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CONTENTS OF TABLE...............................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................................1
A. Background of Study..........................................................................................................1
B. Problem Statements............................................................................................................3
C. The Objective of the Study.................................................................................................3
D. Significance of the study.....................................................................................................3
E. Scope of the study...............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................................................................5
A. Previous Research Findings................................................................................................5
B. Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................................6
1. Introduction of Vocabulary.............................................................................................6
2. Word Mapping Strategy................................................................................................12
3. Games...........................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER III...............................................................................................................................18
RESEARCH METHOD...............................................................................................................18
A. The Location Of Study......................................................................................................18
B. Population And Sample....................................................................................................18
C. The Procedures of the research.........................................................................................18
a. Classroom Action Research..........................................................................................18
b. Questionnaire................................................................................................................23
D. The technique of Data Analysis........................................................................................23
a. The technique of Test Analysis.....................................................................................23
c. Technique Analysis of Questionnaire...........................................................................24


FIGURE 2 The Procedure of Classroom Action Research...............................................19

FIGURE 3 Skala Likert.....................................................................................................23
FIGURE 4 Skala Likert.....................................................................................................25



A. Background of Study

English is one language that is very important to learn because English is an

international language or it is also called a cross-country communication tool. Almost all

over the world learn this language as a foreign language and become a tool for someone to

communicate and interact with people of different nationalities when they travel, do

business, or in other contexts.

Today, English is no stranger to society, almost every level of society has heard

English through songs, TV broadcasts, games, YouTube, and others. In fact, most

companies use English as a condition for hiring new employees. In the teaching and

learning process, there are four basic skills in English, namely listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. To improve these four skills, a sufficient vocabulary is required. besides that,

they also have to master several language components, such as grammar, pronunciation,

and vocabulary.

Even though English has been studied by the students since they were in

elementary school, they still had difficulties in learning vocabulary. Many strategies can be

used with the variation that is not boring.

Ideally, if the teacher uses different strategies in teaching, so the students’ ability

will be an increase, especially in learning vocabulary. The writer would concentrate on the

word mapping game.

The writer will utilize a method called “word mapping“ as a strategy in instructing

lexicon. Word mapping game is taken from a word mapping amusement that has been

altered for lexicon learning to be fun and challenging. This strategy could be a media put

away in students who put students as the center of the learning prepare and the teacher as a

facilitator. The teacher will welcome the students to create some effort to figure the given

word. When students are effectively included within the process, students here will include

the lexicon without realizing it. Ahmad (2017)

One of the things that are very important in learning a language is vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the center of a language. In learning English as a foreign language, sufficient

vocabulary is needed so that students can understand a sentence, a conversation, or express

their own ideas in English. HIebert and Kamil (2005) state vocabulary is the knowledge of

meanings of words. Meanwhile, according to Judy Willis (2008) Learning vocabulary is

remembering and it is commonly related to brain capacity.

Based on the above opinion, it can be seen that the most important thing in the

process of learning English as a foreign language is vocabulary mastery. Therefore, in the

teaching and learning process, it is better if a teacher applies an appropriate strategy to help

students be interested in learning English. One way that can be done to increase students'

interest in understanding English vocabulary so that the atmosphere in the classroom is

more active and enjoyable is by using games.

According to the obtained information from English teacher Mr. Nur Amal, S.Pd at

the Eighth grade of MTs Nurul Jihad Saohiring, The students experience difficulty in

identifying vocabulary. They are also hard to get the vocabulary especially the word

classes (noun). Besides that, some teachers still use a conventional way to teach English,

especially in learning vocabulary that the students did not really understand, and then, got

bored easily when they face vocabulary task. The students did not have an interest in

vocabulary mastery which could make it difficult to understand the meaning of vocabulary.

They put an assumption in their mind that English was a difficult subject to study and the

language would make them confused on February 10, 2021). The writer would like to
research MTs Nurul Jihad Saohiring which has not been implemented a word mapping

game yet to solve this problem. However, while learning the word classes (noun) in MTs

Nurul Jihad Saohiring, the student often feels that it is difficult to mention the word that

relates to the part of the house (living room, kitchen, bedroom), and by using word

mapping game, the students will be able to mention the word. By the consideration stated

above the writer would like to conduct Classroom Action Research (CAR) "THE USE OF



B. Problem Statements

Following the previous information, a few problems would be emerged, as follows:

1. How is the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery using a word mapping


2. What are the problems in improving the students’ vocabulary mastery?

C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the background above the writer specified the specific objectives of the study

as follows:

1. To find out the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery using a word mapping


2. To find out the problems in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Significance of the study

The outcomes of this study are expected to be significant theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the results of this study are expected to contribute to improving

students' vocabulary learning, especially for learning vocabulary using word

mapping games.

