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1. Maus II is considered which of the following?

a. allegory
b. fable
c. memoir
d. all of these

2. Maus II begins with which conflict?

a. Art and Richieu arguing about their father

b. Art trying to decide how to draw Francoise

c. all of these

d. Vladek trying to figure out how to get to Vermont.

3. Francoise is_____________________.

a. Vladek's wife

b. Art's wife

c. A Nazi collaborator

d. All of these

4. What lie does Vladek tell?

a. That he had a heart attack.

b. That Mala took his money.

c. That Mala left him.

d. All of these

5. Art Spiegelman uses this animal to represent Germans.

a. Dog

b. Pig

c. Cat

d. Mouse

6. What does Art think might have been "presumptuous" of himself?

a. Writing a book about the Holocaust

b. Talking to Vladek

c. Having a rivalry with his brother.

d. None of these

7. Why didn't Art's parents have a picture of him?

a. He was alive

b. They were all destroyed during the Holocaust

c. They didn't believe in pictures.

d. None of these

8. Which of the following most likely explains Vladek's "stinginess?"

Due to the Holocaust, he learned to hold on to and protect any resources he could get.

a. b. He lost his wife Anja during the Holocaust

c. He still believed that he was living in the Holocaust.

d. He is naturally a mean and selfish person.

9. What does the Polish priest tell Vladek in the concentration camp that gives him
hope and renewed life.

a. The tattoo on his arm totals 18, which means life.

b. He shows him how to escape the concentration camp.

c. He gives him food.

d. None of these- there is no Polish priest.

10. What skill does Vladek use to help him survive?

a. Teaches the Kapo English

b. Works as a car mechanic

c. Works as a carpenter

d. All of these
11. What is different about the way Art Spiegelman presents the story starting in

Chapter 2?

a. The characters are now wearing animal masks

b. Francoise is not telling the story.

c. The story is told from Anja's point of view.

d. The entire story is now in flashback.

12. How does Art Speigelman represent himself in Maus II when he is feeling


a. His characters is smaller like a child.

b. He becomes a frog

c. He is seen with a mask on instead of as a real mouse.

d. All of these.

13. Who is Pavel

a. Art's brother

b. Francoise's father

c. Art's psychologist

d. None of these

14. Why does Yidl not like Vladek?

a. He says that Vladek is a capitalist.

b. Because Vladek is Jewish

c. Because Vladek married the woman that he loves.

d. Because Vladek thinks that he is better than Yidl.

15. In which concentration camp was Vladek imprisoned?

a. Dokow

b. Auschwitz

c. Lublin
d. All of these

16. Why was Anja beaten in Aushwitz?

a.She kept spilling the big cans of soup.

a. She stole bread

c. She snuck over to see 

d. She was never beaten.

17. Who was it that was screaming and crying at night and disappeared?

a. Vladek

b. Kapo

c. Felix

d. Art

18. At the end of chapter 2, what part of the concentration camp does Vladek.

answer choices 

a. the crematorium

b. mechanic room

c. dormitories

d. none of these.

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