAchange, as the Mongols sought to assert their own religious
traditions and attacked the presence of competitor faiths such as Islam.Bcontinuity, as Islam became increasingly dominant in
Chinese life due to the manipulations of the leadership of the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty.Cchange, as ethnic Chinese society sought to
minimize their outside influences to protect their culture amidst political attack and destroyed foreign relics.Dcontinuity, as the Mongol
Empire's unification of much of Eurasia encouraged Islamic-Chinese interactions.

Which of the following BEST summarizes the Byzantine approach to government?AIt differed radically from that of earlier
empires.BThe emperor embodied Christ's power on earth.CBureaucrats wielded great power over a weak emperor.DImperial rituals
were kept simple in honor of Jesus' humility.

Which of the following helped enhance the emperor's status as God's representative on earth?AConstructing Constantinople's mighty
defensive walls.BSponsoring popular festivals and chariot races.CWorship at the imperial church of St. Sophia.DImpressive
receptions for foreign dignitaries at the imperial palace.

Iconoclasm, the movement to stop the use of images of Jesus and the saints in Byzantine religious art, is MOST comparable
toAbelief in an unseen Great Spirit by native Americans.Bthe ban on depicting the prophet Muhammad in Islamic art.Cthe tradition of
household gods in Hinduism.Dthe absence of a personal God in Buddhism and Confucianism.

Which of the following presents the GREATEST contrast with the Byzantine approach to imperial authority?AThe U.S. federal
republic.BThe Communist Party's rule in China.CConstitutional monarchy like that found in Britain.DThe Islamic Republic of Iran.

Which of the following BEST captures the relationship between Islamic theology and the state depicted in this excerpt?AIslam exists
separately from the governance of the state.BRulers are directly chosen by God due to their great qualities.CThe qualities of divinity
are utilized as a means to promote the state.DThe state serves to promote and enforce Islamic theology.

A historian utilizing this excerpt to advance a thesis on the relationship between Islam and the state would most LIKELY noteAthat the
Seljuk Turks were converts to the Islamic faith.Bthe fact that the writer of this excerpt might have been under some duress to promote
his benefactors.CWestern ideals and practices were in wide diffusion in the Middle East.Dmandates within Islamic theology that rulers
had divine powers.

Which of the following political philosophies most closely resembles the one described in the excerpt?ADivine Right of
Kings.BChristian Monasticism.CMandate of Heaven.DCeaseropapism.

Which of the following concepts, reinforced by the passage above, formed the basis of the feudal structure in Europe?
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Which of the following comparisons between feudalism in Europe and Japan is MOST closely related to gender roles?ABoth were
highly militaristic, based in large part on feudal loyalties and rivalries between aristocratic lords.BWestern feudalism emphasized
contractual ideas more strongly than did the Japanese.CJapanese feudalism developed later and tended to be more centralized than
in Europe.DEuropean chivalry emphasized a code of conduct, while Japanese bushido emphasized a code of honor.

The spread of the Byzantine Empire’s influence northward due to efforts of figures like the ones pictured here, Cyril and Methodius,
led directly to which of the following historical developments?ATrade connections were created between Constantinople and cities
along the Baltic.BThe use of paper currency as a state financial institution spread to central Europe.CSlavic communities were
encompassed into Byzantine culture and trade networks.DConflict emerged with Western European Germanic kingdoms such as
those of the Carolingians.

Which of the following BEST exemplifies the reason for the developing trade relationship between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan
Rus after the late 900s C.E.?AThe kingdoms' mutual ties to Orthodox Christianity.BThe absence of Viking interference in Kievan
Rus.CThe persistence of preexisting classical-era trade routes in the region.DThe need to create a trade relationship between Kievan
Rus and the Golden Horde Empire.

All of the following experienced expanding Afro-Eurasian trade and communication networks similar to the Byzantines in the 600-
1450 period EXCEPTAChina.BJapan.CThe Caliphates.DThe Mongols.

Based on this image and your knowledge of world history, which of the following civilizations is depicted here?AThe Song Dynasty of
China.BThe Ancient Persians.CThe Norwegian Vikings.DThe Incan Empire of Peru.

The travelers chronicled in the passage above practiced which of the follow religions?

Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following aspects of Indian culture best relates to the
strengths of the Indian people according to the author above?AVegetarianism.BThe notions of dharma and karma.CThe gods of
India.DThe caste system.

In the spirit of this passage, which of the following is a major element of Chinese culture that did not integrate well with Buddhism?
APolytheism.BFilial piety.CHarmony with nature.DThe dynastic cycle.

Based on the map of states in eastern Africa around 1300 C.E., which of the following cultural interactions led directly to the formation
of these states?AThe arrival of the Portuguese who created trading posts along the Indian Ocean coastline.BThe influence of Islamic
trade which began during the Abbasid caliphate.CThe arrival of Christianity which led to the rise of new African kingdoms.DThe
expansion of Egypt into Sudan and eventually to the Indian Ocean.

Which of the following was a direct result of the cultural interactions in East Africa by 1300 C.E.?AThe people of East Africa began to
use Turkic languages to better facilitate trade with regions to their north.BEast Africans embraced the Arabic language just as they
embraced Islam but later abandoned it for Portuguese.CSwahili developed which blended Arabic and Bantu languages and allowed
for better trade relations.DThe development of the Urdu language led to a new connection with India which fostered further trade.

The new, powerful trade states of East Africa are best understood in the larger context of which of the following major trade systems
by 1300 C.E.?AThe trans-Saharan trade system that connected West and East Africa to the larger Afro-Eurasian trade network.BThe
sub-Saharan trade network that had developed during the Bantu migrations prior to 1300 C.E.CThe Atlantic trade system's spread to
incorporate the East Coast of Africa.DThe Indian Ocean maritime trade network that began to emerge in the 9th century C.E.
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Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the cultural interactions that gave rise to the trade states of East Africa by
1300 C.E.?AThe blending of religious and cultural traditions in East Africa was unique and no other places experienced a similar
blending of cultures.BThe emergence of new states and traditions in East Africa was similar in nature to the emergence of new states
and traditions that arose in Southeast Asia by 1300 C.E.CEast Africa was forced to accept these new cultural influences, just as
Native Americans were forced to accept European culture after 1300 C.E.DAlthough other places in the world were impacted by
cultural interaction in terms of language and trade, no other cultures embraced new religions largely due to merchant activity.

Based on the illustration by Olaus Magnus showing a Viking longship transport, which of the following geographic features allowed
the Vikings to threaten most of Europe?AThe close proximity of Europe to the Viking homeland.BThe numerous rivers throughout
Europe.CThe lack of significant mountain ranges.DDense forests that cloaked the Viking's advance.

Which of the following statements BEST describes early Viking interaction during the 8th and 9th centuries when Eastern and
Western Europe is compared?AVikings settled and traded throughout Eastern Europe but repeatedly raided and withdrew in Western
Europe.BVikings established trade relationships with the Carolingian Empire while failing to establish trade relationships with
Kiev.CVikings adopted Catholicism by the 8th century and ended their raids accordingly in Western Europe but continued to raid
Eastern Europe for two more centuries.DVikings began to engage in warfare with other groups targeting Western Europe, namely the
Magyars and Muslim Empires and largely ignored Eastern Europe.

Which of the following was an important consequence of the Viking raids and invasions by outsiders, such as the Magyars and
Muslim kingdoms in Western Europe?AThe diffusion of new deadly diseases, leading to massive population losses.BThe syncretism
of their religious beliefs with those of Western European Christians.CThe development of a feudal structure to provide mutual
protection in the largely decentralized Germanic kingdoms.DThe intensification of trade rivalries between Constantinople and Rome.

The spread of the Vikings and their culture across much of Europe and the North Atlantic BEST compares to which of the following?
AThe Polynesian migrations in Oceania.BEarly European migrations to North America.CThe Bantu migrations throughout Sub-
Saharan Africa.DThe Arab migrations north from the Arabian peninsula.

Which of the following Islamic traditions encouraged the development of Timbuktu?AThe hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.BZakat,
the tradition of giving alms to the poor.CThe shahadah, or profession of faith.DSalat, praying five times a day facing Mecca.

The trade and cultural links with the Islamic world, on which Timbuktu's growth depended, could not have been forged
withoutAhorses.Bcamels.Cthe lateen sail.Dwagons capable of traversing the desert.

The sponsorship of which of the following rulers brought both trade and scholarship to Timbuktu?ASundiata, the "Lion King."BIbn
Battuta.CSunni Ali.DMansa Musa.

Which of the following BEST explains the drastic decline of Timbuktu and Mali after 1500?AThe rise of the Ottoman Turks.BThe rise
of Europe and the West.CThe Black Death.DThe colonization of Africa.

Each of the following conclusions regarding Japanese Buddhism are suggested by this image EXCEPTASome Japanese Buddhist
movements revered a great number of divinities.BSome Buddhist temples were designed to replicate this maṇḍala.CGeometry was
an important aspect of Japanese Buddhist art.DSome figures in this image possess greater religious importance than others.

The mandala MOST likely contains deities that represent the seven days of the week and the twelve zodiac signs becauseAthe
Japanese were heavily interested in astronomical concepts during the ninth century CE.Brulers demanded that Buddhist implements
remain scientifically accurate.CBuddhism served as a vehicle for the transmission of Western concepts to Asia.DJapanese Buddhists
developed concepts that were nearly identical to their Western counterparts.

Gautama MOST likely appears three positions above the central buddha because Japanese BuddhistsAhad no relationship with the
Indian Gautama and instead emphasized a buddha that they could identify with.Bassociated Gautama with one of the four 19/67
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directions.Cregarded Buddhas other than Gautama as the ritual foci of later Buddhist texts.Dsaw Gautama as equal to the remaining
host of buddhas and other deities.

Which of the following conclusions about the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. is most directly supported by the passage?AThere was an
increase in state-sponsored commercial infrastructures in East Asia.BStates in both Europe and East Asia were regulating their
commercial infrastructures similarly .CMerchant-led trade in an unregulated economy was preferable to state control.DPaper money
was considered inferior to coinage and precious metals or stones.

A historian researching the economic history of Eurasia in the period circa 600-1450 C.E. would most likely find this writing useful as
a source of information about which of the following?AThe geographic limits of cultural diffusion along Eurasian trade networks.BThe
extent to which state economic policies during the given period in East Asia represented a continuity with state economic policies of
Classical Europe.CThe comparative nature of Afro-Eurasian and pre-Columbian American economies from the same period.DThe
impact that improvements in technology and commercial practices had on Eurasian trade networks.

Using this map as a reference, which of the following contributed MOST directly to Islam’s spread across this region by 750 C.E.?
AEarly empire-building efforts, primarily by the Umayyad Caliphate.BPeaceful interactions between cultural groups due to
proselytism.CEconomic exchanges between local communities and Sufi Muslim traders.DThe spread of the Arabic language, which
was used universally across Islamic communities.

Which of the following contributed MOST to Islam’s spread throughout the Indian Ocean basin after 750 C.E.?AArab warriors waged
jihad on communities that spanned the east coast of Africa to the west coast of India.BUmayyad leaders encouraged the building of a
trade network there to increase the prosperity of their empire.CArab merchants established a maritime trade network that encouraged
conversion for economic reasons.DThe Abbasids established a tax-free trade network of believers and nonbelievers as denoted in
Quranic teachings.

Which of the following terms would a historian MOST LIKELY use when discussing the impact of Arab expansion on Afro-Eurasian
trade and economics after 750 C.E.?AShi’a.BJizya.CZakat.DHajj.

The interactions described in these sources are best understood in the context of which of the following?AGrowth in regional trade
due to the revival of Classical-era trade routesBCommercial growth facilitated by state practicesCCommercial growth cultivated by
the creation of the Hanseatic LeagueDGrowth in regional trade due to innovations in credit and monetization

The tone of the second source reflects which of the following developments in post-classical Europe?ADisapproval of the growing
power of the state and its interactions with the economyBFrustrations due to the growing influence of banking and credit, linking the
local economy to other regionsCNegative opinions of credit and money-lenders due to exploitation and Church doctrineDRejection of
banking and credit as viable economic options in the local economy

Based on the ideas discussed in these two sources, which of the following conclusions are best supported?ANew forms of credit and
banking had developed independently with little state control by the mid-13th centuryBNew forms of credit and banking in the
Classical era resulted in substantial economic growth by the mid-13th centuryCNew forms of credit and banking led to an increased
role for women in the 13th century marketplace economyDNew forms of credit and banking had become largely regulated by state
institutions as of the mid-13th century

Mounds such as these located throughout North America were characteristic of which of the following trade networks in the period
600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.?APuebloan.BMississippian.CGreat Plains.DIroquois.

Which of these best describes the nature of the goods traded throughout this trade network?AGold and silver.BPaper money and coin
currency.CTextiles.DMinerals and finished luxury goods. 20/67
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Which of the following represents a change when comparing this trade network to previous ones in the region, namely the Hopewell
and Adena networks?AThe presence of social stratification within network communities.BThe production of maize-based agriculture
by network communities.CThe practice of mound building by network communities.DThe use of river-based exchange networks.

Which of the following Chinese innovations MOST stimulated oceanic trade from 600 CE to 1450?AGunpowder.BAstrolabe.CLateen

All of the following were ways that the environment of the Indian Ocean facilitated trade exceptAMid-ocean island settlements
provided supplies for ocean voyages.BYearly monsoon wind cycles made round-trip travel possible.CThe tropical climate of the
region produced goods high in demand and value.DThe fertile region surrounding the Indian Ocean supported a wide variety of

Which statement about the role of South Asia in Indian Ocean trade from 600 CE to 1450 is most accurate?APolitical fragmentation
among Indian kingdoms limited trade contacts with South Asia.BThe dominance of Muslim traders in the Indian Ocean prevented
Indian Hindu traders from playing a significant role.CThe large production of trade goods in India gave South Asia a central role in
Indian Ocean trade.DThe Mughal Dynasty controlled trade in the Indian Ocean.

As pictured in the photograph of North African trans-Saharan merchants, which of the following pastoral groups was responsible for
facilitating trans-Saharan trade?AThe Bedouin.BThe Berbers.CThe Huns.DThe Mongols.

Which of the following was a direct result of camel use in North Africa?AWidespread camel domestication led to increasing
desertification in the region north of the Sahara.BCamels facilitated trade across the harsh terrain, allowing large caravans to traverse
the flourishing new trade routes.CHorses were no longer needed for trade north of the Sahara.DCamels carried new diseases to
North Africa and the Sahara, leading to the eradication of indigenous species.

Which of the following conclusions BEST describes the importance of pastoral groups in North Africa?APastoral groups threatened
sedentary societies, which made those societies stronger due to the development of military technology.BPastoralists’ domesticated
animals destroyed environments during their travels, which led to migrations by previously settled groups.CPastoralism led to the
subjugation of settled societies due to pastoral societies’ superior weaponry.DPastoralists served as agents in the transfer of
technologies and knowledge through trade.

Based on this map of Africa during the period 600 -1100 C.E., which of the following is the most likely cause of these migrations
shown?AThe arrival of Islam through trade in Sub-Saharan Africa.BThe continuation of the Bantu migrations due to a desire for
resources.CThe establishment of gold-salt trade routes.DThe beginnings of the Atlantic slave trade leading to the African diaspora.

Which of the following would most likely be an environmental impact of the cultural movement depicted in the map of Africa 600 -1100
C.E.?ADesertificationBDeforestation and soil depletionCAir pollutionDDrought

A historian researching the Bantu migrations in the period 600-1100 C.E. would find which of the following types of evidence most
helpful when determining the areas most affected by the migrations?AA religious map of AfricaBA political map of AfricaCA linguistic
map of AfricaDA topographic map of Africa

The above map depicts the land gained as a result of the Tang dynasty military campaign to the west.Based on the map and your
knowledge of world history, this military campaign was initiated for each of the following reasons EXCEPTAIncreasing Chinese control
over trade routes.BDefending the Chinese border against nomads.CCivilizing the Turks with Chinese culture.DAnnexing additional
lands to the Chinese empire.
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The above map depicts the land gained as a result of the Tang dynasty military campaign to the west.Each of the following were
results of the campaign EXCEPTALarge communities of ethnic groups settling in China.BThe Chinese gained greater control over
trade.CChina began to be directly influenced by Arabian culture.DMany of the conquered peoples joined the Chinese army.

The above map depicts the land gained as a result of the Tang dynasty military campaign to the west.Based on the map and your
knowledge of world history, the Song (post-Tang) dynasty rulers favored a policy

A historian would most likely use this selection from the Quran to demonstrate which of the following?AThe continuation of religious
ideals in the Abrahamic religions.BThe existence of God.CEvidence about the life of the prophet Muhammad.DA comparison of the
Abrahamic religions' various paths to heaven.

According to this passage and your knowledge of world religions, which of the following religions was the LEAST influential to Islam?

Which of the following tenets of the Islamic faith is most closely related to this passage?AMuslims must be charitable and give to
those in need.BA holy jihad is justified if the Islamic faith is under attack.CThe relative tolerance of the other Abrahamic
religions.DThere is no god but Allah and his prophet is Muhammad.

All of the following contributed to the spread of the Bubonic Plague throughout medieval Europe EXCEPTAMongol war tactics.BInter-
regional trade.CThe persecution of Jews.DReturning Crusaders.

Along with the Bubonic Plague, all of the following events contributed to the end of the "Age of Faith" in Western Europe EXCEPT?
AA shift in women's legal status.BThe Great Schism.CThe 100 Years War.DA change in weather and subsequent crop failures.

During the medieval period, goods were frequently exchanged between Western Europe and all of the following regions
EXCEPTATrading posts in Malaka.BThe Abbasid caliphate.CThe Yuan and later Ming dynasties.DThe Ottoman Empire.

These two sources are BEST understood in the context of which of the following?AThe spread of Buddhism to Central and East
Asia.BThe spread of Buddhism to East and Southeast Asia.CThe spread of Buddhism throughout South Asia.DThe spread of
Buddhism in the Indian Ocean Basin.

Which of the following contributed MOST to the diffusion of Buddhism throughout Asia from circa 600-1450 C.E.?AThe reemergence
of centralized dynastic rule in Song China.BThe movement of nomadic pastoral societies from Central Asia.CThe long-term
establishment of Buddhism as a state religion in China and Japan.DPeaceful contact by missionaries and merchants along Asian
trade routes.

Which of the following was the MOST important change that Buddhism underwent from 600-1450 C.E. as it continued to spread
throughout Asia?ABuddhism experienced syncretism as it adapted to local religions, including Confucianism and Daoism.BBuddhist
monks rejected political influence and grew increasingly distant from secular activities.CMahayana Buddhism emerged, leading to
Buddhism’s first theological dichotomy from its origins.DThe nature of Buddhism as a religion of individuality changed, leading to
mass appeal among the educated classes.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was diffused in a similar pattern to Buddhism’s spread in the 600-
1450 C.E. period?ANeoconfucianism in China.BMongol influence in the Pax Mongolia.CIslam in West Africa.DMexica influence in

The events recounted by Marco Polo in the excerpt above MOST likely occurred during which of the following periods of history?AThe
Han Dynasty.BThe Qing Dynasty.CThe Shang Dynasty.DThe Yuan Dynasty. 22/67
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Based on this passage from Ibn Battuta and your knowledge of world history you can infer thatAfew Muslim societies were
patriarchal.BBattuta was visiting the Swahili Coast.Cfew African societies were matriarchal.DBattuta was visiting West Africa.

Compared to the descriptions in the excerpt, Christian practices concerning gender roles in the period 600–1450 C.E. differed in that
theyAforbade women from serving as important members of the Church.Boffered women alternatives to marriage in the form of
monastic lifestyles.Callowed women increased equality in the form of complete economic and social autonomy.Dasserted that women
were not bound to the same religious constraints as men.

Which of the following conclusions about the period 600–1450 C.E. is most directly supported by the passage?ANew religious
traditions transformed social norms in all areas where they were encountered throughout Africa.BThe emergence of new religious
traditions created sweeping economic changes throughout Africa.CSocial norms in some parts of Africa remained largely unchanged
when new religious traditions emerged.DCross-cultural writers influenced the inhabitants of a region in regards to religious and social

The ideas expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in the society described by Battuta?
AMatrilineal descent.BPatrilineal descent.CSocial secularization.DReligious fundamentalism.

During the 650s C.E., a schism within Islam resulted in two major denominations: Sunni and Shi'a.Based on your knowledge of world
history, what event most directly precipitated this schism?AThe death of Muhammad.BDisagreement over who should be elected as
caliph.CThe compilation of the Qur'an.DThe founding of the Umayyad caliphate.

The division between the Sunni and Shi'a Muslims was greater amplified by the establishment of the Umayyad caliphate (661-750
C.E.).Based on your knowledge of world history, which Umayyad reform MOST widened the divide between Sunni and Shi'a
Muslims?AThe replacement of non-Muslim administrators with Muslims.BThe spread of Arabic throughout the caliphate as the
language of government.CThe utilization of Byzantine and Sasanian modes of administration.DThe establishment of a system of
dynastic succession.

Which of the following conclusions is BEST supported by the passage above?AThe city of Venice served as a tributary state to the
Byzantine Empire.BThe increasing power of Venice coincided with the declining power of Byzantium.CThe right to trade in
Constantinople was not as valuable in 1082 as it had been earlier in the postclassical period.DThe Byzantine empire was the most
powerful naval force in the Mediterranean basin.