2. Practically, this research can function as a means of information for English

language teachers who will implement word mapping games as a tool in vocabulary


E. Scope of the study

This study focuses on improving students’ vocabulary mastery using word

mapping game technique based on part of word classes (noun), by theme part of the

house (living room, kitchen, bedroom). Participant in this study is class VIII students of

MTs Nurul Jihad Saohiring.



A. Previous Research Findings

The Writer will describe some of the research results that are relevant to this

research. There were some previous studies with a similar topic to the study.

1. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Family Games And

Picture (A Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Grade at SMPN 7 Salatiga in

the Academic Year 2019/2020) by Ramayanti. Ramayanti uses the word family

game and picture as a learning media for the Eighth-grade students of SMPN 7


The results of the research above indicate that the writer wants to explain the

implementation of word family games and pictures in improving students'

vocabulary mastery and to identify how far the increasing students’ vocabulary

achievement. In this study, The research showed the result of research and analysis

of data collection using two cycles, each pattern of four stages in activities

examination, there are planning, action, observation, and reflection.

The similarity between this research and the research I am going to do is

both using games and also has a similar purpose which focuses on improving the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. The Use Word Mapping Game technique to improve students vocabulary mastery

By Zulli Mahsusotin Nur Rosyidah, Ahmad Hanyadi, and Cynthia Heru Woro at

SMP Negeri 1 Gayam.

The results of the above research conclude that in this study, the writers

want to explain the results of implementing word mapping games in improving

students' vocabulary. In this study, the writers used two research methods, namely

qualitative and quantitative, in the qualitative method the writers used the

Observation Checklist and Field Note, while in the quantitative method the writers

used a pre and post-test and a questionnaire in data collection. Based on the

findings, it is known that at the beginning of the pre-test the results were 50.4 and

in the first cycle the results were 62 / but because the KKM values were not

fulfilled, the writers conducted further research, and in the second cycle the writers

achieved 84 results. we conclude that vocabulary mastery greatly improves.

From the above statement, the writer assumes that the use of a word

mapping game is very effective in increasing vocabulary for high school students.

For this reason, the writer will try to apply the word mapping game to MTs

students, whether this word mapping can also improve the vocabulary of MTs

students or not.

B. Theoretical Framework

1. Introduction of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

To find out what vocabulary is, the writer wants to present several

definitions as follows:

According to Cameron (2001: 95), vocabulary is the most basic thing in

foreign language lessons. Furthermore, Cameron (2001: 72) also says that building

a useful vocabulary is a center for learning foreign languages at the intermediate

level. Therefore, in studying a foreign language, vocabulary is assumed to be the

most basic thing that can make a sentence meaningful.

Pora (2003), Vocabulary as the complete number of words in a language.

From the definition, we can surmise that language is comprised of words. Thus, to

have the option to utilize the language fittingly, we ought to, first and foremost,

ace the expressions of the language. Having dominated an enormous number of

words, we can almost certainly communicate our thoughts in the language


According to the book "Developing Vocabulary, Grammar, and Idioms" by

Yusran Pora (2007), vocabulary is necessary for anyone who wants to understand

reading, speaking, or writing. Vocabulary is one of the language components that

students must master when learning a new language. Students should have enough

vocabulary to improve their abilities in the four languages. In listening, they can

easily listen to and understand all the words in oral communication by using a lot

of vocabulary. In terms of oral skills, they can cover all the words used in oral

communication. Through reading skills, they can understand all the words in the

written material. Through writing skills, they can express their thoughts, opinions,

and cohesion. Writing and speaking are language products that belong to

production skills while listening and reading involve receiving messages that

belong to receiving skills. When students do not understand vocabulary, they will

encounter some difficulties in learning and understanding foreign languages.

When students do not know how to increase their vocabulary, they will lose

interest in learning foreign languages because they cannot understand foreign

language words. Therefore, vocabulary is very important for learning foreign

languages. Because they can't understand foreign language words. Therefore,

vocabulary is very important for learning foreign languages.

