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Pagina 1 de2 Sa ae i. The Deutero-Canonical books Below! have used history, historicial writings, reliable referenece and the Bible to prove the following Ten points, This Article is broken up into Ten parts tux) Part #1. The Septuagint was the Bible. Christ and the early Christians used (Christ's Church still uses them). Part #2. The Septuagint at the time of Christ contain the Deutero Canonical books. Part #3, Christ and the early Christians accepted Deutero Canonical books as sacred. B. The Decrees of the early Church Councils Part #4, Hore is lists of early Christians of writers showing the acceptance of Deutero Canonical book. Part #5. The JEWISH council of Javnch (90 A.D.) is were the Protestant Canon came from, A. The Jewish rabbé at Javnen wete Anti-Christian B. The council of Javreh had no authority (Even among Jews) to change scripture or throw ‘out any Books from the Canon. G. Itwas from the council of Jamnia (or Javneh) which the Protestant reformers drew their Old Testament Canon. Part #6. The Post-Christ Jews strongly disliked the Septuagint Bible because the Christians were using it B. Josephus wrote his history declaring only 22 books sacred about 100 A.D. after the council of Javneh (90 A.D.) throughout the Deutero Canonical books. Part #7. The Post-Christ Jews were (and still are) Anti-Christian, Part #6. The early Protestant rebels tried fo throw out more then just the Deutero Canonical books. B. Originally even the King James Version of the Bible contain the Deutero Canonical books Part #9. Christ referenced the Deutero Canonical books in the New Testament. 21/12/2001 apolo 10 Pagina 2 de 2 Part #10. Only the Catholic Church has the authority to determine Scripture. http://www. catholicapologetics net/apolo_10.htm 21/12/2001 Pagina 1de4 “The Septuagint was the accepted Canon at the time of Christ. Christ quoted from it and the ‘early Christians accepted it as their own. -+++(1955 Jewish encyclopedia) the quolalions fom the Okt Testament found nthe new, are mail ffom the Seplumgint to, and even when Cltation ls indirect he inference ffthe Sepiuagint version fz clearly seen’ (volume, p 188) '++4(1950 Pelouhet' Bible dictonary) says" the sepluaglnt was Irarifesty the Chief store house fom which Christin hi Aposties {rough their proofs and precepts(p. 604 through 605) +e4(The Imparal Eneyclopedla and Dictionary vole 34 4803)/Apocryphe applies fo a number af wring Tb, de, Wis, Sr Ber, ‘we, 2Me, ana pars of Eat and Dn. which ihe Sepluagin’ captained and circulated among the Jews, And were respected by he early Christiane.” ‘17+ he 1955 Jewish encyclopacia esys! the appearance of the ‘Septuagint(which the Jewe ofthe Chistian centuries rejected) was ‘eeted enthusiaam everywhere; but wth the rise ofthe Chistien ‘and is adaption ofthe version ofthe Bible, the Jews began to denounce # vehemently, accusing the Christians of felafying the Greeks texts.a year and their'(o. 693), ++++(Abingdon Bible Handbook 1968)"The wide use ofthe Grook Bible (The Sepluagind inthe early church and is translation ilo Latin bead to the perpetuation of the oooks 2nd partons Protestants now callthe ‘Agoctypha... These Dooks were later included by the councls of GO3AD) , Carthage G57 AD) and Trent (1542A.D)" ‘+++ (The encyctopartia Americana 1095 }says"The Chuislians used @ Canon based on the 3rd century B.C. (Greek tanstation called the sepliagint™ ++t(0EFENDING THE DEUTER CANONICALS 1996)"The Christin secepiance of the Deutero Canonical books was logical because the Devtero Canonicals were aleo Included inthe Septuagint the Greekcedion of the Old Testament which the aposties used to evangelize the world, Mote than Two thd ofthe Old ‘Testament quotations inthe New are fom the Septuagint” ++++(The Deutero Canonicals 1997)"The term “Deulero Cancnicals” refers to those lexis whose authoritative positon in srpture wae doubled or debated. These texts ate 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobi, Judith, Visiom, Srach (@leo called Eoclesiastics), Baruch, 1nd 2 Maocabees, the prayer of Manacsch, Bel and ine Dragon, the ‘Song of the Thres Fly Children, te Histor of Susenna, and adios tothe books af Esther and Danie ‘These scriptures ongirated from the Septuagint renslation of he Sie, This Greek translation was used by catty Chistian missionaries" ++++(Cathol Information Natwerk 1996)"The earlest Now Testament documents are Pau. He used Septuagint eetions hetefore he kneW ofthe Deitero Canonicals. One supposes that Mathew, Mark, and “ohn also knew the whole Septuagint. Luke is 0 familar wth ft, that he sable closely to imitate Rs syle is liom these writers that we Rave the words of Jesus" 4+44(A Dictionary ofthe Bile, 1964 p-799}eays" Christ end hie apostles used Sepluaaint fequenll. In quoting ftom the Od Testament sometimes they ced the Sepfuagint verbatim or vath unimportant verbal changes: ‘There are about 350 quotations ffom the Olé Testament i the gospel. The Acts, andthe epistles, The Ethiopian eunuch wham Phiip met was reading the Septuagint (Acts vi. 30:33)" +++4{Mme Bie Through the Ages 1996)"The Hebrew Bible inheried by the eay Christians and used inthe “Smetgent church was the tansiatlon into Greek known as the Septuagint. When Christians quoted from the (Old Testament, they invariably foo their wording fom the Septuagint” +++4(The Bible Through the Ages 1995)'Or he early church sccepled the Septuagint as their version ofthe Hebrew Scripture, or Od Testament.” +++ (Bible Oyciopacia, 1914. 636) states “its (he Septuagint’) wide circulation among Jews before Chris, providentialy prepared the way forthe Gospel. I's completion was commemorated by 8 Yeey feast al ‘Alexandria (Philo, Vi Moe. i). ie general use le proved by the manner off quotation inthe N. 1: 4444 (The ancyetonecta international 1982 says" when Paulin the other Chisians preatures began to carry the gospeto the gentile lands, hey based thle preaching on the Septuagint, before he the frst New ‘Testament document was penned ) hnttp://Aywiw 21/12/2001 Pagina 2 de 4 +++¢(The Deuiero Canonicals 1995)"The Apastes and Christians in general, used the ‘Saptuaglnt, alsa called (0K. a8 their Bible the frat contury. This upest the Jes, so they decided to calla counal to dea! wath the matter. The Sepluagin! is the Old Testament translation ino Greek rom Hebrew, which the Jews completed at ‘Alexendi in the second century B.C., andi had all 45 books ineluding the Deutera Canonical +++4(The Dautaro Canonicals 1995) Christians continued to use the Sepiuagi. In 207 the Old Teatement ‘anon