The events described in the passage above illustrate which of the following historical trends?AThe continued dominance of land-
based empires over maritime states.BThe rise of a new merchant class independent of political elites.CThe rise of Byzantine power in
the early postclassical period, leading to tensions with the Latin Church.DThe rise of urban centers able to exert power outside of the
influence of existing imperial states.

Which of the following labor systems is Froissart describing?ASerfdom.BSlavery.CEncomienda.DFree peasantry.


Chabi is the most prominent example available to historians of the strong, independent, and politically-invested Mongolian women of
the 13th and 14th centuries. She acted as a trusted advisor to her husband and shared his interest in other cultures and learning. We
know that she was given quite a bit of freedom and influenced several key decisions of the Yuan court.Based on this source and your
knowledge of world history, how did Mongolian women compare to Chinese women during the 13th and 14th centuries?AChinese
women held respected positions within the scholar gentry, but the Mongols forbade that practice during the Yuan dynasty.BMongolian
women enjoyed a more respected and independent place within society than Chinese women, who were confined by the traditional 23/67
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values of Confucianism.CThe Mongols had several women serve as sole rulers of the Mongolian Empire, while the Chinese never
had an autonomous empress.DUnlike Chinese women, Mongolian women were not beholden to their husbands and had the legal
right to divorce him and sue for his property.

Chabi is the most prominent example available to historians of the strong, independent, and politically-invested Mongolian women of
the 13th and 14th centuries. She acted as a trusted advisor to her husband and shared his interest in other cultures and learning. We
know that she was given quite a bit of freedom and influenced several key decisions of the Yuan court.Which of the following
civilizations’ treatment of women is the MOST similar to the Mongolian Empire?AThe Songhay Kingdom in West Africa.BThe Mayans
in Central America.CThe Abbasid Empire in the Middle East.DCharlemagne’s Empire in Central Europe.

Which of the following Chinese practices would Mongolian women have been most opposed to?AFoot-binding.BStudying the works
of Confucius.CBuddhist meditation.DAncestor veneration.

The silk industry in China and the woolen industry in Europe were similar in the Medieval era for which of the following reasons?
AMuch of the production in each region was intended for regional consumption.BThe production of raw materials and the processing
of finished products occurred within the same region in both China and Europe.CBoth Chinese silkworm farmers and European
shepherds received special government protections in the form of tax breaks.DBoth finished silk and wool fabrics were exchanged
along the Silk Roads, from the Mediterranean to East Asia.

Which of the following Islamic traditions encouraged the development of Timbuktu?AThe hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.BZakat,
the tradition of giving alms to the poor.CThe shahadah, or profession of faith.DSalat, praying five times a day facing Mecca.

The trade and cultural links with the Islamic world, on which Timbuktu's growth depended, could not have been forged
withoutAhorses.Bcamels.Cthe lateen sail.Dwagons capable of traversing the desert.

The sponsorship of which of the following rulers brought both trade and scholarship to Timbuktu?ASundiata, the "Lion King."BIbn
Battuta.CSunni Ali.DMansa Musa.

These images from the silk scroll painting Along the River During Qingming Festival from the early 12th century C.E. are best
understood in the context of which of the following?AIncreasing agricultural yields during the Era of Division.BThe return of the
dynastic cycle with the Tang Dynasty.CUrban growth and development during the Song Dynasty.DThe arrival of the Silk Road
network to urban centers throughout China.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the second image?AChina’s merchant class experienced growth and vitality
during the 12th century.BChina’s cities in the 12th century had a strict social hierarchy that limited interaction among China’s social
classes.CChina was experiencing a renaissance of the arts during the 12th century.DChina’s shi class was a vital component of the
economic structure of China.

Which of the following first disrupted China’s economy soon after the time period pictured?AThe Mongol conquest of China and
establishment of the Yuan Dynasty.BThe destruction of the Silk Road network in the south and its reestablishment in the north.CThe
beginning of the Little Ice Age, a time period of cooler global temperatures, which destroyed Chinese crops.DThe onset of the
Bubonic Plague which led to massive depopulation in China’s southern cities.

Compared to 12th century China, Western Europe during the 12th centuryAwas consolidated under the centralized structure of the
Western Roman Empire and concentrating on Empire expansion throughout the Mediterranean.Bwas ruled by the Roman Catholic
Church which was determined to ease religious tensions between the Eastern Orthodox Church.Cwas in disarray after the dissolution
of the Western Roman Empire and experiencing waves of Germanic migrations.Dwas organized in a decentralized structure and
more focused on foreign gains outside of Europe. 24/67
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Based on your knowledge of world history, activities such as those in the first image could also be found in this major city in the 12th
century.ATimbuktu.BCahokia.CCuzco.DGreat Zimbabwe.

The excerpt best supports which of the following conclusions about Japanese government in circa 1000 C.E.?AJapan had an imperial
government structure.BA feudal government ruled Japan with a decentralized power structure.CChina had conquered Japan and
dominated its government.DA military government ruled Japan.

The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Japanese society in the 600-1450 period?
AJapan’s economic well-being depended upon patriarchal leadership both in and out of the home.BPatriarchy persisted in its most
absolute form despite the best efforts of Japanese women in powerful positions.CJapanese women had some degree of power and
influence despite the persistence of patriarchy.DJapanese men had begun to challenge traditional patriarchy, opting instead for an
egalitarian existence with women.

A historian researching the social history of Afro-Eurasia in the period 600-1450 C.E. would most likely find The Tale of Genji useful
as a comparison to which of the following sources?ABeowulf.BOne Thousand and One Nights.CPopol Vuh.DFive Classics.

Which of the following best compares the practices concerning Japanese gender roles expressed in the excerpt to Mongol practices
concerning gender roles in the same period?AUnlike Japanese women, Mongol women had the benefit of living in a matriarchal
society and enjoyed higher social status than men.BMongol women were more likely to be treated poorly, due to the warrior mentality
of Mongol culture.CJapanese women had greater economic freedoms while Mongol women had greater social freedoms.DBoth
Japanese and Mongol women exercised some important individual freedoms despite living in a patriarchal society.

The interactions described in the passage and poem are best understood in the context of which of the following during the 13th
century C.E.?AByzantine campaigns to stem Arab advances in the eastern Mediterranean.BNomadic invasions throughout Asia
originating from the Central Asian Steppes.CBedouin infighting due to religious differences.DEuropean assaults on the Middle East
during the Crusades.

Based on your analysis of both sources, attacks on urban centers like Baghdad in the 600-1450 C.E. period were mainly a
consequence ofAa desire for increased economic capacity for empire expansion.Bthe cultural subjugation of urban centers to create
a unified pan-Asian civilization.Cprovision of protection for social and religious minorities in Asian urban centers.Ddevelopment of
Asian trade routes to reestablish the Silk Road Network.

The views expressed by the author of the poem (source 2) best reflect which of the following developments in the 13th-century Arab
world?AThe breakdown of social stratification in Arab urban centers.BThe militarism of regional adversaries.CThe influence of
religious uncertainty.DThe plea for political resolve to maintain a centralized empire.

Compared to the descriptions in the passage and poem, city life in 13th century Western EuropeAwas largely nonexistent due to the
feudal and manorial structures that emerged during the 600-1450 C.E. period.Bwas similar in that urban centers were periodically
under assault from Scandinavian raiders.Cwas different in that city life was thriving due to a renewal of trade routes and a lack of
nomadic invasions.Dwas experiencing difficulties due to environmental pressures such as widespread disease and climate change.

Which of the following is a major drawback for historians using Source 1 and Source 2 as sources of evidence about Aztec society?
ABoth sources are biased.BNeither source had first-hand knowledge of Aztec society.CBoth are primary sources.DNeither source
presents a purely Aztec view of their society.

Based on your knowledge of World History and Source 1, which of the following agricultural techniques did the Aztecs use to increase
food production before contact with Spaniards?AHorse collars that increased plowing efficiency.BIron metallurgy that made tools
more effective.CTerraced fields that allowed mountain farming.DUse of very rich soil in "floating gardens."
d 25/67
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A historian could best use Source 1 and Source 2 together to illustrate which of the following developments from Period 3, c. 600 CE
- c. 1450 CE?ACommunication and exchange networks developed in the AmericasBIncreased agricultural productivity contributed to
revival of some urban areas.CInvasion and lower agricultural productivity led to the decline of some urban areas.DIncreased cross-
cultural interactions resulted in scientific and technological innovations.

The development of the practice of footbinding in China in the 600-1450 C.E. period, pictured here, can BEST be understood in the
context of which of the following?AThe arrival of Islam in China in the pre-Tang era.BThe rise of Neoconfucianism in China in the
Song era.CThe diffusion of Buddhism to China in the pre-Tang era.DThe spread of Christianity to China in the late Song era.

The practice of footbinding in China was similar in its social and economic implications to all of the following EXCEPTAthe tradition of
veiling.Bthe practice of sati.Cthe custom of female seclusion, or purdah.Dthe use of matrilineal descent.

Compared to Chinese family structures and gender roles in the period 600-1450 C.E., West African family structures and gender
roles wereAsimilar, leading to the complete subordination of West African women to men.Bunique, permitting women to have
completely equal social status to men.Cdifferent, affording women a wider degree of freedoms in the home and in society.Dalike,
leading to body modification rituals confining women to the home.

Which of the following trends in urbanization is true for the period 600-1450 CE?AMultiple factors contributed to urban revivals
including a rise in reliable, safe trade networks.BMultiple factors contributed to the urban decay of the period including a lack of
available meat caused by over-hunting.CA desire for luxury goods led to the abandoning of established settlements for urban centers
in the East.DBecause of the lower social rank of merchants many abandoned trade routes for a more stable, sedentary lifestyle.

Which of the following contributors of urban decay from the period of 600-1450 CE is directly referenced in the image?AForeign
invasions.BDisease.CA decrease in literacy.DA decline in agricultural productivity.

Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt?AJapanese
feudalism.BIncan mit’a System.C20th century Russian cooperative farms.DColonial encomiendas in Central and South America.

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas conflict MOST with the feudal system described by Froissart?A“All our knowledge begins
with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.” - Immanuel
KantB“I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.” - VoltaireC“All mankind... being all equal and
independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” – John LockeD"Rebellion to tyrants is
obedience to God." – Benjamin Franklin

Which of the following events is MOST responsible for the creation of the feudal system in Europe, which flourished from ca. 800 CE
– 1500 CE?AThe collapse of the Roman Empire in Western Europe.BThe signing of the Magna Carta.CThe invention of the steel
plow.DThe first Viking raid at Lindisfarne, Britain.

Based on this excerpt and your knowledge of world history, social status in European and Japanese feudal society was usually
determined byAmarriage.Bbirth.Cindividual ability.Deducation and training.

What new food product allowed for rapid population growth in China during the Song era?AThe sweet potato.BMaize.CChampa

What Chinese innovation caused an increase in population during the Song dynasty?AA new strain of rice capable of producing two
to three crops a year.BNew waterworks technology allowed for the draining of swamps, control of floods, and the use of rice 26/67
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terraces.CNew forms of labor organization abolished slavery in China.DThe increased demand for agricultural labors pulled in people
from outlying regions, such as Vietnam and Tibet.

All of the following are reasons for the shift of the Song Dynasty to the south EXCEPTAincreased pressure by northern nomads,
especially the Jurchens and Mongols.Ban internal succession conflict that divided the government and led to the creation of a
southern capital at Kaifeng.Cnew technologies that opened previously unproductive land in the south.Dthe Song government’s
abandonment of the Tang era policy of incorporating nomadic peoples into the empire.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following presented a significant challenge to Inca builders?ALack of
rainfall.BHigh mountains and steep valleys.CInexperienced workers.DFrequent rebellions.

Based on the source and your knowledge of world history, Inca buildersArelied on materials from the Amazon rain forest.Butilized
extensive written blueprints.Cadapted materials at hand for their construction needs.Dharnessed the power of sophisticated metal

On which of the following did Inca builders rely?AThe strength and mobility of horses and oxen.BThe skill and industry of an
experienced labor force.CCleverly constructed wheeled carts, which helped haul materials up steep mountain slopes.DTechniques
learned from the Maya.

Which of the following is MOST comparable to the Inca mit'a system?AThe construction of the Great Wall of China.BThe caste
system in India.CThe building of the U.S. interstate highway system.DEuropean feudalism.

The image demonstrates which of the following social shifts distinguishing the Renaissance from earlier periods?AA shift from purely
religious art to secular humanism.BA denouncement of the merchant class because of decreasing emphasis on trade with foreign
counterparts.CA sharp drop in population due to epidemic diseases.DAn application of scientific principle in social settings.

According to the social standards at the time, which of the following accurately describes social expectations for middle and upper-
class women?AMiddle and upper-class women did not manage their households, as that was seen as a menial, lower-class
work.BMiddle and upper-class women were expected to be vocal about their opinions.CMiddle and upper- class women were
expected to stay uneducated in order to preserve their virtue.DMiddle and upper-class women were expected to be gracious, kind
and modest.

Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the economic hierarchy in
17th century Spanish America?AAfrican slaves were the chief source of labor in the silver mines of Spanish America.BThe Spanish
crown managed the silver mines directly to maximize profits.CNative Americans were exploited in order to maximize the profits of
silver mine owners in Spanish America.DMixed-race groups in Spanish America had the same economic rights as groups of only
European descent.

Which of the following was a direct effect of the slave trade outlined in the chart above?AThe development of syncretic religions
including Voodoo and Santeria.BAn immediate increase in slave revolts.CAn increase in competitive fervor between nations in the
New World.DLocal fortifications developed a more central organized authority.
a 27/67
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A historian could utilize the existence of images such as the one above to illustrateAthe acceptability of racial intermixing.Bofficial
Spanish support for the categorization of racial interaction based on a social hierarchy.Csupport for social hierarchy within all sectors
of the Spanish colonies.Dthe impact of European preferences of race throughout North and South America.

From the image, we can see that the Spanish attempted to promote social order and homogeneity within their empire by theAuse of
laws to ban any clothing styles that were similar to those of the indigenous peoples before Spanish colonization.Bpromotion of legal
norms that allowed Spanish men to marry Indian women.Cconversion of mestizos to the dominant culture.Dsubmission of Spanish
women to mestizos as a way to empower the new ethnic minorities.

Which of the following BEST describes the difference in the treatment of disempowered groups in the Spanish New World and the
Ottoman Empire?AReligious conversion was strongly supported by the Ottoman government.BDebates occurred within the ruling
classes of Spain over the treatment of indigenous groups.CEthnic minorities were occasionally introduced into the administration of
the Spanish colonies.DReligious and ethnic minorities were allowed to engage in self-government in the Ottoman Empire.

Which of the following best explains the differences in ethnic makeup between colonies in North America and Latin America?AEnglish
settlers rejected the idea of categorization based on race.BNorth American European colonization largely promoted segregation of
different racial and ethnic groups.CSpanish colonists sought to promote whiteness as a superior racial category.DSouth American
indigenous groups were able to retain their ethnic and tribal identity.

Which of the following would BEST characterize the authors' evaluation of the impact of the Little Ice Age on Eurasian societies?AThe
Little Ice Age caused considerable deterioration in both European and Chinese societies.BThe Little Ice Age inspired technological
advancements in agriculture that allowed the European population to grow after recovering from the Black Death.CThe Little Ice Age
caused crop yields to drop in parts of Eurasia, but did not lead to a general decline in Europe or China.DChina recovered from the
impacts of the Little Ice Age significantly better than did societies in Europe.

Which of the following developments did the most to mitigate the negative effects of the crop failures caused by the Little Ice Age in
Eurasia?AThe Columbian Exchange.BThe Black Death.CThe Commercial Revolution.DThe rise of Neoconfucianism.

During the period of the Little Ice Age, which of the following groups in Europe experienced the largest gains in status?

Which of the following areas would have been LEAST directly impacted by the climate changes described in the passage?

Which of the following was most likely the main source used by historians to compile data displayed in Source 2?ADiaries of slave
ship captains.BMemoirs of enslaved persons.CRecords from slave ships and ports.DSlave ship schematics.

Based on your knowledge of World History, which of the following was a major EFFECT of the development shown in the sources
above?AColonial states constructed racialized social hierarchies in America.BEuropean states established new maritime empires in
the Americas.CInter-hemispheric connections resulted in the Columbian Exchange.DUnprecedented transoceanic maritime
reconnaissance expanded European knowledge of the world.

A historian could best use both Source 1 and Source 2 as evidence for which of the following developments in Period 4, c. 1450-c.
1750 ?ACoerced labor played a large role in the economies of colonial America.BEuropean colonization and settlement practices
affected the physical environment of the Americas.CForced migration of Africans to the Americas led to the creation of syncretic belief
systems.DRoyal-chartered European monopoly companies facilitated a global movement of goods.

Which of the following was a MAJOR similarity between the economic dimensions of Russian expansion into Siberia, and French
colonialism in New France (in present-day Canada and the United States)?AImperial economies depended on a range of coerced
labor.BEmpires collected tribute from neighboring states.CTrade with indigenous peoples produced commodities for global
markets.DMerchants backed by state power took over a share of interregional commerce. 28/67
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Based on your knowledge of World History, a historian could BEST use Image 1 to illustrate which of the following developments in
the period from 1450 CE to 1750 CE?AColumbian exchange brought American staple crops to Eurasia.BInterregional maritime trade
grew substantially.CRulers continued to use religious ideas to legitimize their rule.DThe Little Ice Age contributed to the contraction of
settlement in the Northern Hemisphere.

Based on your knowledge of world history, development shown in Image 1 is BEST understood in the context of which of the
following?ABabur's southward expansion of the Timurid dynasty.BMing and Qing campaigns north of the Great Wall.CMuscovy's
aggressive territorial expansion to its east.DPeter the Great's Westernizing policy.

The changes described in Zurita’s account are best understood in the context of which of the following?AThe growth of colonial
administration in Latin America.BThe Columbian Exchange of crops and diseases.CThe spread of Christianity from Spain to Latin
America.DThe shift in patterns of family structure in Latin America.

The tone of the report BEST supports which of the following interpretations?AZurita believed that more reales should be minted and
distributed throughout New Spain.BZurita viewed Native Americans as little better than animals.CZurita believed that reforms were
needed to improve the conditions for Native Americans.DZurita admired the work ethic of Native American laborers.

During the period 1450-1750, which of the following changes in New Spain were LEAST directly connected to the requirement that
tribute be paid in currency?AThe ecological depletion of land and soils.BThe decline of indigenous religious practices.CThe loss of
traditional patterns of family life.DAn increase in the production of trade goods.

Which of the following BEST states a difficulty that peasants in Spain in the 16th century would have shared in common with the
indigenous people of the Americas?ABoth groups experienced devastating outbreaks of previously unknown diseases.BBoth groups
found it difficult to adapt to rapid industrialization.CBoth groups experienced economic dislocations due to the Spanish silver
trade.DBoth groups looked to local elites to protect them from the abuses of the Spanish crown.

Both men mentioned in the above passage have been granted an encomienda, meaning that their social status is MOST comparable
to which of the following?AA seventeenth century Russian serf.BA daimyo in Japan.CThe Han people during the Qing dynasty.DThe
new, urban elite of the first British industrial revolution.

The encomienda system mentioned in the above excerpt was MOST comparable to all of the following EXCEPT?APlantations of the
eighteenth century in American South.BFeudalism in thirteenth Western Europe.CManoralism in twelfth century Japan.DCollective
farming in twentieth century China.

According to the passage, which characteristic contributed to the rise of mestizos as a distinct class?ATheir embrace of Hispanic
culture.BTheir useful economic skills.CTheir desirability as wives for Spanish men.DTheir devout Catholic faith.

The story of Mencia Perez above showsAmixed-race women were trapped in poverty.Bliteracy was key to social advancement.Cher
job skills allowed Perez to escape her low social standing.DMexicans were sometimes willing to ignore racial background.

Which of the following conclusions is valid?AEconomic success could be more important than social pedigree in colonial
Mexico.BBoth men and women of mixed race enjoyed equivalent economic opportunity.CMixed race people could rise to the highest
levels of colonial society.DThe job skills of mestizos were superior to those of Spaniards and Indians.

The experience of mestizos in colonial Mexico is MOST comparable to which of the following?AThe experience of Greek slaves in the
Roman Empire.BThe experience of serfs in Russia.CThe experience of Jews in early modern Europe.DThe experience of Hindus in
the Mughal Empire. 29/67
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The Japanese social structure described here most CLOSELY resembles what other form of social stratification?ASpanish colonies in
South and Central America, 16th – 19th centuries CE.BThe five basic relationships of Confucianism.CEuropean feudalism, c. 9th –
15th centuries CE.DPlebeians and Patricians in the Roman Republic, c. 6th – 1st century BCE.

Which of the following BEST conveys the overall historical significance of this passage?AThis is the first time Tokugawa Ieyasu flexes
his power as Shogun of Japan.BThis passage is a sacred Hindu text about the importance of the caste system.CThe Japanese could
use this passage to justify their isolation from Europe during the Tokugawa period.DThis source shows the feudal structure of
Japanese society in the Early Modern Period.

