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I 111ft

Cha11ter-3 / 3J - 3
(3Jl~fQ11J cJiT ~ 11(.Yi - - )
/Jru,t cfogrn,11:ttirn, by /:t 1, uh_in/:tnc.: ,~ retic mbling the IJ GI'T ~ffi q ~ <: · 1-rS;,iF. ~
gcnulrw 11, ug ,llurrlw log1c.:1:1 ll Y ;i i, -,~ J.. -~ ' - • • • ~ it
wt ll ft1, )11 ~
7W-f ITT 'j'rr, 11 ''T. i ~ ~ .,__
, - · F
nr1t/1.noltlplW;ill y ih 1i;rr,1ed - - .- - - - - - -- ffi ;irr,7 t: ' . ~
uJ ~11h,,1l1111l<111 hJ ,\tpnd1~ge ,
,.. , Adiilf~, 11 ,1/ln dJ Detenoniuon
iH an ndmlx1ure or
&uhlili tution of
!/ ~; m;l;;; ~irnui. wlrh Rpuriowi , inferior, defective,
2) _ _ _ _ 'ifiT ~ mTf 11T g;f.:.1;•r1F, '1>..·
cfi TIT~ qr ~flf4¢ -3 IT~ ~ ~JWJT 71' ~ . : , ; -~--~
11 ~f' lr1111, or h11rmf11l 1tuh1w:inceli .
,tl Ad11llt: ru li11n aJ f'i<1rqc b) ~ ·
h) Sublititution
'-' ) Spollugt: d) Admixture CJ j4', m1 dJ ~,w,r
11 _ --~-- 111 lmpalrment in drug quality. 3) - - - - ~qfr 7JUWTT if ITTf.1 g
lnfel'iorl ty
11) b) Sophi1,tication a) ift';@T bJ pt)Zfa l
c) Admlx lure d) Deterioration c) fff~ dJ ~
_ _ _ _ __ iN defined as intention..11 type of 4) - - -- - - &tUfj'(iiQ ~ ¢1 ~ ~ ::
ll(Julferution . ~fc)m rrrmt 1
11) h) Admlx1ure a):f~ b) ftl,!;fUf
c) Sophl Nllcutlon d) lnferiorily c) 'l1~1-Jct r d)~
~ ......---- - lHru.ldillon of an entirely different 5) - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-;:-
1mb.,11111ce lmilead of' the oriiinal drug. 3R17TQ<TTclq,f<TT7T tl
u) A~mlx tul'c h) Substitution
a) fffwrr b) ~
e,; ) Inferiority d) Spoilage
c) ITTill d) j¢f! l'1
- - ~ ~ - i.11 addition of any substandard drug .
lnfo rlority
11) b) Admixture
6) _ _ _ _ ~ ~ G<TT cfiT ~ tI
r) Spul lagt d) Substitution a) ITTill b) ftlwrr
c) jcf;fil-1 d)~
7l ~ - ~- is accidental addition of one objc<.:t
into nnolher due to ignorance or carelessness. 7) _ _ __ ~ m c11q~ql6l ~ cf>RUT ~
n) Jnteirlol'ily b) Substitution ~ cJ;T ~ ff 611¢R:iich ~ I t
c ) SpolJ11ge d) Admixture a)rnfil b)~
X) _ _ __ _ occurs as a rcsull of microbial c) jchfil1 d) f?f~
11) Substitution b) Spoilage
8) - - ~ ~ 3IBf)liUT $ qR0111·1f<lfiQ mm t ,
a)~ b) jchf!l1
c..:) Inferiority d) Admixture
c)~ d)f?f~
'J) Naaunsur have a two-celled ovary, while the
spurious fl owers have a _ _ __ celled ovary.
9) -illl<f>fl~ ~ ~-cffl~lcf;I cJB ~ ~ ~. vfefcti '¥
u) TripJe h) Double ~ ~ ~ - - cnl~lcf>I ~ ~ mm~ I
C) Single d) Quadrant a)~ b)~
c) ~ d) 'qgcl
I()) If appropriate conditions of collection, transportation,
and ldcntHication are not maintained, accidental 10) ~ ~ . qfQq151 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT
adukeration can occur, which·is tenned as _ _ __ ~ ~ ~ vrrm 611c1>f°f'1ch ~ t m m
u) Substitution ~t_ ~--_'P NvfTIT Ttl
h) Spoilage a)~
c) Deteriorntiou b) jcf>f!l1
d) Uodelihcrllle adulteration c) ITTfl'
I I) evaluation of a drug involves d) 3l4fmch f?tc11qc
determining iti; colour, odour, taste, size. shape,
louch, tex tttrc, etc. 11) ~ - rt - - 'j_<"'-liifi'i ~ ~ • . JWfiR,
n) Physicnl b) Organoleptic
xll', TftT, "fcfR cf~ 'fi"q ~ fcnlTr vTTm I t
c) Chcmicul d) Biological b) '<'i4k1iifi
c) ~lf!ll!Plifi d)"GT~
12) . th is a qualitative
which e morphological nd evaluation t .
drtJgs are studied. a sensory char Ype in
acters of
12) . ~ '],Dllciicf> 4i~icf>~ Wf>R ~ ~
a) Biological b) Ch . GCTT3TT ~ '(ii41~cfi ~ ·~ <'fa:TUTT "cf>T 3lunA"
. enuca1 ~ \ilRfT t1
c) Organo lepttc d) Ph ys1cal
a) ~fctq, b) '11tllllPlcf>
13) - - - - - are of different fo c) '(ii91~'1cfi d)~
the plants for storing food. nns and are used by
13) ~
a)Flowe~ b)Le ~-"9't"~ ~ ~ tkw11~ "ffm t
c) Barks aves . til!ITx'T~1'.fTGR~~~tl
d) Underground a)~ b)~
I4) A - - - - - contains all th c) ~ d ) ~ '<1'1-tF11q
organs originating from a node e photosynthetic
O 14) ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ cR 1R ~ TfTo1 ~
a) Simple leaf b) C . n a stem.
~ ffi ~ ~ >fq;Nf ti~Jl'lch 3trT ~ ~ I
c) Compound leaf d) S onifer leaves
heath leaves a)~~ b)~a,1ffi'r
c) ~ ~ d) 3TTcRUT 1ffi'r
J5) How many leaflets are present in
a) Five b) N a compound leaf? 15)~~~~"4?lcJ>~~t1
T umerous
c) en d) Twelve a)"91'q b)~
c)~ d)~
16) - - - - - are the reprod •
found in a variety of form ductive plant parts 16) - : : - - - - - ~-tfim ~ ~ 3TTf met t "GIT
plant in different manners. s an also grow on the ~ ~ "if ~ '1fIB t ~ ~ ~ ~
a) Fruits b) Seeds
1R '31"IB t I
a)~ b)~
c) Flowers d) Bark
c)~ d)mc;r
17) - - - - - - globular-, oblong-, or ellipsoidal 17) _ _ _ _ _ •l~&llcf>I( ~lll<'11cf>l'1 <TT ~O::Slcf>li/.
shaped ~lant p~s having seeds are often specialise~ 3TTcf,N~ti'rilcf@~ll3lcfffi~~~
to help m seed dispersal. ~m~~~~tl
a) Flowers b) Fruits a)~ b)~
c) Seeds d) Bark c) ~ d) mc;r

