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Main Course Supplementary Materials

Unit 2A

Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

1 Complete these conversations. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in
parentheses with already or yet and short answers.

1. A: This is a great party. _________ you ________ (try) the cake ________ ?
B: __________, I _________ . But I’m going to have a piece now.
2. A: Jenna, I’d like you to meet my fried Carlos.
B: We ________ _________ __________ (meet). Marta introduced us.
3. A: Would you like another cup of coffee?
B: No, thanks. I ___________ ___________ __________ (have) three cups!
4. A: I don’t see Jenna. _________ she __________ (leave)_________? It’s still early.
B: ____________, she ____________ . She’s in the kitchen.
5. A: ____________ you _____________ (see) Coppola’s new movie __________ ?
B: ____________ , I _____________ . It’s great. What about you?
A: I _____________ _____________ (see) ___________ , but I want to.
6. A: This was a great party. I’m giving my own party next week.
B: I _________ ____________ ____________ (plan) the whole thing, but I’m still a
little nervous about it.
A: Don’t worry. If you do all the planning, the rest will take care of itself.

2 Complete this interview between Travel Today (TT) and travel writer (RG). Use
the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

TT : As a travel writer, you ____________ (visit) many places. Any favourites?

RG: Thailand. It’s a beautiful, amazing country. I _____________ (be) there five times,
and I can’t wait to go back.

TT : What ______________ (be) you most unusual travel experience?

RG: My most unusual? I ______________ (have) so many! I _____________ (swim)

near sharks (in a cage, of course!), I _____________ (eat) dinner next to an active
volcano, I _____________ (sleep) in an ice hotel in Finland…

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Unit 2A
TT : The world ________________ (become) a lot smaller. There are fewer and fewer
“undiscovered” places. ___________ you ever ____________ (find) a really great place
and decided not to tell your readers about it?

RG: No, I _____________ (think) about doing that a few times, but I __________ never
___________ (keep) a place secret. I _________ always ______________ (write) about it.

TT : Where _____________ you just ____________ (come) back from?

RG: I ______________ just _____________ (return) from a hot-air ballooning trip in

Australia. It was really fantastic.

TT : Where are you going next?

RG: On an African safari! I _______ never _______ (go) on one, and I’m really excited.

TT : Good Luck! I look forward to your African safari article.

3 Circle the correct answer.

1. I have never owed / never owed any money to the bank in my life.
2. They have charged / charged us too much for our meal last night.
3. Rachel wants to buy a flat, but she hasn’t saved / didn’t save enough money yet.
4. Paul hasn’t inherited / didn’t inherit anything from his grandmother when she died.
5. I can’t pay you back. I haven’t been / didn’t go to the cash machine yet.
6. How much has your TV cost / did your TV cost?
7. Have you paid / Did you pay your father back yet?
8. I haven’t had / didn’t have any coins, so I couldn’t put any money in the parking meter.

9. Have you ever invested / Did you ever invest any money in a company?
10. My girl-friend has a really well-paid job. She has earned / earned $45,000 last year.

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Unit 2A
4 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. A: When ___________ your son __________ his car? (buy)

B: When he ____________ his driving test last month. (pass)
2. A: How much money ___________ you __________ from your sister yesterday? (borrow)
B: About $100, but I __________ already __________ it all. (spend)
3. A: ___________ you a new flat yet? (find)
B: Yes, and the bank _____________ to give me a mortgage. (just agree)
4. A: __________ you ever ____________ any money to a friend? (lend)
B: Only to my boyfriend when he ____________ a new phone. (need)
5. A: __________ your mother __________ an appointment with the doctor yet? ( make)
B: Yes, she ______________ him yesterday and she’s seeing him tomorrow. (see)

5 Complete this entry in Maria’s journal. Circle the correct verb forms.
Thursday, September 28

It’s 8:00 P.M. It’s been / was a hard day, and it’s not over yet! I still have to
work on that report. I’ve begun / began it last night, but so far I’ve written / wrote only two
pages. And it’s due tomorrow! Work has been / was so difficult lately. I’ve worked / worked
late every night this week. I feel exhausted and I haven’t gotten / didn’t get much sleep last
night. And, of course, I miss Joe. Even though I’ve seen / saw him last week, it seems like a
long time ago. This commuter relationship is beginning to get me down. We’ve lived / lived
apart for too long. Oh, there’s the phone. I hope it’s Joe.

Main Course Supplementary Materials
Unit 2A
6 Complete this conversation between Maria and Joe. Use the present perfect or the
simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

JOE: Hi, hon! How ____________ (be) your day? I bet you’re glad it’s over.
MARIA: I’m OK- a little tired. I only _____________ (sleep) a few hours last night. I’m
writing this big report, and I ________________ (not stop) worrying about it all week.

JOE: You ________________ (be) tired for weeks. You need to relax a little. Listen- why
don’t I come and see you this weekend? We _______________ (see) each other only twice
this month.

MARIA: Sounds great, but remember the last time you ___________ (come)? I __________
(not do) any work, and I still ______________ (not catch up).

JOE: I understand. Now, why don’t you have a cup of coffee and relax?
MARIA: Coffee! You’re kidding! I ________________ (already have) five cups today. And
yesterday I _______________ (drink) at least six. I can’t drink another drop.

JOE: You ________________ (have) a rough week. Try to get some sleep.
MARIA: I can’t go to sleep yet. I ___________ (not finish) my report, and it’s due tomorrow.
JOE: Well, I hope it goes fast. Good night, hon. I’ll call you tomorrow.
MARIA: Bye. Speak to you tomorrow.

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