Based on this passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following reflects a major shift in Japanese society during
the Early Modern Period (c. 1450 – 1750 CE)?AThe power of the daimyo was limited by the growing central authority of the
shogun.BSamurai warriors became obsolete and eventually disbanded.CJapan sought control of the Pacific Ocean and colonized
several countries, such as the Philippines and Taiwan.DThe Japanese borrowed many cultural, linguistic, and governmental styles
from the Chinese.

Which of the following transoceanic empires was established as a trading post prior to the other three?AThe British in India.BThe
British in West Africa.CBelgium in the Congo.DThe French in Algeria.

During the late 19th century, which of the following countries had the weakest colonial presence?

Which of the following could best be described as an imperial state practicing economic imperialism rather than establishing settler
colonies?AThe Dutch in South Africa.BThe French in Algeria.CThe British in Oceania.DThe French in China.

Source 1 BEST illustrates which of the following economic systems in the period circa 1450-1750?AThe spread of gold and salt on
the Trans-Saharan Trade network.BThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and people that spread via the Silk Road.CThe
revival of the Indian Ocean maritime network.DThe introduction of the slave trade to the Atlantic World.

Taken together, the two sources best support which of the following conclusions?AAs Europeans began to engage in trade in the
Atlantic world, Christianity also began to spread to Africa and the Americas.BNative Americans and Africans both engaged in warfare
against the European colonizers.CEuropeans conquered local African kingdoms whereas American kingdoms were granted more
autonomy.DNative Americans and Africans desired to engage in trade with Europeans due to the demand for European goods.

Ideas similar to those expressed in Source 2 have directly contributed to the development of which of the following aspects of
nineteenth-century European imperial history?AThe creation of an elaborate system of alliances between European nation-
states.BThe belief in European superiority over indigenous cultures.CThe abolition of the slave trade and slavery in the
Americas.DThe meeting of the Berlin Conference between European imperial powers.

The global process explained in the excerpt above MOST dramatically impacted East Asia asAregional trade in spices increased to
pay for the shipping of new world crops.Bindigenous American cooking practices migrated to the region leading to new
cuisines.Cmineral wealth allowed the Spanish government to dominate East Asian trade.Dhigh-calorie foods entered the East Asian
diet leading to population increases.

Which of the following explains the relationship between coerced labor and the transmission of goods described in the excerpt
above?AGovernments imported indigenous peoples into Western Europe to introduce new crops.BAmerican diseases wiped out
European workers mandating African slaves.CEuropean merchants traded African slaves for East Asian goods.DGoods introduced to
or refined in the Americas required a large coerced labor force.

The immediate losses triggered by economic interaction between the Old and the New World were most directly felt byASouth
Asians.BEuropeans.CNative Americans.DWest Africans. 30/67
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The exchange of hard mineral resources during this time period was MOST important to theAexchange of fur goods within
Europe.Bemergence of Dutch and Portuguese colonies.Ceconomic growth of England and France.Ddevelopment of the global silver

Using the documents and your knowledge of world history, which of the following was the MOST direct result of Columbus' actions in
the Americas?

Which motivation for Spanish exploration is MOST evident in the excerpts above?AExtraction of precious metals for shipment back to
SpainBExtension of the political domains of Ferdinand and IsabellaCScientific curiosity about the workings of the material
worldDSpreading of Catholic Christianity to the Americas

Which of the following is the MOST significant historical context for the sources above?APortuguese attempts to enter the Indian
Ocean trade network by sailing around Africa.BDevelopment of printing by movable type revolutionizing the spread of ideas in
Europe.CEuropean thinkers development of Humanism including interest in Greco-Roman classics.DDevelopment of gunpowder
weapons, especially cannons mounted on caravels.

The encomienda system was MOST similar to which of the following?ASlavery.BIndentured Servitude.CWage laborers in

The trend described by Las Casas was MOST immediately the result ofAwidespread resistance by native populations against
Spanish rule.BSpanish missionaries seeking to Christianize the native population.Cwars and violence initiated by Spanish
explorers.Depidemics of diseases that wiped out large portions of native populations.

Which of the following developments BEST explains the causes of the developments described in the passage and Image 1?
ACommercial expansion under the Tokugawa Shogunate.BIsolation from world affairs during the Tokugawa Shogunate.CThe socially
conservative policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate.DTokugawa Shoguns' sponsorship of the arts.

Which of the following culturally significant spaces built during this period had a social function MOST similar to the scene depicted in
Image 1?AGlobe Theater in London.BBallet stage at the Palace of Versailles.CTaj Mahal in India.DMexico City Metropolitan

A historian could BEST use both the passage and Image 1 to illustrate which of the following statements about Tokugawa Japan
(1600-1868 CE)?AGrowing middle classes patronized urban entertainment districts.BNeo-Confucianism formed the basis for
Japanese education.CSocial significance of Samurai declined.DTokugawa Shoguns centralized authority in Edo.

The creation of these two maps took place during which historical period?AThe Protestant Reformation.BThe Age of Discovery.CNew
Imperialism.DThe Scientific Revolution.

Based on the two world maps and your knowledge of world history, what major historic event occurred in between the creation of the
two sources?AChristopher Columbus sailed to Hispanola in the Western Hemisphere.BBartolomeo Dias sailed around the Cape of
Good Hope in Africa.CFerdinand Magellan’s crew circumnavigated the globe.DHernan Cortes and the conquistadors conquered the
Aztec Empire.

Which of the following statements BEST explains Europe’s initial increased interest in transoceanic travel during the late 15th and
early 16th centuries?AAsian products were in high demand in Europe and finding a viable ocean route to Asia was essential for
trade.BEuropean countries were eager to expand their colonies into the hearts of Africa and Asia.CMost monarchs were highly
religious and sponsored missionary work in the New World.DSettler colonies were immediately profitable for the sponsoring country
and the European powers competed to be the first to stake new claim in the New World.
a 31/67
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The majority of additions to the 1502 Cantino Planisphere map most likely came from which European voyages?

Taken together, the two images best support which of the following conclusions about the sixteenth century?APlants, animals, ideas
and diseases spread from the Old World to the New World through the Columbian Exchange.BThe continent of Europe experienced
political stability whereas there was an increase in regional conflicts in the Americas.CTechnological innovations resulted in
population shifts in industrialized and nonindustrialized regions.DThere was an increase in sanitation practices and emphasis on
hygiene in cities throughout Europe and decline of sanitation techniques in the Americas.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following factors contributed MOST directly to the change in population in
Europe during the sixteenth century?AThe introduction of maize and potatoes from the New World.BThe use of new farming
techniques like the horse collar and three-field system.CEuropeans developed an immunity to diseases like the Black Death.DThe
decline of nomadic invasions due to the fall of the Mongol Empire.

Using the information in Table 1 and your knowledge of world history, which of the following was an important long-term effect of
European colonization of the Americas?AA decline in trade occurred between Europe and the Americas.BThe European Catholic
Church began to send doctors and build hospitals in the Americas.CThere was an increase in Asian immigrants to the Americas due
to possible jobs.DEuropeans began to utilize African slave labor on plantations in the Americas.

Which of the following best describes the role of the Catholic Church and the Pope in Luther's initial criticisms?AA political ruler
whose power is primarily based in control of secular rulers.BThe head of a fundamentally corrupt religious organization.CA church
leader who can be redeemed through dialogue.DThe representative of a non-Christian faith.

Which of the following best describes the impact of contemporary intellectual ideas on this excerpt?AThe influence of Islamic ideas in
Europe lead to the growth of humanism and a strengthening of religious authority.BNewfound theories due to the discovery of the
Americas reinforced the power of the Catholic Church.CEuropean obsession with trade led to the development of a powerful alliance
of merchants against the Protestant Reformation.DDevelopments in art, science and literature worked to challenge the intellectual
status quo along with the Reformation.

The presence of Luther’s ideas would transform Western Europe byAmotivating further exploration of the Americas.Beroding religious
unity and prompting major wars of religion.Cdeveloping greater literacy among elites.Dpromoting early democratic ideas.

Which of the following best describes a similarity between Christian and Islamic theology throughout the 16th to 18th centuries?
ASyncretic belief practices were primarily pushed through military conquest.BReligious diffusion was promoted by a centralized
religious organization.CNew ideas emerged that sought to return religious practice to a more traditional state.DFundamental religious
schisms emerged that challenged traditional authority.

Which of the following was the MOST important commodity that Europeans traded for slaves in West Africa?

Which of the following assertions BEST accounts for the very limited colonization of Africa by Europeans before the 19th century,
compared to the Americas?AAfrican rulers’ control over the valuable slave trade gave them power over European traders.BStrong
African states and diseases in the African interior limited European colonization to coastal trading forts.CAfrican states united to
successfully resist European invasions.DAfrican states were technologically superior to European states.

All of the following statements concerning the Atlantic slave system are accurate exceptASo many African men were taken into
slavery that African population growth slowed significantly.BOnly 6% of slaves transported across the Atlantic were brought to the 13
American colonies.CMost slaves were captured by European slavers operating from coastal slave fortresses.DIn many parts of the
Caribbean, slaves made up 90% of the total population.
c 32/67
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Which of the following conclusions about the period 1500 to 1700 is most directly supported by the passage and Image 1?AEuropean
states established new colonial empires in the Americas.BNew global circulations of silver from the Americas were closely connected
to the creation of a global economy.CState chartered European monopoly companies facilitated a global circulation of goods.DThe
Atlantic system involved the movement of free and unfree laborers.

A historian would most likely use this excerpt from the Grant of Charter to illustrate which of the following?AEnglish promotion of free-
market economics throughout the world.BEuropean establishment of settler colonies in the Americas and Asia.CEuropean states’ use
of monopoly companies to generate income and influence.DThe English Constitution's limits on the powers of monarchs.

The object in Image 1 best illustrates which of the following continuities in the period circa 1500 to 1700 CE?AEnglish (and later
British) Parliaments' prohibition on the importation of calico.BEuropean merchants continued to be the most important carriers of
Indian Ocean goods.CIndia remained a major exporter of textiles into interregional markets.DMass production of textiles by European
joint-stock companies.

Which of the following was an important long-term effect of the creation and expansion of the English (later British) East India
Company?ABritish economic and political colonialism in South Asia.BEstablishment of British settler colonies in North America, South
Africa, and Oceania.CNew connections between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres resulted in the Columbian Exchange.D

Which of the following was NOT a social, political, or economic effect of the Columbian Exchange?ADevastation of native populations
in the New World.BMinor states in Europe became dependent on New World crops.CGrowth in powerful East African countries due to
their involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade.DA massive amount of silver was brought into China.

The patterns described in the excerpt most directly paralleled which of the following developments in Spanish settlement?AThe
emergence of a hierarchical system based on race and characterized by degrees of relationships with Spanish settlers.BThe total
lack of understanding and interaction between the Spanish and Native Americans.CEffective Native American resistance to Spanish
advances and exploitation.DThe total preservation of cultural autonomy among laboring Native Americans, despite oppressive
working conditions.

Bailey’s analysis most directly illustrates which of the following?AThe exclusive role Europeans played in attaining slave labor for the
Americas.BThe multidimensional role of both European and African groups in the enslavement of Africans.CThat Europeans and
Africans benefitted equally in the Atlantic Slave Trade.DThe dominant influence of specific African nations in the enslavement of
Africans from rival groups.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support Bailey’s argument in the excerpt?ANarratives from European traders
describing the critical role of African groups in the larger Atlantic Slave Trade.BDiplomatic correspondence illustrating the established
relationship between European powers and African kingdoms.CComparative economic data detailing the proportion of African-built
and –manned slave forts and castles in West Africa relative to those built and manned by Europeans.DCensus data detailing the
number of Africans sold to slave traders by other African groups.

The map above most accurately depicts trade routes in which of the following periods of world history?A15th century routes
established by Chinese fleets under Zheng He.B11th century routes established by Viking colonists.C19th century routes established
by European and American industrial powers.D16th century routes established by Portuguese and Spanish merchants.

All of the following were impacts on trade as a result of the Ottoman conquest of 1453 except?AEuropeans sought trade routes to
Asia that did not pass through Turkish territory.BAtlantic trade grew in importance for Europeans as their dominance of Mediterranean
trade declined.CTrade between peoples in the Mediterranean and Asia shrank as most trade ties between China and the Middle East
were cut.DThe Ottoman became the dominant power in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean.

The European cross-Atlantic voyages of the 16th century were similar to Arab cross-Indian voyages of the 12th for which of the
following reasons?ABoth European and Arab sailors were experts at combining technologies invented elsewhere.BEuropeans and
Arabs took advantage of a yearly storm cycle that guaranteed a return voyage.CStates in both Europe and the Middle East
established vast trading empires.DLong distance trade was primarily about profit, and in both cases there was little cultural diffusion. 33/67
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What role did Europeans play in Indian Ocean trade in the 16th and 17th centuries?AEuropeans allied themselves with the Mughal
Empire in India as a mercenary force.BEuropean trade factories controlled the production and distribution of trade goods.CAsian
demand for goods from Europe allowed Europeans to participate in pre-existing Indian ocean trade.DWith their superior naval
weaponry, Europeans took control over the shipping routes, but did not establish large colonies.

A historian would be MOST likely to use which line from this letter to demonstrate friendly trade opportunities between India and
England?A“…that neither Portugal nor any other shall dare to molest their quiet…”B“The letter of love and friendship which you sent
and the presents, tokens of your good affections toward me, I have received…”C“…I have given my general command to all the
kingdoms and ports of my dominions to receive all the merchants of the English nation as the subjects of my friend…”D“Let all people
make reverence at your gate; let your throne be advanced higher.”

Which of the following is the MOST likely long-term effect of Emperor Jahangir’s friendly invitation to British merchants?AThe English
officially colonized India in 1857.BThe Mughal Empire grew corrupt and emperors wasted government money on frivolous
items.CThe English and Portuguese fought a war to determine who had trading privileges with India.DThe Treaty of Tordesillas was
signed between Spain and Portugal.

Which of the following trade items would the British most likely have been seeking from India?ASilk.BSpices.CPotatoes.DCeramics.

Dorgon references which of the following to validate the Manchu overthrow of the Ming ?AThe Mandate of Heaven.BThe civil-service
examination system.CThe Confucian five relationships.DThe Daoist harmony with nature.

The option to "shave their heads and surrender" in the passage strongly supports which of the following statements about the
Manchus' policy towards the Chinese?AThe Manchus will remove Chinese officials from the government.BThe Manchus will replace
Chinese political ideology with Manchu political ideology.CThe Chinese must display outwardly their loyalty to the Manchu in order to
keep their place in society.DThe Chinese must adopt the Manchus religious beliefs in order to be part of the Manchu government.

According to this passage, which of the following was the MOST significant effect of gunpowder weapons in the early modern period?
AEmpires who used gunpowder weapons were able to expand farther and faster than before.BThe Safavid Empire was defeated in
the battle of Chaldiran.CSkilled gunsmiths became in high demand.DChinese artists used gunpowder to create impressive fireworks

Which of the following historical examples would BEST support the author’s argument?AThe decimation of indigenous people in the
New World by European diseases.BThe Spaniards' defeat of the Inca.CThe Christian Crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries.DThe
American War of Independence against Great Britain.

Which of the following empires during the Early Modern period dramatically increased the size of its borders thanks to the use of
gunpowder weapons?AThe Aztec Empire.BThe Japanese Empire.CThe Mughal Empire.DThe Mongol Empire.

A historian could BEST use the Stepan Razin rebellion to illustrate which of the following developments in World History between c.
1450 and c. 1750?AChallenge to state consolidation and expansion.BRulers continued to use monumental architecture to legitimize
their rule.CStates recruited and used bureaucratic elites to control their subjects.DThe development of professional militaries became
more common.

Which of the following interpretations of the Stepan Razin Rebellion is most similar to the interpretation the rebellion presented by the
poem in Source 2?AKhodorkovsky's view: a matter of " local politics."BMarxist view: class conflict as a "Peasant War"CRebels' view:
"a fight to restore justice."DTsarist view: the work of "traitors and brigands"

Based on your knowledge of World History which of the following represents a long term change in Russia during the century and a
half after the Razin Rebellion?ABreak up of the Russian Empire into multiple, independent republics.BIndependent statehood for 34/67
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Cossacks and other steppe peoples.CLoosening of control of noble landowners over their serfs.DRussian state gained control over
more territory and more people.

The design of the exterior of the mosque pictured above, especially the dome, was MOST influenced by which of the following
architectural forms?ASafavid Persian.BItalian Renaissance.CByzantine.DRussian.

According to the sources above and your knowledge of world history, Suleiman I ruled over all of the following regions EXCEPT?
AMecca and Medina.BPersia.CMesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent.DThe former Byzantine Empire.

Using the documents and your knowledge of world history, which of the following was the MOST direct result of Columbus' actions in
the Americas?AThe completion of the Christian Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula.BBartholomew de las Casas criticized Spanish
treatment of Amerindian people.CThe establishment of a Spanish colonial empire in the Americas.DThe knowledge that Columbus
had stumbled onto a continent previously unknown to Europeans.

Which motivation for Spanish exploration is MOST evident in the excerpts above?AExtraction of precious metals for shipment back to
SpainBExtension of the political domains of Ferdinand and IsabellaCScientific curiosity about the workings of the material
worldDSpreading of Catholic Christianity to the Americas

Which of the following is the MOST significant historical context for the sources above?APortuguese attempts to enter the Indian
Ocean trade network by sailing around Africa.BDevelopment of printing by movable type revolutionizing the spread of ideas in
Europe.CEuropean thinkers development of Humanism including interest in Greco-Roman classics.DDevelopment of gunpowder
weapons, especially cannons mounted on caravels.

In what way is Russian expansion similar to that of expansion by other land empires from 1450-1750?AEmpires sought to mitigate
rebellion by providing religious minorities with freedom.BCentralized governments were able to push against the borders of weaker
states.CExpanding states were primarily motivated by the relationships possible due to trade.DRulers sought to promote new global
standards within their realm.

In contrast to the Russian experience, the emergence of the Qing Dynasty under the Manchu is an example of theAdeclining
importance of centralization in states.Bwholesale replacement of a previously stable empire.Cutilization of religious ideals to motivate
imperial expansion.Dconstruction of a regime rejecting global interaction.

Portuguese and Dutch expansion differed from Russian expansion insofar as they were based onAdirect control from central
governments from their homeland.Binvestment in international trade systems.Cmaritime expansion through the use of trading
posts.Duse of diplomacy rather than military force.

This map, circa 1500, shows the line of demarcation (marked by the arrow) resulting from the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 that
divided the world between theADutch and Swedes.BBritish and French.COttomans and Mughals.DPortuguese and Spanish.

A historian would MOST likely use the Treaty of Tordesillas to illustrate which of the following assertions about European political
power?AWith the end of feudalism, the urban commercial entrepreneurs had the power in settling disputes between European
nations in the new world.BBoth Spain and Portugal were vying for control of the New World.CThe Pope had no power in settling
disputes between European nations.DThe Natives (Amerindians) exerted power over the Portuguese.

The purpose of the monumental architecture pictured above was to serve as aAmausoleum.Bmosque.Cpalace.Dcapitol.

Which of the following comparisons BEST differentiates the Ottomans, the Safavids, and the Mughals?AThe use of religion to create
self-awareness and a unique identity.BThe nomadic origins and ethnic make-up of the rulers who established the dynasties.CThe use
of gunpowder and cannons to create strong, centralized empires.DThe level of emphasis given to discoveries in the sciences, and
the influences of artists and architects. 35/67
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Considering the source and your knowledge of history, all of the following statements are true regarding governing systems c. 1450-
1750 EXCEPT?ABoth the Portuguese and the Ming dynasty supported imperial expansion.BBoth Ottoman and Mughal dynasties
supported imperial expansion.CBoth Spanish and Ottoman empires supported imperial expansion.DBoth Russian and Mughal
dynasties supported imperial expansion.

Explorers and missionaries from Western Europe used all of the following justifications for the conquest of native peoples during the
sixteenth and seventeenth century EXCEPT?ASocial Darwinism.BThe need to discover new sources of revenue.CThe need to
bypass Muslim intermediaries en route to the Silk Roads.DA fresh desire to gain converts.

Which of the following BEST describes a long-term consequence of the diffusion of gunpowder technologies from East Asia into the
Islamic empires and Western Europe?AThe expansion of the Mongol empire.BThe development of caravan and other merchant
organizations.CIncreased state consolidation and shifts in military strategy.DThe diffusion of the chemical formula (sulfur, saltpeter,
and bithwot herb) for explosives.

Which of the following best explains the method used by the Aztecs to acquire victims for human sacrifice?AThe Aztecs would
sacrifice criminals that committed more serious crimes such as murder and rape.BThe Aztecs only sacrificed people from the peasant
class once they were no longer able to perform tasks beneficial to the empire.CThe Aztecs would capture some enemies in battles
instead of killing them in order to save these prisoners for human sacrifices.DThe Aztecs used an intricate lottery system to select
sacrifice victims, and it was an honor to be selected.

Which of the following best describes the effect of the Aztec religion on their political institutions?AThe ritual sacrifices elevated the
social status of the warriors.BThe ritual sacrifices allowed the leaders to use fear as a political tool.CThe Aztecs believed in the
separation of church and state, and therefore, their religion had little effect on their political institution.DThe Aztecs believed that blood
from the sacrifices would allow their rulers to stay in power.