18) Fruits develop from the and 18) ~--3trx~-~~cfi~~~

sometimes from other flower parts. Rlct>ffta ~ ~ I "'
a) Ovary b) Seeds a)~ b)~
c) Flowers d) Bark c) ~ d)mc;r

19) _ _ _ _ _ _ fruits develop from a single carpel 19) ::::~~~=-- ~ ~ ~ ~ m !°fict>cf>t c\-l-1
•11~-11~<.1'1 ~ fclq;ffta ~ i 1
or from syncarpous gynoecium.
a)~ b) ~
a) Aggregate b) Simple
c) ~ d) 31~c.:w'n&1
c) Compound d) Indehiscent
20) _ _ _ ~cnl~~~~~
20) ______ fruits are categorised into dry and
~ fcnm \I{lcTT t. "GIT~~ 1lx ~ ~
fleshy fruits based on whether the mesocarp is dry or
~ fct> ~fllcf>lll ~ m ~ t 1
b) Compound a)~ b)~
a) Aggregate c) ~ d) ~rT'flt>.,..."'-.-c.-\~~...,..'n~<:1
CJ Simple d) Indehiscent

21 J _ _ _ _ _ _ fruits develop from more than one 21) =:::~::;:::;=- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <TT '-,!ll\cfilc\-l-1
carpels or apocarpous gynoecium. •11~.-fl~llli "fl fclq,ffta ~ ~I
a) Compound b) Aggregate a)~ b)~
c)~ d)~=,&,~"'c~..,~~~~=e1
c) Simple d) Indehiscent
22) _ _ _ _ _ fruits develop from numerous 22) - - ~ ~ "W!T ~ ~ IDxT Pclcf>ffta ~ ~ I
flowers combined together. a)~ b)~
a) Simple b) Aggregate c) 3l~c.-\~C'1 d) ~
c) lndehiscent d) Compou

