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Rua Dr. Pedro Eggler, 1442 - Monte Alverne - Santa Cruz do Sul
CEP: 96859-000 - CNPJ n.º 92941681/0001-00
FONE/FAX: (51) 3704.1190
Aulas Remotas não presenciais. (de 05.10 até 17.10)
Atividades para a turma 1° ano do Ensino Médio.
Componente Curricular: Língua Inglesa Professora: Ana Paula Bilo
Nome do Estudante:_____________________________________________


1.Preencha os espaços com a conjugação dos verbos no Simple Present:

Example: Anne    loves    the Jane Austin's work. (love)

a) Do you _viver in America? (to live)

b) Jane amar your friend. (to love)

c) Juan and Carla para correr on the beach every morning. (to run)

d) She ensinar English every day. (to teach)

e) Thomas para lavar his car weekly. (to wash)

f) Cayo ir to the College tonight. (go)

g) My parents ter Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week.(have)

h) Louise trabalhos__at the Brad's Office. (work)

i) I comer bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)

j) The plain chegar at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)

2. Forme frases no presente simples utilizando as palavras abaixo. (-) negativa, (+)
afirmativa, (?) interrogativa. Consulte o seu material se for necessário.

a) you - like - football (?) / Example: Do you like football?

b) we - eat - spinach (-) / we don't eat spinach
c) they - play - soccer - every Friday  (+) they play football every Friday !!
d) you - get up - at 6 o'clock (?) do you get up at 6 o'clock ??
e) they - live - in Porto Alegre (-) they don't live in porto alegre
f) we - like - computer games (+) we really like computer games !!
g) they - drive - a fast car (?) do they drive in a fast car ??
h) I - watch - TV - every day (-) I don't watch TV every day


DO + verbo no infinitivo sem o “to” / DO é usado com: I, YOU, WE, THEY.
DOES + verbo no infinitivo sem o “to” / DOES é usado com: HE, SHE, IT.

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