Compared to the European notions of the Divine Right, Aztec political legitimacy differed in that the AztecsAbelieved they were
appointed to rule by Huitzilopochtli because of their military superiority, whereas Europeans believed God gave them the power to
rule as his lieutenants on the earth.Bdid not allow for female rulers as was seen in Europe with the examples of Elizabeth I of
England or Marie Theresa of Austria.Cdid not derive their legitimacy from a deity but through the votes of the people.Dbased their
legitimacy through political victory in flower wars with nearby enemy tribes.

Which of the following best explains why the priest was the one performing the ritual in the picture above?APriests took part in the
human sacrifice to help guide the victims into the next world.BPriests carried out the sacrificial duties because the political rulers did
not want to take part in such a gruesome activity.CPriests performed the ritual because they had been specifically trained in the
medical processes of removing human organs.DPriests oversaw the sacrifices, as a part of the Mexica elite, because it was believed
the blood of the sacrificial victims fed Huitzilopochtli, their patron deity.

How could a historian studying the Thirty Years War BEST use Callot’s print?ACalculate population losses due to the war.BDetermine
the short-term causes of the war.CLearn about how people represented the violence unleashed by the war.DUnderstand battle tactics
used by military commanders.

Which of the following was the basis of the conflict that started and sustained the Thirty Years’ War?ADynastic conflict over the heir to
the Spanish EmpireBPolitical differences over the best form of government, constitutional or absolutistCReligious conflict between
Christians and MuslimsDReligious differences between Protestant and Catholic Christians

Which of the following was a major consequence of the Thirty Years’ War?AFormation of a unified and powerful German nation-
state.BIncreased power and influence of Spain within Europe.CMartin Luther and Jean Calvin initiated the Protestant
Reformation.DThe highest numbers of casualties for any European conflict prior to the twentieth-century.

The map above most accurately depicts trade routes in which of the following periods of world history?A15th century routes
established by Chinese fleets under Zheng He.B11th century routes established by Viking colonists.C19th century routes established 36/67
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by European and American industrial powers.D16th century routes established by Portuguese and Spanish merchants.

All of the following were impacts on trade as a result of the Ottoman conquest of 1453 except?AEuropeans sought trade routes to
Asia that did not pass through Turkish territory.BAtlantic trade grew in importance for Europeans as their dominance of Mediterranean
trade declined.CTrade between peoples in the Mediterranean and Asia shrank as most trade ties between China and the Middle East
were cut.DThe Ottoman became the dominant power in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean.

The European cross-Atlantic voyages of the 16th century were similar to Arab cross-Indian voyages of the 12th for which of the
following reasons?ABoth European and Arab sailors were experts at combining technologies invented elsewhere.BEuropeans and
Arabs took advantage of a yearly storm cycle that guaranteed a return voyage.CStates in both Europe and the Middle East
established vast trading empires.DLong distance trade was primarily about profit, and in both cases there was little cultural diffusion.

What role did Europeans play in Indian Ocean trade in the 16th and 17th centuries?AEuropeans allied themselves with the Mughal
Empire in India as a mercenary force.BEuropean trade factories controlled the production and distribution of trade goods.CAsian
demand for goods from Europe allowed Europeans to participate in pre-existing Indian ocean trade.DWith their superior naval
weaponry, Europeans took control over the shipping routes, but did not establish large colonies.

Which of the following was a significant change in the Indian Ocean world after 1500 CE, influenced by the development shown in
Image 1 and Image 2?AEuropean consumers were able to purchase spices from South Asia.BEuropean merchants directly traded in
Indian Ocean markets.CMerchants exported ivory from East Africa and imported Indian cloth.DPorcelain exported from China was
available for purchase in East Africa.

Which of the following developments was the MOST significant factor in the expansion of Portuguese power illustrated by Image 1
and Image 2?AAdvanced technological developments in metallurgy and gunpowder.BExpanding power of the Portuguese state to
raise revenue to support naval exploration and weapons.CGrowing middle class of wealthy merchants that financed imperial
expansion.DRoyal charter for a joint-stock company with a monopoly over trade in the Indian Ocean.

Which of the following was a significant long-term result of the Portuguese construction of forts, such as Fort Jesus shown in Image 1
and Image 2?ADeclining political power of Swahili city states.BIntroduction of the banana into Africa.CLarge scale Portuguese
settlement in Kenya.DPortuguese dominance of Indian Ocean trade.

Which of the following BEST explains the racial ideology of this 18th century excerpt?AIt emphasizes that one culture felt superiority
over another.BIt emphasizes the value and importance of all cultures.CIt suggests each individual is accountable for his or her own
actions.DIt highlights the belief that cultures should remain separate.

How does the use of satire in this 18th-century excerpt sustain or challenge class or gender roles?AIt reiterates the value of women
and the importance of chivalry.BIt reinforces the belief that social classes should remain separate.CIt challenges the importance of
class, but reinforces the role of women.DIt shows that common understandings of both were at odds with reality.

When referring to the “three sorts of power” and the “princes of Europe… uniting in their own persons all the branches of magistracy,”
which of the following would BEST exemplify what Montesquieu’s essay was comparing?AThe kingdom of France with the British
limited monarchy.BThe Russian Empire with the kingdom of Prussia.CThe Spanish crown with the Austrian Empire.DThe Kingdom of
Naples with the Ottoman Empire.

Which of the following principles found in the U.S. Constitution was developed by Montesquieu in this essay?AFederalism, or a
sharing of powers between a national government and state governments.BSeparation of Powers, which gave different powers to the
Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court.CLimited Government, which listed those powers given the federal government by
the States.DPopular Sovereignty, which created a dependence on the people as the primary check on the legislature.

Which of the following BEST summarizes Rousseau's philosophy?ALiberty is best preserved when each individual is able to pursue
his or her own goals.BIn an ideal society, people would make the laws and obey them willingly.CIt is the general will of the people that 37/67
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no person be judged by, or be a burden to, another.DA sovereign authority is needed to help the people resolve their differences

Based upon the above excerpt and your knowledge of history, which of the following revolutions is LEAST reflective of Rousseau’s
philosophy?AThe American Revolution, 1776.BThe French Revolution during the Reign of Terror, 1793.CThe Russian “October”
Revolution, 1917.DThe Chinese Communist Revolution, 1949.

Using the document and your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST states the immediate context for Aguinaldo’s
writing?AAmerican Revolution and War for Independence.BArmed resistance by Filipinos against US control of the
Philippines.CFilipino and American cooperation during the Spanish-American War.DJapanese invasion of the Philippine Islands.

Using the document and your knowledge of world history, Emilio Aguinaldo's goals implied above would be most similar to which of
the following historical actors?AChinese Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists, aka the “Boxers.”BJapanese militarists who
prepared for war with China and Russia.COtto von Bismarck, organizer of the Berlin Conference.DRudyard Kipling, author of “The
White Man’s Burden.”

Which of the following BEST describes the probable purpose of phrases like “inalienable rights”and “would you tax us without
representation”?AConvince Americans to annex the Philippines and impose democratic-republicanism.BInspire Filipinos to resist
American Imperialism and establish an independent nation.CMove Filipinos to cooperate with the United States in order to gain the
blessings of liberty.DPersuade Americans to support Filipino independence by invoking the ideas of the American Revolution.

According to the above source, the National Convention was advocating an approach to governance that most clearly reflected the
principles ofAFeudalism.Bthe Magna Carta.Cthe Enlightenment.DMonarchy.

Ideas similar to those expressed in the above source have directly contributed to which of the following aspects of European history
in the late 19th century and early 20th century?AThe assertion of the divine right of kings and the support of monarchy as an
institution.BThe increased popularity of nationalism based on asserting superior forms of government.CThe spread of industrialization
and the market economy leading to increased national wealth.DThe rejection of nobility and feudalism as the primary reason for
political rebellion.

The relationship between the government and the people in the above source DIFFERS most strongly from the political
proclamations of which of the following?AThe Chinese Communist Party in 1949.BThe United States Continental Congress in
1776.CThe Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917.DThe Apartheid government of South Africa in 1948.

Which of the following phrases from this proclamation BEST represents the nobles' influence in drafting this document?A“Serfdom…
of peasants settled on estate owners' landed properties, and of household serfs, is abolished forever...”B“Peasants and household
serfs who have emerged from serfdom are accorded both the personal and the property rights accompanying the legal status of free
village dwellers....”C"Estate owners… accord the peasants... the permanent utilization of their homesteads… in order to provide for
their livelihood.”D“In return for the allotment assigned to them... the peasants are obliged to discharge to the estate owners… the
obligations defined in the local statutes.”

Which of the following coerced labor systems was most similar to Russian serfdom?AOttoman devshirme.BThe Spanish encomienda
system.CIndentured servitude.DAmerican chattel slavery.

Based on this map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following states was MOST responsible for helping create a
united German empire?ABavaria.BPrussia.CAlsace-Lorraine.DBaden.

Based on this map and your knowledge of world history, all of the following were problems of German unification EXCEPT?
ASynthesizing many different customs together into one common German identity.BSquabbles with France over territory.CCreating
nationalistic fervor in all of the states.DCatching up to the already established French and British empires.
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Which of the following would NOT explain Hobbes’s point of view in this passage?AThe nature of mankind is sinful, and therefore,
selfish.BLeviathan was written during a period of war.CProtecting our liberties should be the highest purpose of government.DA
strong monarchy was seen as preferable to rule by Parliament.

Based upon the above excerpt, which phrase from the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States Constitution, ratified in 1787,
is MOST influenced by Hobbes?A“We the People, in order to form a more perfect Union…”B“Establish Justice, insure Domestic
Tranquility…”C“Promote the General Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty…”D“To ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish the Constitution…”

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST explains the causes of the cultural developments in India
shown in Source 1 and Source 2?AThe creation of the Sikh religion as an example of syncretism in the Post-Classical Era (c.500 C.E.
to c.1500 C.E.).BThe spread of Buddhism from India to China throughout the Classical Era (c.500 B.C.E. to c.500 C.E.).CThe
adoption of Islam by Turkic peoples in Central Asia and northern India in the Post-Classical Era (c.500 C.E. to c.1500 C.E.).DThe
diffusion of Hellenism from Greece to northern India in the (c.500 B.C.E. to c.500 C.E.).

Which of the following BEST describes the point of view of Shivaji Bhonsle, the speaker of Source 2?AShivaji, as a friend of
Aurangzeb, agreed that the jizya should be a sign of piety and loyalty.BShivaji, as a leader with less power than Rana Raj Singh,
argued that only the rich should be taxed.CShivaji, as an ally of the Muslim state, requested that the jizya be postponed.DShivaji, as
a leader of the Hindu Marathas, criticized Aurangzeb for the unfairness of the jizya.

The conflict illustrated in Source 2 directly contributed to the developments of which of the following aspects of later Indian history?
AThe growing antagonism between Hindus and Muslims in India.BThe creation of Sikhism in northern India.CThe continued
expansion of the Mughal Empire.DThe shift of India from an exporter to an importer of textiles.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST describes the relationship between the Mughal Empire and
the Hindu Marathas in the 17th century?AThe Marathas increasingly allied with the Mughals in order to limit English colonization
efforts.BIncreasing discontent with Mughal Imperial rule led the Marathas to challenge the centralized government of the
Mughals.CThe Mughals prevented the Marathas from instigating rebellion and convinced them to continue their alliance.DThe
Marathas refused to resist the Mughals and consistently offered assurances of compliance to Mughal policies.

According to the excerpt, which of the following BEST describes an aspect of Brazilian maroon societies which is the subject of a
major historical debate?AThe frequency of military actions to repress maroon societies.BThe extent of syncretism present in maroon
societies.CThe description of pastoral practices in maroon societies.DThe amount of resistance to slavery by maroon societies.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was MOST similar to the quilombos of Brazil described in the
passage?AThe ancient Egyptians incorporated chariot technology into their military after the invasion of the Hyksos.BThe Sikhs in
northern India incorporated cultural elements of both Hinduism and Islam.CThe Seminole in Florida mixed American Indian and
African cultural practices.DThe Japanese mixed elements of Confucianism and Buddhism with Shinto.

Which of the following primary sources would be MOST useful for a historian seeking to support Geary's interpretation?AA map of the
locations and sizes of quilombos on the frontiers of Portuguese settlements in Brazil.BA data chart showing the growth or decline of
the population of quilombos over time.CStories passed down through oral tradition describing ceremonies and rituals in the
quilombo.DReport of a Portuguese official describing the armed resistance of quilombo populations.

The economic relationship between South American colonies and Spain Bolívar is describing here
isAfeudalism.Bmercantilism.Cencomienda.Dindentured servitude.

The complaints described by Simón Bolívar in this passage most closely resemble the ideas of which of the following revolutionary
leader?AMaximilien Robespierre.BToussaint Louverture.CThomas Jefferson.DSaigō Takamori.
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The spread of revolutionary ideas in South America was most directly a result of which of the following?ACreole dissatisfaction with
Peninsulares rule, and a desire for popular sovereignty.BThe end of the slave trade in South America.CNative people’s
enfranchisement and the breakdown of the encomienda system.DBritish involvement (loans, mercenaries, etc.) in order to thwart
Spanish rule.

Those who share the point of view in Source 1 and those who share the point of view in Source 2 would most likely DISAGREE in
their opinions about which of the following events of the French Revolution?AThe establishment of a National Assembly.BThe
execution of the French King, Louis XVI.CThe institution of a French Revolutionary Calendar.DThe rise of nationalism.

Source 2 most strongly supports which of the following statements about liberty?AMonarchies are incompatible with
liberty.BConstitutional government guarantees liberty.CProperty and law are the foundations of liberty.DLiberty depends on military

Which of the following consequences of the French Revolution MOST support the argument of Source 2?ANapoleon Bonaparte's
military victories in the late 1790s.BThe Terror of 1793-1794 led by Maximilien Robespierre.CThe National Assembly's ratification of
the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.DThe division of France into 83 territorial departments.

Which of the following BEST describes the way that the French Revolution was contextual to another event in the same period?
ASource 1 demonstrated support for the French Revolution.BThe chorus of Source 1 matched the focus on purity of ancestry in racial
hierarchies in New Spain.CSource 1 described military conflict similar to the wars fought by samurai in Japan in this period.DThe
leaders of the Haitian Revolution promoted anti-tyranny ideology similar to Source 1.

Which of the following lines in Pericles’ speech most closely reflects the sentiment in the "Declaration of Independence" that “all men
are created equal”?A“…Nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of
his condition.”B“Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy.”C
“Against this fear is our chief safeguard, teaching us to obey the magistrates and the laws.”D“…The freedom which we enjoy in our
government extends also to our ordinary life...”

Which of the following democratic ideas that formed the basis for the new American government in the 18th century was a
CONTINUITY of Ancient Greek democratic practice?ASeparation of powers.BExecutive branch led by an elected
president.CRepresentative government.DA constitution, which acted as the supreme law of the land.

Which of the following revolutions occurred during the same period as the American Revolution and was also inspired by the
Enlightenment?AThe Glorious Revolution in England.BThe Independence of Brazil.CThe Haitian Revolution.DThe Meiji Restoration.

A historian would most likely use the “Pericles” and "Declaration of Independence" excerpts to illustrate which of the following?ATo
cite evidence, proving that Thomas Jefferson was a plagiarist.BTo compare and contrast ideologies over a period of time.CTo
demonstrate the military competence of Pericles during the Peloponnesian Wars.DTo show the superiority of American democracy
over Ancient Greek democracy.

Brazilian independence (1822) was similar to Haitian independence (1804) in all of the following ways EXCEPTABoth were made
possible in part because of Napoleon's expansionist policies in Europe.BBoth resulted in a written constitution.CBoth countries
abolished chattel slavery immediately after their independence.DBoth independence movements were inspired by Enlightenment

The interactions described in this passage from Father de Oliveira are BEST understood in the context of which of the following
historical ideas?AColonialism.BNationalism.CRomanticism.DFeudalism.

Which of the following provides the BEST historical interpretation of the author’s intent?AWomen are fundamentally different due to
biological determinism, so women need to be protected and cared for by men.BThere are no natural differences between women and
men; both are mentally and physically capable to labor in any occupation, and should be paid equally.CWe must recognize that 40/67
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behind every good man there is a woman, and the ideal woman would be a wife, mother, and homemaker.DIt is impossible to know
what, if any, differences between men and women exist until women are given the same liberty as men.

Which of the following is a continuity in terms of social structures and gender relations that is BEST reflected by the phrase, “so
unnatural a state” in the above passage?AA patriarchal society.BAn industrial working class.CDemography and urbanization.DLabor

Which of the following pairs of 19th and 20th century reform movements is implied in the above citation?AReformatories and
penitentiaries.BAbolitionism and the emancipation of serfs.CUniversal public education and suffrage.DTemperance and prohibition

Which of the following revolutionary documents is LEAST reflective of the philosophy espoused in Locke’s Two Treaties on
Government, as it relates to life, liberty, and property?AAmerica’s Declaration of Independence, 1776.BFrench Declaration of the
Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 1789.CBolivar’s Jamaica Letter, 1815.DMarx’s Communist Manifesto, 1848.

How does this excerpt show change or continuity over time with respect to the medieval philosophy of government in Europe?AIt
demonstrates change over time from democratic rule and direct involvement by individuals in their government, to a republican form
of government where people are represented by elected officials.BIt demonstrates continuity by reinforcing the role of government in
protecting the life, liberty, and property of the individual, and the right of the people to overthrow a government that becomes
destructive of those ends.CIt demonstrates change over time by arguing that the people enjoy certain rights and the power of
government derives from them, instead of power deriving from God to the king and rights granted by the king as God’s representative
on earth.DIt demonstrates continuity by arguing that the legislative power is the supreme power, and that judges should base their
decisions on published laws and the rights of man.

Which of the following descriptions provides the BEST contrast between Locke’s Two Treaties and the Declaration of Independence?
ALocke stresses the importance of the legislature, but the Declaration rejects this.BThe protection of property was not an important
concern in the drafting of the Declaration.CThe Declaration suggests a greater emphasis on God, although it is indirect, than does
Locke.DThe Declaration argues for revolution, whereas Locke believes it is a measure of last resort.

Using the poem and your knowledge of world history, which of the following describes a major shift in European labor practices during
the period 1750-1900?AThe practice of slavery arose at the end of the 18th century.BChildren began working outside of the
household in order to support their families.CWomen were removed from the workforce, due to the danger involved in factory
work.DLabor that was composed of unskilled, menial tasks was typically left to the lower class.

Which of the following historical developments is Blake MOST likely criticizing in this poem?AThe continued acceptance of slavery in
Britain.BThe dangerous conditions of factory labor in the Industrial Era.CThe use of religious ideals to justify exploitative labor.DThe
demand by some British citizens to end child labor

Based on the date, content, and source of this excerpt, this decree is most likely from which of the following eras of government
reform?AThe Napoleonic Code in France.BThe Tanzimat Reforms from the Ottoman Empire.CThe Self-Strengthening Movement in
Qing China.DThe Rock Edicts of Ashoka.

Which of the following global events was the most likely catalyst for the creation of this decree within the Ottoman Empire?

The Tanzimat Reforms (from which this decree is a part of) are the most similar to what other governmental reform in what other

Which of the following social groups received the least amount of benefit from the Tanzimat Reforms (from which this decree is a part
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The interaction described in the account above is best understood in the context of which of the following?AAn increase in the textiles
made by hand in the cottage industry.BThe development of labor unions.CA shift in demand of linen and wool textiles to cotton.DThe
start of the mechanization of the textile industry.

The view expressed in this passage is best seen as evidence of which of the following historical developments in eighteenth-century
British society?AThe development of a wealthy, younger, middle class.BThe movement of people from urban areas to developing
rural areas.CWomen and children beginning to work in textile factories.DWealthy landowners moving to cities to become factory

This passage provides the clearest evidence of which of the following global changes that occurred during the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries?AThe global demand for cotton fueled the U.S. chattel slavery system.BBritish industrialists began to outsource
the production of cotton yarn to Chinese factories to increase profit.CManufacturing replaced the cottage industry and agrarian
production in Russia.DAfricans began to import raw materials from Europe, like cotton, to support industrialization.

Which of the following is most likely the moral system and code bestowed on China that the Qianlong Emperor refers to here?

Eventually, Great Britain forces China open with the Treaty of Nanjing that ended the Opium Wars. Which of the following quotes from
the Qianlong Emperor's letter BEST demonstrates the main cause of that conflict?A“Hitherto, all European nations, including your
own country's barbarian merchants, have carried on their trade with our Celestial Empire at Canton.”B“Even the European
(missionary) officials in my capital are forbidden to hold intercourse with Chinese subjects…”C“But as the tea, silk and porcelain
which the Celestial Empire produces, are absolute necessities to European nations and to yourselves…”D“Should your vessels touch
the shore, your merchants will assuredly never be permitted to land…”

The views expressed in this excerpt provide the BEST evidence for which of the following developments in Western Europe from
1750-1900 C.E. ?AThe introduction of a new standardized form of currency for commodity trade throughout Europe.BThe creation of
new systems of cooperative labor to better serve governmental goals.CThe development and expansion of competitive labor systems
to meet entrepreneurial industrial needs.DThe exchange of new commodities spurred by the Columbian Exchange.