In this case, vocabulary teaching plays a vital role, that is, teachers should

pay special attention to ensuring that students learn the meaning of many words so

that they can communicate effectively and achieve academic success. Effective

vocabulary teaching requires educators to deliberately provide students with many

rich and good learning opportunities so that they can learn words, related concepts,

and meanings.

Based on the above vocabulary concepts, the writer assumes that

vocabulary is one of the important aspects of language teaching. There are many

famous linguistics quotes to support this view, and teachers need to help students

develop vocabulary effectively. Vocabulary is the total number of words,

including single words, compound words, and idioms, as well as words that the

individual knows. Rules for combining words to form language.

b. Types of Vocabulary

The vocabulary in English has several types according to their respective

usage. According to Thornbury (2002: 3-12), there are six types of vocabulary,

namely: Word Classes, Word Families, Word Formation, Multi-Word Units,

Collocation, and Homonyms. Word Class or we often encounter it as parts of

speech. It is a vocabulary that includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives,

adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions.

a. Noun

The noun is a word that identifies something, it can be an object, a

person, a place name, an idea, or something. A noun can be a subject in a

sentence, an object of a verb, or even an object of conjunction. Example:

chair, table, girl, Paris, class, laughter.

b. Pronoun

Pronouns are words that are used to change a noun so that there is no

repetition of words. Example: I, You, They, We, He, She, He, It, Him.

Her, Those, This, and That.

c. Verb

The Verb is a word used to describe an event or activity that is carried

out. Example: Walking, Reading, studying.

d. Adjective

The Adjective is a word that describes an object in the form of color,

size, the quality so that the object described is clearer. There are five

types of adjectives according to linguists, namely: Descriptive,

Demonstrative, Interrogative, Possessive, and Quantitative.

e. Adverb

The adverb is used to describe or provide additional information about

the verb, adjective, or even the adverb itself. Adverbs do not change the

Form but have their own characteristic form.

f. Prepositions

A preposition is a word that connects a noun and a pronoun. Six types of

prepositions are known, namely: prepositions of time, prepositions of

place, prepositions of direction, prepositions of an agent, and

prepositions of instruments. Common examples that are often used in

everyday conversation: in, on, of, by, with, for, above, under, into,

behind, before, etc.

g. Conjunction

A conjunction is a word that is used to connect a word with a word, a

phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause, or a sentence with another

sentence in a paragraph.

c. Importance of Vocabulary

There are several reasons why we should increase our vocabulary. By

increasing vocabulary, we will feel comfortable and proud of ourselves because

we speak many languages. Increasing vocabulary can also increase IQ.

According to Alpino Susanto (2017), Vocabulary is pivotal to be

dominated by the student to comprehend the language. Vocabulary authority is

expected to communicate our thoughts and to have the option to comprehend

others' idioms.

The best benefit of increasing vocabulary is that we can easily

communicate our ideas and ideas to people in a much more effective way.

Although most of us realize that other people will judge us based on our outward

appearance, it should also be noted that people will judge us by the way we

speak. The more words we know, the more fluent we will be in conveying ideas

to others. However, people will judge us based on the words that come out of our

mouths. Even if we are good at mathematics if we have a bad vocabulary it will

give rise to the perception that we are not very smart.

d. The ways to Improve Vocabulary

There are several ways you can improve your vocabulary, namely:

1. Read, read, and read

Read writings or books from a variety of different genres and years. When

you find new words, use a combination of them to get the meaning you want

to convey and then compare it with the meaning in the dictionary.

2. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy

The dictionary application is a handbook dictionary that can be used

anywhere and everywhere. When we find a new word, we can easily look it

up in the dictionary application to find out how it is pronounced and what the

word means. And then with the handy thesaurus, we can find the synonym

and antonym of the word

3. Use A Journal

Keeping a journal or note to contain all the new words can have a positive

effect in increasing the desire to learn more words.

4. Learn a word a day

Daily calendars or websites - or increasing lists of words to learn from is a

great technique that many people use to learn new words.

5. Roots and Word Families

Perhaps the most amazing tools for learning new words and for translating

the significance of other new words was contemplating Latin also, Greek

roots. Latin and Greek components were a critical part of the English

language and extraordinary apparatus for learning new words.