23) Dry fruits are further sub-categorised into uehiscent

and _ _ _ _ _ _ fruits.
b) Aggregate
a) Compound
d) Inflorescence
c) lndehiscent
~ -~-~ C! P{ ~(~
C- 108
~ cfi ~
. 24) ~ c5t ~ ~ cfi9 3@1 1-3« -fll
cfTT ~ mm ti"
24) Some plants. consisting of owe nng structur. es
tiurther consist of indi vidu al fl
owers, thus fom ung ~i ~~ "'
a)~ b)~
a) Aggregate c)~ d)tt gc~ ~ftd
b) Inflorescence
~Gf ju~ ~
c) Com pou nd d) Indehiscent 25) _ _ _ ~ cfi ~ -if ~
25) _ _ _ _ _ d
ovules present in
Fcl cf> R=i ct ITTff t,
the carp els of flow :;:.l op from the a)'CJ>c1 b)~ .
c) ~ d) ~ fi"<~~,ey
a) Fru its b) Bar k
c) See ds d) Underground structures ~ ~ ~ ~ mr ~
26) efrvrr 'cf>T ilv1i-s1ct
26 by the funicle, m or t,~ -- cf >l TT ~t l
) ~:;:_~ are characterised by a scar left a) cflv11°-s &R b) ~ .
c) ~ d) ilii0Gc1 ~
b) Hilum
~ ~ ~ cfi wm ~ cfTT ~
a) Mic ropy le
d) Calyx ~ cfi
~lvilD-s -q ~ ute ~ fm- ~ ~
c) Rap he 21)
27 ) Se ~ are characterised by a small hole in the ovule
qRf fl t,
en tube during m cf rt ,~ -- ~v tm Tt l
mru :~g - the entr anc e point of the poll a) iliSlG<'i ~ b) ~
fert1lisat1on, call ed - - - - - c)~ ,0-r=-s=6'T.Ji'<
a) Cal yx b) Raphe
c) Hilu m d) Micropyle 28) ~ ~ ~ ~ 'CRTq;m ~ ~ ~ <f>1
~v TJ mt , _ _ _ vtmT!I
vascular tissue ridge
28) See ds ~e cha ract eris ed by a a) Qlv110-s6I'< b) ili5lGc1 ~
chalaza, called
con nec trng the hilum and d)~
a) Mic rop yle b) Calyx 29) - - - - ~ cfi 7(1T, ~- ~ ~ iArc1c
c) Rap he d) Hilum
cf>T 1~ icf>~ fcnm vlTffi tI
ur, smell, taste, and a) iftGf' b) ~ <>f&fUT
29) _ _ _ _ _ incl ude colo
text ure of the dru g being evaluated. c)~ -,_ -tf
a) See ds b) Sen sory characters
30) q1adflc1 crR ~ ~edulft "# ~ ~
c) Her bs d) Leaves
_ _ _ mcfr t, '1rr ~ cf; qjtijllftc-t
m;r ~
30) Dru gs con tain ing volatile oil
have a characteristic ~ 'cf>T m;r 1R ~ -nff M° t I
be present if the
_ _ _ _ _ which will not a) ~ b)~
drug s lose thei r volatile oil content. c)lJ'Er d)~
a) Tex ture b) Tas te
d) Frac ture 31) ~3fttffuq;r _ _ ~~~<'Im~
c) Odo ur
s on the nature of ~~ ~l R ~c J> ff lT tl
31) A dru g's _ _ _ _ _ _ depend b) ~
a) TfEr
tissu es and the met hod of dryi ng it. d)~
b) Frac ture c) ~
a) Odo ur
d) Tas te
c) Tex ture 32)
- - - - - ~ cf; iil!J&:ltO "# ~ cr7f
32) _ _ _ _ _ _ is the ave rage
num ber of stomata
~- "# ~ qft ~ ~ c t r lJ17AT ~ t;f@l t,
pres ent in per sq. mm of leaf epiderm a) qfc:1~'5 3fTJ@
a) Pali sade rati o b) W m l
b) Stomata] num ber
c) ~ '<ltlcf>ict,
c) Stomata! inde x
d) Vei n-te rmi nati on num ber
33) _ _ _ _ _ is the perc
enta ge which the
total num ber of
33) =~;::=-t?fr- ~
cf>)~lcf>l3if~ ·~
t '1rr ffl
cfi ~
qft ~ ili6H'cf tft~
1ATffi I t
num ber of stom ata fonns to the
epid erm al ceJJs. a)~-~~
a) Vei n-te rmi nati on num ber b)W~
b) Stom ata! num ber c) qfc:l~:g ~
c) Palisade rati o d) ~ fltlcf>iq-,
d) Stom ata! inde x
34) ~~ -.- \-: -,, --- ~ ~ ,m-
~ -cnm ~ ~air
34) _ _ _ _ _ is a minute
epid erm al ope ning
qfQ-s4c-t t,
fferf ~ ~ cfi ~ ~ qf<,fT
hav ing a cen tral pore , and two kidn
ey-s hap ed gua rd
~ m<'ft ~ ~ ~~{'fotqq; ~ I t
cells con tain ing chlo ropl asts . a) ~ b ) ~ .·
a) Sto ma b) Hilu m
c) (1Gli 0 :S1ifl d) airiticfo13vt
c) MicropyJ d) Cal yx
.t 4 A~--.-nc
.:i ~~

~ \
ac::01..tu of ....- ~ ~
i.) ~ t i c ~ cdl, ~ by ' ~
c ) ADl~"tic
• b)
d) P'a'ae)lic
~I\ Which ot
the fulJo,,a. ·
&) Spear.
,-mg pbnt has
.... ,.;:,"tic

mml b) Vasan
c ) Damn. d ) Digiwis

.Cl ------ lS a plant hnmg misocyti.:

a) Coca b) Dann
c) Vasab d) Pq,pct mint
... , C
-.-' a)oa and senna 1ea,-cs ha,-c
Paracytic b} Di______ _ _ ~omaia.
c) , - : ~ ac)'tlC
~~"tic d) ~ ' t i c
-14 ) •
- - - - - are tubular. or elongaacd. or glandular
outgro\\W of epidenoal cell.
a) Anisocytic b) TrichomeS b) ~t~ct>lhH
c) Diacytic d) AnomOCYtic d) &P\uf?lc1-~
are watec ab;orpOOD or secrerion 45) ~
'-.:0' ~
1q~1~ ~
"41~ 1 ~ =A.~-
..,. \qcf>~ct \J'@'
orgam developed in some parncular plants. J!q~fl(iCj 'UT ~ 3l1T ~ 1
a) UniceDular b) eo,-ering a) ~ct>cfil'11cG\u b) ~
c) ~ d)~
c) Hydalbode d) Glandolar
46) - ~ ~ ~ fct~c:lqll,tM<f, ~ t ~
46) - - - - - meChod is an ~ v e analytical ~ 3iQRtif>o ~~~ ~ ~ t 1
technique used for p o ~ aude drugs. a) ~Jt11llPi¢ b) ~
a) Chemical b) Physical c) ~ ~ d) a1~cf>lG'1~lll1 ~
c) Phytocbeaucal d) Lycopodium spore
47) ~ fflx _ _ _ Tf \-_!c-H~c-1 ~ ~ - ~
7) Alb.loidal t,ases are soluble in _ _ _ _ __, ~- ~ ~ ~c-1144'1 ~ 1qc1~~?\c-1 ~ ~ 1
while salts are soluble in polar soh"ents. a) <ffih1Q,14 b) ~
a) Cliloro{onn b) f.tbanOl c) ~~~cf> ~ d) ~
c) Acetic acid d) MetbanOI
~ - I Ill

- - - - - - t'rnlu111ion is 1lw ('ht)111 ii.:11l proc,•s.-;

of determining tlw 11c- fi vt· e< 111s1i111c,a\ls in II dr11µ. .
n) Physicul h) f' hcn1 ic11 l
c ) Binl0girnl

49) - -- - - is the of the t llpllhillty 111'

llll'IISlll't' i 11 , , ,.,,, ~ l 11~1 r~,1 1frf •11 ii \ii 11)1:r, ~nrni
snmpk unckr 1rst 10 p1,1ch1ct· biuloJ,l knl offrcl in \ 1~ 11:I~ '101!1 11 1 q\ ,\150 •Pf•1 ~ lfllTflr
\.\\ q , · f c1,~· , c-. •
comparison to till' standard Pt'\' pnrnth1n . .,,, l(flf i~ I
a) Phys in 1l b) Bi,>logirnl h) \.MEll f)
ll) ·1t)li'l tli
c) Bioassny d) Mkrohiologica l
l"l \ ~ n- .;J WfflV' f
dl {f~"rt,M111

50) In _ _ _ _ ___ methl>d, n solid n11t1font _ci())

medium is poured in petri plates and inot 11l11tcd with
a microbial culture.
a) Physical h) Biologirnl
c) Turbidimetric d) Cylinder plate

*Answers (xh'F<'-licl l)*

8) b 9) C 10) cl
l) C 2) a 3) d 4) C 5) b 6) a 7) d
18) a 19) b 20) C
11 ) b 12) C 13) d 14) a 15) b 16) C 17) b
27) d 28) C 29) b 30) C
21) b 22) d 23) C 24) b 25) C 26) b
37) a 38) C 39) b 40) C
3 I) b 32) b 33) d 34) a 35) b 36) C
47) a 48) b 49) C 50) cl
41) d 42) b 43) a 44) b 45) C 46) d

Chapter-4 / 3T -4
_ _ _ _ are heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds.
I) _ _ _ _ _ rf1$~1'11rf cfi fclt4Sl-q¢61ll ~ tI
b) Terpenoids a) '-1C'i:6&11$~fl b) o<tl-ll~~fl
a) Alkaloids
c) Glycosides d) Tannins c) •&11$cf>lfl1$-s d)~

2) In 1805, the first therapeutica lly useful alkaloid, 2) 1805 "Jl, ~ fM<hctflll ~ ~ '34q),ft . .-q<4>--.>--n-<11~.......'5,
_ _ _ _ _ isolated from Papaver somniferum was ~ fl1fl.:i~i<li ~ ~~ ~ 7fll'T m1 _ _ _ I
introduced. a)~ b) '-1~1lfH
a) Cocaine b) Atropine c) frtcf>ll°erf d) ~
c) Nicotine d) Morphine
3) ~;;;;:;;;;;- ~ tj')m ~ ~ '11~~1'11'1-~ 1@
_ _ _ _ _ gave the name alkaloids to nitrogen-
4lfrlct>'i q;l' qW>&ii~~fl ~ ~ m I
containing basic compounds , obtained from plants.
a)~ b)~~
b) W. Meissner
a) Galen
c) C.A. SeydJer d) Ladenburg c) "ffi:~. mm d) ~-%rfiPf

4) _ _ __ _ _ stated alkaloids as, 'compounds 4) - - - - - cf> ~ - qifr1cf>1· "$1 ~ ~

originated from plants with a basic nature, having ~ ~ ~ tj')m ~ ~ Rn.:ic51 ~ ~ t
one or more nitrogen atom in its ring structure'. "1l ~cl> "lJT ~ -il~~1'11-i "WfPJJ mer ~ I
a) Ladcnburg b) Galen a) ~-%oi5'lf b) ~
c) C.A. Seydler d) W. Mei ssner c) "ffi.\1". ~ d) ~ ~
5) The basic nature of alkaloids is due to the presence of 5) ~c>Cf>c11~-s °$1 ~ ~ 5- m- _ _ fl~f4lll fflT
N-atom in the 5- or -_ _ membered ring stmcture. tkcl 'i I 1l ';'l-lRl,fUJ "$t ~ cf> cf>RUT ~ tI
a) 6 b) 3 a) 6 b) 3
c)4 cJ)7
c)4 =~ d)7
6) In opium poppy (Pupavr'r .\·omn(f'erum), alkaloids are 6) ~ 1'.£1~1(c;lfl (t)~ 'f11i:.:t~~xli) cf> ~ 1l ~
present in fresh _ _ _ _ _ of the fruit.
~ fil(ij - - ~ 1l tITTTT ulTITT i
a) Seeds b) Latex
a)~ b)~
c) ovary d) Endocarp
c) dJO-sl~lll d) 3@": ~
C - ti.