Compared to the ideas expressed in the excerpt, the ideology of another classical economist of the period, John Stuart Mill, differed
in thatASmith was more interested in global economic processes while Mill was more interested in the local economy of
Europe.BSmith was more committed to personal economic and political freedoms and liberties than was Mill.CMill was writing in
defense of economic freedoms for the aristocracy while Smith was promoting those freedoms for the middle class.DMill was less
committed to pure laissez-faire and more supportive of allowing government actions that had utility, or usefulness, to society.

The ideas expressed in this excerpt represent an economic continuity with previous historical periods in thatAindustrialization was
firmly established in the Western European economy by 1750.Bcapitalist pursuits had rebounded in Europe in the late Middle Ages
and Renaissance period.CSmith’s ideology continued the previous period’s mercantilism and its heavy government involvement in
the economy.Dthe Atlantic Trade System that began in the previous period was founded on laissez-faire economic principles.

Which of the following ideologies challenged Smith’s version of the division of labor during the 19th century?

What 19th and early 20th-century phenomenon is Neruda most directly criticizing?AEnvironmental degradation.BEnslavement of
native populations.CGovernmental corruption.DAmerican economic imperialism.

Which of the following revolutionary heroes could Neruda be alluding to when he says, “restless heroes / ...brought about the
greatness, the liberty and the flags"?AFrancisco Madero.BAlexander Hamilton.CSimón Bolívar.DJosé de San Martín.

Based on this passage and what you know of world history, which of the following is the most accurate description of the Latin
American state of affairs immediately following independence from colonial powers?AMost Latin American countries exported 42/67
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manufactured goods to North America and Europe.BDespite winning their independence, many Latin American countries still relied
heavily on financing and trade agreements with North America and Europe, causing them to be economically and politically
dependent.CAlthough many Latin American countries were governed by dictators, the people experienced a resurgence of personal
freedoms and protections.DIn order to remain economically viable, many Latin American countries reinstated the slave trade to work
sugar and coffee plantations.

Which statement BEST characterizes the views of Smith and Marx?ASmith sees industry as intended to benefit society, while Marx
believes industry is helping the workers.BSmith and Marx agree that industry benefits society.CMarx believes the bourgeoisie are a
new oppressive class, while Smith believes industry helps society.DMarx prefers feudal society, while Smith believes industry
promotes progress.

Smith’s argument above may best be summarized as which of the following?AInvestors care about their country more than the
government.BAlthough the capitalist seeks his own profit, his efforts also help society as a side effect.CBusinessmen have only their
own interests at heart, so their activities must be restricted.DGovernment does a better job promoting society's interest than industry.

Which of the following historical developments supports Marx’s argument?AIndustrial society has created a poor underclass which
has sometimes rebelled to demand better treatment.BCommunist China has lifted millions of people out of poverty.CMarxist
governments have an excellent record of raising workers' standard of living.DCountries around the world are rejecting capitalism in
favor of communism.

Which of the following historical developments supports Smith’s argument?ACapitalist societies enjoy fewer social divisions than
communist countries.BIndustrial development has led to a healthier environment.CBusinessmen in capitalist societies tend to put the
interests of society as a whole ahead of profits.DIndustrialized free market societies have enjoyed greater prosperity than
undeveloped or communist lands.

According to the cartoon and your knowledge of world history, which of the following groups profited the most from global capitalism
and industrialization?AEuropean monarchy.BColonized peoples.CEuropean and American industrial tycoons.DIndustrial workers.

Which of the following events was most likely caused by the rise of 19th century global capitalism and industrialization?AA rise in
worker’s political interest in socialist (or Marxist) ideas.BAn increase in crime and murder rates.CImmigration decreased as people
now had more opportunities within their own countries.DColonial unrest grew in colonized countries, such as Haiti and South Africa.

The rise of global capitalism and industrialization in the late-19th century reflects what shift in Western society?ADecreased
urbanization as people wanted to live outside the cities and away from the factories.BIncreased transcontinental travel and
tourism.CImprovements in women’s rights (such as work opportunities and suffrage).DIncreased leisure time and the entertainment

Between the 1880s and 1920s, foreign investments affected ordinary Latin Americans in which of the following ways?ACorporate
growth spurred a rapidly expanding Latin American middle class.BLike in Europe and the US, the lowering of the cost of goods raised
the standard of living of most Latin Americans.CMassive investments made Latin America an industrial powerhouse on par with
Western Europe by the beginning of the twentieth century.DSlowed economic development as the profits flowed outside of the region
and weak governments could not direct economic policy effectively.

The development of the copper mine pictured above most directly reflects the influence of which of the following?AIndustrialization in
Europe, Japan, and the US increased the global demand for specialized metals.BSpanish land grants encourage colonial elites to
engage in extractive economic development.CMexican Revolution targeted capitalist enterprises and empowered workers.DIn
Mexico, and throughout Latin America, a rapidly growing middle class invested funds in domestic industrial enterprises.

The developments illustrated in the photographs above most directly contributed to which of the following political developments in
Mexican history?AMexican legislative program of La Reforma.BMexican Independence from Spain.CMexican Revolution.DMexican
signature to NAFTA.
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Which of the following claims is Thistlethwaite making about how BEST to understand European migration to the US?AEmigration is
best understood as the result of push factors.BEuropeans' decisions whether or not to migrate were often related to their views of
nationalism.CMigration patterns were the sum of many personal decisions which were based on local factors.DSystems of coerced
labor determined most emigration decisions.

Which of the following would be the best sources for doing historical research of decisions made by migrants that Thistlethwaite
advocates for in this excerpt?ACongressional debates over laws that regulated U.S. immigration.BLetters sent between family
members in Europe and the United States.CRecords of shipping companies showing ports of departure for immigrants.DU.S. census
records showing the place of birth for foreign-born Americans.

Migration history, as described above, is best understood in the context of which of the following?AEuropean imperialism in
Africa.BIndentured labor systems in Asia.CIndustrial revolutions in Europe and the United States.DGrowth of nationalism in Europe
and the United States.

Which of the following 19th-century changes is BEST symbolized in this painting?AIt highlights a regional shift in the balance of
power from French to German domination of the European continent.BIt embodies the rise of the aristocracy as the new class of
rulers in a united Germany.CIt begins a period where art and architecture were used to glorify the power of the state.DIt celebrates
the rise of Fascism as the dominant philosophy of the new German Empire.

Which one of the following pairs of 19th-century “isms” BEST explains the most important long-term cause and consequence of the
event depicted in this painting?ALiberalism as a cause and Socialism as a consequence.BNationalism as a cause and industrialism
as a consequence.CCatholicism as a cause and militarism as a consequence.DImperialism as a cause and conservatism as a

Which of the following military conflicts is associated with this painting?AThe Thirty Years War.BThe Napoleonic Wars.CThe Franco-
Prussian War.DWorld War I.Term

The documents above BEST illustrate which of the following widespread attitudes about the responsibility of Europeans under
imperialism?ARaising the children of native peoples.BRuling the less civilized races.CStudying specimens of other races.DCaring for
the world's less fortunate.

During the Age of Imperialism, science bolstered the belief that the white race was superior in which of the following ways?
AScientists used genetic studies to prove that whites were more intelligent.BScholars argued that writing was first invented by
Europeans.CScientists depicted the white race as more evolved and therefore superior.DTheologians claimed Christianity was more
scientific than other religions.

According to Lugard, Europeans in Africa maintain a superior status becauseAfamiliarity is an insult among Africans.Brespect for
those of higher status is deeply ingrained in African culture.Cthe Bible encourages Christians to set themselves apart from and above
others.Dsuperiority will increase the European's influence on Africans and win their respect.

Lugard justifies the use of force by Europeans to rule Africans by arguing thatAAfricans are too primitive to rule themselves.Bit is
God's will for Europeans to rule the world.CChristianity should not be taught to Africans.Donly a show of strength can overcome
African military power.

Which of the following transoceanic empires was established as a trading post prior to the other three?AThe British in India.BThe
British in West Africa.CBelgium in the Congo.DThe French in Algeria.

During the late 19th century, which of the following countries had the weakest colonial presence?ASpain.BPortugal.CFrance.DItaly.
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Which of the following could best be described as an imperial state practicing economic imperialism rather than establishing settler
colonies?AThe Dutch in South Africa.BThe French in Algeria.CThe British in Oceania.DThe French in China.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following gave England much of the African continent during this period?
ACongress of Vienna.BCouncil of Trent.CBerlin Conference.DTreaty of Versailles.Term

Which of the following conclusions is supported by BOTH primary sources above?ABritain was highly successful in its efforts to
convince Africans that British rule had a positive influence in Africa.BBritish advocates of imperialism consistently emphasized that
their primary goal was the education and civilization of "lesser" races.CBritain's primary goal in Africa was the linking of Egypt and
South Africa though telegraph lines and British railways.DBritish rhetoric about Africa stressed that imperialism was a duty, not merely
an opportunity.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following conclusions about the 19th and early 20th century can be drawn
from the source above?ADroves of people fled poor economic conditions in Brazil.BCoercive labor systems continued the influx of
immigrants into Latin America.CInvoluntary immigrants were exported from Latin America.DWaves of voluntary immigrants moved to

Which of the following was a direct cause of the wave of migration from the Middle East to Brazil beginning in the late 19th century?
AWidespread epidemics in the Middle East led citizens to flee to Brazil.BReligious persecution of Muslims by Ottoman
Turks.CReligious persecution of Christians by Ottoman Turks.DEconomic downsizing closed factories throughout the Ottoman

Which of the following was a central cause for another mass migration occurring during the 19th century?AIrish potato
famine.Bdecolonization process.CArab Spring.DCold War.

The cartoon by Thomas Nast is most clearly an example of which of the following?AEuropean powers fought with nonindustrialized
nations over the control of raw materials.BIndia remained independent from European rule whereas Africa was colonized.CEuropean
efforts to colonize the globe to extend their political and economic power over nonindustrialized nations.DThe Scramble for Africa
where European powers divided and occupied the continent of Africa.

Thomas Nast’s political cartoon MOST clearly aligns with which of the following ideologies?ASocial

Which of the following was an important direct effect on Africa as a result of the events depicted in the political cartoon?AThe sepoy
soldiers revolted against British colonial officials.BThe Afrikaner-led National Party in South Africa instituted the apartheid policy.CThe
Ethiopian military tried, unsuccessfully, to resist Italian occupation.DPolitical unity between the tribes of Rwanda after decolonization.

Von Treitschke and Rhodes are both professing variations of a nineteenth-century ideology deeply influenced by which of the
following disciplines?AAtomic physics.BEvolutionary biology.CMicrobiology.DPsychology.

A historian would MOST likely read these texts as evidence for which of the following developments in world history?AAs white
Europeans von Treitschke and Rhodes’s supported Anglo-German cooperation.BBoth writers were influenced by the international
socialism espoused by their contemporary Karl Marx.CEarlier British imperialism influenced German nationalists’ support for
overseas expansion.DUnlike Rhodes, Von Treitschke was influenced by the results of World War I.

What was the most direct effect of actions taken by people who supported the thinking expressed in the passages?ABrutal treatment
of African people by European colonialists.BGerman defeat in World War I.CInspired biologists to develop theory of Natural
Selection.DInternational pacifist movement.
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Using your knowledge of world history, the sources above MOST directly reflect which of the following historic trends?AIn the 19th
Century, new technologies affected demographics.BIn the 19th Century, varying environmental conditions led to different outcomes
for migrants.CIn the 19th Century, migrant settlements suffered disadvantages due to mistreatment by employers and political
leaders.DIn the 19th Century, states attempted to regulate the flow of people across their borders.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following statements BEST compares the two sources?ABoth sources
demonstrate consequences of the Opium Wars.BBoth sources demonstrate the connection between global migration and
industrialization.CBoth sources demonstrate ethnic and racial prejudice.DBoth sources demonstrate continuity in social structures.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST describes the effects of the historic trends demonstrated by the
above sources?AIn response to hostility in receiving societies, migrants created ethnic enclaves.BRestrictive immigration laws
reduced human smuggling in the 19th Century.CIn reaction to laws that restricted immigration, most migrants' countries of origin
banned emigration.DNew technologies reduced the motivation of states to restrict immigration.

According to the source, the increase in violence in the region known as Yaghistan during the late 19th century is most likely caused
by which of the following?AThe division of India and Pakistan.BThe Boer Wars.CThe colonial rule of India by Great Britain.DReligious
conflicts between Hindus and Muslims living in India.

Based on this source and your knowledge of world history, which of the following ideologies complemented the rise of imperialism
during the late 19th and early 20th centuries?ACommunism.BNationalism.CEnlightenment ideals.DBuddhism.

Based on this government report, which of the following could best be inferred about British rule in India?AIndian reactions were
mixed; some regions cooperated willingly with the British, while others rebelled.BThe British government ruled India as a settler
colony, moving millions of British families into India.CRevolts and violent uprisings were common all across India during the entire
time of the British Raj.DAlthough the British planned to place troops across India and tightly control daily life there, they were
prevented from ultimately doing so by various revolts and rebellions.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the interactions described in Source 1 and Source 2 are BEST understood in the context
of which of the following 19th century historical trends?AThe spread of diseases.BThe growth of the zaibatsu.CThe adoption of
constitutional government.DThe growth of imperialism.

Using your knowledge of world history, Source 1 and Source 2 reflect which development in Japanese society in the 19th century?
AThe continuity of class conflict in Japan.BThe change from isolation to openness to U.S. and European influence.CThe continuity of
opposition to Christianity's spread in Japan.DThe change of the capital city from Kyoto to Edo.

Based on your knowledge of world history, in the decades following the developments described in Source 1 and Source 2, what was
one of the long term effects of the Meiji Restoration?AThe complete abandonment of Japanese culture in favor of Western
culture.BThe start of capitalist marketplaces in large urban areas such as Edo (later known as Tokyo).CThe Japanese military victory
over the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War.DThe weakening of the Tokugawa Shogunate due to corruption and ineffectiveness in
its bureaucracy.

The British Empire was FIRST able to strengthen control over India throughAputting down the Indian Revolt of 1857.Bthe defeat of
the Mughal Empire.Cthe East India Company’s victory at the battle of Plassey.Dthe establishment of a foothold in Ceylon.

The MOST significant motivation for British imperialism in India wasAsocial Darwinism.Bthe desire to obtain natural resources such
as tea and cotton.Cthe expansion of military bases.Dthe spread of Christianity.

The rise of the British as a land power in India most closely resembledAthe Spanish capture of the Aztecs.Bthe Dutch capture of
Java.Cthe Ottoman Capture of Constantinople.DThe Belgium occupation of the Congo.
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Which of the following immigrant populations depended on the support of a previous generation of more established immigrants?
AJapanese agricultural workers on Dole plantations in the Hawaiian Islands.BItalian industrial workers in Argentina.CLebanese
merchants in the Americas.DFong communities in North America.

Which of the following discriminatory legislation is MOST similar to the "No Irish Need Apply" (NINA) practice in both England and the
United States during the late 19th century?AThe Chinese Exclusion Act.BMexican Repatriation.CThe Indian Removal Act.DThe Black

Which of the following was a major contributing factor to the increase of coercive labor in North America in the mid-19th century?
AThe passage of the Corn Laws in England.BA global increase in available, diverse crops.CThe development of the steam
engine.DThe growth of Western European railroad systems.

Which of the following best explains the pattern of Italian immigration in Argentina shown above?AMost Italian immigrants worked in
the countryside.BConflict between Latin American nations made the countryside unsafe.CMajor cities and the coast tended to attract
the largest share of immigrants.DItalians were able to control the economic and political economy of the coastal areas.

Which of the following BEST explains the dramatic increase of immigration into Argentina in the 50 years before 1914?AEmergence
of global indentured servitude.BDecline of Italian nationalism.CInstability in Europe due to imperial rivalries.DNew transportation
technologies made migration easier.

European and American influence MOST likely impacted Argentina's economy byAutilizing their large-scale multinational corporations
to prevent trade with Argentina.Busing their industrialized armies to harass and punish Argentinian political independence.Cusing
their economic power to make political and economic demands on Argentina.Dconstructing legal frameworks that discouraged
Argentina's entrance into global markets

Which of the following best describes Argentina's place within the wider global economic context of the early 20th century?AAs a
supplier of coerced labor.BAs a site of global industrial production.CAs a net exporter of agricultural products.DAs a primary recipient
of international investment.

Which of the following national processes was MOST challenged by mass-scale Italian immigration?APromotion of indigenous rights
within Argentina.BEarly attempts at Argentinian nationalism.CEfforts to consolidate South America into a political unit.DAmerican
attempts to intervene in Argentinian political affairs.

Which of the following is BEST supported by the map and the graph above?AIndentured servants mostly emigrated from the
Caribbean and South America.BIndentured servants who migrated from India to Indian Ocean islands did so mostly in the late
1800s.CMore indentured servants than slaves migrated in the early nineteenth century.DMost indentured laborers migrated to areas
with plantations previously worked by slaves.

Which of the following is the most likely source of the data represented in the map and the graph above?ADesign schematics for
passenger and slave ships.BNarratives written by enslaved and indentured people.CParliamentary investigations into plantation
working conditions.DRecords listing passengers and cargoes on ships.

Using your knowledge and the map and graph above, which of the following nineteenth-century trends was MOST responsible for
Indian (South Asian) migration to Africa, the Caribbean, and South America?ADevelopment of nationalist ideologies.BGrowth of the
British Empire.CLatin American Independence.DSpread of industrialization.

Which of the following developments was the most DIRECT cause of the changes displayed in the graph above?AAbolition of the
slave trade and slavery.BAmerican Revolution and Independence.CBritish suppression of the Great Rebellion in
India.DEstablishment of European empires in Africa.
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Which of the following groups of 19th century migrants is MOST similar to the Italian migrants described in the above excerpt?AIrish
migrants leaving Ireland due to the Potato Famine.BJapanese migrants working seasonal harvest on Hawaii sugar
plantations.CChinese migrants settling in Havana, Cuba.DMigrants from India establishing ethnic enclaves in South Africa.

Which of the following historical developments MOST directly presented an additional economic opportunity for Italians migrating to
Argentina in the late 19th century?AState formation.BImperialism.CSocial Darwinism.DIndustrialization.

Which of the following later historical developments is MOST similar to the historical trends described in the excerpt?AThe settlement
of Japanese farmers in the Chinese territory of Manchuria in the 1930s.BThe influx of African and Middle Eastern immigrants to
European cities between 1980 and 2000.CMigrant workers from Mexico working harvest jobs in California's Central Valley between
1940 and 1970.DUnaccompanied children fleeing from violence in Honduras and immigrating into the United States in the 2010s.

The utilization of labor such as the one shown above was MOST important in the 19th and 20th century becauseAindustrializing
capitalist economies used this labor to gain access to raw resources.Bsocial Darwinists used this labor to justify racial
hierarchies.Cindustrialized markets needed to compete with colonial labor in Africa and Asia.Dlabor practices were meant to punish
communist agitators.

The use of convict labor within the British Empire differed from the one presented above in thatArace was never a consideration for
the use of coerced labor.Bthe United States use was considered far more humane.CBritish convict labor was most prominent in its
overseas territory, such as Australia.Dthe early removal of slavery left its labor forced far more depleted.

Race became an important demarcator of convict labor in the United States for all of the following reasons EXCEPTAa long tradition
of racialized slave labor.Bbelief in the superiority of white intellectual capacity.Cthat its population was predominantly non-white.Dthe
non-white population tended to be the poorest and most at risk for debt.

All of the following served as challenges to convict labor systems throughout the 20th century EXCEPTAthe growth of automation
technology.Bthe emergence of a framework of human rights.CCold War competitions for the sympathies of decolonized nations.Dthe
inability for coerced labor to compete with free labor.

The above source explains an example of which major social trend caused by migration in the 19th century?AMigrants tended to be
male, which changed gender roles in areas of emigration.BMigrants desired wage work due to the new economic opportunities
present in growing cities.CThe capitalist world economy grew to include regions such as the Middle East.DBureaucracy increased
and replaced older political structures of pre-modern states.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following 19th-century developments would provide the BEST comparison for a
historian interested in another example of migration's effect on gender roles?AWomen's roles as social reform leaders demanding
voting rights in the United States.BWomen's roles in South Africa as men increasingly worked in mining.CWomen's roles in Nigeria as
farmers of "women's crops" such as cassava.DWomen's roles as wives of British officials in charge of colonial affairs in India.

Which of the following sources, also from the Middle East, would BEST help a historian to further understand the social trend
explained in the above source?AA report from the top regional official of a rural area that includes agricultural data.BA speech by a
politician urging the country to adopt more modernization.CA multi-year census of men, women, and children in the different urban
and rural regions.DThe wage payment records of a company that owns a factory in an urban area.

According to the source above, which of the following contributors to World War I was MOST closely associated with colonial
migrations?ANationalism and racism.BNationalism and armament.CWartime alliances and nationalism.DWartime alliances and

Which of the following technological advances was a central cause of the growth of European colonies in sub-Saharan Africa?AThe
growth of inter-continental railroadsBThe construction and use of steamships.CThe development of quinine medication.DAn increase
in communication systems including the telegraph. 48/67
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The underlying motives for the migration of French citizens to French colonies is MOST similar to which of the following migrations?
AEnglish citizens moving to India.BIrish citizens moving to the United States.CDutch citizens moving to South Africa.DIndian citizens
moving to Kenya.