containing all 46 books was formalized along with the 27 inspired books ofthe New Testament atthe Council of Carthage. St. Jerome completed a Latin anlation ofthe entre Bien 405, called the Vulgats \hich can sill be found today. always ad al'73 books, All Christan Bibles forthe next 1100 years had al Tabooks” +t+#(The Bible Through the Ages 19067"By the fret century A D,, the Chitin communities wihin te Roman Empie, whose common language was Greek, tad adopted the Greek transition of the Hebrew Ete, known, as the Septuagint, as their um Sacted Scriptures. lonicaly, the Greek transition served Christiane in thelr theological disputes with Jews” +++4(Enoyoiopedto Dictionary ofthe Bible 1969) "At rst the 12 [Sepluagig] was highly regarded by al the ‘Jes, spread trom Egypt fo the whole Jewish Diaspora and became theofficial Bible Greek ‘Judaism. The New Testament writers, wing in Greek or Greek speaking people, usualy quoted from the OT ‘according tothe LXX [Sepluaginl] Naturally, therefore the XX also became the offeol Old Testament ofthe tly Church, and ti a he offciat Ord Testament ofthe Greek Church, of bath the Uniate and the Sohismatic Christians. However, after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A... when Jewich opposition to (Chnstanty Became more pronounced and Judaism cystaized ts rabbinical form, the LX (Septuagin’, though originally made by Jews for Jews, was (owned on By the Jews ee 2 gus Christian Book" ‘+e+(Enoyciopedis Dictionary ofthe Bible 1963) "The great hisiorical importance of the LXX [Septuaging] hes in the fac that was in the Old Testament of early Christianity” +£+4(Enoyelopedic Dictionary ofthe Bible 1963) "Moreover, within Palestine atleast some of the Deulero ‘Canonical books, which are not now in the Hebrew Bibl, were known and received in some cicles as sacred (€9.Sit, which was used at Gurnran)” ‘++4(The Imperial Encyclopedia and Dictionary volume 34 1903)"Sepluaget, the most ancient extent Greek \tanslaion ofthe Hebrew Old Testament. The one in common use in Palestine at the time of Chis” ‘s+4(The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia 1204)’ The Sepluacint which contained Dewtero Canonical books 'S of greal importance from is effects upon the direction ofthe New Testament, and as a source ofa large pat Of the religious anc theological vocabulary ofthe Greek fathers and though the Latin version ofthe Greek the ‘Wigate) ts intuence on the the Lain fahers and athe Western nations to the present-day" ‘+++(The Imperial Encyclopedia and Dictionary volume 34 1903)'However it the Septsagin) found ts vay into Palestine also; and atthe fine of the composilon ofthe New Testement t seems fo have superseded the ‘original, considering thatthe New Testament quotations fom the Old Testament are almost alvays taken from the Le ‘++4(Enayclopedic Ditionary ofthe Bible 1963) “From the New Testament i clear thal atthe fime of Christ there was a definate collection of books... is writers were acquainted with and ofen oie tom the LXX [Septuagint” ‘++4(Dietionary of Biblical Literacy 1986 "This Gresk tox! [Septuaging] was not only wily used by Jews but ‘was known a5 well by numerous "God fearing” Genflles who were allraced to the high moral teachings ofthe (id Testament, even though they had not themselves become converts fo Judaism. One can thus readily Lnderstand how and why early Christanty, as spread among Greek-spacking 2 Jews and Gentle, this Grack tox. fact, the majoriy of Oki Testament quotations in the New Testament are based! on this translation” ++++(The New Work Dicionary Concordance to the New American Bible 1970,)"The Chistian Church made the Septuagint is own, and this text assumed enotmous importance in the cieputes between Christians and Joys. This undoubtedly explaine why Judsism detached fself more and mere fom the ancient translation and _allempled new enes, : ‘>ee(Backgrourd To The Biba, An inroduction to Scripture Study 1978."The New Testament quotes tom the longer Sepluagen! Greek [which did confan the Deutero Canonical books, Tb, st, Wie, Sit, Bat, 1M, 2M, and parts of Esl and Dn. Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible 1963, 310} canon no less than 350 times." ‘+++(Background To The Bible, An introduction to Scripture Study 1978,y-With he exception of Meito of Sardis (171 A.D} wnters ofthe frst three centuries tealed Deutero Canonical books as they did the Canonical ones. ‘The Greek Bible was received and used by the featly} Church.” ‘+++(E:rala of the King James 1985)" We know that buy the time of Civ the Deulero Canonical books were ‘2xc9pt pat ofthe Septuagint http://www 21/12/2001 Pagina 3 de 4 +A{The Catholic Eneyslopadia, 1913)" The Sepiusgint isthe most ancien transition of the Old Testament ‘and consequently is invaluable fo cris for understancing and correcting the Hebrew text (Massorah), the later such as has core down tous, boing the text estabished by the Massoretes inthe sich century A.D. ‘Many textual comictone, additions, omissions, or transposons must have crept Into the Hebrew tet ‘between the third and second centures &.C. and the sath and seventh centuries of our era the manuscripts therefore which the Seventy had at thelr disposal, may in places have been better than the Massoretc manuscripts.” ++#(The Catholic Eneyctopedtia,1213)" The Septuagint Version accepted fst by the Alexandiian Jews, and atervards by all the Greek-speaking counties, helped to spread among the Genfles the dea and the expectation of the Messi, and to ntioduce inio Greek the theological terminology that mace ita most ‘fable insirument forthe propagation of the Gospel of Ch.” +++4(The Catholic Enoyelonedta.1913) “The Jows made use of long before the Cian Era, and inthe time ‘of Chvet was recogniced ae alogiimate text, and was employed in Palestine even by the rabbis, The Aposties anc Evangelists uliced t also and borrowed Old Testament cfatons from ft, espectally In regard to the prophecies. The Fathers and the other ecclesiastical wrilrs ofthe gary Church dew upon & ether direclly, 26 inthe case ofthe Greek Fathers or inrecly. ke the Latin Fathers and wnlers and others who ‘employed Latin, Syiao, Ethiopian, Arabio and Gothic versions. I was hed tin high esteem by all, ome even Seley repred Consequtnty,akrowindge ofthe Sepiagit hops a pared undeisanaig tess atures.” ‘t+#(The Columbia Encyclopedia Fifth Elton Copyright 1983)" The orginal Ot Testament canon was the Sepluaginl, long used in the Greek speaking church and sill etained by the Orthodox churches” 4+++(The Catholo Encyclopedia 1913) "Sent delegated, among whom was Arsteas, to Jerousalom, to asic Eleawar, the Jewish high-ptea, fo provide him witha copy of the Law, and Jews capable of trancationg into (Greek. The embassy was successful «renly emamented copy ofthe Law was sent to him and eoventy- 00 Isroeites, sik rom each tbe.” ++++(The Catholic Eneyctopecta, 1913) “The transation was readin presence ofthe Jewish priests, princes, and people assembled at Alexandia, who all tecoghized and praloed fs perfect confosmly withthe Hebrew: ‘riginal™ -tee(The Columtia Ercyclopadia, Fith Eclion Copyigh! 