6. Games

Word games that challenge and helps find new words are a great and fun tool

for improving vocabulary.

e. The problem in mastering vocabulary

According to Thornbury, some factor makes a problem when learning

vocabularies, such as:

1. Pronunciation: Thornbury says that words that are hard enough to say are

even harder to learn. Potentially difficult words are usually words whose

pronunciation sounds unusual by some groups of students.

2. Spelling: sound mismatching with spelling can be one of the things that

makes it difficult for a person to learn a new word. Words mixed with the

silent letter are usually the ones that matter the most: Foreign, Listen,


3. Length and Complexity: Long words do not appear to be more difficult to

learn than shorter words. Be that as it may, as a dependable guideline, high

recurrence words will, in general, be short in English, and in this manner, the

student was probably going to meet them all the more frequently, a factor

preferring their "learnability". factor pressure in polysyllabic words.

4. Grammar: Also problematic was the sentence structure related to the word,

particularly if this varies from that of its L1 same.

5. Meaning: When two words cover insignificance, students were probably

going to befuddle them. Words with various implications, for example, since

and still, can likewise be problematic for students.

6. Range, Connotation, and Idiomatic: Words that can be utilized in a wide

scope of settings will for the most part be seen as simpler than their

equivalents with a smaller reach. Words that have style 20 imperatives, like

informal words (chuck for a throw, exchange swap), may cause issues.

2. Word Mapping Strategy

a. Definition of word mapping strategy

Word mapping is a strategy that helps students engage and think about a

new term or concept in several ways. Generally, a word mapping strategy is in

the form of a graphic rendering of the meaning of a word by placing the main

word in the center of the graph.WMS (Wors Mapping Strategy) is a strategy

aimed to promote the students' ‟deeper understanding of words through

depicting varying relationships between and among words. (Antonacci & O

'Callaghan, 2012).

The word mapping strategy is quite possibly the most impressive way to

deal with showing vocabulary since it draws in students in contemplating word

connections (Graves, 2008:56-57). Meanwhile, according to Rikko Karendra

(2017), a word mapping strategy can assist the students with finding numerous

new vocabularies by building up the primary word. Word mapping additionally

gives various circumstances for students in learning English, particularly


Word mapping is a strategy for representing knowledge in a graph. In

other words, the word mapping strategy is one of the activities that can improve

students' vocabulary. Learning vocabulary using word mapping allows students

to think about the meaning or meaning of a word in various ways.

From some of the descriptions above, the writer assumes that word

mapping strategy can help students find new vocabulary, and vocabulary enables

them to remain longer in their memory.

b. The procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Through Word Mapping Strategy,

according to Rikko (2017)

In this research, the writer applied a word mapping strategy to improve

understudies' vocabulary mastery in understanding abilities. In this movement,

the analyst attracts a method to train vocabulary by utilizing word mapping

strategy as follows:

1. First of all, the writer chose the subjects of related text which were

recognizable for the students all together that they could without much of

a stretch use word map coordinator later.

2. As an introduction, the writer got some information about what

experience they got on vacation based on their past time which alluded to

the description text that would be educated. This movement was expected

to their experience information about the thing they planned to learn.

3. The writer advised the students that their encounters that occurred in the

past could be arranged as relate messages. The writer picked one subject

of related text and asked the students such an inquiry underneath:

Researcher: What do you think when you read a content named "Visiting

Bali"? students: Kuta Beach, wave, excellent view, sightseers, surfing,

and so forth

4. After that, the writer told the students that they planned to utilize a word

mapping strategy to help them built up the vocabulary from the subject of

the relating text.

5. Next, the writer isolated the students into certain gatherings comprised of

5 students. The researcher gave a model about the best approach to utilize

a word map organizer.

6. After giving the model, the analyst gave the point named "Visiting Bali"

to the students and let them worked with their gathering to search for and

create however many as could be expected under the circumstances

words which had a relationship with the subject given.

7. The writer requested the portrayal from each gathering to impart the

consequence of their work before the class to construct their certainty.

8. After the students wrapped up doing this movement, the researcher gave

questions identified with the subject being examined.