.:) Coan b ) Lea,~

d ) B,-_._
ht cinc:booa.. ~
~• ,-•
hart of the
~ has
a. t Strychine
b) ~
( ) Piperidine
d ) Coni.ine
9·1 A specific alkaloid ha .
found in specific.-...._"'_ '-mg C"Ofnplex ..,...-.
. c- _, ·QU.UUes of Plan are
m .x...JNK~e and co•....i.., . _ ts like b,,osc '.unme
. "-UlC'Ine lll .
a) Fabacea~ b) ·
( ) d On:Jridac~ae
) Liliac-eae
I0) Albloids are extracted .
- - - - - - and SOlubiJi ~ to their
a) Basic:ity b ) Dissoluti.on
c) E-uraction
d) Melting point
11) Extraction is carried 001 b
"inch the moistened droo . y . . in
free the base existin · e IS treated with alkali to set
base is · g m salt f~rm and then the free
~ with an <>rgaruc solvent
a) Manske s process b) Kippenbenrer·
c) Steam distillation d) Stas-Ot to;~

11) ~ - - -- -- process., the powdered and

sieved J:>~l substance is first digested with solution
of tanmn m glycerol at a constant temperature of
400C for 48 hours.
a) Kippenberge r's b) Manske's
c) Steam distillation d) Stas-Otto

13) Which of the following methods is not suitable for

alkaloids with high molecular weight?
a) Stas-Otto process b) Steam distillation
c) Manske' s process d) Kippenberger' s process
14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method is employed for vo_Iatile
liquid alkaloids like coniine, nicotine, and sparteme.
a) Manske's process b) Stas-Otto process
c) Steam distillation d) Kippenberger's process
I5) - - - - - - gives white or pale y~llow coloured
precipitate except with alkaloids of punne groups.
a} Dragendorff s reagent
b) Mayer's reagent
c) Wagner's reagent
d) Hager's reagent
. . brown or reddish brown
gives •
---- - ,1
. . t with alkaloids.
coloured prec1p1ta e dorff s reagent
a) Hager's reagent b) Dragen
d) Mayer' s reagent
c) Wagner's reagent . . , . •
. .1 t1·uactenst1c crystalhnc
gives • c '
. . -
'th alkaloids.
prec1p1tate w1 b) Dragendorff s
a) Wagner's reagent d) Hager's reagent
c) Mayer's reagent
C- I l ~

i 8 ) Quinine is isolated from

.1.) Guica papaya b )-::S-c,::w-_hn_os_n_~_vo-,;,,ca
c) ~ ~ ~-1:. d) ,.... __
~feu.n tlUS ~'hQ.ranJlu,s roseUS
1Q) - - - - - - is a chemo therap eutic agenL
a) AtropiOC' b) Quini ne
..-, ~ ·chnine d) Vmcristine
~m V1ncristine and ,inbla stine are isolated from

3.) Cari'--""1 papay a b) Srry>clanos nux vomic a

c ) Cindl r,~ <fficinalis d) CatharamJws roseus
~ 1) are volatile and aromatic substances
~ t in plants and giving them their charac
fragra nce or odour .
a) Alkal oids b) Terpcnoids
c) Glyoosides d) Tanni ns
:.2) Tecpe ntine obtain ed from pine trees yields
- - - - on isolation.
a ) Tecpe nes b) Terpe noids
c ) Carol enoid s d) Tetrat erpen oids
23 ) Carot.enoids are group of comp ounds formed
by the
a) Carot eoaid s b) Terpe ne
C) T erpen oids d) Tetrat erpen oids
: 4) _ _ _ _ _ _ are the hydro carbo ns
of plant
origin as well as their oxyge nated , hydrogenated. and
dehyd rogen ated deriva tives.
a) Alblo ids b) Terpe noids
c) Glycosides d) Tanni ns
25) _ _ is the most widel y used isolat ion
metho d
for terpe noids in which the plant mater ial is
mace rated and then subje cted to steam distillation
to obtai n essen tial oil distill ate.
a) Physical method b) Chem ical methcxi
c ) Steam distil lation d) Expre ssion methcxi
26) Which of the follow ing metho ds is used
a) Expre ssion ineth od
b) Phy,icaJ metho d
c) Extra ction metho d
d) By mean s of volati le solve nts
Ti) _ _ _ _ _ is empio yed for separating terpenoids
from essen tial oils.
a) .Physical metho d b) Expre ssion metho d
c) OiemicaJ method d) Chrom atogr aphic metho
!SJ _ __ chromato8f3PhY technique is
suited for both mono - and sesquiterpenoids because
of their prope rty of volatility.
a) Liqui d b) Gas-l iquid
c) Thin-layer d) Cohu nn
)J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ metho d is u~ f?r se~arating
different te.rpenoids like sesqu1-, d1-, tn-, and
a) Thin layer chromatography
b) Gas chromatography
c) Column chromatography
d) Liquid chromatography
-------- C- 11 3

30) ouring . N?ller' s test

appears if tn -lcrpeno'ct ' ~--- -co lou r 30) ~ cf, 'CR'rellll cf, ~
. - ~~~t
White , s arc present,
b) Blue ~ ~ ctfi-ffll -t ~~ ~I
I)) pjnk
c d) Red a) ~ b) ~
c) ~ d) ~
Which of the following 1 .
30 intlamm atory agent? erpenes arc used us an anti- 31 > Ptw1R:i~c1 l'f "{l q;;.,_-m oo ~ q;ffqi

a) ~-Myrcene b) . cf,~ -q ~ fct,-m vITTfl t?