1985)"Transiations can assume the slatus of inspied text, as did the Greek translation of the Jewish Serptures (Ihe Septuagin) in the Jevésh and Christian commeniies.” ++44(The Cathotle Eneyclopedia,1913)* The Jews inthe last wo centuries B.C. were so numerous in Eayet, ‘especially at Alexandria, that at certain lime they formed fwo fits fo the entire popuation. Lite by Iie ‘eat of them opased to use and even forgot the Hebrew language in great pal, and there was a danger of {helt forgetting he Law- -+++(f Diclonary ofthe Bible, 1954 p-7E9)-Chiers Haquent reteiences to the Deuieio Canonical cleaity shovrs them pat ofthe Jewish Septuagint inthe first century” +++#(The Catholle Encyciopedia, 1913) “the Sepluagint was received as official by the Greek-speaking Jews" ‘¢+4[The Pocket Bible Dictionary 1996)'Septuagint itis of unequal ment and often sites from the Hebrew {ex I'ias Used inthe eynagogues atthe ime of Christ and fesue daually quote from inthe Greek Tesiament” “+++(The Cathofe Enoyciopedia, 1913)" Ilyas finally received even by the Jews of Palestine and vas. ‘empioyedt notably by Josephus, the Palestinian Jevaich historian” ‘t44(The Cathote Eneyeiopedia,1913)"The three most celebrated mennscrips of the Septuagint known are Vatican, “Codex Vaticanus” (fourth century; the Alexenchian, “Codex Aiexaninus” fifth century), now in the rlich Museum, London; and thal of Sina, "Codex Sinaicus” (lout century), found by Tischendort inthe ‘convent of St. Catherine, on Mount Sal, n 1844 and 1849, now part at Leipzig and in part n St. Peterebura, ‘they ere all untten in uncial, ‘+1#(The Cathote Encyclopedia.1913) “The ancient Greek Old Testament known as the Sepluagin was the ‘vehicle which conveyed these ational Scriptures info the Catholic Church. The Septuagint version was the Bible ofthe Grock speaking, of Helene, Jie, whose inlellectual and lerary cenlte was Alexandia (see SEPTUAGINT). The oldest extant copies date fom the fourth and ith cenlurfes of our efa, and were therefore ‘made by Cristian hands, nevertheless scholars generally acm that these flfflly represent the Old Testament as twas current among the Helenst or Alexandlian Jews in he age immediatly preceding Chvist +se(Enoyclopedia Judaica, vol. 8. p. 1147). “There are approximately 250 quotaiions in the New Testament of the Oi¢ Testament. Of hese 350 quolaions 300 come ftom the Greek Septuagint. was he Old Testament Bible of the first century Christions, Jesus quoted fom #. The Septuagint cluded the Deutero Canorical books which Protectants cal the “Apocrypha” The Jews in Ethiopie t this day stil flow the seme identical hitp://vww.catholicapologetics net/dut_3.htm 21/12/2001 Pagina 4 de4 ‘canon which s found inthe Catholic Od Testament which includes these seven Qeutero Canonical books” +++(The Books of The Bible 1997 p.102)"One group of Jews rejected Jesus, The olher group accepted Jesus. CChristas their Messiah and became completed Jews orin other words Ohvsllana. The Flabrew Canon ofthe ‘majorty of today's Jews is the caron that was setting Upon by a group af Rabbis meeting in Jarmnia{auneh] in 90 AD. However, hese Rabbis were exclusively those wha rejected leat (and a ofthe New Testament ‘Aths same meeting they alsa required all Jews fo curse the Name of Jesus.) The other gioup, the complcied ‘Jews, of Chiesians, accepted the Deuter-Canonical books as equally inspted. This cen be seen inthe \wifings where they use and quote ftom these books and even call them Holy Scrptare” ++++(Serpture alone? 1999)"The Now Testament quoles the old Testament about 360 times, and in ‘approximately 300 of those instances (86%), the quotation ie taken ftom the Septuagint, a Greek translation of {te Okt Testament in widespread use al the of Chit. The Septuagint contained the Dewlero Canonical books. !Xis therefore unreasonable and present rick to ¢ay that Chrict and his apostles acoopied a shorter O18 Testament Canon, asthe clear majority ofthe Ge they Used an O44 Testament version wich aid contained the seven books in queston.~ ++++(Scripture alone? 1989)"Take the case of SI. Paul, whose missionary journeys and kts were directed to Hellenistic religions outside Palestine. It his been noted for example, that in his sermon at Anloch i Pica ‘pre-supposed a thorough acquainjance among his hears with the Sepluagint and al tial oneee a Christen ‘community had been founded, the content of fis leltersfo ls members" beathed the Septuagin® obvious, ‘Si, Paul was supporting a longer Canon of the Oki Testament by his rouline appeal othe Septuagint” +++(Cathoie infomation Network 1998)"Tho earliest New Testement documents ate Pauls. He used ‘Sepluagint ofations; therefore he kniew ofthe Deutefo Ganonicals. One supposes thal Matthew, Matk, and John also knew the whole Septuagint. Luke is o falar wih that he Gable closely to imitate ts syle. I is tom these vaers that we have the words of Jesus” ++++(Haringion in New Catholic Commentary, 1995.)"The Deutero Canonical ook ofthe Bible are found in the Septuagint.the Grask translaion ofthe Old Testament done in Alexandra fone Sd la the 2nd cantries B.C. About 80% ofthe quotations and alusions to the Oi Testament in the New Testament are to the. Sepiuagnt no io the Hebrewible. Ths is particulary rue of Paul (Auzou. Formation of the Elbe, p. 331) and Pau asciple Luke = ‘e4(hiew Cathos Encyclopedia 1967 p.195 J'An exaninalion ofthe New Testament use ofthe Olt ‘Testament shows thal the New Testament ites had the same broad view ofthe sacred books asthe Hellenist and Qumran Jews had of them. The New Testament wiles knew and tsed a filer collection that included the so-called Deutere Canonical Books. The Old Testament ofthe early Church was not the. ‘Masorelic Text (\T), bu the Septuagint (O00), whch contained tne Deutero Canonical ae wel as the proto ‘Canonical Books. inthe LAX the former were not, a in some later versions, relegated to a limbo of doubt by ‘Being grouped together in a place apart Rather they were interspersed throughout the whole Old Testament ‘and assigned to places where