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A Creator's Guide

to Building an
Email List


What are you an expert on?
Think about what people are asking you. What is a topic that you are an expert on?
Where do you have credibility? Write down 3-5 potential things that you are an
expert on.

What is the intersection between what you are interested in and what your audi-
ence is interested in? If you don’t have an audience yet, that’s also ok. Start
researching the audience you want to build and what problems they have.

Find out your customers biggest pain points. If you know what your audience
needs, you can create the content they need.

Why would people subscribe to your list?

noisy world. And people hate unsubscribing and messy email inboxes. You need to

to get it.

Circle community

keep you accountable.

Action Items

you a credible expert on the topic? Can you complete this idea in the
next few days?

• What is the format of your lead magnet? Do you want to film a short
video this week? Is it a mini guide? A small chapter from an ebook you
want to write? Is it a challenge that your email list subscribers can
complete? Remember to keep your scope small. You don’t want to give
away all your knowledge in one email.

• If you haven’t joined the Circle community, here’s your link. We’ll use
Circle to stay in touch and get feedback from other creators and Gum-

introductions space.

• Post on the Circle community with your idea for your lead magnet

Day 2


Today, we need to create your lead magnet. We’ll also work on creating a compelling
title for your lead magnet.

Tomorrow, we’re going to put your lead magnet together and prepare to share it with
your email list. Your only focus today should be creating the actual content of your
lead magnet for your email list subscribers.

We’re going to work on your email list landing page copy later on in the challenge.
But creating a title early will help you create the content for your lead magnet. And
it will help you stay on track.

memorable but also catchy. You want your email list subscribers to be
excited to download your lead magnet.

should also explain exactly what they’ll get if they subscribe to your
email list. What problem are you solving?

lead magnet exciting.

Let’s Get Started
The next thing you need to do is work on actually creating your lead magnet!
Whether it’s a small PDF, a video or an email list challenge, spend a few hours today
working on your lead magnet contents.

Start creating!

Action Items
• Post what you did today to work on your lead magnet on Circle.

• Post your title to Circle and give feedback to one other creator on Circle
on their title.

• Build in public! Share something you learned today or a resource you

lenge on your social media profile or in a short blog post.

Day 3


Today, we’re going to work on putting all your work together and producing your
lead magnet.

Text Based Lead Magnet

If you’re creating a small guide, blog post or a mini ebook, here are some great
resources you can use to build your lead magnet.
• The book pages: Apple Pages is a great place where you can layout your
product for free. You can also try InDesign or PressBooks.

• The cover: If you want to invest some money into your lead magnet, you
can get a cover created on Fiverr. But you can also use Canva for free to
design your own cover.

• The editing: If you want to invest money in your product you can find an
editor on or Fiverr, but if you want to use a free resource, you
can try Grammarly.

Video Lead Magnet

• Make sure your video is edited and polished before you upload it unlist-
Camtasia or

• Create a great cover. You can use Fiverr or Canva to create a thumbnail
for your video.

Creating a Mini Challenge Lead Magnet

If you created a mini challenge, you have it easy! You can send everything over
email without having to create a PDF.

You can also use Fiverr or Canva to get some great images for your challenge.

Distributing Your Lead Magnet
Thankfully as your email list is on Gumroad, getting your product to your subscribers is
super easy!

You can use Gumroad workflows

subscribes to your list.

Gumroad in your automated email.

• If you have a video based lead magnet, you can provide a link to an unlisted
youtube video.

automations for your new subscribers so they get the next email every day.

Action Items
• Post what you did today to create on your lead magnet on Circle.

• Build in public! Share something you learned today or a resource you used

• Decide how you will distribute your product whether it’s an unlisted youtube
video or a file you share on Gumroad to your list.

• When you’re ready, add your lead magnet to an automated email through
Gumroad workflows.

Day 4

Congratulations! You’ve created a compelling lead magnet and set up your automated
first email to your new subscribers yesterday.

Let’s work on creating the copy for your profile page. If you didn’t set it up on day
one, here’s the link again.

solving for them?

• Do you have a clear and compelling reason why they should subscribe to
your email list?

• Can you add any social proof about your lead magnet? Or your
own success?

what they want in life. What are their goals?

• Do you want to introduce yourself on your profile page?

your list?

Strategies to grow your list
• Post on social media that you’ll be sending an email about XYZ that they
won’t want to miss. Make sure you mention what the email contains and
how it’s compelling to your audience.

getting as many views as possible.

• Post the link to your email list landing page in your social media profiles.
Whenever someone visits your social media page, they might go to
your list.

• -
tion about your lead magnet and share that you’re giving it away for free.

• Create an interesting blog post and share it on a large platform. Include a

link at the bottom to your Gumroad profile page.

• Add a call to action on your website asking that visitors subscribe to your
email list.

or whatever your lead magnet might sell for on your Gumroad profile
page to encourage visitors to subscribe.

Action Items
• Post a link to your Gumroad landing page on Circle to get feedback.

Would you subscribe to it? Do they have any mistakes in their copy? What’s
one thing you would suggest they improve?

• On day 3, we discussed how you can add your lead magnet to your
automated email through a workflow. Go ahead and make sure it’s added

Day 5


You’ve been sending an automated email to your new subscribers. But are you keeping
your list warm?

If you only send an email to your subscribers when you want something, they’ll start to
feel like a dollar sign.

You need to work on keeping your list warm so they know you value them and
their attention.

And don’t worry! This isn’t hard to do.

The content you create? You can send this out first to your email list. You can send blog
posts, videos, and even expanded versions of social media content to your list first.

They’ll feel special and you might even get some valuable input on your content before
you promote it publicly.

The most important thing is to make sure your content is valuable to your email list.
And you also need to send out emails on a schedule to keep your list warm.

What now?

An email list is potential customers. But if you don’t sell anything to your email list,
you won’t turn them into customers.

If you don’t have a product yet to share with your list, you can consider creating a
membership on Gumroad. This can be a great way to get started with selling digital
products online.

Action Items

commit to per month?

should be providing more free valuable content than emails asking
for sales.

• Post on Circle how many times you intend to email your list and what
your first email will be!


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