Which of the following is the most DIRECT cause of the overseas migration of Indian workers to Trinidad depicted in the photograph
above?AWith the outlawing of slavery in the British colonies, land owners needed to find a new source of cheap labor to work on their
sugar cane plantations.BHindus in India fled religious persecution under the discriminatory policies of the Mughal Empire.CIndians,
with their expertise in growing cotton, were recruited to establish and manage cotton plantations in Trinidad.DIndians were forcibly
captured and brought over to the Caribbean by the British to work on their plantations.

Based on the photo above, what can one conclude about the migrants who left India for the Caribbean?AMany of the migrants who
volunteered to work as indentured servants in the Caribbean came from the lowest levels of the caste system.BIt is apparent from the
clothing worn by the individuals in the photo that the majority of the migrants were Muslims.CWomen constituted a sizable percentage
of those encouraged to make the trek to the Caribbean to work on the plantations.DThe migrants that came from India had to give up
their Indian customs and conform to the cultural norms of the Caribbean.

What would be the best explanation for Indian migrations occurring not just in Trinidad, but also in Guyana, Kenya, and South Africa,
at the time the photo was taken?AThese were all colonies in close proximity to India, making it easier and cheaper for migrants to
travel to these locations.BThe economies of these colonies were all based exclusively on sugarcane production, for which there was
a huge demand for cheap labor.CTrinidad, Guyana, Kenya, and South Africa, like India, were integral parts of the British empire at the
time of the photo.DWhile many British colonies had laws in place that restricted the establishment of indentured servitude, no such
restrictions were in place in Trinidad, Guyana, Kenya, and South Africa.

Which one of the following below would serve as a good heading for a passage associated with the photo?A"Rapid Changes in
Gender Roles"B"A More Globalized Economy Takes Shape"C"New Technologies Transform Agriculture"D"The Industrial Revolution
Reaches the Caribbean"

Which of the following BEST describes this painting's point of view?AThe artist celebrated the escape by showing the separation of
the boat from the dock and a large ship in the distance.BThe artist desired the Fenians to be caught and showed this by depicting
men running to the dock.CThe artist supported the British government for its forced migration of convicts to Australia by depicting
men with their fists in the air.DThe artist felt the escape was unnecessary and showed this by painting the escapees as unresponsive
to those on the dock.

Using your knowledge of World History, which of the following historical trends BEST explains the reason Great Britain transported
large numbers of criminals to Australia?A19th-century rebellions and uprisings in Ireland created hatred for the Irish in Great
Britain.BAustralia's original British colonists faced a labor shortage.CThe American Revolution made North America off-limits for
convict transport.DLarge increases in population put great stress on the prison system.

Compared to convict leasing in the southern United States, coerced labor in Australia featured MORE of which of the following?
ASuccessful escapes.BHarsh working conditions.CPolitical prisoners.DProfiteering by prison officials.

Based on your knowledge of world history, a historian would MOST likely use the image in Source 1 as support for which of the
following assertions?AIndian communities in South Africa sometimes included specialized professionals.BWhite residents in South
Africa refused to interact with non-white residents.CIndian lawyers succeeded in protecting immigrant communities from mistreatment
and racism.DMost Indians in South Africa were members of the Western-educated elite.

Using your knowledge of world history, Source 2 indicates that all of the following were continuities regarding Indians in South Africa
between 1860 and 1960 EXCEPTARace-based social hierarchies limited their prospects.BRepresentation in national politics brought
them empowerment.CJob opportunities for them remained mostly restricted to low status work.DMany of them lived in large ethnic
enclaves in cities.
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Which of the following primary sources would BEST help a historian understand the connection between the biography of Mohandas
K. Gandhi and trends in Source 2?AThe sales records of Indian merchants in South Africa involved with international trade
networks.BA letter from Gandhi to a friend in India regarding the actions of the Indian National Congress (INC).CA diary entry from
the British officer in charge of military affairs in the Natal region of South Africa.DCourt records from cases in which Gandhi provided
legal representation for Indian indentured laborers.

Which of the following technologies MOST impacted the lives of Japanese agricultural workers in Hawaii?ASpinning
jennies.BSteamships.CBessemer converters.DTelegraphs.

How might a historian use the above source to craft a historical interpretation involving Japanese agricultural workers?

Using your knowledge of World History and the sources above, which of the following BEST describes the relationship between 19th-
century migration and the environment in Africa?AEuropeans migrating to Africa quickly overcame environmental
obstacles.BImproved medical treatments for African diseases allowed for increased European migration into their African
colonies.CUrbanization fueled increased European migration.DThe influx of Europeans failed to significantly alter the methods of food
production for most Africans.

A historian would MOST likely use the image in Source 1 AND the data in Source 2 as support for which of the following assertions?
AThe Germans and the English fiercely competed for territory in sub-Saharan Africa in the 19th century.BExtraction of natural
resources motivated Europeans to engage in the "Scramble" for African territory in the 19th century.CDemographic change influenced
migration and challenged existing patterns of living in 19th-century Africa.DRailroad construction in Africa dictated the pace of
migration of Europeans to Africa in the 19th century.

Which of the following additional sources would be MOST useful in assessing the extent to which the developments reflected in the
above sources represented a challenge to existing patterns of living?AA 19th-century political cartoon critiquing European
imperialism.BA diary by a Christian missionary living amongst mostly indigenous Africans in a village in Angola in the late 19th
century.CRailroad timetables for African routes in the late 19th century.DA data chart showing population in selected regions and
cities of Africa from 1800 to 1900.

A historian would MOST likely use the sources above as support for which of the following assertions about migration circa 1900?
AEuropeans migrated in greater numbers than Chinese in the Pacific Ocean region.BSingapore and Panama City encouraged
migration and welcomed large populations of Chinese migrants.CMigrants often created ethnic enclaves in different parts of the world
that facilitated migrant support networks.DEuropean political leaders decided which areas of the world would accept or reject Chinese

Based on your knowledge of world history and the above sources, which of the following could historians MOST directly conclude
about the 19th century Chinese diaspora?AMigrants of various religious groups helped the Chinese establish enclaves.BThe Chinese
were the diaspora group with the largest number of migrants worldwide.CThe growth of the Chinese Diaspora ended in the early 20th
century.DLocations central to global trade became prime sites for new communities in the Chinese Diaspora.

Based on the above sources and your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST describes the relationship between
migration and receiving societies in the 19th Century?ASocieties around the world mostly remained unchanged despite large-scale
migration.BThe large-scale nature of migration created diverse societies and changed social structures.CThe same pattern of social
interaction existed among migrants and indigenous people worldwide.DThose with the highest social status in receiving societies lost
their dominance in social hierarchies as a result of large-scale migration.

Which of the following BEST describes the pattern of migration for Japanese agricultural workers in Hawaii between 1850 and 1900?
AMost Japanese migrated to Hawaii for long-term settlement.BMost Japanese migrated to Hawaii as a first step to migration to the
United States.CMost Japanese migrated to Hawaii intending to later gain work as specialized professionals.DMost Japanese
migrated to Hawaii on a temporary basis for seasonal work.

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 was an example of which of the following causes of demographic shifts that occurred in the 20th
century?AAdvancements in military technology.BDisease associated with poverty.CDisease associated with changing 50/67
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lifestyles.DEmergent epidemic disease.

Which of the following BEST represents the historical context for the global spread of the Influenza Pandemic of 1918?AAdvances in
medical knowledge and public health.BGrowth of anti-imperialist and nationalist movements in Asia and Africa.CThe Great
Depression.DWorld War I.

Which of the following BEST describes the extent of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic?AIt was concentrated in Western Europe and the
United States.BIt devastated multiple regions across multiple continents.CIt was more deadly in areas with less advanced medical
systems.DIt was responsible for fewer deaths than World War I.

Which of the following historical events is MOST responsible for the increase in environmental degradation of the 20th century?
AWorld War I from 1914 – 1919 CE.BThe Industrial Revolution of the 19th century.CNuclear testing during the Cold War
era.DColonial conquest of Africa and Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The point of view of this political cartoon is indicative of what social phenomena during the late 1960s and early 1970s in America and
Europe?ACold War hysteria.BThe Counterculture Movement.C“White Flight” to suburbia.DThe rise of “Big Business.”

Which of the following international agreements would BEST support the author’s assertion that industry has a negative impact on the
environment?AThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights.BUnited Nations Charter.CTreaty of Versailles of 1920.DThe Kyoto

BOTH excerpts above recognize which of the following aspects of human interaction with the environment as context for the conflict
in Darfur, Sudan?AClimate change led to increasing desertification in drought-prone regions.BEnergy technologies including the use
of petroleum and nuclear power raised productivity.CGreen Revolution spread chemically and genetically enhanced forms of
agriculture.DUrbanization dramatically expanded the per capita rates of freshwater consumption.

The UN report and Sikainga recognize which of the following as the major demographic and social consequences of the Darfur
conflict?AMigration of former colonial subjects to the former colonizing country, usually in the major cities.BMilitary conflict led to
forms of genocide and ethnic violence.CNew diseases emerged as new epidemics and threats to human survival.DRedrawing of old
colonial boundaries led to population displacement and resettlements.

Which of the following legacies of British colonialism created the context for conflict in Sudan?AConflict between indigenous peoples
and colonial settlers who took possession of land.BDevelopment of resource extracting economies, based on exporting
commodities.CInherited imperial boundaries of Sudan included ethnic groups with potential for conflict.DOngoing cultural and
population exchange between colonizing and colonized areas.

The quotation by Wangari Maathai above is best understood in the context of which of the following?ADeforestation and
desertification have made it necessary for rural women in Africa to seek new forms of employment in manufacturing and trade.BLarge
scale farming, global trade, and environmental degradation are forces that have posed challenges to the quality of life for women in
rural Africa.CAs members of the Green Belt Movement, African women planted trees to develop self-sufficient economies based on
timber and logging.DMen have been largely unwilling to participate in the Green Belt movement, making it necessary for women to
take the lead in planting trees in rural Africa.

Based on the passage above, which one of the following can be concluded about the role women have played in rural sub-Saharan
Africa in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries?AAs compared to men, most of the physical labor performed in the agricultural sector
is done by women.BWith the Cult of Domesticity taking root in Africa, many women have discontinued any type of farm work, and
have focused their energies exclusively on raising their children.CMany women are no longer engaged in subsistence farming, as
they have become the main workforce on commercial farms in which cash crops are grown.DInstead of farming, more women in
Africa devote their time to forestry, and focusing their energies on planting trees, instead of farming.

Which of the following historical developments is LEAST related to the Green Belt Movement?AIncreased income makes it easier to
pay for the education of children.BNew employment opportunities have been created for women, helping to elevate their economic 51/67
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position.CThe status and respect women hold in society has improved.DImproved infrastructure has been created for trade, with the
construction of highways, railways, and canals.

The primary purpose of Larry Kramer’s speech was toApresent a case for governmental action.Bnote racial and socio-economic
disparities in treatment for HIV patients.Cgalvanize the LGBT community of New York into action.Dargue that the HIV/AIDS epidemic
held specific meaning for the lesbian and gay community.

One of the realities of 20th-century disease prevention and control that Kramer noted was thatAdiseases were much easier to spread
due to increased human mobility.Bgovernments tended to act more aggressively when the victims of a disease were not marginalized
socially.Csocieties were willing to promote and protect gender and sexual minorities.Dthe utilization of public resources was an
important tool to fight epidemics.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following accurately explains the relationship between new medical advances
and changing sexual mores and roles in the latter half of the 20th century?AMedical advances were utilized to control and harness
women's bodies to promote patriarchal rule.BIncreased medical awareness of women's sexuality, as well as the development of birth
control, led to greater sexual freedom for women.CIncreased sexual freedom for women risked the spread of new sexually
transmitted diseases.DThe ability to regulate reproduction led to widespread demographic change.

Which of the following best explains the spread of HIV/AIDS after its initial public outbreak?AGlobal efforts to prevent the epidemic
were successful in most industrialized nations and the largest impact was felt in Asia.BThe disease would provoke wars as certain
nations attempted to gain access to resources to manage and prevent the spread of the disease.CThe disease would primarily be
considered a disease for individuals in the LGBT community and spread exclusively there.DThe disease would spread to all sectors
of the world and be particularly devastating in underdeveloped areas in Africa.

Which of the following statements most likely explains Harry Truman’s view of the atomic bomb discussed in the passage?AGermany
should recognize the military superiority of the United States due to the development of the atomic bomb, which seemed nearly
impossible.BTruman was remorseful for the staggering numbers of civilian casualties resulting from the atomic bombing of the city of
Hiroshima.CJapan’s scientists would have developed the atomic bomb eventually if the United States did not develop it first.DThe
United States military was justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima because Japan initiated war with the attack on the
United States at Pearl Harbor.The technological developments described in the passage contributed most directly to which of the
following?Athe Cold War.Bthe Chinese Communist Revolution.Cthe creation of Israel.Dthe Cuban Revolution.

Which of the following statements most likely explains Harry Truman’s view of the atomic bomb discussed in the passage?AGermany
should recognize the military superiority of the United States due to the development of the atomic bomb, which seemed nearly
impossible.BTruman was remorseful for the staggering numbers of civilian casualties resulting from the atomic bombing of the city of
Hiroshima.CJapan’s scientists would have developed the atomic bomb eventually if the United States did not develop it first.DThe
United States military was justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima because Japan initiated war with the attack on the
United States at Pearl Harbor.

The purpose of the Green Revolution mentioned in the passage above wasAto produce more food for the growing population.Bto rid
farms of chemically enhanced forms of agriculture.Cto rid farms of genetically enhanced forms of agriculture.Dto rid native
populations of contaminated seeds.

Statements like the one above are more likely to be published in the current era for which of the following reasons?AImperialism has
created a common language, Standard English, that all countries agree provides the best medium of communication.BNew modes of
communication and transportation have reduced the problem of information systems reinforcing social inequity.CRacial ideologies
have silenced the voices of indigenous peoples in Latin American and other regions.DThe Communist party encouraged Guatemala
to communicate globally until the fall of its regime in the late 1990s.

Which of the following energy sources was primarily responsible for raising the power of productivity and increasing the production of
material goods during the same period that this statement was made?APetroleum energy and nuclear power.BHydroelectric energy
and nuclear power.CPetroleum energy and solar power.DHydroelectric energy and solar power.
a 52/67
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The data presented in the table BEST supports which of the following comparative statements about life expectancy in developed
and less-developed nations during the twentieth century?AA person in the United States has a higher risk of dying from cancer and
heart disease compared to a person in Cambodia, who has a greater chance of suffering from malnutrition.BLife expectancy rates are
higher for people in Brazil than in a developed nation.CDespite an increase in life expectancy rates for both, a person living in Kenya
will probably die at a younger age than a person living in the France.DDeveloped nations experienced a more dramatic increase in
life expectancy rates from 1950 to 2000 than less- developed nations.

In the mid-twentieth century, which of the following contributed MOST directly to the change in life expectancy rates around the
world?AThe development of new medical innovations led to higher life expectancy rates.BThe expansion of global trade networks led
to the spread of healthcare technology.CThe increase in birth control techniques led to higher life expectancy on a global scale.DThe
decline of warfare and conflict throughout the later twentieth century led to higher life expectancy.

Which of the following historical events contributed to the difference in life expectancy rates between African nations and European
nations during the late twentieth century?A19th-century European imperialism which prevented African nations from modernizing in
the 20th century.BThe spread of diseases like AIDS throughout Europe during the late-20th century.CThe 20th-century genocides in
the African nations of Rwanda and Sudan.DThe difficulty that European nations had improving technologically after the massive
casualties during World War I and World War II.

Based on your knowledge of world history, Source 1 and Source 2 describe effects of which of the following 20th-century historical
developments?AThe formation of the European Union.BThe Islamic Revolution in Iran.CWorld War II.DThe Green Revolution.

Which of the following historical arguments does historian Alison Bashford MOST directly challenge in Source 1?AOverpopulation
caused strain on environmental resources.BOverpopulation was an effect of increased food supply.COverpopulation came from
limited access to birth control.DOverpopulation gained the attention of world governance institutions.

Based on your knowledge of world history, the developments in Source 1 provide significant context for all of the following historical
events EXCEPTAthe publication of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring in 1962.Bthe founding of the Green Party in Germany in
1980.Cthe creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995.Dthe 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Which of the following led directly to the change in agriculture shown in the graphs?ACollectivization of agriculture in developing
countries that helped increase crop production.BThe increase in the amount of farmers in developed nations in the twentieth-
century.CThe expansion of the three-field system and crop rotation to developing nations.DThe introduction of fertilizers, pesticides,
and new farming techniques with the Green Revolution.

The data presented in the two graphs best support which of the following comparative statements about crop yields in Asia and
Africa?AAsian scientists were more instrumental than African scientists in the development of disease resistant crops.BBoth African
and Asian nations saw a significant increase in crop yields due to the use of fertilizers.CAsian governments provided incentives to
farmers to utilize the new pesticides and seeds whereas the African governments did not.DAfrican nations were more successful than
Asian nations in implementing the new farming techniques.

Which of the following was NOT a direct effect of the new agricultural technologies implemented in developing nations during the
twentieth century?AThe increase in quality of diet and variety of foods people consume.BRural and small-scale farms being bought by
larger, foreign-owned farming operations.CThe intensification of water pollution, shortages, and droughts.DThe expansion of erosion
and soil depletion due to chemically intensive farming.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed LEAST to the spread of new agricultural techniques
around the world in the second half of the twentieth century?AThe United States government encouraging new agricultural technology
to prevent the spread of communism.BAbundance of famine and poverty throughout the continents of Asia and Latin America.CThe
growth of international organizations like the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization.DThe rise of global capitalism and
the competition to earn a profit for individual farmers.

Based on Source 1 and Source 2 and your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST describes the impact of new
communications technology on the Global South in the late 20th century?ACommunications technology became more impactful than 53/67
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healthcare and clean water.BNations of the Global South suffered from a lack of access to communications
technology.CCommunications technology impacted nations and regions unevenly.DThe Global South experienced a surge in foreign
direct investment for communications technology.

Based on your knowledge of world history, a historian would most likely use Source 1 and Source 2 to illustrate which of the following
regarding globalization in the late 20th century?ANew modes of communication reduced the problem of geographic distance.BNatural
resources became easier to extract and transport.CReligion primarily motivated people to participate in communication over the
Internet.DEnvironmental concerns reduced the pace of globalization.

Compared to the technological diffusion in Source 1 and Source 2, technology practices in the period 1750-1900 DIFFERED in that
theyAtypically advantaged Europeans and descendants of Europeans.Bdiffused evenly throughout the world, including the Global
South.Csometimes raised living standards for those in the Global South.Doffered little social mobility to those at the bottom of the
social hierarchy.

The disease mentioned in the source above is an example of which of the following 20th-century trends?AThe persistence of
diseases associated with poverty.BThe emergence of diseases associated with lifestyle changes.CThe emergence of new epidemic
diseases.DThe effects of greenhouse gases and other pollutants.

Using your knowledge of world history, which other major epidemic of the 20th century also resulted in the development of a powerful
vaccine?ASmallpox.BPolio.CCholera.DThe Black Plague.

Using your knowledge of world history, medical innovations developed in response to epidemics like the one described above were a
DIRECT result of which of the following?APetroleum bi-products used to make plastic.BNuclear energy.CSteam technology.DAn
increase in web and print resources that led to a decrease in infectious disease.

Which of the following events has the least to do with the above political cartoon?AWarsaw Pact.BCuban Missile Crisis.CBerlin
Blockade.DGreat Leap Forward.

Based on the political cartoon, which of the following policies did the U.S. adapt under the Truman Doctrine of 1947?
AContainment.BAppeasement.CIsolationism.DGood Neighbor.

Atatürk implemented which of the following policies in the years he ruled as leader of Turkey?ATurkey refused to industrialize or form
new trade relations withEuropean nations.BTurkey built a military alliance with the Triple Entente in the years leading up to World War
I.CTurkey established a new secular order which involved a separation of the Muslim establishment and the government.DTurkey
made a formal request to be included in the Mandate System set up by Great Britain and France.

The source above BEST reflects which of the following ideologies?ANationalism.BSocialism.CMilitarism.DImperialism.


Which of the following groups were MOST excluded from Atatürk's vision of Turkey as expressed in the speech?AJanissaries still
loyal to the former Ottoman regime.BAn emerging professional class that had studied in European universities.CTraditional farmers
with deeply held beliefs in Islam.DEthnic Kurds in the eastern regions of Turkey.

Based on the above excerpt, which of the following provides the BEST interpretation of the relationship between the Cold War and El
Salvador?AEl Salvador was an example of a proxy war between the Soviets and the United States.BEl Salvador was part of the Non-
Aligned Movement, seeking peaceful coexistence.CEl Salvador was an ally of the United States as part of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization.DEl Salvador was an ally of the Soviet Union as part of the Communist International.

