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STUDENT NAME:_________________________________________SECTION:____________

Activity 4: Inflammation Crossword Puzzle. The following entries are all about the different terms related to the processes and
concepts in inflammation. Enjoy and engaged in a mental calisthenics.
NOTE: The earlier you submit the higher grade you get. EITHER PRINT OUT, ANSWER, SCAN and SUBMIT or DIGITALIZED ANSWERS
then SUBMIT.

Across Down
2 Acid-fast bacilli in macrophages, non- caseating 1 Type of morphology of inflammation is manifested by
granulomas. Leprosy the presence of large amounts of purulent exudate
8 Microscopic to visible lesion, enclosing wall of histiocytes, consisting of neutrophils, necrotic cells, and edema
plasma cell infiltrates, necrotic central cells without loss of fluid. Suppurative
cellular outline seen in syphilis. 3 A macrophage with ingested microorganism fused
10 Inflammation characterized by infiltration with with lysosome is called _______. Phagolylosome
mononuclear cells, tissue destruction and repair involving 4 Process of coating microorganisms with proteins that
angiogenesis and fibrosis. Chronice facilitate phagocytosis. Opsonization
15 Predominant form of leukocyte during 24-48 hrs after the 5 The process of luekocyte accumulation at the
onset of inflammation. Monocytes periphery of blood vessels is called ______.
17 Cells with pink, granular cytoplasm with indistinct Margination
boundaries considered as a hallmark of granulomas. 6 A short-lived, soluble, free-radical gas produced by
Epithelioid Cells endothelial cells causing smooth muscle relaxation
19 The molecule in the endothelium responsible for this and vasodilation. Nitricoxide
stage of vascular inflammatory response Rolling. Selectins 7 They are a family of small structurally related proteins
20 Enzyme inhibited by glucocorticoids. Phospholipase that act primarily as chemoattractants for different
21 Type of morphology of acute inflammation characterized subsets of leukocytes. Chemokines
by the outpouring of watery, relatively protein-poor fluid 9 A peptide Leukocyte granule constituent which kills
derived from the serum or endothelial lining of peritoneal, microbes by creating holes in their membranes.
pleural, and pericardial cavities. Serous Depensis
22 A focus of epithelioid cells, rimmed by fibroblasts, 10 Occasional non- caseating granulomas in intestinal
lymphocytes, histiocytes, occasional giant cells. Non- walls, with dense chronic inflammatory infiltrate.
caseating Tubercle Crohh’s Disease
23 Inflammation which is characterized by plasma protein 11 Type of morphology of acute inflammation that
exudation and a predominantly neutrophilic leukocyte histologically appears as an eosinophilic meshwork of
accumulation. Acute threads or sometimes an amorphous coagulum.
24 Initial vascular response to injury. Vasoconstriction Fibronovs
27 The most important lysosomal enzyme involved in 12 Macrophages in the liver. Kuffer Cells
bacterial killing. Elactase 13 Polypeptide products of many cell types that function
28 It is a protective response intended to eliminate the initial as mediators of inflammation and immune response.
cause of cell injury as well as the necrotic cells and tissues Cytokines
resulting from the original insult. Inflammation 14 It is the cytolytic end product of the complement
31 Central amorphous granular debris, loss of all cellular cascade, which forms a transmembrane channel
detail, acid-fast bacilli. Caseating Tubercle causing osmotic lysis of target cells. Membrane Attack
33 Syndrome that results from a defect in the protein Complex
involved in membrane docking and fusion. Chediakhigashi 16 An ultrafiltrate of blood which contains little protein.
35 This activated component of the coagulation cascade Transupate
initiates four systems involved in the inflammatory 18 Cells that are 40-50 um in size, consisting of a large
response, namely the kinin, clotting, fibrinolytic and mass of cytoplasm and many nuclei. Giant Cells
complement systems. Hageman Factor 25 One of the major cytokine in acute inflammation. TNF
38 Enzyme blocked by NSAIDS. Cycloxygenase 26 NADPH deficiency or defect resulting in decreased
42 The lymphocytic adhesion molecule counterpart of this oxidative burst. CGD
endothelial receptor P-Selectin. Sialyl-Lewis X 28 The endothelial adhesion molecule responsible for
this stage of vascular inflammatory response of
Intercellular adhesion. Icam
29 Predominant form of leukocyte during the first 6 - 24
hours of inflammation. Nevtrophils
30 Fluid accumulation in extravascular space. Edema
32 The lymphocytic adhesion molecule counterpart of
this endothelial receptor CD-31. CD
34 The lymphocytic adhesion molecule counterpart of
this endothelial receptor ICAM-1. Integrins
36 Process of leukocyte migration toward sites of
infection or injury along a chemical gradient.
37 The molecule in the endothelium responsible for this
stage of vascular inflammatory response of
Transmigration. Pecam
39 Fluid in a serous cavity is called ______. Effusion
40 Focal collections of pus that may be caused by seeding
pyogenic organisms into a tissue or by secondary
infections of necrotic foci. Abscess
41 It is an excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue
that is produced by necrosis of cells and sloughing of
inflammatory necrotic tissue. Ulcer
43 Results from increased vascular permeability, leading
to leakage of protein into tissues. Exudate

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