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Word Mapping Strategy,

according to Rikko (2017)

As different strategies have, word mapping strategy additionally has a

few advantages and disadvantages as follows:

1. Advantages are:

a. Students study the material with full consideration.

b. By using a word mapping strategy, the teacher wants to help students

build current English vocabulary in their minds.

c. By learning through a word mapping strategy, students want to

differentiate, coordinate, and understand vocabulary without the help

of others.

d. It is easy for students to focus on a single word and understand the

importance and capacity of that word.

e. Word mapping strategies provide the opportunity to maintain

significant levels of student appreciation and inspiration in the

learning process.

f. Students demonstrate their capacity to think and describe something.

g. Students want to relate new words to what they previously knew.

2. Disadvantages are:

a. Each individual will generally have a different view of the

significance of the word itself.

b. It takes a long time because students need more opportunities to


c. Students may find challenges in communicating corrective or

connecting words because their vocabulary is still limited.

d. Not overall students can think and express themselves quickly

3. Games

a. Definition of game

Games are fun activities for interaction, thinking, learning, and problem-

solving strategies. Games are usually used as a method or technique to attract

students' attention in learning (Akdogan 2017: 32). According to Fauziati (2005:

130), games are one of the activities that can help create dynamic and motivating

classes. The reason is that real learning occurs when students in a relaxed

atmosphere participate in activities that require them to use what they have

explored. Games are not only suitable for children but also for adults

b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Games

According to Akdogan (2017: 40), games are fun activities but have

advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages of fun games

in learning new vocabulary as follow:

1. Advantages of Games

a. Most of the students don't care to remember strategy because is exhausting

yet a game is fun and students are the breaks from the typical everyday

practice of vocabulary meeting.

b. Games are persuading to students.

c. Games are testing. They can move students to be answerable for their

learning and information in another manner.

d. Games are intuitive. They inalienable cause a circumstance wherein students

connect with one and another.

e. A game makes a superior comprehension for the students concerning data,

apparatuses, materials, and even different students.

2. Disadvantages of Games

a. Sometimes game design might be too cumbersome and boring.

b. Maybe too expensive.

c. The results of learning can be "lose" in dominating the game.

d. Students will run out of extra time when they find that the game doesn't

match their marking test.

e. Keeping it flat is uncomfortable in class.

f. Game and play culture can be detrimental to students if it is not planned


g. Some students, especially teenagers, may find play useless and immature.

h. Deviating from an essential reason for movement interactivity, perhaps, due

to inadequate standard guidelines, leads to excessive play and a lack of


i. Usually, the game is difficult to implement in a major class.



A. The Location Of Study

This research will be conducted in MTS Nurul Jihad Saohiring, which is located in

Saohiring, Center Sinjai. I choose this location because:

1. Similar research had never been conducted yet in this school.

2. The writer found this problem that the students still have a weakness in learning


3. Suitable for ability and limitation of time and finance.

B. Population And Sample

a. Population

The population of this research is the second-grade students of MTs Nurul

Jihad Saohiring. The total number of students is 31, consisting of one class.

b. Sample

After determining the population, the research will decide to take the sample. In

this research, the researcher will use the cluster random sampling technique and

result in VII grade at MTs Nurul Jihad Saohiring with a total number of 31 students

consisting of 11 female and 20 male.

C. The Procedures of the research

a. Classroom Action Research

In this research, the writer will put a Classroom Action Research. Classroom

Action Research is the research in which combination the research procedures with

substantive action, an action that going on inquiry disciplines, or somebody’s effort to

comprehend what is while joining to the process of improving and increasing.

In the field of education especially in the practice of learning, action research is

called Classroom Action Research. Class Action Research is conducted action research in

the classroom during the learning process to improve the quality of learning and solve

problems that occur in class. Suryaningsih (2017)

Based on the above definition, the writer concludes that Classroom Action Research

is one way to enable the learning process discipline, and as an alternative to improve

learning outcomes and student achievement in the learning process. It consists of two

cycles, each cycle consisting of four research actions, namely planning, action, observation,

and reflection. But before the researcher implements cycle 1, she will do the preliminary to

find out the initial conditions of student achievement in the vocabulary. The procedure is as


Figure 1
The Procedure of Classroom Action Research, adopted from Science and Education
Publishing (2015)

1. Pre-cycle

In the pre-cycle, the teacher teaches some vocabulary to students like the names

of objects that area unit around. when the activity is complete, the teacher can

provide an associate understanding check. The test is to re-arrange the vocabulary.

the students can re-arrange the letters within the bracket supported word categories,

like a part of the house particularly the lounge, kitchen, and bedroom. After that, the

students fill every blank with a suitable anagram to finish the sentence. This aims to

see the extent to that students perceive vocabulary.