) Geraniol n-Pinene a) ~-~ b) u-~
c d) f3-Caryophyllcnc d) ~-$Rii1Rhc1~1
C) ~3ffi if
32 ) Which of the followialg terpene1-1 is used as 32) Ptw1fc¾~a l) "{l ~ - m cftt.T \J[Jql'1~1'4) cliITTi cfi
· antibacterial and antif\mg
. · agent? ~ lf m FcPm vmn t?
a) a -Pmcne b) ~-M a) a-~ b) ~-~
Geraniol Yrcenc
c) d) Parthenotide c) ~3ffi if d) Q1~-tl("!IS'5

33) ~ - - ~ ~ tltH141U1cf> ii~ ~ \ill WRT 3fl:!

33) A- - - - - bond is a cov 1ent bond that binds
to anothe
the sugar molecule ~ cfil ~~~ ~t1
a) Hydrogen b) Glyrcm~d~cule. a) i51~~1U1'1 b) •ctl~cf>l~~cf>
d) Polar c) ~ d) ~
c) Jonte
34) '(1(~q,lfll~'5 cf, ~ ~ cfiT - - cfi ~ ll
34) The sugar group of glycosides i kn
a) Cymarose b) Oeninll own as the "GlRTvITTTTtl
d) Glycone a) tll$'11~1Gt
c) Aglycone
c) (! 1C'll~cti1'1 d) •e1l~ctil1

35) _ i s th~ general method of glycosides extraction. 35) - - 1C'll~ctih1I~-$ P,1:q5~o1 qft ~ ~ I t
a) Expression b) Stas-Otto a)~ b) ~--3lTcl
c) Steam distillation d) Chemical method c) ~ 3lRfcR d) '<l'filll P, cf> ~
36) 1C'll~qlh11~-& ~ '1cTT cfiT fc1("!14cf> cfi ~ 11 - -
36) The glycoside-containing drug is finely powdered q~t4qDj ct!' ~ mi
q)f ~ ~ ciflT@R ~
and extracted by continuous hot percolation method
using _ _ _ __ as u solvent.
a) Alcohol b) Chloroform ~~~ vITTTT !~) cM1~14>14
c) Benzene d) Ether c) ~ d) t~
37) ~'11Plctie1 qm l) ~ ~ 'llT _ _ ~ ~
37) A pink or - - ~ - - colou.r appears in the
ammonical layer which confirms the presence of <fc'fT \ill ◄ 14~,1~ -crt)a,oy ct, ~ ~~lfcM"l1'1 ctr
anthraqulnone moiety during Bomtrager's teKt. llT? ff~~ cm ~~t ,
a) Blue, b) Red u) ~ b) ~
c) White d) Brown c) ~ d) ~
-qt~ ll, - - 1<'1l~cti' l~11~ -s ctr
38) In Haemolysis test, RBCs will gel ruptured due to the 38) ~«1'<iC14"1
presence of _ ~ -- - glycosides. ~cff~RBC~~I
11) Saponin b) Anthraqulnone a) ~ b) ~~rfcN111
c) Triterpenoid d) Cardiac c) ~tGc::~.-,'h~\S d) ~

39) Which of the following tests ls done for cardiac

39) m •C'llgq,1flt~:s cfi ~ Pli;iR: l~a ll ~

m-m-qt~ ~ ullffl t?
a) ~ 'tlt&l"T b) til~1q lffi ~~
a) Legal test b)j Snlkowaski test
c) ~cmifiWM ~~ d) ~ ~&lUT
c) Haemolysis test d) fioam test
40) f)ii.:,~Rgc:1 l) ~ ~ - m ~ z~1f4:q1l1
40) Which of the following tests is performed for
1C'll~'l11fll.:S cfi ~ ~ vf@l t?
unthraquinone glycosidos?
b) 8orntrager's test a) ~cmt161<F1 -qt~ b) f.il4~•j'( qt~
a) Haemolysis test
Foam test d) Salkownski test c) Ql1lf 'tltafl1T d) fll~1q l~ 'tltWJT
41) Chemical test for coumnrin glycm,ide is 41 > ~ •<'-IIG<t>ltire ~ ~ fffi/ ~1flt4Plcf> Gt~ _ t1
II) ARI ~ ~ llfta:rur b) ~ <RI ~<'1 <Fi trf!WJT
a) Fluorescence test h) Haernoly Nis test c) · til('Cf> lqi~ tltWJT <I) ~ ~efOT
Salkowaski te11t d) Pomn test !1
42) ~ .fl~ ~~ cm '<l'til4Rl <ti ~lffOT _
42) Chemical test of tlavonoid glycosidos is - - -- n) ARI c?l~ 'tltWJT b) ~ ~Wll
a) Fluorescence test b) Buljet test C) 3fll1Frim ~Wll d) ~ ~aTUT
c) Ammonia .test d) Legal ttsl
C- 114