they seemed best{o ft.” ‘s+s(The Canon of The Chnisians 1587 p78 J" The word Septuagint means "seventy" which (according to legend) was the number of elders of Israel who did the aneiaton ilo Greek at Alexancita, Egypt. diflere textualy with Hebrew Bible and is divided into four divicions: the La, Historical Books, Peeteal and Wisdom ‘books andi nally books ofthe Prophets. Compares fo the Hebrew Biba, has era books wihvch now extet In Catholic Old Testemenl #3 cornmonly believed that afer the destruction ofthe Jerweatem temple in 70 CE, the Jews under the leadership of Yahanan ben Zakkal deciled at Jarnnla (or Javneh) lo adopt the Hebrew Seipture 28 their canon. Whether Jarnnia council really happened is off under debate and even Int do, tna Jewish Canon was rol seled dow in the fel century” ++e(The Canon of The Chvistians 1987 p.102 The Early Christians folowed Septuagint and ited 44 books hich agreed with today’s Catholic Old Testament of 46 books. The diferenceintofal number i because he combined Lamentation and faruch (with Letter of Jeremiah) wth Jeremiah” http://www catholicapotogetics.neUdut_3.htm 21/12/2001 ant Pagina I de3 ‘The Septuagent at the time of Christ contain the Deutero Canonical books these references clearly prove this. ‘s++(Encjcipedia Americana 1905)" those earliest Ganile Christians had the Jewish soiptses in 2 Greek translation... This Creek Old esiament (the sepltaisind had slready been supplemented by tne so-cales Apocrypha. In he early Chisian services of worehip, throughout ‘he Greeks speaking Mectertanean word and even as for East 2s the Euphrates, I's the Groak Biba that was read and ‘expounded'(p. 690 though €81) Sackgrourd To The Bible, An introduction to Scripture Study 1876 )"The New testament quotes fom the longer Septuagent Greek [nhich di contain the Delero Canonical books, Tb, Jo, Wis, Sir Bar, 1Me, 2Mc, and parts of Est and Bn. Encyclopedic Dictonary ofthe Bible 1963, 310] canon no fess than 350 times, ++++(Catholc Information Network 1996)"The eatist Now “Testament documents are Paufs, He used Septuagint cations; therefore ne knew of the Deutero Canonical. One supposes ‘hat Matthew, Mark, and John alco knew the whole Septuagint Luke ic so falar with, that he i abi closely to imate tseiyle. tis tom these writers that we have the words of esis” 444+(Background To The Bible, An intoduction to Scripture ‘Study 1978 With the exception af Mello of Satis (171 AD), ‘ules ofthe fis! twee centuries Wealed Deutevo Canonical books 2s hey did the Canonical ones. The Greek Bible was received end! used by the [ear] Church’ ++42(Glossary of tems related to Judalsm 1953)"Apocryphe: From the Greek, meaning “te hide” or “lo uncover Ite used in a technicel sense to refer fo certain Jewish hooks writen inthe Hellenlsticlomean period that wee included in the Old Greek Jewish (Septuagint) captures (and thus in the Easiern Christian bilcal Canon) and in he Latin Vulgate Ronan Catholic Ganon, bul nel in the Jewich or Protestant bibieal canons. See also able, Septuagint ‘s++(Scrptue alone? 1980)"The New Testament quotes the Old Testament about 350 times, and in approximately 300 of those instances (8898), fe quotation is faken fo phiagin, = Greek trenton of fie Of Testament in wklespread wee at ne OF Christ. The soptuagint Contained the Deutero Canonical books. is therefore unreasonable and present risk to say that Christ and his apostles accepted a shorter Old ‘Testament Caron, as the clear majority ofthe ime they used an OM Testament version which did contained fe seven books in question” *+2(The Bible Through the Ages 1986)"The Septuagint include allo the books of portions of books that now belong tothe Apocrypha ofthe Protestant Bible and thal ae inckded nthe canons othe Roman Catholic, Greek. and Slavonic Bibles Interestingly, much ofthe Septuagint ‘en verges signicantly From the authorialive Hebrew text that has come down tous For example, the Sepitiagint version ofthe Book of ‘Jeremiah appears rearranges when compared to the Hebrew text te Bak af Job s sharer, Esther and Denie, longer Some ciscrepancies ‘Suggest that the Greek translation cefects a version ofthe Hebrew of the Hebrew text dated cartier than the received, or tancarc, text. The fact ‘hat come ofthe Dead Sea Scrall manusorpis apres more closely withthe Septuagint than wih the received text supports euch a conclusion = ‘+++(The Bible Through the Ages 1996)"Many scholars believe thatthe canonization of the Hebrew Bible took place over along period of ime: and thal the three divisions ofthe Bible represent the stages of canonization. The entre canon wes prcbably complete sometime in the frst ceniuy AD" ‘+++(The Bible Through the Ages 1996)"The Apocryphe was included inthe Septuagint he Greek ranslation of the Hebrew Sible, Roman Catholic, Greek, Slavonic, Arment, and Ethiopian Biles olow the Septuagint and add the Apocrypha to their Old Testament canons +44+(Gorptue alone? 1999) Take the case of St. Paul, whose missionary joumey's and ities were drecicd fo Hellenistic religions outside Palesiin. thas been nated for exampie, that in hie sermon at Antioch in Psd ‘pre eupposed a thorough acquainianne among his hears with ‘he Sepluagint’ and al that onces a Christan communty nad been founded, the content of his leer fo lis members breathed the Septuagint ‘obviously, St Pail was supporting a longer Canon ofthe Old Testement by his routine appeal to the Septuagint ‘+++(Tae Columbia Encyciopedia, Fith Eton Copyright 1963)"The Canon of the Septuagint inchided the hooks ofthe later Hebrew canon, with {he eduition of several others, most of which were those now reckoned Deulero Canonical by Roman Calholics and apocryphal by Protestants” ++++(Errata ofthe Kdng James 1965)" We know that by the time of Christ the Deulero Canonical books were except part ofthe Septuagint” ‘+++(Harrington in New Cathoke Commentary, 1996.)"The Deutero Canonical books ofthe Bible are found in the Septuagintine Greek JTansiaon ofthe Old Testament done in Alexandta Romie dra tothe 2nd canturas 8.0. About 60% ofthe quotations and allusions tothe Old Testament n the New Testament ar@to the Septuagint, not fo he Hebrew Bible. This is parlouiay true of Pau (Auzou. Formation of the Bible, 331) and Pauts daciple Luke ™ ‘+++(Dietionary of Cutural Lieracy 1983)° Apocrypha From the Greek word “apokryphos", meaning “hidden” of “unknown” comprised of 14 books. Religious wntings of uncertain ongin which are accepled and regarded by Some as inspired, such as Roman Cathobcs, they have been http://www. catholicapologetics neVdut_4.him 21/12/2001 dut4 Pagina 2 de3 rejected by most suthoies. They are not considered as having the same authorty as the Canonical books. 