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Arduino: Analogue input and output

Prof. Nick Bryan-Kinns

Learning Objectives
Read analogue values from sensors
Understand different kinds of sensors
Write analogue values to Arduino output pins
Digital inputs/ outputs


Power & Analog inputs

Digital, Analogue
Digital: ON or OFF
e.g. button

Analogue: range of values

e.g. a dimmer switch
Connect a Potentiometer
a.k.a. a “pot” or knob

The pot has 3 pins

5V and GND on the outside
Arduino A0 in the middle

pin A0

GND (ground)
Circuit diagram
Connect a Potentiometer
a.k.a. a “pot” or knob

The pot has 3 pins

5V and GND on the outside
Arduino A0 in the middle

pin A0

GND (ground)
Using analog sensors

Open AnalogReadSerial sketch

Reading values

Serial monitor
(after you’ve uploaded
your sketch!)
Sensors values
Serial monitor
(after you’ve uploaded
your sketch!)

Open AnalogInput sketch

What happens to the LED when you turn the knob?
Connect a phototransistor
Back to this sketch...

Open AnalogReadSerial sketch

What is the range of possible values?
map() and constrain()
In here add:
int newValue = map(sensorValue, ??, ??, 0, 1023);

the minimum the maximum

In here add:
int newValue = map(sensorValue,
And change:
[...], [...], 0, 1023);

and change:
map() and constrain()
You could also constrain the value:

int newValue = map(sensorValue, 300, 700, 0, 1023);

newValue = constrain(newValue, 0, 1023);

In here add:
int newValue = map(sensorValue,
[...], [...], 0, 1023);

and change:
Analogue Output
Connect an LED** Light-Emitting Diode

Long lead goes

to the resistor
pin 9 560Ω

GND (ground)
Fading sketch

What is the range of values?

for(start; finish; increment) {

// stuff in the loop
Learning Objectives
Read analogue values from sensors
Understand different kinds of sensors
Write analogue values to Arduino ouput pins

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