After the writer gets the information from the test, the writer can conduct an

associate interview with the students to seek out what issues the scholars face in

their vocabulary. The results of the interview area unit then wont to produce a

concept in cycle one.

2. The Cycle I

The teacher will use a word mapping game to teach vocabulary. The procedures

as follow:

a. Planning

1. The writer prepares techniques related to the material

2. The writer prepares teaching materials

3. The writer designing the lesson plan that would be used as a teacher

guideline in teaching vocabulary using word mapping game

4. The writer prepares an observation checklist

5. The writer prepares the instrument for collecting data, such as the student’s

name, scoring, etc.

b. Action

1. The writer explains the word mapping game that will be used in each cycle

as a technique to increase students' interest in learning vocabulary.

2. The writer explains frequently use vocabulary and objects that are around.

3. The writer divided the students into two groups

4. The writer gave the students several sheets of vocabulary lists and then asked

the students to remember the vocabulary.

5. The writer asks one of the students to come forward and mention the main

vocabulary, then his/her group friends would guess the word related to the

vocabulary play.

c. Observation

The writer observes the teaching and learning process by observing the activities

and attention of students in the class. Observation focuses on the students'

vocabulary mastery. Observations must be made during the learning process in

progress. The following are some of the activities that will be carried out by the


1. The writer observes what students do during the learning process.

2. Observing the habits of students in the classroom.

d. Reflection

The results of the observations are then analyzed, and the results are used to

improve vocabulary achievement through word mapping games.

The Cycle II

After doing cycle 1, the researcher continues cycle II. Cycle II will be

carried out based on the results of the cycle in the first stage. If the results of the

observations show that the students' interest and achievement are still below the

standard, the researcher will perform cycle II.

a. Planning

1. The writer identifies problems and creates solutions to them.

2. The writer prepares the teacher material

3. The writer arranges the lesson plans based on the teaching material

4. The writer prepares a checklist observation

5. The writer prepares the instrument for collecting data, such as the student's

name, scoring, etc.

b. Action

1. The writer explain frequently used vocabulary and objects that are around.

2. The writer divided the students into two groups

3. The writer gave the students several sheets of new vocabulary lists and then

asked the students to remember the vocabulary.

4. The writer asks one of the students to come forward and mention the main

vocabulary, then his/her group friends would guess the word related to the

vocabulary play.

c. Observation

Researchers observed the teaching and learning process by observing the

activities and attention of students in the class. Observation focuses on the

students' vocabulary mastery. Observations must be made during the learning

process in progress.

e. Reflection

The results of the observations were then analyzed, and the results were used to

improve vocabulary achievement through word mapping games.

b. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is employed to measure the attitudes, opinions, and

perceptions of someone or a cluster of individuals regarding social phenomena. In

the analysis, social phenomena are specifically determined by a writer, hereafter

referred to as analysis variables. Sugiyono (2017)

Figure 2
Skala Likert

Category Score
Strongly agree 5
Agree 4
Fair 3
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1

(From Sugiyono, 2016)

There are 5 items in the questionnaire prepare which are in the form of 5

questions The items in the checklist column strongly agree, agree, difficult to

determine, disagree, and strongly disagree.

D. The technique of Data Analysis

a. The technique of Test Analysis

In this research, the writer will be using the quantitative data of the research.

The techniques that will be used to analyze the data in Classroom Action Research.

To know the means of the students’ score in each cycle, the writer will use

SPSS 16.0 application. It is applying the following formula:

M = ∑𝑋 𝑁


M = The means of the students’ score

∑x = The total the score

N = The number of the students

Next, to category the number of the students who pass the test successfully, it

was applying the following formula:

P = 𝑅 𝑇 x 100%


P = The percentage of students who get points 73 (KKM MTs Nurul Jihad


R = The percentage of students who get points 73 above

T = The percentage of students who take the test

c. Technique Analysis of Questionnaire

Besides the test in this research, the writer also uses a questionnaire to analyze or

find out about the students’ opinions after using word mapping games in their

vocabulary mastery learning process.

There are five items they get to choose such as strongly disagree, disagree,

neutral, agree, and strongly agree, (Sugiyono: 2017).

