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Kelompok: 5

Nama anggota:
1. Putri Mutia Rizki 1708109010045
2. Rena Novita Rezeki 1708109010034
3. Nurdila Azana 1708109010014
4. Asra Ramadani 1708109010023
5. Masna Sari 1708109010004

Tugas 5: Plagiarism

This study investigated some pharmacological properties of virgin coconut oil (VCO), the
natural pure oil from coconut [Cocos nucifera Linn (Palmae)] milk, which was prepared
without using chemical or high-heat treatment. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
antipyretic effects of VCO were assessed. In acute inflammatory models, VCO Showed
Moderate anti-inflammatory Effects On Ethyl phenylpropiolate-induced Ear Edema In rats,
and carrageenin- and arachidonic acid-induced paw edema. VCO exhibited an inhibitory
effect on chronic inflammation by reducing the transudative weight, granuloma formation,
and serum alkaline phosphatase activity. VCO also showed a moderate analgesic effect on
the acetic acid-induced writhing response as well as an antipyretic effect in yeast-induced
hyperthermia. The results obtained suggest anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic
Properties of VCO.


This study investigated some pharmacological properties of virgin coconut oil (VCO), the
natural pure oil from coconut [Cocos nucifera Linn (Palmae)] milk, which was prepared
without using chemical or high-heat treatment. The anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and
antipyretic effects of VCO were assessed. In acute inflammatory models, VCO Showed
Moderate anti-inflammatory Effects On Ethyl phenylpropiolate-induced Ear Edema In rats,
and carrageenin- and arachidonic acid-induced paw edema. VCO exhibited an inhibitory
effect on chronic inflammation by reducing the transudative weight, granuloma formation,
and serum alkaline phosphatase activity. VCO also showed a moderate analgesic effect on
the acetic acid-induced writhing response as well as an antipyretic effect in yeast-induced
hyperthermia. The results obtained suggest anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic
Properties of VCO


Virgin coconut oil (VCO) memiliki efek antiinflamasi, analgetik dan antipiretik setelah
dilakukan uji farmakologi pada tikus dan mencit. VCO adalah minyak murni alami yang
didapat dari daging buah kelapa alami [Cocos nucifera]. VCO memiliki kelebihan dimana
dibuat tanpa menggunakan bahan kimia, tidak memiliki efek samping yang merugikan
seperti NSAID. Berdasarkan penelitian oleh intahpuak,.et al (2010), didapatkan hasil VCO
memiliki efek antiinflamasi pada edema telinga tikus yang diinduksi phenylpropionate,
edema kaki tikus yang diindukaikan karagen, VCO juga dapat menunjukkan efek
penghambatan pada peradangan kronis dengan mengurangi berat transudat, formasi
ganuloma, dan aktivitas serum alkalin fosfat (Intahpuak,.et al, 2010). Hasil yang diperoleh
menunjukkan aktivitas antiinflamasi dari Virgin Coconut oil (VCO) dapat digunakan pada
inflamasi akut dan kronik, dan juga menunjukkan aktivitas analgesik dan antipiretik.

Jurnal Q2

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