Which of the following revolutions is most closely associated with Duarte’s statement of “an international Marxist strategy…to obtain
control of Central America, and the Caribbean”?AToussaint L’Ouverture and the Haitian Revolution.BFrancisco Madero and the
Mexican Revolution.CFidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution.DHugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution. 54/67
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The statements above MOST strongly indicate that Nkrumah believed thatAadoption of capitalism would transform Africa's
economy.Ball African countries must strive for independence from their colonizers.Cfierce nationalism was the bedrock of the Pan-
African movement.DAfricans must adopt an attitude of complete self-sufficiency.

The Pan-African movement is best understood in context of which of the following historical developments?AThe decline of European
colonial rule in the late 1900s.BThe unified violent uprisings of former African colonies against their European colonizers.CThe
transition plan put into place by departing European powers.DThe unity and cohesion of pre-colonial Africa.

Which of the following was most similar to the Pan-African aspirations of Kwame Nkrumah?AThe Young Turk Movement and the
ensuing creation of the nation of Turkey after World War I.BThe goals of Mohammed Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League with the
partition of India in 1947.CThe creation of the European Union in 1993.DThe fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the creation of new
nations from former Soviet controlled Republics.

Based on the information on the map and your knowledge of World History, the conflict above is BEST understood in the context of
which of the following?AThe Crimean War.BWorld War II.CThe First Sino-Japanese War.DThe Cold War.

Which of the following BEST explains a development of the Korean war charted on the three maps?ANorth Korea was able to defend
itself with assistance from Chinese and Soviet troops.BSouth Koreans started this war when they made an offensive against North
Korea in an effort to unify the peninsula.CThe Chinese Communist Party helped the North Koreans by sending in troops from the
north.DThe North Korean goal of unification was achieved with the creation of the Armistice Line at the 38th parallel.

Which one of the following nations was, like Korea, divided into two competing political states during this period?AThe

Which of the following events would explain China's significant role in the Korean War?AEstablishment of the Guomindang
government headed by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) after World War II.BThe Second Sino-Japanese War.CThe fall of Qing
Dynasty, and the formation of the Chinese Republic.Dthe Chinese Communist Revolution.

These posters were created in context of which of the following major crises?AWorld War I.BThe Great Depression.CWorld War
II.DThe Cold War.

Which of the following BEST summarizes the issue these government posters intended to address?AProfiteering during the war was
a common problem.BThe government’s primary concern in war was protecting the free market.CThe people did not understand how
ration stamps worked during wartime.DRation stamps were the primary cause of high prices during the war.

According to the map and newspaper, in which of the following ways did religion have the greatest impact on the political
independence of British India?AThe Christian leaders of Great Britain felt conflicted about their imperialistic motives, and decided that
self-determination would be the godly thing to do.BThey have led to the division of four countries: Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and
Myanmar (Burma).CSince India was Hindu, countries were divided along caste divisions.DThe Muslim belief in jihad complicated
Great Britain's desire for a peaceful transfer of power.

Which of the following MOST accurately describes the governments of India and Pakistan?AIndia has a communist government,
while Pakistan is a Muslim-dominated theocracy.BPakistan is now dominated by radical Muslims, while the Indian government
consists of Hindus from the Kshatryia caste.CIndia is a direct democracy while Pakistan is a republic.DWhile both countries are
parliamentary republics, Pakistan is still primarily Muslim while India is still controlled by Hindus.

The border dispute between India and Pakistan has manifested itself in which of the following ways?AThere has never been a border
dispute between India and Pakistan because of the divide between the Muslim and Hindu regions.BIndia deferred to Muslim requests
to control all of the Kashmir region. CThe border dispute between India and Pakistan has persisted to present day, resulting in 55/67
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migration and transnationalism.DPakistan has persecuted Hindu minorities along the border, prompting India to react with physical

Which of the following BEST describes the difference between the struggle for independence in India and Vietnam?AUnlike India,
Vietnam's struggle for independence was complicated by the geopolitical realities of the Cold War.BThe independence of Vietnam
included more violence than the independence of India.CReligion played a larger role in the independence of Vietnam than in
India.DThere was no partitioning in India like there was in North and South Vietnam.

What is missing from this chart that would create a better understanding of the balance of strategic forces of the Superpowers during
the Cold War?AThe overall numerical advantage in strategic missile platforms.BDifferent ways the Superpowers could deliver
strategic missiles.CA way that governments measured strategic missile platforms.DThe qualitative difference of strategic missile
platforms of the Superpowers.

What does this chart and the title, “Soviet Military Power: Prospects for Change,” demonstrate about the U.S. Department of
Defense’s point of view in 1989?AMilitary planners believed the Soviets were on the verge of collapse and could be
defeated.BAlthough the Soviets were still seen as a major adversary, there were opportunities to forge a better relationship.CWar with
the Soviet Union became increasingly likely as both Superpowers had the ability to destroy one another.DThe U.S. government
viewed the Soviets as an ally in confronting the Chinese and combatting radical Muslim groups.

Based on the content of the passages above, and your knowledge of twentieth-century culture, both authors reference which of the
following historical events?AWorld War I.BThe Russian Civil War.CThe Spanish Civil War.DWorld War II.

Which of the following perspectives did these two authors share regarding the impact of World War I on society?AWar was positively
embraced by many men as glorious, as survivors were able to return to their communities as heroes.BInvolvement in war only
amplified feelings of nationalism among soldiers, increasing their willingness to fight for their country.CAfter viewing the level of
bloodshed and incompetence that played out in war, many soldiers wound up leading resistance movements against their
governments.DMany men came out of war feeling pessimistic as to what was gained, as all they viewed was carnage and
indifference to the death all around them.

Which prominent twentieth century figure below would have reached a similar conclusion as Remarque and Hemingway on the state
of society in the first decades of the twentieth century?AAdolf Hitler, in his book Mein Kampf, expressed how democratic states had
failed, and the the only way forward for humanity was global war, which in turn would lead to the creation of an autocratic, one-party
state.BOswald Spengler, in his work The Decline of the West, felt that Europe had entered a stage of irreversible decline, an era
defined by war and growing class tensions.CVladmir Lenin, in his pamphlet What is To Be Done?, advocated that the proletariat
needed a vanguard class to lead the struggle against capitalism.DSun Yat-sen, in his Three Principles of the People embraced
democracy as one of the ways forward for China after many years of turbulence.

Based on the content of the passages above, how do these two authors characterize the idea of service to country in wartime?ABoth
indicate that there is no valor on the battlefield, as Remarque speaks of hospitals as torture chambers for the dying, and Hemingway
refers to the dead soldiers as meat in a stockyard.BBoth Remarque and Hemingway focus on the dignity that comes with death in
warfare.CBoth authors intend to generate greater feelings of nationalism to raise enthusiasm for the war.DBoth authors make
references to changes in warfare, like hospitals and new methods of propaganda like billposters, to generate greater support for war.

According to the above Jewish National Fund poster, the collected money went to fundAJewish immigrants who wanted to settle in
Galilee.BBusinesses and jobs in the Galilee region for Jewish workers.CHomes for Jewish settlers in the Galilee region.DLand
development for Jewish settlement in the Galilee region.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following states or organizations had a mandate to oversee Palestine during
the twentieth century?AThe United States.BGreat Britain.CGermany.DThe United Nations

Which of the following events had not occurred when this poster was originally circulated?AThe Balfour Declaration.BThe creation of
the State of Israel.CHitler becomes chancellor of Germany.DJapan invades China.
b 56/67
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According to this excerpt from Mao, the Communist Party represents the interests ofAthe landlords.Bthe capitalists.Cthe
imperialists.Dthe working class.

The absence of the term “proletariat” in this excerpt compares with Marxism and the Soviet system in which of the following ways?AIt
is different in that only China suppressed the capitalists.BIt is similar in that all three support the bourgeoisie.CIt is different in
signifying a lack of industry in China.DIt is similar in that all three allowed freedom of speech.

A historian could use both passages to demonstrate which of the following conclusions about World War I?AEarly in the war, young
men responded enthusiastically to serve as soldiers.BAs the war dragged on, fatigue and cynicism set in.CSoldiers and the public
questioned the morality of the war.DThe English responded to the call to arms more than young men in other nations.

Which of the following widespread European movements contributed to the attitude exemplified in Brooke’s poem?

Using the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following events MOST likely contributed to Kollwitz’ frustration
with the war?AThe U.S.’ declaration of war against Germany.BGerman defeat at the Battle of the Somme.CStalemate at the front and
horrific numbers of casualties due to modern weapons.DThe use of poison gas by the Germans.

How did sentiments like those expressed by Kollwitz affect post-World War I Europe?APatriotism and nationalism became even more
powerful than before the war.BPeople became more deeply devoted to their families.CMany sought comfort and meaning in a revival
of religious faith.DDeep disillusionment with pre-war beliefs led to an era of questioning and experimentation.

Which of the following “isms” is LEAST associated with the above quote?AMilitarism.BNationalism.CCommunism.DFascism.

The view espoused by Hitler would be more likely to lead toward “total war” than a Western democratic tradition for which of the
following reasons?AHitler was more concerned about freedom and independence of action than a democracy.BWestern democracies
are unlikely to invoke “the Creator” when making pronouncements.CHitler placed greater emphasis on safeguarding “the people” than
does a democracy.DThe Western democratic tradition of pluralism allows for a greater diversity of opinion.

The rhetoric of non-violence espoused by Martin Luther King and other global reform leaders in the 20th century was grounded in the
belief thatAviolence could not fix the underlying issues of a society.BChristian belief necessitated a non-violent response.Cmilitary
force was incapable of convincing governments to act.Dwords were the most inexhaustible source of power in regards to legitimacy.

Which of the following BEST describes a similarity between the actions of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the views of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr?AThe NAM was largely led by revolutionary leaders who took power through non-violent means.BThe NAM
emerged in the 20th century as a response to the violence triggered by the world wars.CThe NAM rejected excessive military
development in hopes of promoting social welfare.DThe NAM were attempting to reject an international order which they saw was
founded on violence

Which of the following is NOT a reason that some revolutionary or reform movements rejected the rhetoric of non-violence?
ANationalist or ethnic movements sought the forcible removal of a state that utilized violence.BThe vast majority of reform or
revolutionary movements in the 20th century lacked a religious background.CRevolutionaries challenged the legitimacy of the state
and it responded with existential force against a threat.DInability to garner mass popular influence often lead to attempts to weaken
the morale or leadership of the more powerful organization.

In contrast to the rhetoric of Martin Luther King above, states during the 20th century increasinglyArejected the rights of ethnic
minorities or peaceful protests.Butilized the narrative of religious as a means to control protest movements.Cdeveloped closer ties
between standing armies and industrial production.Dco-opted the rhetoric of religion to increasingly justify militant action against rival
c 57/67
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Which of the following 20th century organizations best matches Dr. King's rhetoric in this excerpt?ARegional bodies such as the Arab
LeagueBInternational bodies such as the International Criminal CourtCEnvironmental and activist non-profits such as
GreenpeaceDEconomic institutions such as the World Bank

Taken together, the ideas expressed in these passages refer toAindependence movements that were a result of armed
conflict.Bindependence movements that were a result of diplomatic negotiations.Cindependence movements that resulted in new
states systems.Dindependence movements resulted in immediate partition of the previous colony.

Ideas expressed in these passages would MOST likely re-appear in which of the following conflicts?AThe Turkish war for
independence.BThe collapse of the Russian Empire.CThe end of dynastic rule in China.DAngola declaring independence from the
Portuguese Empire.

Which of the following factors fueled the independence movements described in both sources?AViolent revolt.BTechnological and
economic stagnation.CMilitary defeat.DA desire for governmental change.

According to the source above, the non-violent tactics described in Gandhi's resolution are BEST understood in which of the following
historical contexts?AThe Cold War.BDecolonization.CIndustrialization.DWorld War II.

Which of the following was a direct result of the Quit India movement?AGandhi and the rest of the party leaders were
imprisoned.BGreat Britain granted India its Independence.CJapan took control of India.DGandhi was appointed the Viceroy of India.

Compared to Gandhi's views of non-cooperation, the British government's views expressed in the Cripps Mission differed in that
theyAchallenged the Indians to cooperate with the Japanese.Bbelieved that India would only attain their freedom through
violence.Cbelieved India should fully cooperate with Great Britain's war efforts.Dencouraged the people of India to be loyal towards
the British Government instead of Gandhi and the Indian National Congress.

The views of nonviolence and non-cooperation expressed above had the greatest influence on which of the following?AWWII.BCivil

Which of the following is a fact from the passage?AAritomo justified Japanese expansion as a way to protect fellow Asians.BAritomo
was offering an apology for Japan’s expansion into Manchuria.CAritomo believed Turkey and Italy were the cause of problems in
Asia.DAritomo was asking for China’s support in Japan’s war against Russia.

According to Aritomo's point of view, which of the following was the principal CAUSE of war at the time this excerpt was recorded?
AMilitarism: a belief that the county had to arm itself to prepare for war.BNationalism: a shared heritage should determine who rules a
given region.CEconomic rivalries: an argument that colonies were important for raw materials and markets.DAlliances: countries
should bond together to face a common threat.

Examining historical context and the point of view of the author, which of the following is LEAST likely to explain the underlying
motives for Japan’s expansion into Manchuria?AProtecting Japan from invasion by another imperial power.BColonizing Manchuria
with Japanese settlers as a safety valve for excess population.CAccess to raw materials to serve Japanese industry.DJapanese
concern for the welfare of China and other Asian peoples.

In which of the following wars was the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" created?AThe First Sino-Japanese War.BWorld War
I.CWorld War II.DThe Cold War.

Which of the following global systems is BEST represented by the political cartoon above?AKennan’s Containment Theory and the
Bi-polar System.BTheorists of the Zones of Chaos in International Relations.CHuntington’s Theory of the Clash of
Civilizations.DMetternich’s Multi-Polar System of the Congress of Vienna. 58/67
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Which of the following BEST represents the cartoonist's point of view?AA capitalist’s view that the Soviets and “Their China” are
“Godless Communists, Liars and Spies” and represent the greatest threat.BA liberal’s view that U.S. policy at the time was bigoted
and simplistic, and based upon “West (Us)” versus “East (Them).”CA conservative’s view that Democrats are “Welfare Bums” and
present a threat to “Real American” traditional valuesDAn imperialist’s view the U.S. needed to maintain control over “Our Canal” and
“Our Oil.”

Which of the following represents a “proxy war” as part of the Cold War on this map?ACentral America labelled as “El Salvador.”BThe
“Palestinian Homeland (Proposed)” as an island above the USSR.CAn oversized “Falklands” off the coast of South America (“Banana
Land.”)D“Our China” and “Their China” opposing one another.

President Kennedy MOST likely emphasizes the phrase “Let them come to Berlin” for which of the following reasons?ABerlin had
been devastated by World War II bombing, and it served as a reminder of why the U.S. needed to work with the Communists to avoid
war.BBerlin was the gateway between the West and Communism, and it demonstrated how both systems could learn from each
other.CBerlin was representative of Germany’s economic miracle after World War II, and it became a showcase for the benefits of the
capitalist system.DBerlin was the epicenter of the Cold War conflict.

Which of the following 20th-century changes in Western society BEST reflects the use of the phrase “some who say” or a “few who
say"?AA greater reliance on laissez-faire economics.BAn increase in the number of women in the industrial workforce.CAn expansion
of the welfare state in the West.DA global trend toward decolonization.

Which of the following BEST describes how this poster challenges gender roles?AThe poster depicts that during wartime, women’s
roles were seen as equal to men.BThe poster depicts that women were involved in combat for the first time during WWII.CThe poster
depicts that women were employed as nurses during wartime.DThe poster depicts that women were now allowed to carry weapons in

During the 1930s and 40s, which of the following countries used art styles similar to those used by the Soviets in their propaganda
posters?AThe French Third Republic.BNazi Germany.CThe United States.DNationalist China.

Which of the following provided the most significant context for the drawing and redrawing of the borders of Iraq shown in the maps
above?ACollapse of the Ottoman Empire and post-World War I peace settlement.BEmergence of the United States as a global
superpower.CFormer colonies negotiating for independence.DRussian Revolution and the the development of the USSR.

Using your knowledge of world history and the sources above, which of the following was a demographic and social consequence of
drawing the borders of Iraq in the early 1920s?ACreation of an Armenian nation-state in the northern Middle East.BDeath and
displacement of Iraqis due to British weaponry.CGenocide of Kurdish people by the Iraqi military.DMigration of former colonial
subjects to Great Britain.

A historian could BEST use the changes in the southern border of Iraq between 1922 and 1927 as evidence to illustrate which of the
following claims?ABritish power to shape borders in the region was not absoluteBFrance and Britain alone determined Middle
Eastern state bordersCPan-Arabists achieved their political and diplomatic goalsDThe fall of the Ottoman Empire did not diminish
Turkish influence

Which of the following represents the BEST sourcing of the statement by the British officer in Source 2?AThe compassionate tone
indicates that the officer and his intended audience appreciated the significance of human rights.BThe regretful tone indicates that his
intended audience view the horrors of modern warfare with unease.CThe self-satisfied tone indicates that his intended audience
would agree with the idea of British cultural superiority.DThe sensitive tone indicates that the officer and his intended audience
respected Iraqi's desire for self-determination.

Which of the following BEST represents the primary difference between the Indian Independence Act and the "Loi-Cadre"?AThe
Indian Independence Act detailed the creation of two independent countries from the British colonial empire, whereas the "Loi-Cadre"
outlined parameters for lands transitioning towards self-rule within the French colonial empire.BThe Indian Independence Act was a 59/67
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direct parliamentary decision from Great Britain, whereas the "Loi-Cadre" served German interests because Vichy France was a
puppet government set up by Hitler.CWhile both dealt with independence movements, the Indian Independence Act affected a larger
portion of land than the "Loi-Cadre."DWhile both dealt with independence movements, the Loi-Cadre represented a shift in the
French government's thinking to honor independence movements based on religion, while the Indian Independence Act sought to
rectify disputes that were purely territorial.

Which of the following assertions is BEST supported by the passages above?ABoth Great Britain and France continued to control
their overseas colonies throughout the twentieth century.BEuropean dominance was challenged by the rise of the United States
throughout the twentieth century.CGreat Britain and France competed with each other for overseas colonies after World War
II.DEuropean dominance in Asia and Africa came to an end after World War II.

Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following was MOST LIKELY the primary inspiration behind the Indian
Independence Act of 1947?AThe construction of a railway across the Indian subcontinent.BMuslim jihadists attacking the poorer
Hindu population in the south.CThe Indian National Congress' and Muslim League's pursuit of self-rule.DGreat Britain's frustration
with its inability to dissolve the caste system.

Which of the following commodities led to the expansion and dissolution of the French empire in Vietnam?AThe growth of cotton,
which allowed the Vietnamese to generate their own income stream.BNatural resources such as rubber, coal, and tin, which were
essential for both industrialization and militarization.CSilk and porcelain, because the French wanted access to them without
competition from other European countries on the western side of the Silk Road trading network.DGold and salt as France continued
to cut into Portugal's former empire.

Which of the following historical interpretations BEST describes the legacies of colonialism in the 20th century illustrated in the above
source?ASeparatist movements gained widespread appeal and fractured political unity across large territories.BNationalist leaders
focused on internal improvements in their countries more than they sought international cooperation.CEuropean political leaders
reluctantly allowed their colonial possessions to attain political independence.DEmerging ideologies of anti-imperialism contributed to
the dissolution of empires and the restructuring of states.

Which of the following BEST describes the global context for the above source?ARising demand for the natural resources of nations
in the Global South determined the treatment they received from their former colonial rulers.BThe desire to overthrow social
hierarchies within newly independent nations in the Global South threatened the European colonial elite.CThe Cold War determined
how former colonial rulers treated newly independent nations in the Global South.DInternational unity gave post-colonial nations in
the Global South an equal role in international affairs.

Which of the following BEST explains the cause for the changes in U.S. exports to European countries during World War I as seen in
the table above?AGerman use of submarine warfare.BBritish blockade of the North Sea.CFrance’s Continental System.DThe United
States' Neutrality Acts.

As the war progressed, which of the following was NOT a consequence of this change in U.S. exports?AGerman naval forces
became more inclined to attack U.S. shipping.BU.S. businesses and banks became increasingly invested in the outcome of the
war.CGerman civilian casualties rose significantly due to malnutrition and disease.DBritish and French economies grew three times
as large as a result of U.S. exports.

Based upon the text, which of the following is true from Hobson's point of view?ASeizing new territories was necessary to gain
access to raw materials and markets.BColonies were profitable for governments seeking profits from investments
abroad.CImperialism is a source of conflict between powers and could lead to war.DIt was relatively easy for European countries to
annex colonial possessions.

Which of the following BEST explains the author’s point of view when he writes, “Imperialism…is a source of great gain to the
investor who cannot find at home the profitable uses he seeks for his capital, and insists that his Government should help him to be
profitable and secure investments abroad…”?AIt is the role of government to help citizens find investments overseas.BImperialism
only benefits those who are politically well connected.CSocial Darwinism is the principle cause of imperialism.DImperialism promotes
good investments and a profitable use of capital.
b 60/67
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What conclusion BEST explains this Nazi (NSDAP) poster and the related tables?AHitler caused misery among the German
people.BThe Great Depression helped bring Hitler to power.CFascism is primarily caused by high unemployment.DHigh
unemployment caused the Great Depression.