7 ofthe 14 apocryphal books are Included inthe Septuagint and the Vulgate as part of the OX Testament, ++4(The Deutero Canonicals 1997)"The term “Deutero Cenanleals” refers to those texts whose authortalive posi in scripture was doubled or ‘debated. These texts are 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobf, Juclth, Wisdom, Sirach (also called Ecclesiaslicus), Garuch, | and 2 Maccabees, the prayer of Manaseeh, 8el and the Dragon, the Song ofthe Thvee Holy Chien, the History of Susanna, and adiione to the books of Esther and Daniel ‘These sorpiures originated ftom the Septuagint traneltion of the Bibie This Greek translation wes used by early Chrctan missionaries” ‘+++(The Imperal Encydopedia and Dictonary volume $4 1903)’ Apocrypha apples to @ number of wating Tb, Jo, Wis, Sir, Bar, 1Mc, 2M, ane paris of Est and Dn. which the Septiagint contained an¢ circulated among the Jaws, And wore respacted by the early Chritlans.” +4+4(Pinfoplease A toZ Dictionary 1997Y'axpocxy-pha 2 group of 14 books, not considered canonical, included in the Septuagint and the \Velgale as part ofthe Old Testament, bul usually omitted fom Protestant ediione ofthe Bible” ‘+++ (DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1996)"The Christan acceptance ofthe Deuteto Canonical books was logical because the Deuteto Canonical were also included in the Sepiuagine ‘t+#(The Apocryphs, copyrights: 1989,1050,1038) The Apoorypha onsite of the books that are found in the Geek version ofthe Jewish Bible— the Sepiuagin, the ealeet complete version ofthe ible was possece bul thal were not Inclded is nal, canonical version ofthe 90 A.D Hebrew Bible. For this teason, hey were called “Apocrypha, the nicdan or secret book, and while they formed part ofthe orginal King James Version of 1611, (The Apocrypha, by Edgar J. Good speed, copyrights: 1909, 1959,1038) ‘11 (Abingdon ile Handbook 068)"The wide seo he Gesk tle (The Sepuagh nthe eatly cc ae encanto the petpelualion ofthe books and postions Protestants pow callthe Apooy/pha... These books were later inckided by the councis of Hoppo GE3AD), Carthage (297 A.D.) and Trent (1542AD)" +++4(DEFENDING THE DEUTERD CANONICALS 1996)"the Greek eatin ofthe Old Testament wich the apocties used to evangelize the ‘World More than tw thirds of the Old Testament quotations in the Neve are trom the Sepluagm. Yel the aposties no where fod ther converts fo ‘avoid seven Books (Baruch, Sitach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobi, Judih, and the Wiedom of Solomon, plus portions of Esther and Daniel) of. Uke the Jews allover the world who used the Septuagint, the early Christians accepted the books they found in. They knev that the aposties ‘would not mislead them and endanger thelr souls by puflng false serplures i thelr hands — especally without warning them against them” ‘++#(The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Third Edition Copyright © 1694)" The Old Testament long used in the Chistian church was ‘based on a diferent text, the Septuagint, a Hellenistic Jewish trancaion into Greek abott the 3d cent. 6.0.” ‘+H(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1896)But the apostles cid not merely place the Deutero Canonicalsin the hands oftheir converts as part ofthe Septuagint. They cegulatly refered fo the Deuiero Canonical in theit wriings. For example, Hebrews 11 encourages us {o emulate ne heroes of the Old Testament an in he Oh Tesiamenk ‘Women received their deed oy resurrection. Some were tortured reusing 19 aocept release, tna hey mighl ise again fo a better fe (Heb 11-35), ‘s+2(The Deutere Canonicals 1995)"The Aposies end Christians in general, used the ‘Septuagint alo calad LX, as ther Bible in the frst century. This upset the Jaws, co they decided fo calla councl fo deal wit the matter. The Septuagint fs the Old Testament tansiaion info Greek fom Hebrew, which the Jews completed al Alexandra in the second century &.., and thd all 46 books including the Deutero- Canonicals.” +++4(The Columba Encyciopedia, Fit Edion Copyright1993)-Sepluagint_The Gresk... included the books ofthe Apocryphe.. twas the version used by Hellenistic Jews and the Greek-epeaking Christians, inciting St Paucit fs st used inthe Greek Church” ‘++*(Encarta Concise Encyclopedia 1998)"Sepiuaginl anolont Greek translation ofthe Hebrew Old Testament. The name derives fram the Latin word septzaginta (seventy), wich refers fo the number of people once Deleved fo have transiated he Hebrew Bible info Greek. The Torah (irs {Wa books ofthe Ois Testamen) probably had been transiated Ino Greek bythe Sra cenlury 2c to accommodate Greok- fo accommodate Greek-cpeeking Jews ouside (of Palestine. The translation ofthe remaining books ofthe Hebrew Old Testament, which together wih te Apociypha became the ble of the ‘eaily Chistian Church, forms a complicated history.” ‘s++(The Deutero Canonicals 1995)" Crisians continued to use the Sepluagin. In 387 the Oki Testament Canon containing al 46 books Was ‘ermalized along wih the 27 pred books ofthe New Testament at fhe Counel of Carthage. St Jerome completed a Lai tranolation of the ‘tte Bible in 405, called the Vulgate! which can sillbe found today. lt aivays had all 73 books. All Civitan Esbles for the next 1100 years had 3173 books" ‘+++(The Columbia Encyelopedts, Fith Eaton Sopy ‘Sepluagin..The Greek... ncuded the books ofthe Apocrypha. It was the version used by Hellenitic Jews and the Greek speaking Christians, including St. Paul tis lll used in the Greek Chur.” ‘++2(Dietlonary of Bibical Literacy 1988 ‘Scholars consider Codex Vaticanus (or Vaticanus B) one ofthe most important uncial manuscript. ‘Wallen shorty ater A. 300, iis manuscript otginaly contained al ofthe Septuagint and all the New Testament art ofthe letter tothe Hebron, the Pastoral Letiers, and the book of Revelation nave been lost, Some portions ofthe Old Testament section ofthis manuscript ico have been lbs, bu what remains is «useful source of information about the text ofthe OT. [tis housed inthe Vatican Library +++(Oietionary of Bical Leracy 1986 Among Christians i was apparel only lathe Ah centuy thal the iste of the canon ofthese http://www catholicapologetics net/dut_5.htm 21/12/2001 Pagina 2 de 4 So Heese ov he Devterm Canonical books] aroga,a sation which was reflected in Jerome's placing these books in @ separated Se Valgatc transition ofthe Od Testament” <*Sackgound To The Bible, An introduction to Serpe Study 1978.) The New Testament quotes