4 3) Cardiac g h ~ are l"OJlllV..nnd~ ,,a_ . ed fron

. : -r-~ ._. uc-n,· '
a) /oJ,i;J llllCIOnu.. b) Cariro /'UpaWJ
c) Cadtara1tdu1s ms<NS d) Digitalis pu~mi
44) Initially. digitalis wss Used to treat
a) Tubm.'Ulosis: b) Malaria - - - - -
c) Dropsy d) Urinary tl'ac't infections
45) - - - - - ~ the mixture of hvdrocarbon
terpenes. sesquiterpenes. and polykrpen~ and their
oxygenated derivatives.
a) Tannins b) Volatile oils
C) Gfycosides d) Alkaloids

46) .Ethereal or - - - - - oils are odorous volatile

principles of plant and animal origin which evaporate
when e . ~ to air at ocdinary temperature.
a) Volatile b) Non-volatile
c)F.ssentiw d)Non-essential

47) Volatile oils can be formed by two methods. i.e., by

hydrolysis of some glycosides. and directly by the

a) Cell wall b) Cytoplasm

c) Ribosomes d) Protoplasm
48) _ _ _ _ _ method is used for obtaining lemon
oil. orange oil. and bergamot oil. ~
a) Steam distillation b) Scarification
c) Non-solvent d) Using volatile soh•ents
49) In _ _ _ _ _ _ process, longitudinal or
transverse cuts are made on the fruits to remove its
a) Ecuelle b) Steam distillation
c) Sponge d) Maceration
50) In _ _ _ _ _ process. the oil is collected by
rupturing the fruit rinds using a device having
numerous pointed projections with a rotary
a)Maceration b)Ecuelle
c) Steam distillation d) Sponge
5 I) In ------'method. the lard or oil is heated
on a water bath. followed by addition of flowers and
continuous stirring of the mixture.
a) Steam distillation b) Sponge
c) Maceration d) Spraying
52) In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ method, a wann air current
is sprayed through a column of flowers.
a) Sponge b) Spraying
c) Maceration d) Steam distillation
53) The term tannin was first used by _ _ _ _ _ in
1976 to denote substances present in plant extracts.
a) Ladenburg b) P;3Steur
c) Seguin d) W. Meissner
54) _ _ _ _ _ are complex substances that usually
occur as mixtures of polyphenols that are very
difficult to separate since they do not crystallise.
a) Lipids b) Tan~ins
c) Glycosides d) Resms
. ~ In 9 ,.hicb of the foll o\li . C-1 IS
, , I· • ry 'tng p:..-.,
at,selll . - ..,, of plants tannins
8) 1.,eaves b . are
· R()()(S ) Fruits
c) d ) Stems
~ Rhubarb, red _rose ?etah b) ~
. galls- bamamelis., chestnu t·~ leaves. Chinese d) c'FIT
a) Conden sed b ) H tnaple are rich in
c) £llagita nnins
56) ~ . ffi?i ~ ct't q~~4i. ~tH~~ <fi 'C:ffi. ~
d) r_:~ly sabJe - ·
• 'V culi tannins
~ . xcttH-ic-i ~ -i. ~ll tiitcic1~ ~ ~-~ m t° I
~n po,megranate nnd, n.--.._ a) ~ b) g1~~ie11~Jiiite1
· 1 r-~lllCgT anate ...._ .... _
eucalyp tus eaves , some A . ua..iK., myrobatans c) ~e11fT1~Pi--f1 d) 1'fc.i~Pi--t1
bafk are rich in _ _ _ _Ustralian kinds and Oak
57) 3RR (l;T ~ - 3RR ~ "tJIB. g~1aifi'1. 4'1e1\1,~
a) Ellagita nnins b ) Galli · . cf> -rn-. ~
c) .dydroly sable
~l~fc.i~ ,{ m ~ 3TTcfJ .t1 ~
d ) Con ~s ~~t i
5S) Which of the foUowi n a) ~l:'ilfTl~Pi--tl b) flfc.i~Pi--tl
bydroly sable and conden se! ctx:'1gs contain both c) tl~~'ie11~Jiiitl:'i d) ~
a) Myrobalans b ) H ~: 58) Pi9k1~c1 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ tl~~il:'il~ Jiiitl:'i ~
c) Eucalp ytus d) p elis leaves
omegra nate bark '8t.1P\a ~ ~ ~ t?
a) t~aifi', b) ~&\&\~-B cf> ~
59) Tannins are present in ~ c)
4\1:'i\11~ d) 3FiR (l;T ~
- - - - - - - of the plants. wax or
59) ~ ~ ~ m ~ < f i 11~~t1
a) Cell membr ane b) Vacuol es
c) Cytopl asm a) qil~lct>i ~ b) R~ct>l ~
d) Nucleus
c) ct,'\~tct>l~c:Ll d) ~
60) 1be tannin layer is separat ed via separatory funn l 60) ~ 'CRcf qjl ~ ~ <fi ~ ~ ~ ~
and the collect ed tannin is evaporated till
known as _ _ _ _ _ _ is . formed
. e·
a residue, ~ t.
~ ~ ~ qTT ~ ~ ~ ~
a) Pseudo tannin b) Conden sed ~
fct;m ~ t.
~ - < f i ~ 11 ~ ~ t1
a) -fl{.gi~P\..:i b) 'tit.1P\a ~
c) Extract ed tannin d) Hydrolysable tannin c) ~ . , ~ a ~ d) tl~~(:,il~Ji ◄ (:,i ~
61) In Goldbe ater' s skin test, a brown or 61) •i16's,lcx cf> ~ ~ 11 ~ 'ifi'T ~ <fi
_ _ _ _ _ _ colour appears on the skin due to
the presenc e of tannins.
cf>RUT ~ ~ ~ < T T_ _ _ ~ ~,&I~ ~ I t
a) ~ b) ~
a) Pink b) Black c) ~ d) ~
c) Red d) White
62) _ <fi ~ ~ ~-~ ~ q;i- ~ ~ I t
62) A white buff<o loured precipit ate is formed during _. a) l\i\c-1~-i ~ b) lfHl'3fH ~
a) Gelatin test b) Phenaz one test
c) Chloro genic test
c) <Ml{iv\P\ct> ~ d) ~ <te:~-,
d) Catechin test
63) ¾W1J\f.?\ct> ~ ~ cf> ~ 6c11 cf> ~ 11
63) A _ _ _ _ _ colour is formed on exposure to air ~~~---~~t,
during Chloro genic acid test. a) ~ b) ~
a) White b) Green c) ~ d) ~
c) Pink d) Blue 64) •~ct>l\J\ coR ~ C-2 ~ C-3 ~ ~ l'f (:,illl<:1 ~
64) Ellagitannins monom er units having galloyl gro~p~ at q@1 ~(:,ilr"t~F-1-=ti i?t;?t;iRct, ~qj(~lli ~ ~
C-2 and C-3 positio ns on the glucose core exhibit a
strong _ _ _ _ __
- - - - ~G~ct ~ ti
a) '3fr.lxcro'qt4'{1~ 1,Rifc\~
a) Anti-hypertensive acti-vity b) ~Rifltx'{lt\) 11Rifc\~
b ) Anti-diarrhoeal activity c) ~ 11R1fc\~
c) Anti-em etic activity d) ~ 11Rifc\~
d) Anti-tu mour activity
65) ~l\1~f cfl (1.ftf\ cf>) ~ ~ ~ cf> ~ ~
65 ) Theoph rastus (of Greece ) and Pliny (the El~~r
Rome) mentio ned the use of - - - - -
;! c11~iill-i ~ ~ cf> ~ ~ ___ _ cf> '34ll'i•I
fonn of myrrh and frankin cens~- a) •ctl~cfJ1fl\~-s b) ~
a) Glycos ides b) T anmn_s
. c) ~ d ) ~&<f>ffi~-s
c) R esm s d) Alkaloi ds
66) '3WTT ~ ~ ~ SFfl'J\'11 cf> ~ _ _ _ ~
resin 1s use d t·or floorin g purposl!S in
66) . ..
- -- --
cf;1 '34l\1'1 ~ ~ t I
a) (.! 4l tR11 b) (.!~c.(:,i
b ) Acetal
a) Epoxy \.l\'lcl I~+-I
d) Ion ex.change C) d) 3TT<R -f4-f.1-i-\={\
c) Fossili sed
C- 116

