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Stress in Student: Cause and Effects

Stress is a problem that affects everyone at some point in their lives. It is a factor that is
unquestionably a part of everyday life. To begin, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of
emotional and physiological arousal that people experience when they perceive situations to be
dangerous or threatening to their well-being. . People deal with stress in a variety of ways. There
are numerous causes and effects of stress, and one's ability to manage stress is crucial to living a
healthy lifestyle.
First, Poor sleeping habits are one of the leading causes of stress in students. Students who do
not get enough sleep at night or who do not have healthy sleeping habits are more likely to
develop stress than students who get plenty of sleep. Secondly, Academic pressure is another
major source of student stress. Teachers assign homework to students as they prepare for
standardized tests, even if they are as young as six years old. There are also classroom
assignments and term papers that must be completed and submitted within strict deadlines in
addition to these homework assignments. At last, it's worth noting that excessive stress levels can
cause physical symptoms such as chest pain, high blood pressure, stomach upset, slurred or
quick speech, anxious habits like fidgeting and frequent headaches are all signs and symptoms to
watch out for.
Stress causes to have poor management skills. A student could become disorganized and
uncertain about their priorities and goals as a result of suffering from high levels of stress. This
could further make them incapable of effectively budgeting and managing their time leading to
procrastination. Stress also causes students to develop self-defeating thoughts. They could spend
all of their time focusing on their flaws and failings while neglecting their strengths and
To conclude, students who are stressed have serious physical and intellectual consequences. Poor
sleeping patterns, academic pressure, and poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits can all cause
stress in students which leads to various negative thought, low self-esteem and self-confidence
and procrastination in students.

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