from the longer Sepluagent Greek [which (Geconiain the Deutefo Canonical books, Tb, Jel, Wis, Si, Bar, 1Me, 2Mc and parls of Esl and Dn. Eneyclopedie Dictionary ofthe Bible 1068, $340) Canon no les than 350 times. ‘== (Sacksrourd To The Bible, An Intoduction to Scripture Stucy 1978 With the evcaption of Meito of Saraie (171 A.D), vers ofthe frst ‘ee cenlies treated Deulero Canonical books as they di he Canonical ones, The Greek Bible wes feceWved and used by the fea) Church” ‘tee(The Deutero Cencricals 1965)"The Apostes and Chvistons in general, used the “Septuagint, also called LXX, a thelr Biba in the fet ‘century This upeet he Jew, 29 they decided fe cal cour o deel with the maller. The Sepltagin ic the Old Testament trancaton into ‘Greek from Hebrew, wich the Jews completed al Alexandkia in the second century B.C.and had ll 46 books Inchiding the Detiero Canonical” ++44(Emraia ofthe King Jories 1965) "We knour that by the time of Crist the Dettero Canonical books were except part ofthe Sepiuagint” -++2(he Catholic Enayciopedia, 1813) "The Jews made use oft long before the Christian Era, and in the time of Ohrst was recognised as & legitimate tex, and was employes in Palestine even Dy the rabbis. The Apostles and Evangalist utleed f aeo and borroved Olé Testament ‘lations from it, especially in segard tothe prophecies. The Fathers and the other eoclesiastical vies of tho early Church diew upon it, ellhor dliectly, 26 inthe case ofthe Greek Fathers, of ndFeaty Ike the Latin Fathers and wilers and others who employed Lath, Syriac. Ethiopian, ‘Arabic ahd Gothioversons. I vas hel fin high esteem by al, some even Deleved finepred. Consequenty, = knowledge ofthe Septuagint helps to a perfect understancing of these Itaratures +++4(Cathofe Information Network 1996)"The earliest New Testament documents are Pau. He used Septuagin cations; therefore he knew of ‘the Dettero Canonicals. One supposes thal Matthew, Mark, endl John also knew the whole Sepiuagint Luke i so familar with at he fe able closely fo nile ts eye. Ils rom these waters thal we have the words of Jesus ‘+++(The Imperial Eneyclopedia and Dictionary volume 34 1903)"Apocrypha applies to 3 number ofwiting Tb, Jet, We, Sir, Bar, (Mo, 2Me, end paris of Est'and Dn. which ihe Septuagint contained and ctculated among the Jie, And were respected by the early Chestians” ++++(Abingdon Bible Handhook 1968)"The wide use ofthe Greek Bible (The Septuagint) n the early church and is fanslation into Latin fead to the perpetuation ofthe books and portions Protestants now callthe Apocrypha... These books wefe later cluded by tne councis of Hoppo GSSAD), Carthage G37 AD.) and Trent (1582AD)" +++4(Harington in New Catholic Commentary, 1985 The Deutero Canonical books ofthe Bible are found in the Septiaginl he Greek transiation of the Old Testament done in Alexandria fromthe Sr tothe 2nd cenluties B.C. About 80% of the quotations and allusions lo the Old ‘Testament in the New Testament are to the Seplugot, no lo the Hebrew Bible. This fs patleulaty tte of Paul (Auzou. Formation of the Bible, p 331) and Pale doin Lake” ‘++e(The Cathote Enoyciopedia.1913)"The thiee most alebrated manuscript ofthe Septuagint known are the Vatican, “Codex ‘Vatieanus” (fourth century) the Alexandrian, "Codex Alexandrinuc” (th century), now in the British Mugeum, London; and thal of Sina, “Codex Shnaficus” fourth ceniuy), found by Tischendor nthe convent of S Catherine, on Mount Sina, in 1844 and 1848. now part at Leipalg ann Partin St Petersburg: they are afl rien in uncias.* +++#(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONIGALS 1896) "tn ordesfo combat the spreading Chris cut, able met t me aly of Jemnis er davneh in AD. 90 to determine wich booke were tray the Word of God. They pronounced many books, incucing the Gospels, fo be unit as ‘scriptures, This canon aiso excluded seven books (Baruch, Siech, 1 and2 Maccabees, Tobt,Judih, and the Wisdom of Solomon, plus (of Esther and Daniel that Crisis considered part ofthe Okd Testament” ‘+++( Encyclopedia Judaica, yol 6 p. 1147)."The group of Jawe wich mst at Javneh became the dominant group for later Jewish history, and today moet Jews accept the cancn of Jayneh, However, some Jews, sich asihose liom Ethiopia, folow a clferent Cancn which fs kentical to ‘the Catholic Old Testament and includes the seven Deutero Canonical Books ‘+++(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICAL 1996)"The Chiistan acceptance ofthe Dettero Canonical books was logical because the Deulero Canonicals were also included inthe Septuagint, the Greek edilon ofthe Okd Testament which the apostles used to evangelize the ‘work. More than two thirds ofthe Old Testament quotations in the New ate from the Sepluagint. Yet the apostles nowhere fod thelr converts fo ‘avoid seven books (Baruch, Sirach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobi, Judith, and the Wisdom of Solomon, plus potions of Esther and Daniel off Like the Jews allover the world who used the Septuagint, the aly Ciristans accepted the Books they found int. They knew thatthe apostias ‘would rot mislead them and endanger their souls by putting false scriptures in thelr bands — especialy wthout warning them against hem.” ++HDEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1996)"But the apostles did not merely place the Deulero Canonicals in the hands oftheir ‘convents as part ofthe Septuagint. They requiary refered fo the Deulero Canonicals in their vaings. For exemple, Hebrews 11 encourages Us {p emuale the nerves ofthe Cle Teslarnen! arm nthe Old Taslament "Wemen received their dead ty resurrection Some were tortured, ‘refusing to accept reloaco, that they might rise again fo a beter Iie" (Heb. 1735). +++4(Gathollc Information Network 1956)"The eatlest NewTestament documents are Pau, He used Septuacint citations therefore he knevs of ‘he Dettero Canonicals. One supposes that Matthew, Mark, and Jonn also knew the whole Septuagint Luke is so familar wih it that he is able Closely to inate isctvc. Its rom these wallers that we have the words of Jecus." http://www 21/12/2001 dut $ Pagina 3 de 4 ++44(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1996)-The Canon of Scnpture, Okt and New Testament, was tnaly setled atthe Counc of Rome in 982, under the ahoriy of Pope Damasus LI as soon reafimed on numetous occasions. The same canon was affimed at the Counc of Hippo in 388 and atthe Counel of Carlhage in 307 in 405 Pope Innocent I eaffimed the canon ina oiler to Bishop Eaperus of ‘Toulouse. Another council al Carhage, his one inthe year 419, reamed the