Which of the following does NOT explain why Germany was hit harder than other countries in terms of unemployment, as shown in
Table 2, during the global Great Depression?AGermany lost its colonies after World War I.BThe German economy was driven by
exports.CGermany was burdened by reparations payments .DInflation in the 1920s had wiped out German savings.

Based on the document above and your knowledge of world history, what would be a likely reason for Ethiopia seeking assistance
from other nations, in resistance to the aggressor nation of Italy?AItaly posed a significant military threat, as they had pledges of land-
based and naval support from Germany, their military ally.BCompared to Ethiopia, Italy was far more industrialized, and as a result
had an advantage in terms of military strength.CWith its extensive coastline on the Mediterranean Sea, Ethiopian ports were highly
vulnerable to Italian navies, based only a few hundred miles to the north.DEthiopia was already in a weakened state due to a civil war
between Sunni and Shiite factions of Islam.

What is the best definition for "collective security" as identified in the speech above?AWhen one nation is punished for a violation of
an agreement. This can be applied through economic or political means.BWhen an association of nations all pledge to support one of
their group, should that nation experience a threat to its sovereignty.CWith such an arrangement, nations can take decisive actions
against other nations without their consent.DWith this arrangement, nations promise to dispose of all their colonies, and grant them

Based on the speech above and your knowledge of world history, which of the following statements would MOST likely be an element
of Selassie's reference to "badly applied" sanctions?AMilitary attacks were made by the League of Nations on Italians.BThe League
of Nations provided Ethiopia with limited financial assistance.CThe League of Nations placed a ban on arms sales to both Italy and
Ethiopia.DThe League of Nations ignored the plight of Ethiopians against the Italians.

Which event below also triggered an ineffective response on the part of the League of Nations?AThe Assassination of the Archduke
Ferdinand in 1914BThe Sepoy Mutiny of 1857CThe Munich Agreement of 1938DThe Mukden Incident of 1931

Which one of the following statements is the LEAST likely to provide an adequate explanation for the lack of support shown toward
Ethiopia by the League of Nations?AEthiopia made enemies of some European nations as it successfully defeated these countries in
their effort to conquer the Kingdom during the Scramble for Africa.BUnanimity was required among all nations for any decisive action
to be taken by the League.CDue to its remote location and lack of vital natural resources or crops, there was little urgency in
protecting Ethiopian interests.DWith the growing threat of Hitler, there was concern that Italy would ally with Germany, if it was
provoked by the League.

Using your knowledge of world history, the original version of the document above MOST directly challenged inequality related
toAeconomic systems.Bgender relations.Capartheid in South Africa.Denvironmental issues.

This document BEST supports which of the following conclusions about world history?AGlobal institutions began to reflect principles
associated with free market economics.BStates became increasingly interdependent in the latter half of the 20th century.CSocial
movements began to protest the economic and environmental consequences of global integration.DRights-based discourses began
to challenge old ideas about the rights of women, children, and refugees.

A widespread criticism of this document wasAits non-binding nature.Bthat the Roman Catholic Church did not endorse it.Cthat it was
written without input from Asian culture.Dthat it was not easily translated into enough languages.

The excerpt above is MOST correlated with which of the following?AWorld War I.BThe failure of the League of Nations.CThe Cold
c 61/67
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Which of the following explains the motivation behind the establishment of NATO?ATo decrease the rapid nuclear armament of
nations.BTo increase economic freedoms of the countries involved.CTo end World War II.DTo appease aggressors in order to
maintain peace.

Which of the following conclusions about the period from 1949 to the present can be drawn from this excerpt?ANATO participants
continue to compete for dominance on the global theater.BNations participating in NATO face diplomatic challenges, including
developing mutually agreed upon solutions.CNATO representatives have continued to pursue imperial development.DNations of
NATO have aided one another in conquest.

The Declaration of Human Rights is best seen as evidence for which of the following?AGlobal governance organizations formed to
maintain world peace and facilitate international cooperation.BEconomic and regional trade agreements on a global scale.CIncreased
access to education, as well as participation in new political and professional roles.DPeaceful/nonviolent independence movements
after World War II.

The emphasis on human rights discussed in the passage was most directly a result of which of the following?AThe global shift
towards emphasizing humanitarian movements after World War II.BA response to the Holocaust and acts of terror committed during
World War II.CEnlightenment ideals that humans have natural rights like life, liberty, and property.D

Which of the following events provides the MOST significant historical context for the two government policies identified in the chart?
AWorld War II.Bthe Taiping Rebellion.CThe Chinese Communist Revolution.DThe Open Door Policy.

Which description below would LEAST likely account for the dramatic shifts in birth and mortality rates portrayed in the chart during
the Great Leap Forward?AFarmers were expected to give up most of their harvests for urban populations and for export to other
nations.BThe Third Plague, an influenza pandemic, swept through China in this period of time.CWidespread famine and poor
planning contributed to significantly lower yields on Chinese farms.DFamilies were broken up as many small-time farmers were
forced to move to large agricultural communes with harsh working conditions.

Based on the chart above, and your understanding of world history, which statement MOST accurately explains Chinese population
trends in the years 1950-2015?AThere was a gradual decline in the overall population of China through most of these years.BOverall
population growth decreased during the years of the Great Leap Forward and the one-child policy.CWith improvements in medicine,
there has been a significant drop in death rates from 1980 to 2015.DAgricultural production rates have generally increased in China
since the Great Leap Forward ended.

Which of the following programs shares basic common features with China's one-child policy?AAn involuntary sterilization program
put in place by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in India in the 1970's.BThe first five year plan instituted by Josef Stalin in the Soviet
Union in the late 1920's.CChild Labor laws that were contained within the Factory Acts, passed by the British Parliament in the mid
1800's.DLegal protections put in place to protect children in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was drafted by the
United Nations in 1949.

Which of the following people and movements would have been most likely to support the ideals of Negritude?ACecil Rhodes and
Social Darwinism.BMarcus Garvey and Pan-Africanism.CPablo Picasso and Modernism.DVladimir Lenin and Marxism.

Using your understanding of World History and the writings above, which of the following was a long-term effect most DIRECTLY
resulting from movements such as Negritude?AAfrican contributions to Allied victory in World War II.BDecolonization movements in
French Africa.CFrench neo-colonialism in Africa.DMigration from Africa to France.

Which of the following earlier events BEST reflect the desire to present a united front against Soviet military power as discussed in
the speech above?AChinese leaders embracing a capitalist mindset after World War II.BU.S. president Harry Truman supporting the
proposed National Security Council Report 68.CThe success of the Marshall Plan.DThe economic prosperity of Western Europe after
the fall of Hitler.
b 62/67
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Thatcher's arguments about external aggression are BEST understood in the context of which of the following?AThe Non-Alignment
movement.BThe Cold War.CEconomic independence movements in Europe.DThe collapse of NATO.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn about Thatcher's motives for speaking so pointedly in this speech?AThatcher's goal
was to increase defense spending.BThatcher hoped to end support for the growth of Stealth technology and other high-tech
weapons.CThatcher was vocalizing her support of anti-Communist social movements in "Third World" countries.DThatcher was
denouncing the economic stability of NATO.

A historian would likely use the posters above, from Joseph Stalin’s rule in the Soviet Union, for which of the following reasons?
ADetermine how the Soviet people viewed Stalin’s policies.BIdentify what Stalin was promising Soviet people.CMeasure the changes
that Stalin’s policies created.DAssess the degree of Soviet industrial advancement.

The posters above are evidence of which of the following Stalinist goals for the Soviet Union?AAllowing peasants to increase
production on private farms.BNationalizing banking by making banks government property.CIndustrializing the Soviet Union in a
socialist way.DReplacing Orthodox Christianity with support for Communism.

Using your knowledge of World History, how did the reality in the Soviet Union between 1929 and 1932 MOST differ from the images
above?AMany peasants actively resisted the collectivization of agriculture.BStalin established increasing industrial and agricultural
production as key goals.CThe Soviet Union did not develop industrial technology during this time.DUnder the New Economic Policy
small scale private farms and businesses increased production.

Which of the following changes did Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress demand from President Botha's government?
AAbolition of slavery.BEqual rights for all South Africans.CExpulsion of communists from government.DIndependence from Great

In which of the following ways was the struggle described by Nelson Mandela in the excerpt above similar to Chinese protests in
Tiananmen Square in the same year?ABoth advocated for a more democratic government.BBoth primarily involved struggles against
racism.CBoth rejected the use of violence.DBoth were early events in the Cold War.

Which of the following was a major cause of the end of apartheid in South Africa?AArmed intervention in South Africa by neighboring
countries.BElection of a Black majority to the South African Parliament.CInternational economic and political pressure on white South
Africa.DSupport from the U.S. government for the African National Congress.

According to the above speech, which of the following is a major source of conflict between the Socialist Party of Italy and Mussolini's
Fascist Party?AThe Fascist Party's support for the wealthy.BThe Fascist Party's support for a strong Italian state.CThe Fascist Party's
support for the middle class.DThe Fascist Party's support for the working class.

Which of the following concepts BEST describes Mussolini's approach to Italy's declining economy after World War I and in the midst
of The Great Depression?ACommunism.BFree Market.CGlobalism.DCorporatism.

Which of the following ideologies are not closely identified with Mussolini's fascist theories?ATotalitarianism.BThe far left.CThe far

The actions taken by Chairman Mao Zedong represent a broader global trend in thatAmajor imperial powers turned to land-
redistribution policies.Bthe global poor often turned to communist solutions to their problems.Cindustrialization was destroying
agricultural production throughout the world.DAsian nations were often outside of major trade networks in agriculture.

Which of the following is an accurate depiction of the relationship between Chairman Mao's actions and those of the previous
leadership of the Soviet Union?AThe Soviet Union saw its communist revolution emerging from industrial workers, not 63/67
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agricultural.BSoviet leadership and Chairman Mao purposefully created a cult of the common man while rejecting leadership
qualities.CBoth Chairman Mao and the Soviet leadership prioritized the importance of the countryside in their national
mythologies.DChairman Mao believed in the importance of a leadership elite to push through the revolution, unlike in the Soviet

Which of the following could serve as evidence to challenge Mao's central argument in the speech above?AWidespread failures in
industrialization and collectivization led to peasant repression and hunger.BThe proletariat revolution would fail and China would
become governed by bourgeois capitalists.CIndustrial production became the most important concern of the Chinese state.DChinese
political leadership would turn to the cities as the basis of their support.

The previous government before Chairman Mao's revolution suffered similarly to other major land-based empires at the turn of the
20th century insofar asAcommunist leadership was able to attack and overturn monarchal states.Befforts at ethnic governance went
too far and led to imperial break-up.Cwere unable economically to compete against maritime, capitalist powers.Dthe states failed to
meet the economic or social needs of a wide array of peoples.

At the latter half of the 20th century, leaders in China as well as other industrializing nations challenged the views presented by Mao
in that theyAinvolved themselves in previously rejected global exchange.Brejected industrialized labor for service-driven
economies.Cincorporated policies leading to economic liberalization.Dutilized increased educational outputs to produce complex

The source above foreshadows which of the following events?AThe dissolution of fascist corporate economies.BThe onset of the
Great Depression.CThe establishment of the Federal Reserve System.DThe enactment of Stalin's Five Year Plans.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following institutions was established in the late 20th century to avoid the kind of
economic instability seen in Europe after World War I?AEuropean Union.BNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization.CThe League of
Nations.DThe United Nations.

With the onset of the economic consequences outlined in the excerpt,Agovernments began to take a more active role in economic
life.Bcommunist governments relinquished control of their national economies.Cfree market governments instituted a laissez-faire
economic policy.Dgovernments discouraged free-market policies.

The worldwide increase in female literacy demonstrated by the sources above was MOST directly caused byAa 20th-century
international mass movement called Second Wave Feminism.Bthe successes of First Wave Feminism that began in the 19th
century.Cgovernment policies enacted by political leaders worldwide.Dthe successful blending of religious tradition and rights-based
political discourse.

A historian who emphasizes both post-Colonialism and feminism would likely qualify their interpretation of the above sources by
pointing out which of the following?AFeminists in the Global South almost always agreed with feminists from Western capitalist
democracies.BRights-based discourse originating from Western capitalist democracies easily applied to the feminist movements in
the Global South.CFemale literacy automatically led to increased empowerment for women in the Global South.DThe global
institutions that addressed feminism sometimes failed to acknowledge differences in feminist priorities for women in the Global South.

Using your knowledge of world history, the sources above can BEST be used as evidence for which of the following continuities in
world historical trends that took place during the period 1800 C.E. to 2000 C.E.?AThe consistent progress made by feminists
worldwide.BThe continuation of ideological challenges to patriarchy.CThe continuation of government policies designed to further
women's rights.DThe consistent protest by women's rights activists.

The developments in global trade described in the above sources were MOST directly the result of which of the following?AWorld
War II.BThe Bretton Woods Conference.CThe Cold War.DThe collapse of the Soviet Union.

Using your knowledge of world history, the interactions described in BOTH of the above sources are best understood in the context of
which of the following?AThe growth of electronic communications technology.BThe increase in direct foreign investment.CThe 64/67
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growing influence of transnational corporations in global trade negotiations.DThe increased use of personal credit cards.

In Source 2, Tony Blair argues that trade liberalization introduced 50 years earlier constituted a turning point in world history. Which of
the following events further supports that argument?AThe terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.BThe Persian Gulf War in 1990-
1991.CThe protests against the WTO in Seattle in 1999.DThe end of apartheid in South Africa in 1991.

Which of the following governments can also be described as communist?AThe United States beginning with Ronald Reagan.BGreat
Britain under Margaret Thatcher.CChina under Mao Zedong.DChile with the leadership of Augusto Pinochet.

The above excerpt from the "Secret Speech" was meant to inspire which of the following?ASeparation from the past.BA desire for
armament.CThe development of a space program.DThe growth of agricultural programs.

Russia turned to communism during the 20th century mostly as a result ofAthe emergence of a new middle class.Bthe country's
emergence as an industrial powerhouse in the late 19th century.Cthe gradual militarization of Russia prior to World War I.Dthe brutal
oppression of the Russian people under czarism in concurrence with major crop failures.

According to the author, which of the following BEST explains why activists protested the Seattle meeting of the World Trade
Organization?AThey feared global trade would cost America jobs.BThey were opposed to global capitalism.CThey believed global
trade was harming Third World workers and the environment.DThey objected to America supporting increased global trade.

Which of the following describes the author’s central argument?AZakaria celebrates the protesters’ right to self-expression.BThe
protests may have done more harm than good.CZakaria wishes more people from the Third World had joined the protests.DThe
police mistreated the protesters.

Zakaria's argument rests on which of the following precepts?ATrade is the Third World’s best hope to escape poverty.BProtests are
unruly and should be restricted.CThe WTO is not really helping the developing world.DAmerica became rich at the expense of the
Third World.

Which of the following BEST describes why and how the World Trade Organization was created?ABy Deng Xiao Ping to help China
renew trade with the West.BBy the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War to counteract Western influence.CBy American corporations in
the 1980s to profit from trade with the Third World.DTo help countries lower trade barriers after the end of the Cold War.

The sources above describe the causes ofAthe Chinese government's response to the end of the Cold War.Bthe Chinese
government's efforts to avoid globalization.Cthe Chinese government's reaction to population growth.Dthe Chinese government's
promotion of economic liberalization.

Based on the passages and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the reference to stock
markets in Source 1?AThe end of the Cold War encouraged greater cooperation between China and the United States.BChinese
Communist Party leaders relaxed their adherence to Marxist economic principles.CThe collapse of the Soviet Union motivated
China's Communist Party to embrace capitalism.DChinese economists never desired free market reforms.

Many historians in the early 1990s would likely have objected to Source 2's characterization of Deng's motives on the basis of their
belief thatAaccelerating globalization determined the outcome of political revolutions around the world.Bthe Great Depression
demonstrated the need of governments to take a strong role in economic life.Cthe collapse of the Soviet Union proved the failure of
socialist economics.DMarxist economics remained a viable alternative to capitalism.

The political tactic of non-violence served an important use for activists such as Lewis in thatAit exclusively served a moral purpose
as promoted by global Christianity.Bcombined with new communication technologies, non-violence attempted to garner sympathy
from elites.Chad been previously utilized by rights-based groups in Western Europe following World War II.Dthe failure of non-
violence would eventually provide a justification for violent revolutionary actions by himself and most of his supporters. 65/67
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The claims made by Chairman Lewis upon the dominant society represented a change in how governments conceptualized rights in
which of the following ways?AUniversal rights were claimed only for particular groups.BSocial movements began to demand that
universal rights be universally applied, regardless of class, race, or gender.CStates began to treat economic rights as more important
than political and social rights.DSocial movements began to move away from identity politics, and argue that the state should be

Lewis's speech provides an example of sympathy towards the ideology ofACommunism.BCapitalism.CPan-Africanism.DNon-

Alignment Movement.

In contrast to the Atlantic Revolutions of the late 18th century, major 20th-century social movements in industrialized nations
representedAan attempt at reform, rather than revolutionary change.Ban emphasis on Enlightenment ideas of freedom of expression
and direct democracy.Cethnic minorities who had previously held little power in society.Danti-colonial elites who sought to free
themselves from imperial rule.

Using this source and your knowledge of World History, which of the following historical interpretations would BEST be supported by
the above source?AThe United Nations became the world's universally accepted political institution in the late 20th century and early
21st century.BThe world's nations approved the creation of an international police force to further the goals of the ICC in the late 20th
century.CWorld governance institutions struggled to achieve cooperation from most states in the late 20th century and early 21st
century.DInternational cooperation increased in the late 20th century and early 21st century.

Which of the following best describes how the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) demonstrated a change over time in
attitudes regarding human rights abuses?APrior to the establishment of the ICC, there had been no international criminal
prosecutions of human rights abuses.BUntil the establishment of the ICC, news reports of human rights abuses failed to raise public
support for international action to prevent human rights abuses.CPrior to the establishment of the ICC, there were no permanent
global governance institutions dedicated to criminal prosecution of human rights abuses.DUntil the establishment of the ICC, Western
democracies consistently made an effort to address human rights abuses.

The establishment of the ICC was mostly an effect of which of the following long-term historical developments?AThe genocide in
Rwanda.BThe end of the Cold War.CAccelerating globalization.DNew developments in communications technology.

Articles 15, 16, and 17 of the Indian Constitution are MOST consistent with which of the following historical developments?AUN
ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.BBritish imperial policies in India.CPartition of British India and the creation
of Pakistan as a nation-state.DTraditional Hindu social structure.

A historian would MOST likely use the Articles 15, 16, and 17 from the Indian Constitution to explain which of the following?
AElimination of caste-based discrimination.BEstablishment of democracy in India since its independence.CIndependence of India
from Britain.DMigration of millions of Muslims out of India following Indian independence.

Articles 15, 16, and 17 of the Indian Constitution MOST challenged which of the following?ACooperation between Hindus, Sikhs, and
Muslims in the Congress Party.BDevelopment of a bipolar diplomatic world as part of the Cold War.COrganization of the Indian
economy on capitalist principles.DRules of Indian social relations according to Hindu traditions.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following developments would MOST corroborate the positive portrayal of ASEAN
in Source 2?AThe results of the "Brexit" vote in 2016 directing Great Britain to leave the European Union.BThe average annual
growth of 6.5% for the economy of Malaysia from 1989 to 2005.CThe creation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community in 2009.DThe
strain put on the ASEAN economies by the 2008 global financial crisis.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following developments BEST fits the objectives of ASEAN?AThe increase of
national tariffs on products from within ASEAN.BThe establishment of a common market.CThe rejection of free trade agreements with
China.DThe increase of restrictions on migration between ASEAN nations.
b 66/67
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Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following BEST accounts for the global economic circumstances depicted in
Source 1?AIn the late 20th century, China's growing economy caused the economic success of the ASEAN nations.BThe European
Union (EU) dominated the global economy in the early 21st century.CFollowing WWII, global governance institutions created the
conditions for single nations to gain economic dominance.DIn the late 20th century, regional trade agreements allowed for economic
parity with nations with large national economies.

Using your knowledge of world history, which of the following groups in the early 21st century would MOST likely contradict the
positive interpretation of ASEAN in the above sources?AOpponents of nationalist politicians in the Philippines.BHuman rights activists
at the World Social Forum.CTrade negotiators at the Davos World Economic Forum.DCenter-left political leaders within the European

The dispute described in the above speech, and depicted in the map, was most directly an effect of which of the following processes
in Post-WWII international relations?AGlobalization.BNeo-liberal economics.CMass migrations.DPost-colonialism.

The activities of the state described in this speech are MOST consistent with which of the following contexts?AIn the 20th century, the
Cold War caused powerful nations to decrease their global interventions.BAfter World War II, newly independent states increased
their role in guiding economic development.CIn the second half of the 20th Century, neo-liberal economics advantaged Western
democracies.DAfter World War II, economic development of former colonies depended on strong international ties.

Gamel Abdel Nasser's purpose in this speech was primarilyAto blame former colonial rulers for the problems of Egypt's economy.Bto
express allegiance to the Soviet Union.Cto rally Pan-Arab sentiment for a war against Israel.Dto justify his nationalization of the Suez
Canal to the international community.

Based on your understanding of the time period and the map above, which one of the trade routes below did Ibn Battuta use in its
entirety for his travels? 67/67

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