In this research, there are 5 questions given to the students. This question asks

the student's opinion about the word mapping game. To figure out the result of the

questionnaire, the writer will use SPSS 16.0 application and formula as follows:

f / n x 100 %


P = percentage

f = frequency

n = number of sample

100% = constants value

Figure 3

Score (%) Interpretation

80-100% Strongly Agree
60-79,99% Agree
40-59,99 Neutral
20-39,99 Disagree
0-19,99 Strongly


(From Sugiyono, 2016)

The data analyzed using descriptive analysis to find out the highest, middle, and lowest

The formula of the questionnaire as follows:


T = Total number of respondent who voted

Pn = Choice of Likert score

Y = Likert higher score x the number of respondents

Akdogan, Esra. (2017). Developing Vocabulary in Game Activities and Game Materials.
Journal of Teaching and Education, 7 (1). Bangladesh: Presidency University.

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Class :

A. Rearrange the letters in the bracket below, after that fill in each blank
with the appropriate anagram to complete the sentence.
For example:


My English teacher is very friendly

n-t-a-s-h-a-c-r f-k-e-n-i o-w-l-p-i-l p-k-e-c-a-c-o
n-t-i-s-l-e-o-i-e-v c-s-o-h-c-u-k-t-e-t-l a-c-p-u-b-r-o-d

1. She chops the vegetables with...

2. I throw the rubbish into the... 
3. I can’t sleep without hugging a……
4. Ani watches a cartoon on the ……every Sunday
5. I usually put my clothes in……..

B. Mention 5 things that relater to the keyword

below. For Example:
Student: book, pen, uniform, bag

1. Things in the Livingroom = …….., ……., ……….

2. Things in the kitchen = …….., ……., ……….
3. Things in the Bedroom = …….., ……., ……….


Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini menunjukan berbagai perasaan yang anda

rasakan saat belajar Bahasa inggris menggunakan Word Puzzle. Setiap orang mempunyai

perassan yang berbeda beda. Oleh Karena itu tulislah jawaban anda dengan dengan member

tanda (√) pada kolom skala yang terdedia sesuai dengan perassan anda memperhatikan

pilihan-pilihan berikut ini :

a) Sangat Setuju (SS)

b) Setuju (S)
c) Sulit Menetukan (SM)

d) Tidak Setuju ( TS)

e) Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS)

NO Pertanyaan SS S SM TS STS
1 Saya sering membuka kamus untuk mengetahui arti dari
suatu kata
2 Apabila menemukan kata sulit atau baru saya selalu
melihatnya di kamus
3 Saya memiliki list kota kata favorit
4 Saya berkeinginan untuk menguasai seluruh kosakata
yang ada pada kamus
5 Saya merasa sangat kurang kosa kata ketika guru bahasa
Inggris memulai permainan untuk meningkatkan kosa

Things in Livingroom

No Nama Arti
1 Air Condition/AC Pendingin Ruangan
2 Ashtray Asbak
3 Clock Jam
4 Curtain Korden
5 Floor Lamp Lampu berdiri
6 Lamp Shade Kap Lampu
7 Newspapaer Koran
8 Picture Gambar
9 Sofa Kursi Sofa
10 Table Meja
11 Table Lamp Lampu meja
12 Vase Pot Bunga
13 Window Jendela

Things in Bedroom

No Nama Arti
1 Bed Tempat tidur
2 Bedsheet Seprei
3 Blanket Selimut
4 Cupboard Lemari Pakaian
5 Doll Boneka
6 Drawer Laci
7 Makeup Table Meja Rias
8 Pillow Bantal
9 Rug Karpet
10 Stool Kursi Rias

Things in Kichen
No Nama Arti
1 Bottle Botol
2 Bowl Mangkuk
3 Chopsticks Sumpit
4 Cup Cangkir
5 Fork Garpu
6 Frying pan Wajan
7 Garbage can Tempat Sampah
8 Gas stove Kompor Gas
9 Glass Gelas
10 Grater Parutan
11 Kettle Ceret
12 Knife Pisau
13 Napkin Serbet
14 Oven Pemanggang
15 Pan Panci
16 Plate Piring
17 Refrigerator Kulkas
18 Rice cooker Penanak Nasi
19 Spatula Sutip
20 Stone grinder Cobek/Ulekan
21 Tablespoon Sendok Makan
22 Teapot Teko Teh
23 Teaspoon Sendok Teh

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