Canon ofits ptedecessors and asked Pope Boniface to “oonfirn {his Canon, for these are the tings which we have receiv ffom out fathers fo be feac in shuren” Ml ofthese Canons were idemical tothe smeder Catholie Ble, and al of nam inched the Deutero Canonical <7 H{DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1990)"This exact same canon was imply affimed athe seventh ecumenical count ‘Neaea (767), which approved the resuts ofthe 419 Council of Carthage, and expltly eaffimed atthe ecumenical councils of Florence “Trent (1548), Vaioan | (1870), and Vatioan It (1065) ‘+1#(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO GANONIGALS 1996)" rue thal Jerome, and afew olne Isolates wrers, dd not accept most of the DDoutore Canonicais 2s Scripture. However, Jerome wes persuaded, against his orginal incination, to include the Deutero Canonical In his Vulgate aon ofthe Serptres ectmny i he fet ha the books Were commonly accepted and wee expected 0 be elued nay eon ofthe Sexptures” +++(DEFENDING THE DEUTERO CANONICALS 1996)'Furthermore It can be documented tha in is ater years Jerome did aeceptcattain Deuleo Cananical parts of the Bible. in his reply fo Rufnus, he sioutly defenciad the Dettero Canonical portions of Daniel even though the of his day did not He wrote, "What sin have I commited if folewed the judgment of the churches? Bu he who brings charges agains me for ‘ining fim objections thatthe Hebrews are wont to raise agains! the ior of Susanna, the Son ofthe Thres Chidren, and the story of Bel and the Dragon, which are not found in the Hebrew volume, proves that he ls just a foolish sycophanl For ! was nol ‘mating my oem personal views, bbutrather the remarks that they lhe Jews] are wont to make agains! us" (Against Rufials 11-33 [8 0, 407). Thus Jerome acknowledges the principle by which the eanon vas satled — the jdgmert ofthe Church, not of Iatar Jaws Other irs Protastants ea me objecting tothe, Beutero Canonical, such a= Albanasius and Origen, also accepted some of allo them as Canorical. For example, Albanasius, accepted the ‘book of Baruch as part of hs Old Testament (Festal Letter 99), and Origen accepted al ofthe Deulero Canonical, he simply recommended not ‘using them in desptatons with Jevis. However, despite the miegivings and Restiancies ofa few individual wrtars such as Jerome, the Church remained frm in te Ristore afirmation of the Dsitera Gananicsls as Scrpture handed dowm fom the spasties. Protestant patnatics scholar JN D Kelly remarte that m-apte ot lerome's doubt “For the great majonty, however, the Deutero-Cenonicel wntngs ranked se Senpture the fullest Sense. Augustine, for example, whose iluence inthe West wae decisive, made ne distinction belween them andthe rest ofthe Old ‘Tesiament . The same inclusive atituce fo the Apocrypha was authortalively displayed at the synods of Hippo and Carthage in 303 and 307 respectively ond also inthe famous letter which Pope Innocent | dlpatched fo Exupetua, bishop of Toulouse, in 405" (Early Christian Doctrines, 55-56).tis thus a complete myth tht, as Protestants often charge, the Calholic Church “added” the Deutero Canonicals tothe Bible al the Council of Trent. These books hed been inthe Bible from before the ime canon was inally celled in the 380s. Alltne Council of Trent «fd was eaffim, in the face ofthe new Protestant allack on Scripture, what had been the histo Bible of the Churdh ~the standard edition of ‘Walch was Jerome's own Vulgate, inching the seven Dleitera Ganonicalsr” ‘t#7(The Cathote Enoysiopedia,1913)The enclent Greck OM Testarnent known as the Sepivagint was the vehicle which conveyed these additonal Scriptures int the Cathokc Church. The Sepluagirt version was the Bile ofthe Greek-speaking, or Hellnis, Jews, whose Intellectual and nerary centre wae Alexandtia (Gee SEPTUAGINT). The oldest extant copies dale fom the fourth and fith centures of our esa ‘and wer thereiore made by Chuislan hands nevertheless scholars generally adm that these fahfuly represent the Old Testament as twas Current among the Helenist or Alexandtian Jews in the age immediately preceding Christ. ++++(Enyclopedia Judaica, vol 6, p. 1147)"There are approximately 350 quotations inthe New Testament ofthe Old Testament. Ofthese 350 ‘quotations 200 come ftom the Greek Seplusgin. I was the Old Testament Bible ofthe firstcenlury Christians. Jesus quoted fom i. The ‘Sepluaghnt included the Deutero Canonical books which Protestants call the "Apocrypha." The Jews in Eiiopia to thie day if folow the same ‘entical cancn which i found in te Catholic Old Testament which neues these seven Deutero Canonical books cr Eneyenpedia Judaica v1.6.9. 1140), +++4(The Eneyelopaedia Britannica ints Micropasdi, the article “Septuagint” states) “Tne Septuagint hae fou (sivieione): Jaw, Nistor. poety. ‘and prophets, withthe books ofthe Apocrypha inserted where appropriate {H+4(The Books of The Bible 1997}0ne graup of Jews rejected Jesus The other group accepted Jesus Christ as their Messiah and became completed Jews, orin other words Christians The Hebrew Carin ofthe majony of today's Jews i the Canon thal was seled upon by a group ‘of Rabbis meeting in Jamia {Javneh] in 80 AO. However, thasa Rablis were exclulvely those who rected Jecus (and al ofthe Now Testament. Attire same mecting thoy also required all ows to cures the Name of Jesus) The ather gfoup,the completed Jews, or Christians, acoepted the Deutere Canonical books as equelyinspifed, This can be seen in thelr wnfings where ney Ise and cet ftom these books and ‘even cal them Holy Scaplure. ‘+14 (New Catholic Encyclopedia 1987)The Hellenistic Jaws bofore the fall ofthe theocracy in Palestine looked reverenty toward Jerusalem and favored relgious currenta coming from &. Double were refered therefor soldion Josephus, Contra Apion 1:30-38). They lumed to Jonusaiem {oy their Srptutes (2 Mo 2-13-15) and tors translation [Est 11.1 (Vu), 10:31 (LXX), they sed the Deutero Canonical Books i the Diaspora twas because they had received them from Palestine... Palestine, then, was the source ofthe esteem forthe Deuttero Canonical \wotks. The Old Testament, a6 tic found inthe LOX reflect, therefore, atradlon older than the present Hebrew Bible in regard tos let of ‘sacred boots...” specs 1987)" An examination ofthe New Testament use ofthe Old Testament shows that the New Testament vers had the same broad view of the sacied books as the Hellenit and Qumnran Jews had of them. The New Testamenk wiles knew and used 2 fuller collection that included the so-called deuterocanonieal books. The OT ofthe cory Church vias not