) - - - - - are the hydrocarbon secretion of
coniferous trees.
a) Tannins b) Resins
c) Glyoosides d) Volatile oils
68) Ginger is obtained from
a) Guaiacum officinale Linn -----
b) Cannabis saliva Linn
c) Pinus po/ustris Miller
d ) Zingiber officinale Roscoe
69) Cannabis, belonging to family Moraceae, contains
- - - - - in their glandular hair.
a) Resins b) Tannins
c ) Alkaloids d) Glycosides
70) Production of resins takes place in the ducts and
- - - - present in the plant
a) Xylem b) Cavities
c) Phloem d) Fibres
71) - - - - - - resin results in deep blue
colouration of the solution.
a) Colophony b) Alco
c) Guaiacum d) Gum
72) Podophyllum produces _ _ _ _ _ _ action.
a) Laxative b) Purgative
c) Sedative d) Anthelmintic
73) Asafoetida acts as a
a) Sedative
b) Antbelmintic
c) Laxative d) Purgative
74 ) Cannabis acts as a _ _ _ __
a) Purgative b) Sedative
c) Laxative d) Anthelmintic

*Answers ~-tii<'tltwtl)*
1) a 2) d 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) b 7) C 8) b 9) d IO) a
11 ) d 12) a 13) b 14) C 15) b 16) C 17) d 18) C 19) C 20) d
2 1) b 22) a 23) d 24) b 25) C 26) d 27) a 28) b 29) C 30) C
31 ) b 32) d 33) b 34) d 35) b 36) a 37) b 38) a 39) a 40) b
4 1) a 42) C 43) d 44) C 45) b 46) a 47) d 48) b 49) C 50) b
51 ) C 52) b 53) C 54) b 55) C 56) d 57) a 58) b 59) b 60) C
6 1) b 62) t1 63) b 64) d 65) C 66) a 67) b 68) d 69) a 70) b
7 1) C 72j b 73) C 74) b

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