the Maaoretic Text (M7), but the ‘Sepluagint (LX), which coniained the Deutero Canonical as wellasthe proto Canonical backs. nthe LOCthe former were no, asin some ‘eter versions, rloguied to 2 nba of doubt by being grouped together in a place apart. Rather. they vere interspersed throughout the whole ‘Old Testament anc asagred io places where they semen beat fo fe” -+++(Qew Catholle Encyolopecta 1967)"Doubs began to develop in the Eastin he ath century. These doubts seem to have emerged as an aftermath ofthe Christan polemic withthe Jews. Since the Jews rom the time of he Synod of Jamnia no longer recognized the Deutoro ‘Canonical Iiterature, it would have been fue for Christian apologies to make use of them. Justin Martyr says this expressiy (Dial. Tryphon}. hitp://orww.catholicapologetics net/dut_5.htm 21/12/2001 ut S Pagina 4 de4 “Press heatistons cratualy evolved ino misgivings about the Canonicy Hee ofthe books...” = iNew Catholic Encyclopedia 1967) M. Jue has shown conclusively that from the eallest times through the Middle Ages here was general ‘agreement inthe Byzantine Chuch hal the disputed books were Canonical” “*+=(he Canon of The Civisians 1987 } The word Septuagint means “seventy” which (according to legend) vas the number of elders of laze! ‘who did the tranclation into Greek at Alexandria, Egypt. fers tetuslly with Hebrew Bibi nnd i divided into four divisions: the Lav, Historical [coks, Poetical and Wisdom books and finaly books ofthe Prophets. Compared i the Helrew Bible, & has exra books which now exist in Catholic Old Testament. iis commeniy believed that afer the destruction ofthe Jerusalem temple in 70 CE, the Jews under the leadership of ‘Yohanan ben Zaklal decided at Jamnia (or JavneH) to adopt the Hebrew Seripure as their Canon (This Hebrew Canon aiso eycluded seven Becks Banich, Sich, 1 end 2 Maccabees, Tobl, Jucth, and the Wisdom of Solomon, plus potions of Esther and Daniel thatthe earty ‘Ghnstions conaklered pat of the Old Testament). twas the Anl-Chrisian resentment of Rabbi Zakkai that led the councl fo not only reject he ‘Greek Seplvagint bul also the Christian New Tesiament Gospels... Rabbi Zakkal also called upon every Jew lo curse the name of Jesus." +++(The Canon of The Christians 1987 J" The Early Christine folowed Septuagint and ited 44 books which agreed with today's Cathollo Okt “Testament of 46 books. The diference in fetal number Is because he combined Lamentation and Gatch (th Leer of Jezerian) wth Jeremiah,” Note: Some books ofthe Bibis have gone under more than one name. Skach salsa known as Ecciesasticus { and 2 Chronicles as! and 2 Parallpomenon, Eara and Nehemiah as t and 2 Esras, ané 1 ané 2 Sasnwel wih + and 2 Kings as ¢, 2, 3, and 4 Kings s, 1 and 2 Samuel ate Tamed {and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Kings are named 3 and 4 Kinga. This confusing nomenclature expiained more fuly in Catholic Bie commentanes. +t The Decrees of the early Church Councils: ++++{Councit of Rome [A.0. 22)/Now indeed we must reat of the divine Scriptures, what the universal Catholic Church accapis and whet she ugitte shun. The oide: ofthe Old Teetemnent begins here. Genesis, one book Exodus, one book Levilcus, one book Numbers, one book. Deuteronomy, one book: Joshua [Son off Nave, one book: Judges, ane book: Ruth, ne book: Kings, fout books thats, and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings: Paraipmenon (Chronicles), wo books; Psaime, one book; Solomon, three books: Proverbs, one book, Ecclesiastes, one Book; Canticle of Canticles, one book, bkewise Wisdom, one book: Ecclesiasicus, one book .... Likewise the order ofthe historical books: Job, one book Tob one Book; Esdras, ne Broke [zr sd Nehemiah Ear, book J ne book, Maccabees, yo books (ese of Pope +++(Councit of Hippo [A.D. 383)/Dthas been decided that besides the canonical Sciptures nothing be readin church under the name of vine Scripture. But the Canonical Serisies are as folowe: Genesis, Exodus, Levficus, Numbers, Deuieronomy, Joshua the Son of Nun, Judges, Rt, the Kings, four Books, the Chronicles, two Books, Job, the Peal, the five books of Solomon, the eve books ofthe Prophets, ‘salah, Jeremiah, Danie, Ezekiel, Tobi, Judith, Ester, Ezra, two books, Maccabees, two books...” (canon 36). 444+ (Council of Carthage It [2.0. 387)ithas been decided] that nothing except the canorical Scrptures shoul be readin the Church under the name ofthe divine Scriptures. Sut the Canonical Scriplures are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviicus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Josie, Judges, Rul, ‘our books of Kings, Paralpomenon, wo books, Jeb, the Psaler of David, five books of Solomon [Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, wacom, Skah, ive books of he Prophets, nah, Jereih, Dan Esl, Tob, ah, Esher to books of Estas vo Books ofthe es..." (eanon 47) ‘+++ (The African Code [A.D. 419})Ithas boon decided) that besides the canonical Scriptures nothing be readin church under the name of divine Seriplure. But the Canonical Scturee are as folows: Genesis, Exodus, Leviicus, Numbers, Deuletonomy, Joshua the Son of Nun, ‘Judges, Ruth, the Kings, four books, the Chronicies, two books, ob, the Psalter, the five books of Solomon, the ele Books ofthe Prophets, isalah, Jeremiah, anel, Ezekiel, TOB, Juclth, Csther, Ezra, Wo books, Maccabees, two books ... Let thi be sent to aur brather and felow Dishop, [Pope} Gariface, and to fe ather bishops of those parts, thst they may convo thss canon, of these are te things which we have eceived fom our falhers to be read in church (canon 24), ‘++2{Proteslant Sciplure scholar J J. Bruce in his book, THE CANON ON SCRIPTURE, on page 97 states, Jn 405 Pope Innocent | embodied a list of Canonical books in a letter addressed fo Exsupetus, bishop of Toulouse; too included the Apocrypha. 72 The Sih Counc of Carthage (419) Re-enacted the ruling of the Thied Council, again wah the inclusion of the Apoceyphal books... The Sith Counel of Carthage (419) repromulgated in Canon 24 the resolution of the Third Counc regarding he canon of scipture, and added note directing thatthe ‘esolution be sent the bichop of Rome (Boniface !) and other bishops ‘Le this be made known alco to our brother and folow-priet Bonilace, (otto other bichops of those pats, fr the purpose of confirming that Canon [Canon 47 ofthe Third Council, because we have recelved from our fathers that these are the books which are fo be reed in church” http:/Avew.catholicapologetics net/dut_5.him 21/12/2001

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